Homework Test 4 (v5.1)


kTe st

4 (v5.1)

1Question-and-Answer Service


R3eFaBdEiJnOgH T5eFsTtU

65 M. I* N/U6 T5E&S4, 5 2 Q2U6E&S4T5I*O0N/S4

T5uVrSnO tUoP S4eFcDtUiJoPnO 1 oPfG yZoPuVrS aBnOsTwXeFrS sThIeFeFtU tUoP aBnOsTwXeFrS tUhIeF qRuVeFsTtUiJoPnOsT iJnO tUhIiJsT sTeFcDtUiJoPnO.

Each passage or pair of passages below is followed by a number of questions. After reading each passage or pair, choose the best answer to each question based on what is stated or implied in the passage or passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or graph).

Q2uVeFsTtUiJoPnOsT 1-10 aBrSeF bCaBsTeFdE oPnO tUhIeF fGoPlMlMoPwXiJnOgH pQaBsTsTaBgHeF.

This passage is adapted from Amit Chaudhuri, A Strange and Sublime Address. ?1991 by Amit Chaudhuri. A ten-year-old boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt (Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in Calcutta, India.

Two boys were playing carrom on the steps of a small, painted shed which had the following words on its wall in large, black letters: NATIONAL Line ASSOCIATION OF SPORTSMEN. A single 5 table-tennis table inside the shed could be glimpsed through the window. The boys interrupted their game to give Chhotomama directions to the house in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes, they knew the old couple. And yes, their son and 10 daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their first child.

"Is it a girl or a boy?" asked Mamima, rolling down the window.

"A girl," said the boy. 15 Mamima rolled up her window before the

mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind them. When they reached the house, they found that the old man was waiting on the verandah with a lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round 20 and round the lantern, though the old man was oblivious to them. He had come out because he had heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. The night had been silent except for the questioning cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of 25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the

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old man's listening ear, and to his wife's ear, even when the car was relatively far away and beyond their range of vision. They had pondered over the sound, 30 and finally, he had lit the lantern and shuffled out. "I told her," he said, referring to his wife. "I told her that I heard the car, I knew it was the car, I told her you were coming."

Once they were inside, Mamima gave the pot of 35 yoghurt and the pot of sweetmeats to the old

lady. "There was no need," she said. "Oh really," she said. "This is too much," she insisted, with the air of one who has just received the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present. "Come, come, come," said 40 Chhotomama, with the air of someone who has just given the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present, and refuses to be overawed by his own generosity. "It's nothing." It was nothing, of course, only Ganguram's sweets and yoghurt, but they fussed and 45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something, something unique and untasted and unencountered.

The son and the daughter-in-law emerged shyly from the anteroom. They both stooped gently to touch Chhotomama's feet, and Sandeep's aunt's and 50 his mother's feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of obeisance towards one's elders.

"Oh no no no," said Chhotomama, struggling to keep the son's hand away from his feet. "There's no need for all this." This was half a token gesture 55 towards modesty, and half towards the new, "modern" India--Nehru's secular India, free of ritual and religion.

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"I have not met you for two years, Dada," said the son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama's 60 toes. "You must not stop me." This was half a token gesture towards modesty, and half towards the old, "traditional" India--Gandhi's India of ceremony and custom.

Sandeep, meanwhile, had come to the conclusion 65 that the grown-ups were mad, each after his or her

own fashion. Simple situations were turned into complex, dramatic ones; not until then did everyone feel important and happy. Will they never grow up? thought Sandeep irately. He glanced around him. A 70 single blue, fluorescent tube was burning on the wall. It was not a big room. Despite its bareness, the impression it gave was of austerity rather than poverty. It made one remember that poverty meant displacement as well as lack, while austerity meant 75 being poor in a rooted way, within a tradition and culture of sparseness, which transformed even the lack, the paucity, into a kind of being.

1 According to the passage, the old man was standing on the verandah because A) he was watching cars travel down the road. B) the two boys had reported the visitors would soon arrive. C) he had heard what he believed to be the visitors' car. D) he enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds of the evening.

2 In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are compared to a A) jewel. B) cuisine. C) wedding gift. D) generous donation.

3 As used in lines 37 and 40, "air" most nearly means A) atmosphere. B) absence. C) demeanor. D) melody.

4 The characters' behavior during the gift giving mainly serves to A) emphasize the lavish value of the gift. B) inflate the significance of the gesture. C) convey indifference toward the gift. D) stress the need for polite behavior.

