English - Scope and Sequence

English - Scope and Sequence Level 8

Easy Peasy All In One Homeschool

Course Description: This high-school level course requires students to analyze a wide variety of literature. Students will be reading an autobiography, science fiction and allegorical novels, poetry including epic poetry, short stories and plays. They will review grammar, vocabulary and spelling as well as the elements of a story. They will focus on poetic and literary devices such as metaphor and irony. Students will be required to present orally as well as to produce numerous written works. Writing assignments include narratives, articles, essays, research, ads, letters, poetry and a final project of writing a play. A final exam is given at the end of the course.

(The base of this course is “9th Grade Literature and Composition” offered by Georgia Virtual Learning which is aligned to Common Core Standards, however, your children won’t just be using the whole course. I edited the curriculum for content. I also added more reading and writing assignments to it, as well as vocabulary and spelling.)

|Vocabulary comes from workshop level E (sadlier-oxford) |

Reading List:

Books: Grammar Land, Nesbit; historic autobiography of your choosing; Pilgrim’s Progress, Bunyan;Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Verne

Plays: The Tempest, Shakespeare; The Importance of Being Earnest, Wilde

Short stories: The Gift of the Magi, The Ransom of Red Chief, O’Henry; The Cask of Amontillado (partial), Poe; The Necklace, Maupassant; other excerpts

