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Social Statistics for a Diverse Society, 7th Edition


Global Codebook – includes data from including the CIA World Factbook, the World Bank, the Association of Religion Data Archives, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the International Centre for Prison Studies, and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

File name


Cases Sampled


Variables Employed


Processing Notes

1. The data are drawn from several publically-available datasets including the CIA World Factbook, the World Bank, the Association of Religion Data Archives, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the International Centre for Prison Studies, and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

2. Due to the use of six different datasets and the number of variables and countries included, not all data reflects a particular year for a particular variable. Instead, data were compiled based on a) the most recent data available for each country; b) a vast majority of countries having data for a particular year (i.e., if one or two countries had data for 2010 and 2011 but the remaining countries only had data for 2010, the 2010 data would be used for those two countries for the sake of consistency); and c) data that was reflective of 2008 or later. Hence, the temporal range of the data is from 2008 to 2012.

3. The countries listed are intended to provide a representative sample of counties throughout the world.

4. Variables were selected in order to provide a comprehensive look at the economic, political, and social conditions of each country. Additionally, several variables were selected based on timely debates both on the national and international levels.

5. Missing data is represented with the value “-999.”

Social Statistics for a Diverse Society, Global Dataset 2008-2012

|Variable Name |Variable Label |Page Number |

|country |Country |3 |

|population |Country Population (2012) |4 |

|infantmort |Infant Mortality Rates (2012) |4 |

|gdppercap |Gross Domestic Product per capita |5 |

|govreligregin |Government Religion Regulation Index (2008) |5 |

|hdi |Human Development Index Score (2010) |5 |

|womenpar |Percentage of Seats in Parliament Held by Women (2008) |6 |

|urbanpop |Percentage of Total Population Living in Urban Areas (2010) |6 |

|elecpop |Percentage of Population without Electricity (2008) |6 |

|afertrate |Adolescent Fertility Rate (2011) |6 |

|creditfemale |Percentage of Females with a Credit Card |7 |

|creditmale |Percentage of Males with a Credit Card |7 |

|yearschoolfemale |Expected Years of Schooling for Females |7 |

|yearschoolmale |Expected Years of Schooling for Males |8 |

|gdp |Gross Domestic Product |8 |

|webfemale |Percentage of Female Internet Users (2008) |8 |

|webmale |Percentage of Male Internet Users (2008) |9 |

|laborratefemale |Female Labor Force Participation Rate (2010) |9 |

|laborratemale |Male Labor Force Participation Rate (2010) |9 |

|lifeexpfemale |Female Life Expectancy at Birth |10 |

|lifeexpmale |Male Life Expectancy at Birth |10 |

|litratefemale |Adult Female Literacy Rate |10 |

|litratemale |Adult Male Literacy Rate |10 |

|educspend |Percentage of GDP Spent on Public Education |11 |

|unempfemale |Female Unemployment Rate |11 |

|unempmale |Male Unemployment Rate |12 |

|gunownrate |Average Number of Firearms per 100,000 People |12 |

|gunmurderpercent |Percentage of Homicides by Firearms |12 |

|gunmurderrate |Firearm Homicide Rate per 100,000 People |12 |

|murderratefemale |Female Homicide Rate per 100,000 People |13 |

|murderratemale |Male Homicide Rate per 100,000 People |13 |

|suicideratefemale |Female Suicide Rate per 100,000 People |13 |

|suicideratemale |Male Suicide Rate per 100,000 People |14 |

|prisonrate |Incarceration Rate per 100,000 People |14 |

|healthexppercap |Percentage of GDP Spent on Health Care per capita (2010) |14 |

|healthexpgdp |Percentage of GDP Spent on Health Care (2010) |15 |

|defenseexpgdp |Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense |15 |

|country |Country |

|Location: |1 (width: 33; decimals: 0) |

|Variable Type: |string |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |Unweighted Frequency|Percent |