5 Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question? A) Lines 43-44 ("It was . . . yoghurt") B) Lines 44-46 ("they . . . unencountered") C) Lines 52-54 ("Oh no . . . all this") D) Lines 58-60 ("I have . . . stop me")

6 The description of Chhotomama and the son's interaction mainly serves to A) show how the characters diverge in their approaches to cultural practices. B) emphasize the characters' complex relationship. C) stress the characters' misinterpretations of Indian history. D) depict how the characters created gestures that became routine.

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1Question-and-Answer Service




Reading Test


Over the course of the passage, Sandeep comes to

view the adults as6 5 M I N U T E S , 5 2 Q U E S T I O N SThis passage is adapted from Nicholas Epley, Mindwise: How

We Understand What Others Think, Believe, Feel, and Want.

A) strict.

?2014 by Nicholas Epley.

B) reserved. Turn to Section 1 of your answer sheet to answer tKhenoqwueinsgtioyonusrinowthnisrespeucttiaotino.n can be surprisingly

C) sophisticated.

difficult. Consider, for instance, a study that analyzed

D) immature.

a set of published experiments all sharing the same Line basic design. In these experiments, people working in


Sandeep would the passage?


A) The two boys playing carrom

10 one experiment to another and included qualities like intelligence, sense of humor, consideration,

BQ)ueMstiaomnism1a-1's0inaqreuibraysaebdouotntthheegfeonldloewr oinfgthe child Cpa)ssTahgee.old lady's reaction to the gift


boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt (Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in

9 Calcutta, India.


tshmaatlIl,npdaiainhteads esxhpeedrwiehniccehdhsaodcitahl echfoalnlogwe?ing words

Line AoAn)SSitOLsiCwnIeaAsllT3i6nIO-l3aN7rg(Oe",TFbhSleaPrceOkwRleaTtstSe.Mr.s:.ENsNhAe. ATinIssOiinsNtgeAldeL")

5 Bta)bleL-itnenesn4is8t-a5b1le("iTnshiedyebthoethsh. .ed. ecldoeurlsd"b) e glimpsed

Cth)roLuginhetsh5e4w-5i7nd("oTwh.iTs hweabs o. y. s. rineltiegrirounp"t)ed their

Dgina)ma sLeeitrnoieegssi7vo3ef-sC7p6hoh(r"aoIdttoicmm, aeadnmetha.ud.s.iirsaepsctatiricosegnnessettsousr"te)hse.

house Oh yes,

they knew the old couple. And yes, their son and


daughter-in-law first child.







As "uIsseidt iangliirnleo7r2a,b"oimy?p"raesksieodnM" mamositmnae,arrolyllimngeans

Ado)w"Aanptgphiereal,wr"aisnnacdideo.wth.e boy.

15 B) Mbaemlieifm. a rolled up her window before the


lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round

20 and round the lantern, though the old man was

oblivious to them. He had come out because he had

heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance.

The night had been silent except for the questioning

cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of

15 30 20 35 25 40 30 45 35 50 40 55


25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine

group. You may know, for instance, that your

had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the

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45 cow"oI rhkaevres ninotgmeneetryalotuhfionrktywoouyaeraerrsa, tDhaedr as,m" asartid, btuhte

tshoons,estcrouwggolriknegrtsoalgseot vhaisryhianndthsenireaimr Cprhehsositoonmoafmyao'us.

60 Stooems.e"tYhoinukmyuosut anroetasstosphamrpe.a"sTahkisnwifea.sOhtahlferasttohkiennk

ygoesutuare taoswsharadrps masoadsepstoyo, na.nDdohaylofutokwnaorwdsththee old,

d"tirfafedrietniocnea?l" India--Gandhi's India of ceremony and

50 cusEtovmid.ently, no. The accuracy rate across these

expSearnimdeenpts, mwaesanbwarheillye,bheattdercothmaentroanthdeocmongculeusssiionng

65 (thanatotvheergalrlocwonrr-eulpatsiowneroefm.1a3db,eetawceheanftperrehdisctoerdhaenrd

aocwtunaflaesvhaioluna.tSioimnsp,loensliytusalitgiohntlsywheigrehetur rtnheadn innoto

rceolmatpiolenxs,hdiprawmhaattiscooenvesr;).nAolttuhnoutigl hthyeonudmidigehvetrhyaovnee