Poetry: The Odyssey, Homer; Emily Dickinson and others

|Quarter 1 |

|Week |Reading |Writing |Grammar |Spelling |Vocabulary |

|1 |Grammar Land chapter 1 - 6 | |Subject/predicate |Unit 1 |

|1-5 | | |Clauses |adulterate |

| | | |Subject/verb agreement|dour |

| | | |Gerunds |insidious |

| | | |Participles |stolid |

| | | |infinitives |ambidextrous |

| | | | |fortitude |

| | | | |intimation |

| | | | |tentative |

| | | | |augment |

| | | | |gape |

| | | | |opulent |

| | | | |unkempt |

| | | | |bereft |

| | | | |gibe |

| | | | |pliable |

| | | | |verbatim |

| | | | |deploy |

| | | | |guise |

| | | | |reiterate |

| | | | |warily |

| | | | |Graded Quiz day 5 |

|2 |Grammar Land chapter 7 -12 |Thesis Statements |Writing Process |Unit 2 |

|6-10 | | |Types of Writing |adroit |

| | | |Gerunds |cursory |

| | | |Sentence Types |holocaust |

| | | | |nostalgia |

| | | | |amicable |

| | | | |duplicity |

| | | | |impervious |

| | | | |quintessence |

| | | | |averse |

| | | | |extol |

| | | | |impetus |

| | | | |retrogress |

| | | | |belligerent |

| | | | |feasible |

| | | | |jeopardy |

| | | | |scrutinize |

| | | | |benevolent |

| | | | |grimace |

| | | | |meticulous |

| | | | |tepid |

| | | | |Graded Quiz day 10 |

|3 |Grammar Land chapter 13 - 17 |Write a paragraph |Run on |Unit 3 |

|11-15 | |Writing types |Splices fragments |adversary |

| | | | |culinary |

| | | | |harass |

| | | | |precedent |

| | | | |alienate |

| | | | |delete |

| | | | |inclement |

| | | | |punitive |

| | | | |artifice |

| | | | |demise |

| | | | |muse |

| | | | |redress |

| | | | |coerce |

| | | | |exhilarate |

| | | | |negligible |

| | | | |sojourn |

| | | | |craven |

| | | | |fallow |

| | | | |perpetuate |

| | | | |urbane |

|Quarter 2 |

|Week |Reading |Writing |Grammar |Spelling |Vocabulary |

|4 |Autobiography choice (reading completed over |Narrative Writing | | |

|16-20 |the course of 3 weeks) |Personal Essay | | |

| |Ben Franklin (audio),  |500 – 800 words | | |

| |David Crockett,  |setting, characters, | | |

| |Booker T. Washington,  |situation, action, | | |

| |U.S. Grant,  |climax and resolution of| | |

| |Frederick Douglass (audio),  |a story from the | | |

| |Sojourner Truth,  |personal narrative of | | |

| |Fanny Crosby–hymn writer,  |choice | | |

| |Elizabeth Cady Stanton (audio)–women’s rights |Making Outlines | | |

| |movement | | | |

|5 |Reading autobiography |Personal Essay 500 -800 | |Unit 4 |

|21-25 | |words continued | |affiliated |

| | | | |converge |

| | | | |invulnerable |

| | | | |scrupulous |

| | | | |ascertain |

| | | | |disperse |

| | | | |malevolent |

| | | | |skulk |

| | | | |attainment |

| | | | |esteem |

| | | | |nonchalant |

| | | | |supercilious |

| | | | |bequeath |

| | | | |expunge |

| | | | |omniscient |

| | | | |uncanny |

| | | | |cogent |

| | | | |finite |

| | | | |panacea |

| | | | |venial |

|6 |Finish Reading autobiography of choice |Revised based on peer |Literary Terms Plot, |Unit 5 |

|26-30 | |editing review |Suspense, Irony |altruistic |

| | | | |dearth |

| | | | |indomitable |

| | | | |repose |

| | | | |assent |

| | | | |diffident |

| | | | |infallible |

| | | | |temerity |

| | | | |benefactor |

| | | | |discrepancy |

| | | | |plod |

| | | | |truculent |

| | | | |chivalrous |

| | | | |embark |

| | | | |pungent |

| | | | |unfeigned |

| | | | |clemency |

| | | | |facile |

| | | | |remiss |

| | | | |virulent |

|7 |Gift of the Magi |Short Story |Point of View |Unit 6 |

|31-35 |Biography of O’Henry |Letter writing |Moral |accede |

| |Edgar Allen Poe (selection of The Cask of |Journal Writing |Suspense |explicit |