| |N/A |Afghanistan |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Argentina |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Australia |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Belgium |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Bolivia |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Brazil |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Bulgaria |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Cambodia |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Canada |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Chile |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |China |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Colombia |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Democratic Republic of the Congo |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Costa Rica |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Cuba |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Denmark |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Dominican Republic |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Ecuador |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Egypt |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Finland |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |France |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Germany |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Greece |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Haiti |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Honduras |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Iceland |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |India |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Indonesia |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Iran |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Iraq |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Ireland |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Israel |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Italy |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Jamaica |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Japan |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Kazakhstan |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Kenya |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |North Korea |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |South Korea |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Lebanon |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Liberia |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Libya |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Luxembourg |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Mexico |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Netherlands |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Nicaragua |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Nigeria |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Norway |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Pakistan |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Panama |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Paraguay |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Peru |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Russia |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Rwanda |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Saudi Arabia |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Sierra Leone |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Singapore |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |South Africa |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Spain |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Sweden |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Switzerland |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Syria |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Tunisia |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Turkey |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Ukraine |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |United Kingdom |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |United States |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Venezuela |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Vietnam |1 |1.4 |

| |N/A |Zimbabwe |1 |1.4 |

| |-999 |Missing |0 |0.0 |

| |Based upon 70 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

|population |Country Population |

|Location: |2 (width: 12; decimals: 0) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 70 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |217,246,359a | |

| |Median: |1,349,585,838a | |

| |Mode: |315,281a | |

| |Minimum: |315,281a | |

| |Maximum: |19,999,699a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |80,633,342a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

|infantmort |Infant Mortality Rates |

|Location: |3 (width: 12; decimals: 2) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 70 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |22.22a | |

| |Median: |15.62a | |

| |Mode: |3.4a | |

| |Minimum: |2.21a | |

| |Maximum: |121.63a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |23.57a | |

| |Note: Deaths per 100,000 Live Births |

|gdppercap |Gross Domestic Product per Capita |

|Location: |4 (width: 12; decimals: 0) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 70 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |19,247a | |

| |Median: |13,150a | |

| |Mode: |1,400a | |

| |Minimum: |400a | |

| |Maximum: |80,700a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |17,628a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

| |Note: GDP on a purchasing power parity basis divided by population as of July 1 for same year. Converted to U.S. |

| |dollars. |

|govreligregin |Government Religion Regulation Index |

|Location: |5 (width: 12; decimals: 3) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 69 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |2.955a | |

| |Median: |1.667a | |

| |Mode: |.000a | |

| |Minimum: |.000a | |

| |Maximum: |10.000a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |3.315a | |

| |Note: Range of 1-10. High score indicates higher level of regulation. |

|hdi |Human Development Index Score |

|Location: |6 (width: 12; decimals: 3) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 66 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |.696a | |

| |Median: |.717a | |

| |Mode: |.663a | |

| |Minimum: |.140a | |

| |Maximum: |.938a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |.186a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

| |Note: Range of 0.0-1.0. Composite of life expectancy, education, and income indices. |

|womenpar |Percentage of Seats in Parliament Held by Women |

|Location: |7 (width: 12; decimals: 3) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 70 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |20.383a | |

| |Median: |18.550a | |

| |Mode: |7.700a | |

| |Minimum: |.000a | |

| |Maximum: |50.900a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |11.412a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

|urbanpop |Percentage of Total Population Living in Urban Areas |

|Location: |8 (width: 12; decimals: 1) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 70 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |66.4a | |

| |Median: |69.5a | |

| |Mode: |93.4a | |

| |Minimum: |18.9a | |

| |Maximum: |100.0a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |20.3a | |

|elecpop |Percentage of Population without Electricity |

|Location: |9 (width: 12; decimals: 1) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 40 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |22.8a | |

| |Median: |7.8a | |

| |Mode: |.0a | |

| |Minimum: |.0a | |

| |Maximum: |88.7a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |28.4a | |

|afertrate |Adolescent Fertility Rate |

|Location: |10 (width: 12; decimals: 2) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 70 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |42.74a | |

| |Median: |31.17a | |

| |Mode: |.64a | |

| |Minimum: |.64a | |

| |Maximum: |176.75a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |38.03a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

| |Note: Births per 1,000 women, ages 15-19. |

|creditfemale |Percentage of Females with a Credit Card |

|Location: |11 (width: 12; decimals: 2) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 64 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |20.26a | |

| |Median: |8.50a | |

| |Mode: |.00a | |

| |Minimum: |.00a | |

| |Maximum: |80.02a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |22.79a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

| |Note: Percentage of females, age 15 or older. |

|creditmale |Percentage of Males with a Credit Card |

|Location: |12 (width: 12; decimals: 2) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 64 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |24.53a | |