55 sfeoeml iemspenosretaonfthaonwd hsmapaprty.yWouirllctohweyornkeevresrtghrinowk yuopu?

athreo,uygohut Sapanpdeaereptoirhaatveleyn. Ho eclguleanabceodutarwohuinchd him. A

70 csionwgolerkbelurse,influpoaretisccuelnatrtfuinbde wyoaus bsmuranritnagnodnwthiechwadlol.

nItowt.aAs snont ea abuigthroromof.tDheessptuitdeyitws rbiaterse,n"ePses,otphle seem

timo hparevsesjiuosnt iat tgianvyegwliamsmofearuosfteinristiyghrattihnetrothhoawn they

60 aproevuerntiyq.uIet lmy avdieewoendebryempaermticbuelratrhoatthpeorvpeerotyplme.e"ant

dispBluatcepmerehnatpasstwhiesllisahs olalcdkin, gwyhoilueramusitnedri-tryeamdeinangt

75 abbeinlitgiepsotoortionoahriogohtaedstwanady,awrdi?thIitn'sahtarradd,iatifotenr aanlld, to

dcuefltiunreetroafitsspalirkseeninetsesl,liwghenicche tarnadnstfroursmtweodrethveinnetshse

plarcekc,istheley,psaoucititmy,iginhttonaokt ibnedsofsbueripnrgis. ing that we

65 have difficulty guessing how others will evaluate us

on these ambiguous traits. What about predicting

1 something simpler, such as how much other people

70 ltaAoiivnkmcoecteiohydtreoodtuhvih?neoargSsaneutngorwdeahtalrhyhooeyubsoppneuaicdtsaasapurateesgoyeebop,eultteh.teewYroohaluotdtmsmhmiuasis.nlteYwhaoatauvyseloseutaaarmnannduodicnvhger

bAe)ttehreswenassewoaftwchhionglikceasrsytoruavaenlddowwhno thhaetersoyaodu. woBn)itlIhy'stimshnoleoiaagntfhgwratarloroiydrubibvpnoee.yot.Ytste.ehrTsat?hdhearsneepcsohturatdneidceesthafoteugvnuisdeisttsohirnasgtwpwoehouopldlienaare

75 gCr)ouhpelihkaeds htheeamrdawnhdawt heobdeoleiesvneodtt(othbe athverage

correvliastitionrs'hcearre.was a meager .18). Some of your

cDo)wohrekeenrsjoliykeedyloisuteannindgottohetrhsedqounieotts,obuuntdIswoofuldn't countthoenevyeonuinkgn.owing the difference. The same barely-better-than-guessing accuracy is also found in

80 experiments investigating how well speed daters can


assess who wants to date them and who does not, how well job candidates can judge which

iInnttehrveipewasesrasgwe,etrheeimyopgrheussretdanbdy stwheemetmanedatws ahriech were

ncoomt, panardedevteonahow well teachers can predict their

85 ccAABoo)c)umcrujcpseruelwaeiecsteevyilnla.aldutiseoltneosss.bGaebrboaeuntttteehrdot,whita'ynsorcuahraaerntecheeavtianylouthuaetaesdree.

eCx)pewriemdednintsg, gbiuft.not necessarily by very much.

D) generous donation.


Mean Correlations of Perceptions of

As used inIOnlliddniveAsidc3uq7ualaasninadmta4no0cn,eg"saNiinre"wTmwAoecsnqttuyn-aeOianrntlayenSmcteuesadanienssd

A) atmosphere.

Mean correlations (1 = complete agreement; 0 = complete disagreement)

B) absence1..0 C) demean00o..98r. D) melody0. .7

new acquaintance well acquainted




0.4 0.3

Tmhaeinclhyasrearcvt00ees..r021st'obehavior during the gift giving

A) emphasize the lavAish value ofBthe gift. C

B) Ain=flcaotreretlhateiosnigbneitfwiceaenncienodifvtidhueaglse'ssteulfr-pe.erception

and those individuals' predictions of how others

C) pceorcneviveey tihnedmifference toward the gift.

D) stress the need for polite behavior.