| |Amontillado) | | |officious |

| |Biography of Poe | | |solace |

| | | | |brandish |

| | | | |extirpate |

| | | | |ominous |

| | | | |stately |

| | | | |comprise |

| | | | |inopportune |

| | | | |pinnacle |

| | | | |supple |

| | | | |deft |

| | | | |ironic |

| | | | |premeditated |

| | | | |suppress |

| | | | |destitute |

| | | | |musty |

| | | | |rampant |

| | | | |venal |

|8 |The Necklace | |Irony |Review units |

|36-40 |The Ransom of Red Chief | | |4 - 6 |

|9 |Review of Short Stories |Plays | |Unit 7 |

|41-45 |Shakespeare biography | | |abhor |

| |Tempest | | |corrosive |

| | | | |martinet |

| | | | |squalid |

| | | | |amend |

| | | | |discern |

| | | | |obviate |

| | | | |turbulent |

| | | | |buffet |

| | | | |extant |

| | | | |renegade |

| | | | |vociferous |

| | | | |chaos |

| | | | |implicate |

| | | | |reprehensible |

| | | | |voluminous |

| | | | |commodious |

| | | | |inter |

| | | | |somber |

| | | | |waive |

|Week |Reading |Writing |Grammar |Spelling |Vocabulary |

|10 |Tempest by Shakespeare |Character Yearbook | |Unit 8 |

|46-50 | |project on 3 Shakespeare| |animosity |

| | |Characters | |condolence |

| | | | |multifarious |

| | | | |recalcitrant |

| | | | |apathy |

| | | | |consecrate |

| | | | |obsolete |

| | | | |reprisal |

| | | | |apprehensive |

| | | | |decrepit |

| | | | |omnivorous |

| | | | |revel |

| | | | |commend |

| | | | |deride |

| | | | |parsimonious |

| | | | |stultify |

| | | | |compatible |

| | | | |ingenuous |

| | | | |quandary |

| | | | |suave |

|11 |Tempest by Shakespeare | | |Unit 9 |

|51-55 | | | |allocate |

| | | | |chastise |

| | | | |gnarled |

| | | | |palatable |

| | | | |ardent |

| | | | |copious |

| | | | |indemnity |

| | | | |poignant |

| | | | |assiduous |

| | | | |deviate |

| | | | |inkling |

| | | | |rancor |

| | | | |brash |

| | | | |emaciated |

| | | | |limpid |

| | | | |sophomoric |

| | | | |capricious |

| | | | |exult |

| | | | |omnipotent |

| | | | |spontaneous |

|12 |Tempest |Write a Newspaper | |Review units 7,8,9 |

|56-60 | |Articles | | |

|Week |Reading |Writing |Grammar |Spelling |Vocabulary |

|13 |Pilgrims Progress |Non Fiction writing |Allegory |Unit 10 |

|61-65 |Non-fiction |Continue writing |Parts to Writing a |acquiesce |

| |Night by Elie Wiesel |newspaper |Research Paper |covet |

| |Life on the Mississippi by Twain | | |insuperable |

| |Tuesdays with Morrie by Albom, | | |retribution |

| |Letters from Birmingham Jail | | |allure |

| | | | |crestfallen |

| | | | |lamentable |

| | | | |sinuous |

| | | | |askew |

| | | | |disheveled |

| | | | |misnomer |

| | | | |sonorous |

| | | | |blithe |

| | | | |exponent |

| | | | |profess |

| | | | |vanguard |

| | | | |contentious |

| | | | |garrulous |

| | | | |respite |

| | | | |wastrel |

|14 |Pilgrims Progress |Research Paper | |Unit 11 |

|66-70 | |Using Keywords | |allude |

| | |Creating Outline | |exemplary |

| | | | |misconstrue |

| | | | |potent |

| | | | |clairvoyant |

| | | | |fathom |

| | | | |obnoxious |

| | | | |pretext |

| | | | |conclusive |

| | | | |guile |

| | | | |placate |

| | | | |protrude |

| | | | |disreputable |

| | | | |integrity |

| | | | |placid |

| | | | |stark |

| | | | |endemic |

| | | | |itinerary |

| | | | |plagiarism |

| | | | |superficial |

|15 |Pilgrim’s Progress |Research Paper Rough | |Unit 12 |

|71-75 | |Draft | |abjure |

| | | | |compunction |

| | | | |inveterate |

| | | | |quiescent |

| | | | |acrid |

| | | | |conflagration |

| | | | |irrelevant |

| | | | |ruminate |

| | | | |august |

| | | | |elated |

| | | | |nocturnal |

| | | | |tacit |

| | | | |callous |

| | | | |indelible |

| | | | |platitude |

| | | | |tangible |

| | | | |clandestine |

| | | | |indulgent |

| | | | |quell |

| | | | |trenchant |

|Week |Reading |Writing |Grammar |Spelling |Vocabulary |

|16 | |Research Paper Rough | |Review units 10 - 12 |

|76-80 | |Draft (4 pages double | | |

| | |spaced) | | |

| | |Formatting Quotes | | |

|17 |Peer Editing |Research paper complete| |Unit 13 |

|81-85 | | | |antipathy |

| | | | |decorum |