| |Median: |13.45a | |

| |Mode: |.31a | |

| |Minimum: |.31a | |

| |Maximum: |79.28a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |24.01a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

| |Note: Percentage of males, age 15 or older. |

|yearsschoolfemale |Expected Years of Schooling for Females |

|Location: |13 (width: 12; decimals: 2) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 51 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |14.44a | |

| |Median: |14.76a | |

| |Mode: |6.07a | |

| |Minimum: |6.07a | |

| |Maximum: |20.05a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |2.98a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

|yearsschoolmale |Expected Years of Schooling for Males |

|Location: |14 (width: 12; decimals: 2) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 51 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |14.11a | |

| |Median: |14.02a | |

| |Mode: |8.32a | |

| |Minimum: |8.32a | |

| |Maximum: |19.19a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |2.26a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

|gdp |Gross Domestic Product |

|Location: |15 (width: 17; decimals: 0) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 69 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |9.18e11a | |

| |Median: |2.40e11a | |

| |Mode: |1,545,461,660a | |

| |Minimum: |1,545,461,660a | |

| |Maximum: |1.e13a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |2.e12a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

| |Note: Current U.S. dollars. |

|webfemale |Percentage of Female Internet Users |

|Location: |16 (width: 12; decimals: 1) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 29 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |56.1a | |

| |Median: |63.2a | |

| |Mode: |9.4a | |

| |Minimum: |9.4a | |

| |Maximum: |92.1a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |30.0a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

|webmale |Percentage of Male Internet Users |

|Location: |17 (width: 12; decimals: 1) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 29 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |50.9a | |

| |Median: |56.0a | |

| |Mode: |6.3a | |

| |Minimum: |6.3a | |

| |Maximum: |89.9a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |29.1a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

|laborratefemale |Female Labor Force Participation Rate |

|Location: |18 (width: 16; decimals: 2) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 70 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |57.02a | |

| |Median: |61.45a | |

| |Mode: |30.30a | |

| |Minimum: |13.70a | |

| |Maximum: |88.20a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |18.54a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

| |Note: Percentage of female population, ages 15-64. |

|laborratemale |Male Labor Force Participation Rate |

|Location: |19 (width: 16; decimals: 2) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 70 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |79.44a | |

| |Median: |81.10a | |

| |Mode: |82.10a | |

| |Minimum: |62.90a | |

| |Maximum: |90.40a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |6.20a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

| |Note: Percentage of female population, ages 15-64. |

|lifeexpfemale |Female Life Expectancy at Birth |

|Location: |20 (width: 12; decimals: 2) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 70 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |74.96a | |

| |Median: |77.16a | |

| |Mode: |82.60a | |

| |Minimum: |48.41a | |

| |Maximum: |86.39a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |10.00a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

| |Note: Life expectancy in years. |

|lifeexpmale |Male Life Expectancy at Birth |

|Location: |21 (width: 12; decimals: 2) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 70 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |70.30a | |

| |Median: |71.92a | |

| |Mode: |79.50a | |

| |Minimum: |46.80a | |

| |Maximum: |80.10a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |8.95a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

| |Note: Life expectancy in years. |

|litratefemale |Adult Female Literacy Rate |

|Location: |22 (width: 12; decimals: 2) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 44 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |84.16a | |

| |Median: |90.44a | |

| |Mode: |31.36a | |

| |Minimum: |31.36a | |

| |Maximum: |100.00a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |16.79a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

| |Note: Percentage of female population, ages 15-64. |

|litratemale |Adult Male Literacy Rate |

|Location: |23 (width: 12; decimals: 2) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 44 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |90.30a | |

| |Median: |94.71a | |

| |Mode: |53.60a | |

| |Minimum: |53.60a | |

| |Maximum: |100.00a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |10.55a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

| |Note: Percentage of male population, ages 15-64. |

|educspend |Percentage of GDP Spent on Public Education |

|Location: |24 (width: 12; decimals: 2) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 54 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |5.06a | |

| |Median: |5.05a | |

| |Mode: |1.56a | |

| |Minimum: |1.56a | |

| |Maximum: |12.86a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |1.88a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

|unempfemale |Female Unemployment Rate |

|Location: |25 (width: 17; decimals: 2) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 49 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |9.50a | |