B = correlation between individuals' self-perception

and actual perception of those individuals by others


WanhswChtihcoe=howrsccetooohirtnorhtedhielciarevestiipdpopurenrearocbvlvseeiioibtvdwuyeeseostehtqthnehuemieernssdbatniievodsindtau?ecavtluisda' pel nrpeecdreicceftopiortniotshnoeof f

A) Lines 43-44 ("It was . . . yoghurt")

BAd)aptLeidnferosm44Er-i4ka6N(."Ctahrelsyon. a.n.duSnimeninceoVuanzirtee,r"eMde"ta)-Insight: CDbyo)APmeLoeiprnilceeaRsne5Pas2llyy-c5Kh4noolo(w"gOiHcaohlwAnOsostoh.cei.arst.iSoaenlel. tThheism"?)" ?2011 D) Lines 58-60 ("I have . . . stop me")

161 TWhheicdhescchroipictieobneostf Csuhphpootrotms tahme aclanimd tihnethsoen's ifnirtsetrsaecntitoencme aoifntlhyesepravsessagtoe? A) sLhinoews h2-o4w("thCeocnhsaidraerct.e.r.sddeisviegrng"e)in their B) aLpinpersoa2c1h-2e3s t(o"Icfupletuorpallep.r.a.cttwicoe"s). BC)) eLminpehs a2s6i-z2e7th("eTchhearcaloctseerrs.' .c.ormelpalteioxnrsehlaitpi"o)nship. CD)) IsLntirndeeisassn5th4he-i5sct8ho(ar"yrAa. clttehrosu' gmhis.i.n.tneroptr"e)tations of D) depict how the characters created gestures that became routine.

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1Question-and-Answer Service




Reading Test


Tlinheesin23fo-2rm7 (a"tSiotanti6asbt5iocuatlMlsyta.It.Ni.striUeclaaTltimoEneSsahs,uipr"5e)m2isenQt inU

presented in order to








used in line strength.







correct a comTmuronntmo Siseucntdioenrs1taonfdyinogurofahnoswwer researchers quantify certain data from



answeBr)thienqfluueenstcieo.ns C) severity.





D) reality.

B) forestall potential objections to how data from

C) D)


(line tone

38) of the

A) They contribute to a casual and gently humorous

13 Questions 1-10 are based on the following Bpaassesdagoen. the passage, in which situation would an iTnhdisivpiadssuaaglestisaanddapthteedgfrreoamteAsmt cithCahnacuedohfuaric, cAuSrtaratenlgye and pSurbeldimicetiAndgdrheossw. ?h1e99o1r bshy eAmisitpCerhcaeuidvheudr?i. A ten-year-old

boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt

A(M)amAimnai)n, atenrdnhpisruednciclets(Cthhheoitmompraemssai)otno vthisaittfahmerilydiinrect Calcustutap,eInrvdisao. r holds of her.

B) TAwombaonyasgewreprerepdliacytisntghecacrorlolemctoivnetohpeinstieopnsooff a smalel,mppalionyteedessahbeoduwt hhiecrhahbaildityth. e following words

Con) itAs nwainllsitnrulcatrogre,pbrleadcikctlsettheerse:nNthAuTsiIaOsmNAoLf his

Line ASSOclCasIsAaTftIeOr NtalOkiFngSPwOitRhTtwSMo sEtNud. eAntssin. gle

5 Dttgaha)brmolehAue-egtteblohdniogtnbhigivyesreatwthpCaiebhnhlelhdeirvooipinwtnrosge.imddTseiauhcmbtethsjabeetcohdstyeihroseeefidscnhttectiieoesormnubrsluoditponobktewet.dhhgetlihichmheoipruhsseeedis

in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes,


they knew the old couple. And yes, their son and daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their

Wfirshtichicldh.oice provides the best evidence for the

ans"wIserittoa gthirel poreaviboouys?"quaseksteidonM? amima, rolling

Ado)w"ALnitnghieresl,w9"-is1na3dido("wtTh.ehebotrya.its . . . familiarity")

15 B) MLainmeism2a8-r3o3lle("dTuhpesheeerxwpienrdimowenbtesf.o.r.ehtihgeh")


lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round

20 and round the lantern, though the old man was

oblivious to them. He had come out because he had

heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance.