| | | | |implacable |

| | | | |prowess |

| | | | |applicable |

| | | | |duress |

| | | | |infinitesimal |

| | | | |sedate |

| | | | |asset |

| | | | |exuberant |

| | | | |innocuous |

| | | | |stentorian |

| | | | |beset |

| | | | |facsimile |

| | | | |militate |

| | | | |stipulate |

| | | | |compassion |

| | | | |imbibe |

| | | | |patent |

| | | | |ultimatum |

|18 |Finish Pilgrim’s Progress | |Capitalization |Unit 14 |

|86-90 | | |Apostrophe |alacrity |

| | | | |disparage |

| | | | |laud |

| | | | |nondescript |

| | | | |alleviate |

| | | | |dissonant |

| | | | |loll |

| | | | |phlegmatic |

| | | | |antithesis |

| | | | |droll |

| | | | |loquacious |

| | | | |rescind |

| | | | |appall |

| | | | |edict |

| | | | |magnanimous |

| | | | |vivacious |

| | | | |bellicose |

| | | | |elucidate |

| | | | |mandatory |

| | | | |whet |

|19 |20,000 Leagues Under the Sea |Practice Essay Writing |Genres |Unit 15 |

|91-95 | |1 paragraph 10 minutes |Commas |abrasive |

| | |Science Fiction genre |Quotation marks |defamation |

| | |paragraph |Capitalization |raucous |

| | |Dialogue | |savory |

| | | | |acclimate |

| | | | |explicate |

| | | | |receptive |

| | | | |somnolent |

| | | | |chagrin |

| | | | |fracas |

| | | | |renounce |

| | | | |vehement |

| | | | |complacent |

| | | | |grotesque |

| | | | |repress |

| | | | |voluble |

| | | | |concur |

| | | | |pandemonium |

| | | | |reticent |

| | | | |zealous |

|20 |20,000 Leagues Under the Sea |Descriptive writing |Descriptive writing |Review units 13,14,15 |

|96-100 | | |Metaphor | |

| | | |Figurative Language | |

| | | |Clichés | |

| | | |Similes | |

|21 |20,000 Leagues Under the Sea |Fact vs Opinion | |Continue review |

|101-105 | |Expository Writing | | |

|22 |20,000 Leagues Under the Sea |Persuasive Writing | |Unit 1 LEVEL F |

|106-110 | |(product based advert) | |approbation |

| | |Jingle/Catch Phrase | |expostulate |

| | | | |jaded |

| | | | |provincial |

| | | | |assuage |

| | | | |hackneyed |

| | | | |lurid |

| | | | |simulate |

| | | | |coalition |

| | | | |hiatus |

| | | | |meritorious |

| | | | |transcend |

| | | | |decadence |

| | | | |innuendo |

| | | | |petulant |

| | | | |umbrage |

| | | | |elicit |

| | | | |intercede |

| | | | |prerogative |

| | | | |unctuous |

|23 |20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (completed) |Essay (completed in 3 | |Unit 2 Level F |

|111-115 |Greek Mythology |days) | |ameliorate |

| | |Presentation via | |epitome |

| | |Powerpoint | |interloper |

| | | | |occult |

| | | | |aplomb |

| | | | |ex officio |

| | | | |intrinsic |

| | | | |permeate |

| | | | |bombastic |

| | | | |exhort |

| | | | |inveigh |

| | | | |precipitate |

| | | | |callow |

| | | | |infringe |

| | | | |lassitude |

| | | | |stringent |

| | | | |drivel |

| | | | |ingratiate |

| | | | |millennium |

| | | | |surmise |

|24 |Greek Mythology | | |Unit 3 Level F |

|116-120 |Trojan War | | |abominate |

| |Biography Homer | | |commiserate |

| |Odyssey (book 1 – 7) | | |inadvertent |

| | | | |sangfroid |

| | | | |acculturation |

| | | | |enjoin |

| | | | |nominal |

| | | | |seditious |

| | | | |adventitious |

| | | | |expedite |

| | | | |noncommittal |

| | | | |tenuous |

| | | | |ascribe |

| | | | |expiate |

| | | | |peculate |

| | | | |vitriolic |

| | | | |circuitous |

| | | | |ferment |

| | | | |proclivity |

| | | | |wheedle |

|End of 3rd Quarter |

|25 |Odyssey (book 7 – 14) | | |Review units 1 - 3 |

|121-125 | | | | |

|26 |Odyssey (book 15- 24) | | |Unit 4 | |

|126-130 | | | |affable | |

| | | | |erudite | |

| | | | |irrevocable | |

| | | | |resilient | |

| | | | |aggrandize | |

| | | | |gossamer | |

| | | | |propensity | |

| | | | |reverberate | |

| | | | |amorphous | |

| | | | |infer | |

| | | | |querulous | |

| | | | |scurrilous | |

| | | | |aura | |

| | | | |inscrutable | |

| | | | |remonstrate | |

| | | | |sedulous | |

| | | | |contraband | |

| | | | |insular | |

| | | | |repudiate | |

| | | | |sleazy | |

|27 |Test on Odyssey including essay questions |Practice Timed Essay | |Unit 5 | |