| |Median: |8.20a | |

| |Mode: |4.50a | |

| |Minimum: |1.80a | |

| |Maximum: |25.90a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |5.66a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

| |Note: Percentage female labor force. |

|unempmale |Male Unemployment Rate |

|Location: |26 (width: 17; decimals: 2) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 49 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |7.36a | |

| |Median: |6.80a | |

| |Mode: |4.40a | |

| |Minimum: |1.40a | |

| |Maximum: |22.00a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |3.95a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

| |Note: Percentage male labor force. |

|gunownrate |Average Number of Firearms per 100,000 people |

|Location: |27 (width: 12; decimals: 0) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 68 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |12,781a | |

| |Median: |8,050a | |

| |Mode: |600a | |

| |Minimum: |100a | |

| |Maximum: |14,684a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |88,800a | |

|gunmurderpercent |Percentage of Homicides by Firearms |

|Location: |28 (width: 12; decimals: 1) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 52 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |39.8a | |

| |Median: |37.0a | |

| |Mode: |.0a | |

| |Minimum: |.0a | |

| |Maximum: |87.7a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |25.6a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

|gunmurderrate |Firearm Homicide Rate per 100,000 People |

|Location: |29 (width: 12; decimals: 2) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 52 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |6.07a | |

| |Median: |.74a | |

| |Mode: |.26a | |

| |Minimum: |.00a | |

| |Maximum: |68.43a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |12.65a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

|murderratefemale |Female Homicide Rate per 100,000 People |

|Location: |30 (width: 12; decimals: 1) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 70 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |2.5a | |

| |Median: |1.5a | |

| |Mode: |.0a | |

| |Minimum: |.0a | |

| |Maximum: |10.3a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |2.6a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

|murderratemale |Male Homicide Rate per 100,000 People |

|Location: |31 (width: 12; decimals: 1) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 70 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |16.4a | |

| |Median: |5.2a | |

| |Mode: |.0a | |

| |Minimum: |.0a | |

| |Maximum: |131.7a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |24.1a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

|suicideratefemale |Female Suicide Rate per 100,000 People |

|Location: |32 (width: 12; decimals: 1) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 36 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |4.8a | |

| |Median: |4.4a | |

| |Mode: |.0a | |

| |Minimum: |.0a | |

| |Maximum: |22.1a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |4.2a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

|suicideratemale |Male Suicide Rate per 100,000 People |

|Location: |33 (width: 12; decimals: 1) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 36 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |15.4a | |

| |Median: |15.2a | |

| |Mode: |.0a | |

| |Minimum: |.0a | |

| |Maximum: |43.0a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |10.7a | |

|prisonrate |Incarceration Rate per 100,000 People |

|Location: |34 (width: 12; decimals: 0) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 64 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |169a | |

| |Median: |121a | |

| |Mode: |94a | |

| |Minimum: |31a | |

| |Maximum: |743a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |138a | |

|healthexppercap |Percentage of GDP Spent on Health Care per Capita |

|Location: |35 (width: 15; decimals: 2) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 68 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |1,690.16a | |

| |Median: |941.18a | |

| |Mode: |27.25a | |

| |Minimum: |27.25a | |

| |Maximum: |8,361.73a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |1,888.01a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

| |Note: Constant 2005 international dollars |

|healthexpgdp |Percentage of GDP Spent on Health Care |

|Location: |36 (width: 17; decimals: 2) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 68 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |4.62a | |

| |Median: |4.02a | |

| |Mode: |.84a | |

| |Minimum: |.84a | |

| |Maximum: |9.72a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |2.60a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

|defenseexpgfp |Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense |

|Location: |37 (width: 12; decimals: 1) |

|Variable Type: |Numeric |

|Range of Missing Values: |-999 |

| |Value |Label |

| |-999 |Missing |

| |Based upon 64 valid cases out of 70 total cases |

| | | | |

| |Mean: |2.0a | |

| |Median: |1.5a | |

| |Mode: |1.3a | |

| |Minimum: |.0a | |

| |Maximum: |10.1a | |

| |Standard Deviation: |1.6a | |

| |a: Multiple modes exist. Smallest value shown. |

Years Representing Data

Country |Country Population |Infant Mortality Rates |Gross Domestic Product per Capita |Government Religion Regulation Index |Human Development Index Score |Percentage of Seats in Parliament