The night had been silent except for the questioning

cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of

tone that renders a potentially specialized old mdiasncu'sslsiisotennminogreaarp, panrodatcohahbislew. ife's ear, even 30 Bwra"aIn)hntdeogndcTfledirinhtoishthaeafieylpecvlriypcics,s,a"romihoronhsvewnteiroh.naisfTbasgatduihrhtdteoelee,ilynatrrtteehtoeihfsvateaeehedralasrlyrpalitycnnofrhlagtneyereidtnmrroaesnfw'rooheacacridnocsyknediwoanscvnsigltfheudheraus.ebnift"ofahedIlnuyeetosdtosh.noloodduurhn'ttsh.edre, ir Cth)at TI hheeyarcdotnhtericbaurt,eItkonaedweietpwlyaps ethsseimcairs,tiIcttooldnehtehrat you swtreersesceosmthienigm."possibility of ever knowing how

Opnecoeptlheetyruwlyerpeeirncesiidvee,eMacahmoitmhearg. ave the pot of 35 Dyo)ghTuhret yancdonthtreibpuotteotof sawteheotmugehattfsutloyetht eunolcdertain

lady.to"nTehethreatwcaasstnsodnoeuebdt,o"nshtehesarieda.l"-wOohrrldeally," she said.u"sTefhuilsniesstsoofmexupcehr,i"msehnetianlsdisattead. , with the air of one who has just received the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present. "Come, come, come," said 1470 Chhotomama, with the air of someone who has just Tvga"Iniihevtd'ewesnranoeutoffhtuththeshoeiKenrsogsqtt.ohuu"iobdnItteyoew'oodsarvriesendrsniaulaoiwmlnttesheo?dsinn5bdg8y,-ao6hsf0iasceoboxuiwprrtrnsheegds,seaoenynseplwryrohessiicethyn.t, AG)angTuhreaymin'sdsiwcaeteetsthaantdthyeorgehiusrat,sbmuatltlhbeuyt fpursosmedisainndg 45 fussecdhaanncdecorfeactoerdretchtelyilplurseidoincttinhagthitowwaosnseomis ething, someptehricnegivuendi.que and untasted and unencountered. 50 Bfthroi)osumTcmlpThhiottehehCtotlehseephyoelahanesrnboh'.saottoeonfuwremdtoehtotath,hommaaewt.atdrT'itsnaahhdufdeeeigiyetyvhitaiob,tdrenaouernata-rhldilensggsSr-gtaaeloearenondwtdpieeneeerdegamdpblalgey'ynsergkgdnarneutoaldonyumwtspt'hsoasvyraeolknyrfdyof Cob)eisTahnecyerteovwearldthsaotnoen'seeilnddeirvsi.dual hardly knows

"Owhantoanothneor,"insadiidviCdhuhalotthoimnkasmoaf, hstirmugogrlihnegr.to Dke)epTthheeysoconn'sfihramndthaawt aoynefr'somprehdisicfteioetn.s"Tabhoeuret'os tnhoer needpfeoorpalell'sthimis.p"rTeshsiisownsasarheanlfoabteotkteenr tgheasnturraendom 55 towagrudessmseos.desty, and half towards the new, "modern" India--Nehru's secular India, free of ritual and religion.

25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine

had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the

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1 Question-and-Answer Service

18 "I have not met you for two years, Dada," said the 60 Titstg"neootehrafensaoecst,duh.rmsmi"rettYerriaaosuiottnnogiiunogwarnmllela"iianrnauIsdgbneosssotdtnomun7iatt8ogho---setad8ptstGe5ethtsoeahiitdpssnye,dthdmaoahaaunenitt'.eddsh"rsoIhsTn,rnahjdleioifniasbatcrowlocCuwaafdhsnacerhdehsdroiadsettlhmfoatehtameoetsnao,omykaldneaan,nd'sd

Acu)stocmau.tion against making assumptions about Sacenrdteaeinp,inmdeiavnidwuhaillse',mhaodtivceosm. e to the conclusion

65 Btochow)amnt tdptfhhialserestexhige,nirodgdonruiwaf.ifmsnSehri-ameuatnpimpctslosoewcnnseegienrtsueca;earnmritooitaoastdin.un,snebwtaeicelhhrtaehavetfiuntoerrdrnsiheoddibsesivoneerrtrovhyeeodrnien Cfe)el imndpiocrataencteartnadinhsaeptptiyn.gWs willhtehreyfunretvheerrgsrtuowdyubpy? thourgehset aSracnhdeerespisirnaetedlye.dH. e glanced around him. A

70 Dsin) gloeffbelrueex, falmuoprleesscoefnstittuubateiownassibnuwrnhiincgh oancethrteaiwnall. It wafsinndoint ga bhiogldrsootrmue. .Despite its bareness, the impression it gave was of austerity rather than poverty. It made one remember that poverty meant

19 displacement as well as lack, while austerity meant 75 being poor in a rooted way, within a tradition and

Acuclctuorredionfgstpoartsheenfeigssu,rwe,htihceh mtraeannsfocormrreeldateivoennththaet mlacoks,ttnheeaprlayuacpitpyr,oinactoheaskcionmd polfebteeianggr.eement exists between individuals' self-perception and

A) how those individuals are actually perceived by


new acquaintances.

