
Routines & Procedures

Mrs. Gallup’s Class


Dear Fourth Grade Families,

Welcome to a thrilling year in fourth grade! I am really looking forward to getting to know all of you. I thought it would be helpful to give you this packet that briefly outlines the classroom routines and procedures. One of my goals for this year is to create the most effective learning environment for your child. With your support, I feel very confident that this will be a wonderful and exciting year for everyone. If you have any questions throughout the school year please contact me at school through notes, email, or phone calls. Thank you!


Mrs. Gallup

jgallup@ or (616) 361-3450 ex: 24226


To Contact the Teacher

As I stated before, please don’t hesitate to call or email me regarding any questions you have. I look forward to working with you and your family. Communicating frequently will help us meet the needs of your child. I can be reached through email at: jgallup@ or you can leave a message on my voicemail at (616) 361-3450 extension 24226.


“Homework Packs” will come home most, if not every Friday. Weekly spelling lists will be included in these packets. Homework packets are to be completed and returned to school by the following Friday. This will give your child plenty of time to work on their homework. These packets will usually contain 3-5 pages. There are two objectives with the weekly homework. One objective is to have students practice concepts and skills at home that reinforce what we are working on in class. The other goal is to work on the responsibility aspect that comes with homework. This is a skill that will be very useful in the future.

Homework is marked late and does not receive full credit if it is not turned in on time – there is a “homework standard” on our report card each trimester. Your guidance with homework is always appreciated. If you are not sure about something, just initial it. Please help your child to be responsible for their homework and binder each week.

Friday Folders

Each Friday a “Friday Folder” will come home (or the last day of that school week). This folder contains important notes from the office as well as weekly papers. The 2 pockets in the folder are marked “To Be Returned to School” and “Keep at Home”. The Friday Folder needs to be returned to school each Monday so that they can be reused each Friday.

[pic] Notes/Newsletters [pic]

I write a monthly newsletter that will let you know what we’ve done in the classroom that month, what tests are coming up, and what special events are planned for the upcoming months. Attached is a form for you to fill out regarding how you would like to receive the monthly newsletter. Please fill out this form and return it to school.

[pic] Report Cards/Grades [pic]

Most papers we work on will be checked/corrected in class. Some of our really important work and assessments will come home with a percentage score on them. These scores are recorded and used to help determine report card grades. Our report cards are marked on a 4, 3, 2, 1 scale. The percentages transfer to this scale:

4 = 90-100%

3 = 80 to 89%

2 = 70 to 79%

1 = 69% and below


We will have time for a morning snack break everyday. Fourth graders are responsible for bringing their own NUTRITIOUS snack. I will have a snack stash for students that may forget a snack. If you would like to contribute to our stash, please send in a bag of pretzles.


If your child has a food allergy or any other allergy that I should be aware of please let me know as soon as possible! Please let the office and myself know in writing what the specific allergy is and any procedures you would like us to follow to ensure the safety of your child.

Water Bottles

Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle to class. Water bottles are welcomed, everyday, as long as they do not become a distraction to the learning environment. All water bottles need to go home EVERY Friday to be cleaned/washed to help reduce germs.

Weekly Schedule for Specials

| | |

|Day |Special |

| |P.E. |

|Monday |Music |

| |Library |

|Tuesday |Computer Lab |

| |P.E. |

|Wednesday |Music |

| |Art |

|Thursday | |

| |Various |

|Friday | |

Birthday Treats

Many students like to bring in birthday treats to celebrate their special day. If this is something that your child would like to do on their special day please feel free to send in a treat. If you think a napkin is needed, please send that as well. No drinks please!! You may drop the snack off at the office in the morning or send it in your child’s backpack. We will fit the treat in our schedule when it works during that day.

We will not be going to other teacher’s classrooms with our treats in order to cut down on interrupting other’s learning throughout the day.

Holiday Parties

We have three scheduled holiday parties set up for this year: Halloween, Winter Celebration, and Valentine’s Day. There was a sign up sheet for parents/guardians at open house. However, if you would be interested in helping with a class party please get in contact with me and I will be sure to get you signed up. If you are unable to come in and help run an activity, but would like to send in a treat let me know and we can make sure that the party planners get your name and number. All family members are always welcome to attend our holiday parties. All volunteers must fill out the parent volunteer form in the office before volunteering. Thank you for your cooperation. The safety of our students is very important to us all!

Electronic Equipment/Toys from Home

I do request that students do not bring Game Boys, any electronic games, cell phones, CD players, ipods, or any other toys from home to school. These items are easily lost, broken or stolen and can cause major distractions at school. Because these items are costly it is best if they are left at home. I appreciate your support reinforcing this.

School Rules/Expectations

Our school has implemented a school wide behavior plan called P.A.W.S. (Positive Actions With Students). The four elements of PAWS are being Responsible, Respectful, Ready and Safe. The students are learning how these elements are applied during all parts of their day: classroom, hallway, bathroom, cafeteria, special events, recess and the bus.

Thank you – I look forward to an exciting school year!

Mrs. Gallup



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