Held by Women |Percentage of Total Population Living in

Urban Areas | |Afghanistan |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Argentina |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Australia |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Belgium |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Bolivia |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Brazil |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Bulgaria |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Cambodia |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Canada |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Chile |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |China |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Colombia |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Democratic Republic of the Congo |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Costa Rica |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Cuba |2012 |2012 |2010 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Denmark |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Dominican Republic |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Ecuador |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Egypt |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Finland |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |France |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Germany |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Greece |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Haiti |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Honduras |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Iceland |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |India |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Indonesia |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Iran |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Iraq |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Ireland |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Israel |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Italy |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Jamaica |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Japan |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Kazakhstan |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Kenya |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |North Korea |2012 |2012 |2011 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |South Korea |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Lebanon |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Liberia |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Libya |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Luxembourg |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Mexico |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Netherlands |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Nicaragua |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Nigeria |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Norway |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Pakistan |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Panama |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Paraguay |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Peru |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Russia |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Rwanda |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Saudi Arabia |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Sierra Leone |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Singapore |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |South Africa |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Spain |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Sweden |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Switzerland |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Syria |2012 |2012 |2011 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Tunisia |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Turkey |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Ukraine |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |United Kingdom |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |United States |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Venezuela |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Vietnam |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Zimbabwe |2012 |2012 |2012 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Country |Percentage of Population Without Electricity |Adolescent Fertility Rate |Percentage of Population with a Credit Card |Expected Years of Schooling |Gross Domestic Product |Percentage of Population – Internet Users |Labor Force Participation Rate | |Afghanistan |2008 |2011 |2011 |2009 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Argentina |2008 |2011 |2011 |2009 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Australia |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Belgium |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Bolivia |2008 |2011 |2011 |-999 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Brazil |2008 |2011 |2011 |-999 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Bulgaria |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Cambodia |2008 |2011 |2011 |2011 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Canada |2008 |2011 |2011 |-999 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Chile |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |China |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Colombia |2008 |2011 |2011 |2011 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Democratic Republic of the Congo |2008 |2011 |2011 |2009 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Costa Rica |2008 |2011 |2011 |2011 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Cuba |2008 |2011 |2011 |2011 |2008 |2008 |2010 | |Denmark |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Dominican Republic |2008 |2011 |2011 |-999 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Ecuador |2008 |2011 |2011 |2008 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Egypt |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Finland |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |France |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Germany |2008 |2011 |2011 |-999 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Greece |2008 |2011 |2011 |-999 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Haiti |2008 |2011 |2011 |-999 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Honduras |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Iceland |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |India |2008 |2011 |2011 |-999 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Indonesia |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Iran |2008 |2011 |2011 |2011 |2009 |2008 |2010 | |Iraq |2008 |2011 |2011 |-999 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Ireland |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Israel |2008 |2011 |2011 |2009 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Italy |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Jamaica |2008 |2011 |2011 |2009 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Japan |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Kazakhstan |2008 |2011 |2011 |2011 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Kenya |2008 |2011 |2011 |2009 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Korea, North |2008 |2011 |2011 |-999 |-999 |2008 |2010 | |Korea, South |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Lebanon |2008 |2011 |2011 |2011 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Liberia |2008 |2011 |2011 |-999 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Libya |2008 |2011 |2011 |-999 |2009 |2008 |2010 | |Luxembourg |2008 |2011 |2011 |2008 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Mexico |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Netherlands |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Nicaragua |2008 |2011 |2011 |-999 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Nigeria |2008 |2011 |2011 |-999 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Norway |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Pakistan |2008 |2011 |2011 |2011 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Panama |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Paraguay |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Peru |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Russia |2008 |2011 |2011 |2009 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Rwanda |2008 |2011 |2011 |2011 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Saudi Arabia |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Sierra Leone |2008 |2011 |2011 |-999 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Singapore |2008 |2011 |2011 |-999 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |South Africa |2008 |2011 |2011 |-999 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Spain |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Sweden |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Switzerland |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Syria |2008 |2011 |2011 |-999 |2010 |2008 |2010 | |Tunisia |2008 |2011 |2011 |2009 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Turkey |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Ukraine |2008 |2011 |2011 |2011 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |United Kingdom |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |United States |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Venezuela |2008 |2011 |2011 |2008 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Vietnam |2008 |2011 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |Zimbabwe |2008 |2011 |2011 |-999 |2011 |2008 |2010 | |