BA)ccoarcdtuinagl ptoertcheepptiaosnssagoef,tthhoesoelidndmivaindwuaalss sbtyanpdeionpgle on thweitvherwahnodmahtbhecyaaurseewell acquainted.

CA)) thheewinads iwviadtcuhailns'gpcraerdsictrtiaovnesl doof whonwthteheryoaadre. B) pasthoceeqorcuntewaaiivornertbdievodeby..ys pheaodprleepwoirtthedwthhoemvisthiteoyrsawreowueldll DC)) havthhcioeseqwihtupoaatrdrhiesnedh'tyiceacaanatrrirc.odeenspws.ehtrhacoteishveeeidbnedblyiivenvideeudwatlaossmbweaetklhleeaasbooludt D) he enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds of

the evening.

2 In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are compared to a

A) jewel. B) cuisine. C) wedding gift. D) generous donation.


WAshuicsehdstiantelimneesn3t7beasntdex4e0m, "paliirf"iems tohset ndeisatrinlycmtioenans

mA)adaetbmyocsoprhreerlaet.ion C in the figure?

AB)) BCD)))

obSSdmabaautehellsmtllleeyyomnerdbesacaxyenewn.pl.oiyieelrlcvd.tdeessestscshcrhariebitbeiosethohheueerrtragsasowsrinirelesglsesberarvuyvetesdthd.he.iniskos uthtgaot ing,

C) Sally has been told that she is outgoing but only


by people with whom she is well acquainted.

DTmh)aeinwaSclcahyeqlallsluyreaaariccisvnqteoetusrauasntti'ogcnboeteisenh.dagbvwuioittrrhdetsuherroivnseegdwthairtehoguwinfthdgonimveiwnshge is

A) emphasize the lavish value of the gift.

21 B) inflate the significance of the gesture.

C) convey indifference toward the gift.


for the


A) What determined the traits that researchers 5 tended to focus on in the experiments being

Whiacnhaclhyzoeicde? provides the best evidence for the Ban)swWerhtyoatrheeipnrdeivviioduusalqsumesotrioenli?kely to accurately

predict the impressions of groups than of A) sLpineceisfi4c3i-n4d4iv("idItuwalassw. i.t.hyinogghruorutp"s)? CB)) TLionewsh4a4t-d4e6g(r"etehaerye.p. e. oupnleenacboluentoteprerded")ict how C) iLnindievsid52u-a5l4ac(q"Ouahinntoan. c.e.saplletrhciesi"v)e them?

D) ILsinoense5p8e-r6s0on("'sI huanvdeer. s.t.asntdoipnmg oef")trustworthiness really so different from another person's understanding of that trait?


The description of Chhotomama and the son's interaction mainly serves to

A) show how the characters diverge in their approaches to cultural practices.

B) emphasize the characters' complex relationship. C) stress the characters' misinterpretations of

Indian history. D) depict how the characters created gestures that

became routine.

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April QAS 2017

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1Question-and-Answer Service





carbon-rich gunk--just the sort of residue that might have been left behind on an icy object that had its

This Us a

passage is adap6te5d

Message in Ceres?"

frMomIDNavUid SThiEgaS, "H, a5s P2lutoQSeUntE

?2008 by Reed Business







the bright sunlight and Levison's


Information, Ltd.

