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Wednesday, August 23, 2017


STATION WEBSITES GETTING MENTIONS TOO The purchase funnel is a consumer marketing model

developed by advertising guru E. St. Elmo Lewis which says a series of elements--including awareness, interest, consideration, and purchase--are factors in a buying decision. Flash forward 119-years after Lewis came up with his theory and the TVB says television is uniquely wellpositioned as it remains the primary influencer through all stages of a consumer's purchase decision-making process. The Purchase Funnel 2017 study was conducted for the TVB by GfK and it looked at consumers exposed to advertising in six categories--automotive, banking, furniture, bedding and carpet, legal, medical, and QSR/ casual dining--across a spectrum of nearly two dozen media platforms.

The study shows two-thirds of awareness to product and services is tied to television. The TVB reports 77% of consumers saw a TV spot and of that group 62% cited that ad as a No. 1 source of awareness. Plus another 4% said a local TV station's website or app turned them onto products.

Next in the funnel is interest in a product, and TV is tops there as well. The survey found 55% of influencers cited TV ads as what drives their interest with an additional 4% pointing to a local TV station's website or app. All that interest drives people to either visit a store or a website with half of the people surveyed crediting a televisions commercial for piquing their curiosity. In fact the TVB says two-thirds of consumers report TV ads have influenced their online searches. After a consumer's interest is whetted, then comes consideration in the funnel model and there again TV is tops. Half of the influencers said TV ads lead them to consider a product or service.

Ultimately it all flows to an actual purchase and there's where TV advertising really pays off for marketers. The TVB-GfK study found 46% of consumers said television commercials were responsible for them opening their wallet and buying a product or service. Another 3% cited an advertisement on a local TV station's app or website. It means half of all purchase decisions linked to TV spots (read the media-by-media break down HERE).

The report also shows is just how untrustworthy consumers consider what they read on social media. To get a read on how brands may be received, the analysis looked at news content. The study shows 81% of consumers considered local broadcast news to be the most-trusted source of news. And 68% said they trust news they read on a local TV station's website or app. Contrast that with social media as just 40% of participants said they trust what they read on sites like Facebook or Twitter.

"TV is the most important influencer at all stages of the purchase funnel, greater than all other media platforms combined," TVB chief research officer Hadassa Gerber said, summing up the report. "This is true for all ethnic and age groups studied, even 18-34 year olds," she added.

ADVERTISER NEWS Macy's is making some big management changes,

eliminating about 100 jobs and consolidating its merchandising, planning and private-label functions while hiring an eBay SVP to become its new President. CEO Jeff Gennette also said he wants to avoid a "sea of sameness" in Macy's merchandise and hopes to raise the percentage

of "exclusive merchandise" sales to 40% from about 29% now......Could we be saying "Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday" soon? Nation's Restaurant News reports the chain has entered the final phase of a strategic review that could bring about a sale of the company, which had comps fall 1.6% in its latest quarter that ended on 6/6. After closing over 100 restaurants since last summer, the chain stands at 543 companyowned locations and 62 franchises......Zoes Kitchen will cut back its expansion plans to 25-30 next year from the 38-40 that will be opened before the end of this year. Comp restaurants sales were down 3.8% in the second quarter with a 5% drop in customer transactions......Two private equity firms have put together a deal to merge two athletic footwear and apparel retailers. Baltimore-based DTLR (formerly Downtown Locker Room) has over 100 stores in the mid-Atlantic region and Philadelphiabased Sneaker Villa has over 120 locations mostly in the Midwest. The deal is said to "accelerate growth and expand our reach," according to DTLR's CEO...... DSW reported its first positive comp quarter since 2015, albeit a moderate 0.6% gain, that still left the year-to-date down 1.3%. Still the chains sees opportunity, noting "The current retail consolidation provides significant opportunity to acquire market share." DSW currently has 511 stores in 43 states and another 350 leased locations in larger stores......Kirkland's second quarter comp store sales were up 1.2% including e-commerce compared to a decrease of 4.3% in the quarter a year ago. The chain added eight new stores during the quarter and closed three, bringing the total up to 406 locations at the end of the quarter......Furniture Today reports the debut of TJX's first Homesense store in Massachusetts last week was a huge success as people lined up down the block and "the d?cor-loving mob was clearly ready to storm the fort." Three more locations of the new banner are expected to open this year and likely there are many more to come as the expansion-oriented parent company spreads from its East Coast roots......Inmar Willard Bishop's projection of the supermarket business five years from now suggests that "super warehouse" stores such as Cub Foods, Food 4 Less and Smart & Final will grow store count almost 30% by 2021, with their dollar share of the market up to 2.3% from the current 2.0%.



