Hunters Creek Elementary Homework Policy

Hunters Creek Elementary Homework Policy

Fifth Grade

Guidelines for the Assignment of Homework and

Responsibilities of Students, Staff and Parents


Homework contributes toward building responsibility, self-discipline and lifelong learning habits. It is the intention of the Hunters Creek Staff to assign relevant, challenging and meaningful homework assignments that reinforce classroom learning objectives. Homework should provide students with the opportunity to apply information they have learned, practice newly acquired skills so that they become automatic, and develop independence. Homework assignments provide the time and experience students need to develop study habits that support learning. Students experience the results of their effort as well as the ability to cope with mistakes and difficulty.

Homework assignments might include:

• Practice exercises to follow classroom instruction

• Extension assignments to transfer new skills or concepts to new situations

• Creative activities to integrate many skills toward the production of a response or product.


According to the SBISD Grading Expectations, homework is not to exceed one hour nightly, including reading and math facts. For grades 2-5 each student is expected to read, or be read to, at least 20 minutes each school night. Students should practice math facts briefly each night, as well. In addition to reading and practicing math facts, the total homework should never exceed one hour. If two or more teachers are working with a student, the homework should be coordinated to adhere to the no more than a one-hour time frame.

Actual time required to complete assignments will vary with each student’s study habits. If your child is spending an inordinate amount of time doing homework, you should contact your child’s teachers.

Evaluation of Homework:

Homework will not affect a student’s grade in a particular subject. Homework habits will be reflected in the student’s work habits grade on the report card. In fifth grade, the teachers will check daily for completion of the assignment. In some instances students will be asked to share their work with the class (reading a journal entry, demonstrating a strategy or skill used, etc.).

Responsibilities of Parents:

• Set a regular, uninterrupted homework time each day

• Establish a quiet, well-lit study area

• Monitor student’s organization and daily lists of assignments in their planner- sign the planner

• Encourage student to complete homework neatly and with best effort

• Set the expectation that the students will complete the work independently

• Contact the teacher if the student is having difficulty completing homework independently or if the student is taking more than an hour to complete homework while using good study habits.

Responsibilities of Students:

• Write down assignments for the week on Mondays in the HCE planner and check for updates throughout the week.

• Be sure all assignments are clear; don’t be afraid to ask questions if necessary

• Set aside a regular time for studying

• Find a quiet well-lit study area

• Work on homework independently, so that it reflects student ability

• Produce quality work

• Make sure assignments are done according to the given instructions and completed on time

• Get homework back to school and turned in appropriately


While it is impossible to anticipate all homework assignments for the year we will list the regular homework assignments below. When a new type of assignment is brought home, it will come with an explanation of the purpose and clear directions for completion.

Regular assignments will include:

• 20 minutes of independent reading nightly. This reading may include any content reading assignment as well as self-selected chapter books. Student will have a monthly log to complete.

• Review or reinforcement of skills already covered in Mathematics each day. This short practice should take about 15 minutes for your child to complete independently.

• Practice multiplication and division facts through the 12s each night for at least 5 minutes. This nightly practice promotes automatic recall of the facts required for mathematics concepts.

Other common homework assignments might include:

• Review weekly spelling words

• Review weekly Spanish words

• Studying for tests and quizzes which will be noted in the student’s planner every week. Students should use class notes, graded papers, and any other review materials to prepare for tests and quizzes.

We look forward to working with you and your child this year.


The Fifth Grade Teachers



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