50 computer simulations show that the observed






answenrutmhebeqruoefsotibojnecstisnisthabisosuetcrtiigohnt.if they are immigrants, though they have assumed many



inner solar system? The dwarf planet Ceres--and

objects broke up after transport.

other icy chunks--may have been born in the same

Thomas McCord of the Bear Fight Center in

Line realm as Pluto, but travelled all the way to the

55 Winthrop, Washington, who was not involved in any

5 aIulafsprtshgeoAere,otsaitiv9tdoa5wlb0borjekeuelcitalldtrobrimebnatenwetghEeigftmeureaareeeadrccpnsatphhhltsiihthtneepphe)edra.aerdesoesiionssavaiaardrimtbdgglhybieeeeteenstsooleopctorrr.lea,afppAsCrtMsaahnsaeiiarrydarg,tsreocettsasfhheoapimmoasrnatoa'bp.dssssysaesnJasiuftgosvahpateereigstttheehbbrseeee.aslotnwadniinsswfaoenlrlyotaow6c0eecdaoopsCtchombfrheelotyraphqbeeraaesaxusnnbpeityyshluessyitcatnrmieethogsemebontdgress,abrttrcbaunsaooupdgssmfthoeeiqersdmipcsuaot,soyeehsasn(seissgttrtmuwiriheooec.eahnnehIrlaslteoa.tstrAsfihieissctfafahtunsetette-goatarthebrotrreeael-esewdraaaofdsosormcotirorneknmargrottaeoitrtdhiiboaebeleomlsiluettahvtteeacrthes

10 only reason it doesn't quite fit in with many of its

would have been available at its current position

companions, according to William McKinnon of

early on, he says. What's more, objects of its size are

QpWdeaunasMesssshiacttigyiKno,eginw.ntsohnn1ioc-nUh10pnsuoiavigrnegertessbsiottaysus.iettdtihsoa2nt5Cttheoer3efs0ohpllaeosrwacienlongwt water 15 Ticheis. Tpahsasta'gseaishaigdhappterodpfroormtioAnmfitoCrhaanudashtuerri,oAidS,trbauntge and

Sculobsliemlye mAdadtrcehsse.s?P19lu9t1obaynAdmoitthCehrauicdyhuorbi.jAecttesnn-yaetaivr-eoltdo bthoey onuamteerdsoSalanrdseyesptetrmav,eklsnwoiwthnhaissmtroatnhse-rN, heispatuunntian (oMbajemcitms a(T), NanOd sh)i.sWunhclaet('sChmhoortoem, aamdiap) tino vCiseitrefasm'sillyigihnt Cspaelccuttrtuam, Indmiaa.y be a sign of ammonium-rich clay at 20 theTswurofabcoey. sTwhiesrme paltaeyrinalghcaasrrnoemveronbetehne fsoteupnsdoifna sthmeaflrl,apgmainentetds oshf eadstewrhoicdhs thhaadt thhaevfeoflalollwenintgowEoartdhs, obuntitfsitswtahlleienxlpaercgtee,dblaamckmloetnteiar-sr:iNchAcToImOpNoAsiLtion Line AofSaSOTNCIOA.TION OF SPORTSMEN. A single 5 tabSleo-tiefnCneirsetsabfolerminesdidientPhleustoh'esdnceoiguhldbobuerghloimodp,sed 25 thhorwoudgihd tithenwdinudpo2wt.oT4hbeiblloioyns iknitloermrueptrteesdatwheaiyr? gSaome troesgeiavrecChehrhsothtoinmkatmhatdtihrecotriobnitss toof tthhee hpolaunsets iwneareseorniecse oufnssptaobrlaed.iAc,cecnotrhduinsigastoticthgiessitduerae--s. Oknhoywens, tahsetyheknNeiwcetmheoodledl--coUurpalen.uAsnadndyeNs,etphteuinresownenant d 10 draamugphatgeirn-gint-hlarowuhgahdthaerroivuetderlassotlanrigshysttwemitharthoeuinrd 30 f3i.r9stbcilhlioldn. years ago. As a result, many of the icy obj"eIcstsitthaagtirfol ormr aedboiny?t"haesokuetderMsaomlarimsyas,treomlliwngere dpuowllendtihnewwairnddboywt.he gravity of the two planets, and som"Ae egnirdle,"dsuapidjothineibnogyt.he rocky asteroids that were 15 borMn ainmtihmeaasrtoelrleodidubpehlte.rCwerinesdwowoubledfosirme pthlye be the 35 mlarogseqsut iotof eths ecsaemime imn.igTrhaentsw. o"Tbhoeysodvadnsifsohretdhbisesheienmd tlohwem, b. uWt ihteins nthoetyinrceoacnhcedivtahbeleh,"osuasyes, tBhiellyBfotutnkde othf at the oSoldutmhawneswtaRsewseaairticnhgIonnstitthueteve(rSawnRdIa)hinwBithoualder, lCaonltoerandion. his hand. Moths were shuddering round 20 andBrootutknedatnhde HlaanlteLrenv,istohnouogfhSwthReIolleddma apnaiwr aosf 40 ostbuldivieiosuwshtoichthseump.pHoreththade icdoema eoforuetfubgeceaesusfreohme hthaed houeaterdr stohlearthsryostbebminogrobfittihnegeingtihneeaisntethroeidibstealnt.ce. Theynfiogchut sheaddobneethnessiloe-nctaellxecdeDpt-faonrdthPe-qtyupeestioning carsyteorof iadns othwaltacnodmtphreisceo2n0tinpueralcoenrcthoefsthraelpsopuunldatoiof n