ESPN Films' documentary series 30 For 30 returns SEASON"

Tuesday September 12 at 8:00 pm with Year Of The

We've already seen at least one store with a full

Scab, which chronicles the story of the men who replaced Christmas display up, so it's time for the first forecast of

the Washington Redskins during the 1987 NFL players the holiday shopping season. eMarketer is predicting

strike. And at 9:30, immediately following that premiere will a "moderate" 3.1% increase in total retail sales, noting

be Strike Team, which tells the incredible story of a sting retailers will engage in heavy discounting during the core

operation set up by a division of the U.S. Marshals Service months of November and December. Its estimate of total

in Washington, D.C., to lure fugitives in by telling them they sales for the period is $923.15 billion, representing 18.4%

won free Redskins tickets ... Fox Sports adds Pro Football of total retail sales for the year. Retail e-commerce sales

Hall of Famer Eric Dickerson to its roster. Dickerson joins the are expected to rise by 16.6%, largely from increases

network as an FS1 NFL analyst, contributing to a number of in mobile commerce as the battle intensifies between

the network's daily studio show offerings

large retailers and digital marketplaces.

... The murder mystery that brought down

E-commerce grew by about 14.3% of

potential presidential candidate Gary

The jackpot is up, an

total sales last holiday season, and

Hart will be the subject of a three hour

enormous sum. Playing

eMarketer says e-commerce's share will

special on Monday, September 4th at

the Powerball is a great

be 11.5% of shopping dollars this year. It

8:00 pm as TLC presents Chandra Levy:

way to spend quality time

also expects November and December

An American Murder Mystery. It's a co- with strangers outside gas combined to account for 23.6% of all

production with Investigation Discovery,


e-commerce dollars this year.

the same team that also produced similar

specials about Jonbenet Ramsey and Casey Anthony ... Paramount Network is Jimmy Kimmel

BUSINESS BYTES We reported last week on how important

a new channel set to launch in January

used-vehicle sales are to franchised

and production will begin this month

car dealers (about a quarter of the total

on its first scripted series Yellowstone, starring Kevin gross profit for a typical dealership), and of course there

Costner. The ten-episode series will debut on the network are many used-vehicle only stores that also (or should)

next summer ... Oxygen Media will investigate a thirteen advertise on television. Now a new report from Black

year old cold case with a six part series The Disappearance Book finds the glut of used vehicles available has caused

of Maura Murray, premiering Saturday, September 30th prices to plummet about 17% in the last year, saying the

at 9:00 pm. There have been a number of blogs, books, average price of a used vehicle was $18,400 a year ago,

websites and podcasts about this unsolved case ...The but is only $15,300 right now. We've already covered most

Weather Channel had a bit of a gaffe prior to their coverage of the reasons for the glut, including increasing numbers

of the Eclipse that went out over Twitter. Seconds before of leased vehicles coming back to dealerships and the fact

they went live someone said "who the f*** is calling the that improved reliability of vehicles has aged the fleet of

studio?" ... VH1 announces that RuPaul's All-Star Drag vehicles on the road to a new record. While the average

Race will return for a third season, along with its behind of all vehicles is dropping, some segments are being hit

the scenes after-show Untucked. RuPaul's Drag Race: worse than others--Automotive News reports subcompact

Season 9 RuVealed is currently running every Thursday cars such as the Honda Fit and large sedans such as the

at 8:00 pm on Logo, and was recently nominated for seven Chevy Impala are depreciating faster than average, while

Emmy's ...Here are the top shows on cable in the 18-49 big SUVs, vans, and pickups are holding their values a

demo for Friday, August 18th: Live PD on A&E, 9:00 pm little better. It also notes imports tend to drop more quickly

(1.948 million viewers/0.7 rating), NFL Preseason Live that domestic models.

on NFL Network, 10:00 pm (1.129 million/0.4), Rachel

Maddow, MSNBC 9:00 pm (2.943 million/0.3), Erin Burnett CASH-BACK CARDS PREFERRED

Outfront, CNN 7:00 pm (1.347 million/0.3), Ravens Home, The annual study of credit cards from J.D. Power finds

Disney 8:00 pm (1.443 million/0.3), Situation Room, CNN that increasing interest rates, deeper card penetration and

6:00 pm (1.256 million/0.3), Situation Room, CNN 5:00 strong consumer spending has upped the competition

pm (1.317 million/0.3), My Lottery Dream Home, Home, among bank and credit card companies, creating a

9:00 pm (1.243 million/0.3) Deadly Sins, Investigation customer incentive war that has helped increase the

Discovery 10:00 pm (993,000/0.3), Anderson Cooper overall satisfaction rate among card users. While overall

360, CNN 9:00 pm (1.337 million/0.3) ... Business Insider customer satisfaction set a new record for the study at

reports that former White House strategist Stephen Bannon 802 on Power's usual 1,000-point scale, Cash-back cards

sees an opportunity to form a new cable channel that were easily the most satisfying with airline cards and store-

will be ideologically to the right of Fox News. And Vanity branded cards having the lowest levels of satisfaction.

Fair reports that discussions have been held with a major Another emerging factor is that regional banks have

financier to perhaps expand Breitbart's video presence in a become more competitive with the larger card issuers,

potential partnership with Sinclair Television.

with the number of active regional bank card accounts up

24% since 2014.

American Express scored highest with an 835 while

Discover was close behind at 827. Among banks issuing

Visa and Mastercard, heavily-advertised Capital One


scored best at 808, followed by Barclaycard.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017


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