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Online Retailing – Research Paper OutlineKhirea GoodenAmerican Military UniversitySeptember 29, 2019Online Retailing – Research Paper OutlineIntroductionThe broader approach to the topic: Online retailing has become one of the most common business practices in the modern society.Business and its related technological integrations have introduced new phases of revolution featuring new, improved ways of conducting business. Thesis statement: Online retailing is dominating business today at an alarming rate, and it is due to how technology has changed market trends, and the many opportunities and benefits associated with offering and delivering products through online platforms. Objective of the research paper: The intended research paper will explore online retailing, discussing its state, challenges and opportunities. Significance of the intended research: inform audience of what online retailing entails, enlighten on the current online market trends, and discuss factors influencing online retailing, as well as challenges and opportunity implications for existing and emerging organizations.Literature ReviewWhat is Online Retailing?Online retailing and e-commerce: Online retailing can be thought of as a form of electronic commerce (e-commerce), which is the business activity/practice in which buyers and sellers transact via electronic channels (AlGhamdi et al., 2012). Definition of online retailing: Online retailing is a form e-commerce in which buyers buy goods and services directly from retailers through internet and electronic capabilities (AlGhamdi et al., 2012). Different perspectives/roles of online retailing:However, whereas some organizations tend to use online retailing as their primary practice, others only use this strategy as a supplementary shopping channel for their clients (Tanase, 2012).The state of Online RetailingMarket and performance overview:Online retailing is growing rapidly, and the projection places this approach of business at more than $4 trillion worth of market size by 2020 (Statista, 2019). According to the United States (US) Census Bureau (2018), e-commerce sales account for over 10% of the total retail sales in the US markets. The US is considered among the leaders in online retailing (Census Bureau, 2018). Key global players such as Alibaba and Amazon are demonstrating how lucrative business has become with the help of electronic and internet channels; in fact, Amazon’s online retailing activities accounted for up to 43.5% of the global online retailing market back in 2018 (Nestor, 2019).Factors Influencing Online RetailingTechnology:advanced technology and its adoption by retailers. The current phase of technology revolution features personal computers and mobile devices with which consumers can now access and send information (Sahney, 2008).However, that is not all; with the same capabilities, including localization of internet features, retailers can now access the online market, tailor their marketing activities according to their market information, and offer customized services and goods to their target consumers (Sahney, 2008). Therefore, these notions explain why the growth of mobile commerce has also enabled and supported online retailing. Logistics and warehousing:With the internet as the channel of communication and transaction, businesses need proper warehousing capabilities to accommodate their inventories, and efficient logistics to deliver their products (Sahney, 2008). The future of online retailing:Therefore, with globalization dominating the global society, and technology advance day-by-day, the future of online retailing characterizes increased number of players and customers.MethodApproach employed:The primary research for the intended paper employed a systematic review of existing literature to identify and obtain evidence about the current topic. Databases:Google Scholar and the school library database are some key source of literature with which the paper intends to expand on the topic. Locating literature:The search process only considers relevant articles and books published in, or after, the year 2000.Discussion: Implications for Existing and Emerging OrganizationsChallenges and opportunities:Existing retailers seeking to expand their activities, and emerging organizations looking to penetrate the maker, should be aware of possible challenges and opportunities associated with this industry. Economic forces:online retailing depends an array of factors, some over which the retailor may have not control. Economic forces, such as technology architecture, pose an instance of challenge for a company seeking to integrate technology and adopt online retailing (Liang et al., 2016). However, it also offers an opportunity for the firm to integrate aspects with which the business can study its target market and easily access target consumers. Diversity ofcultural and social elements: It is a challenge to serve a global market, which characterize diverse cultural and social expectations about goods and services, and the manner in which the retailor offers and deliver them (Liang, 2016). However, though ERP and other consumer management technological capabilities, online retailors should be able to work well with diverse social and cultural expectations in the market. Policy and legal regulations:Last but not least, existing companies and their emerging counterparts should take note of policy and regulations governing online communication and business to avoid cases of incompliance. Role of customer relationship and electronic trust in online retailing: It is imperative that online retailors recognize the vital roles that good customer relationship and electronic trust play in online retailing. According Srinivasan & Moorman (2005), commitment to customer relationship is a strategy to overcome competition and prosper in online retailing. Electronic trust, on the other hand, is important for influencing positive attitude among potential consumers to engage in online retailing; guarantee of security and quality (Mukherjee & Nath, 2007).ConclusionOnline retailing is the current trend of retailing business. Many retailing organizations operate online, while others only use online retailing as a supplementary shopping alternative for their customers. However, the financial performance trends of this business reveal its higher growth rate, and project possible multiple new entrants. In the above regard, retailors seeking to operate online should recognize and maximize on roles that customer relationship and electronic trust play toward the success online retailing business.ReferencesAlGhamdi, R., Nguyen, J., Nguyen, A., & Drew, S. (2012). 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