|131-135 | | | |amnesty | |

| | | | |equitable | |

| | | | |precept | |

| | | | |soporific | |

| | | | |autonomy | |

| | | | |extricate | |

| | | | |salutary | |

| | | | |straitlaced | |

| | | | |axiomatic | |

| | | | |filch | |

| | | | |scathing | |

| | | | |transient | |

| | | | |blazon | |

| | | | |flout | |

| | | | |scourge | |

| | | | |unwieldy | |

| | | | |caveat | |

| | | | |fractious | |

| | | | |sepulchral | |

| | | | |vapid | |

|28 |The Raven, Poe |Poetry |Poetry Terms |Unit 6 | |

|136-140 | | | |anomalous | |

| | | | |castigate | |

| | | | |fetter | |

| | | | |sinecure | |

| | | | |aspersion | |

| | | | |contrive | |

| | | | |heinous | |

| | | | |surreptitious | |

| | | | |bizarre | |

| | | | |demagogue | |

| | | | |immutable | |

| | | | |transgress | |

| | | | |brusque | |

| | | | |disabuse | |

| | | | |insurgent | |

| | | | |transmute | |

| | | | |cajole | |

| | | | |ennui | |

| | | | |megalomania | |

| | | | |vicarious | |

|29 |Hope is a Thing with Feathers Fame is a Bee , |Write essay on poetic |Metaphor |Unit review 4,5,6 | |

|141-145 |Dickinson |devices in a song |personification | | |

| | |Compare and Contrast | | | |

| | |Essay | | | |

|30 | focus on writing |Essay Writing | |Unit 7 |

|146-150 | | | |austere |

| | |Writing for 20 minutes | |debase |

| | |to a prompt | |infraction |

| | | | |redoubtable |

| | | | |beneficent |

| | | | |desecrate |

| | | | |mitigate |

| | | | |reprove |

| | | | |cadaverous |

| | | | |disconcert |

| | | | |pillage |

| | | | |restitution |

| | | | |concoct |

| | | | |grandiose |

| | | | |prate |

| | | | |stalwart |

| | | | |crass |

| | | | |inconsequential |

| | | | |punctilious |

| | | | |vulnerable |

|31 |Oscar Wilde, biography |Essay question about | |Unit 8 |

|151-155 |The Importance of Being Earnest |the reading | |acrimonious |

| | | | |dispassionate |

| | | | |hypothetical |

| | | | |perfidy |

| | | | |bovine |

| | | | |dissension |

| | | | |ignoble |

| | | | |relegate |

| | | | |consternation |

| | | | |dissipate |

| | | | |impugn |

| | | | |squeamish |

| | | | |corpulent |

| | | | |expurgate |

| | | | |intemperate |

| | | | |subservient |

| | | | |disavow |

| | | | |gauntlet |

| | | | |odium |

| | | | |susceptible |

|32 |Oscar Wilde, biography | |Theatre Terms |Unit 9 |

|156-160 |The Importance of Being Earnest | | |abate |

| | | | |culpable |

| | | | |irresolute |

| | | | |recapitulate |

| | | | |adulation |

| | | | |dilatory |

| | | | |nebulous |

| | | | |resuscitate |

| | | | |anathema |

| | | | |egregious |

| | | | |novice |

| | | | |slovenly |

| | | | |astute |

| | | | |equivocate |

| | | | |penury |

| | | | |supposition |

| | | | |avarice |

| | | | |evanescent |

| | | | |pretentious |

| | | | |torpid |

|33 |We’re Not Ready |Writing a play | |Review unit 7,8,9 | |

|161-165 | | | | | |

|34 | |Writing a play | |Review unit 7,8,9 | |

|166-170 | | | | | |

|35 | |Writing a play | | | |

|171-175 | | | | | |

|36 | |Complete your play | | | |

|176-180 | | | | | |


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