Homeschool High School Scope and Sequence Guide

[Pages:3]Homeschool High School Scope and Sequence Guide

Here's an example Scope and Sequence for the different high school years. You can reorder the sequence or substitute classes according to your needs. But, this can serve as a jumping off point. It's important to note that more competitive and selective colleges look for students who have 4 years of each of the basic core subject areas and 3-4 years of a foreign language. (Credit hours are discussed near the end of this post.)


Introduction to Literature or Writing and Composition or Combination of the two - General literature class covering drama, short story, poetry, speeches, essays, novels, fiction and nonfiction, across different time periods and geography. May include grammar review and an emphasis on writing a variety of expository essays in different formats with a concentration on organization and the development of a topic or thesis with details. (If your child is not ready to go into a deeper or more challenging literature or writing class, this might be a good introduction to polish up skills for high school.)

American Literature - A variety of genre across time periods from various American authors. You want to include a variety of writing assignments and at least one MLA or other formatted research paper. (usually expected by colleges)

British Literature - A variety of genre across time periods from various British authors. You want to include a variety of writing assignments and at least one MLA or other formatted research paper. (this or something similar expected by colleges)

World Literature - A variety of genre across time periods from various authors around the world. Some curriculum focus on more ancient or classical Greek and Roman literature. You want to include a variety of writing assignments and at least one MLA or other formatted research paper.

Other literature and writing course options (some may be only a semester or year long) Shakespeare, Journalism, Short Story, Poetry, Creative Writing, Expository Writing, variations of specific geographic or time period literature (ex. Russian literature, Victorian literature)


Depending on your child's abilities and interests in regards to math and career choices, you may want to start a specific area of math by a certain grade either in middle or high school. Some selective colleges want Calculus on the high school transcript which means your child would want to start Algebra I by 8th grade, take Geometry or Algebra II in 9th grade, take the other class in 10th grade, Precalculus with Trigonometry by 11th grade, and then Calculus by 12th grade.

Otherwise - Algebra I - 9th grade, Geometry or Algebra II - 10th grade, the other class by 11th grade, Precalculus/Trigonometry by 12th grade. (The order of Geometry and Algebra II is a personal preference or determined by the curriculum you are using. Also, you might want to consider when your child will be taking standardized tests and if you want to make sure they have an exposure to Algebra and Geometry by the time they take the test and not just Algebra. Most colleges want to see an additional math class above Algebra II which is why I suggested the Precalculus/Trigonometry option.)


Most colleges remark they would like to see at least one physical science and life science with a lab component.

General Physical Science or Earth Science - 9th grade, Biology with lab - 10th grade, Chemistry - 11th grade, Physics - 12th grade.

Variations may include Astronomy, Anatomy and Physiology, Genetics, Marine Biology or a specific area of science your child wants to pursue.

Social Studies/History

Colleges usually require 1 year of American History and at least a semester of Civics or American Government and additional history/social study type classes of your choosing.

You can coordinate the study of history with your literary time period. For example, American History and American Literature or World or British Literature with World or British History.

Or, some homeschoolers use a curriculum where history is studied in a chronological order where you might designate it as History I, History II etc. or label it according to time period.

Other options include - Economics, Constitution, American and World Geography, World Government and Politics, Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, Humanities.

Foreign Language

Colleges like to see at least a minimum of 2 credits or years of the same foreign language, while more selective ones require 3-4 years.

If your child is interested in pursuing American Sign Language, you will want to check with any colleges your high schooler is interested in to see if they accept that as a foreign language.

In addition to online classes or programs and curriculum and coop classes, a good way to utilize the local community college is to take a foreign language class if they allow it. Your student would earn high school and college credit.


Colleges like to see exposure to the arts such as art, music, or drama, so including at least a semester of one of those is a good idea. They also want to see 1 year of Physical Education and at least a semester or a half year of health.

Other than those - the sky's the limit. See my post Homeschool High School Elective Options Part 1 for some additional suggestions for electives.

A Word about Credits

If your child takes advantage of a community college program, not only has he/she earned college credit that can be noted and designated on his/her transcripts, but he/she has earned 1 credit or 1 year's worth of high school study in that subject and should be included in the high school credit totals on the transcript.

If you complete around 80% of a textbook or curriculum of a core subject, that can be counted as 1 credit.

The range for the number of hours of study applied to a core subject can be 120-180 hours, with an average of 150 hours. Homeschoolers tend to calculate our time spent more conservatively, so don't stress about reaching 180 hours. Chances are you are not counting all of the time spent on that area.

Electives and 1 semester or 1/2 credit classes should be around 60-90 hours of time spent. Remember, this can be time spent in an experiential manner in that elective, not just book or class engagement.

The total number of credits colleges usually look for is an average of 24 credits.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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