Simple Homeschool Planning Pack - The Crafty Classroom

 Simple Homeschool Planning Pack

Copyright 2016 Valerie McClintick Permission to print for single family use only. No mass distribution, please read our Full Terms of Use.

Images Full Copyright Ink N Little Things & Fish Scrap Designs

Fonts licensed through Kimberly Geswein Fonts & Fonts 4 Teachers Cover Image Full Copyright

Contact: valerie@ Visit our eStore for more!

Suggest Use:

This set of simple homeschooling resources is intended to help you simplify your goal setting, curriculum shopping and daily schedule.

Homeschool Goals: Sometime before you start your curriculum planning we suggest sitting down and writing out your goals for each student. This doesn't have to be detailed, it can be as simple as, "Get through 5th grade math." However, there may be subjects that you have more detailed answers for, "Develop empthy and self control." Doing this for each student is a great way to customize their education.

Homeschool Curriculum: Print one page for each student and use this sheet to keep track of what products, resources and classes you'll be using during the year to cover each subject. Take this sheet with you to homeschool conventions and curriculum sales so you can always update and keep organized.

Homeschool Schedule: This sheet is intended to be an independent planner for your students. Print and add in your daily subjects and a photo of your student. Laminate or store in a page protector then provide your student with a dry erase marker to keep track of their daily tasks. Encourage students to mark off the boxes as they complete each task.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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