65 30

owraeNNmaxnlheAdnepdwemgeSmnfecAibmtnatoee'hnsaefrdel'a,Dvlstsyccioulaso,aiwirshurhoteenlaewnmdnvh.maeehiTasnneidfhrgsotlespeslreiilymaotoaptnhftriiehn,vCa,daeedfdenolilrynopardewnofwsttahtn'nosrehedrcihaienctiowinsrhsmeanabwdnMyeiprdirooactfehvsnssCo'hiepdstolruilaeroabftrdacfnherlesyeei,yb.sodessynavotoedeutumennttah..dme, ir

"I tPolrdopheerrt,i"ehs eofsaSiedl,ecretefedrSrionlgartoSyhsitsemwifOe.b"jIecttosld her 35OtyylsbahaoojdeiaugdycOth.t.wIun""heTrcTrteehhedaaiteirncshfsrddArodteie(oiasmvyEtsmwnthtetahwiaoceranreneaoSetscghgcupr=anm.eee"noro1,tiun)Inocskhefi(edn,sE"dweeRas,,w"erhaMetsdeihthtamiiue=wnmsessa1aiiasms)titsdteaht.(doeEg",aOactwMvhrahtieretha,hrtosIhe=sltatedhol1lpel)ydo,a"tihA(rdsoeghveofr/neefcrmsaitg3y)e Eartohne who has j1u.s0t received th1e.0Kohinoor1d.0iamond a5s.5

Marasbirthday pre1s.e5n2t. "Come,0c.o5m3 e, come,0".1sa1id 3.9

J(4ua0sntCgoeirhvoheindo)ttohme aKmoha2,in.w7oiothr dthiaemaiorno0d.f0sa1os9ma eboirn0teh.0dw0a0hy0op0hr3eassejnuts,2t.8

Ceraens d refuses to be overawed by his own generosity.

(dw"aIrtf's nothing."2I.8t was nothin0g.0, 7o3f cour0se.0, 0o0n1ly5 2.7

planGeat)nguram's sweets and yoghurt, but they fussed and

J4u5pfituesrsed and cre5a.t2ed the illu1si1o.n2 that it w3a1s8.s0omethin1g.,3 UNP(pS5dall0reauwtapnutsfthonaorotorebiurounstumfe)nmT"s1cmiOeeshhatothehnhCtihsecnhnoeeoahgnrtno'nousattwo313neonfr9099eimadnoqe....r5125ootuatd,h,mmes"aeaos.atdnarnT'saiadedhduf'eeusigCetynehitholtb,tdahenao9340serona....ttr-5902htledsiondg.smSr-taaeloaanenowmtddpineaeeueg,mdn0ps911.aegte0'nsr575ner0u...gdcna0002goeutagldunylmnitsnt'htsoaegyrarlktneyod0112do.....7361f

keep the son's hand away from his feet. "There's no

n1Peroepdefrtoiersaglilvethnidso."nTothiniscluwdaesShataulrfn'as rtiongkesynstgemes.ture

55 tSoouwrcaer:dDsatma forodmestthye,NaantidonhalaAlfertoonwauatricdssatnhdeSpnaecwe ,

"Amdmoindiestrrnat"ioInn(dNAiaS--A).Nehru's secular India, free of ritual

and religion.

25 cinritchke tosuinterthpeabrtuoshf eths.eTbheelt.thTrhoebsbeinobgjoecfttshaerenagdinaerk

45 hreaddd, itshherceoflooruer, trhaavteslulegdgethstrsotuhgehy tahre sciolevnecredtointhe

April QAS 2017

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