Country |Life Expectancy at Birth , Male and Female |Literacy Rate |Percentage of GDP Spent on Public Education |Unemployment Rate |Average Number of Firearms per 100,000 People |Percentage of Homicides by Firearm |Homicide by Firearm Rate per 100,000 People | |Afghanistan |2010 |-999 |-999 |-999 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Argentina |2011 |2010 |2009 |-999 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Australia |2010 |-999 |2009 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Belgium |2010 |-999 |2009 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Bolivia |2010 |2009 |-999 |-999 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Brazil |2011 |2009 |2009 |-999 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Bulgaria |2010 |2011 |2009 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Cambodia |2011 |2009 |2010 |2008 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Canada |2010 |-999 |2009 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Chile |2011 |2009 |2010 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |China |2010 |2010 |-999 |-999 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Colombia |2011 |2010 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Democratic Republic of the Congo |2011 |2010 |2010 |-999 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Costa Rica |2011 |2010 |2009 |2009 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Cuba |2011 |2010 |2010 |2008 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Denmark |2010 |-999 |2009 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Dominican Republic |2011 |2010 |-999 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Ecuador |2011 |2010 |2010 |2009 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Egypt |2011 |2010 |2008 |2009 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Finland |2010 |-999 |2009 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |France |2010 |-999 |2009 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Germany |2010 |-999 |2009 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Greece |2010 |2010 |-999 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Haiti |2011 |-999 |-999 |-999 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Honduras |2011 |2010 |-999 |-999 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Iceland |2010 |-999 |2009 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |India |2011 |-999 |2010 |-999 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Indonesia |2011 |2009 |2010 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Iran |2010 |2008 |2010 |2008 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Iraq |2010 |2010 |-999 |-999 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Ireland |2010 |-999 |2009 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Israel |2010 |-999 |2008 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Italy |2010 |2010 |2009 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Jamaica |2010 |2010 |2010 |2009 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Japan |2010 |-999 |2010 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Kazakhstan |2010 |2010 |2009 |2009 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Kenya |2011 |2010 |2010 |-999 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Korea, North |2011 |2008 |-999 |-999 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Korea, South |2010 |-999 |2009 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Lebanon |2011 |-999 |2011 |-999 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Liberia |2011 |2010 |2008 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Libya |2011 |2010 |-999 |-999 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Luxembourg |2010 |-999 |-999 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Mexico |2010 |2010 |2009 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Netherlands |2010 |-999 |2009 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Nicaragua |2011 |-999 |2010 |-999 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Nigeria |2011 |2010 |-999 |-999 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Norway |2010 |-999 |2009 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Pakistan |2010 |2009 |2010 |2008 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Panama |2011 |2010 |2011 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Paraguay |2011 |2010 |2010 |2008 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Peru |2011 |-999 |2011 |2009 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Russia |2010 |2010 |2008 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Rwanda |2011 |2010 |2011 |-999 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Saudi Arabia |2010 |2010 |2008 |2009 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Sierra Leone |2011 |2010 |2011 |-999 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Singapore |2010 |2010 |2011 |2009 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |South Africa |2010 |-999 |2010 |2009 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Spain |2010 |2010 |2009 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Sweden |2010 |-999 |2009 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Switzerland |2010 |-999 |2009 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Syria |2010 |2010 |-999 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Tunisia |2010 |2008 |2008 |-999 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Turkey |2011 |2009 |-999 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Ukraine |2010 |2010 |-999 |2008 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |United Kingdom |2010 |-999 |2009 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |United States |2010 |-999 |2009 |2010 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Venezuela |2010 |2009 |-999 |2009 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Vietnam |2010 |2010 |2008 |-999 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |Zimbabwe |2011 |2010 |2010 |-999 |2011 |2011 |2011 | |

Country |Homicide Rate per 100,000 People |Suicide Rate per 100,000 People |Incarceration Rate per 100,000 People |Percentage of GDP Spent on Health Care per Capita |Percentage of GDP Spent on Health Care |Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense | |Afghanistan |2008 |-999 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Argentina |2009 |2008 |2008 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Australia |2009 |2011 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Belgium |2008 |2009 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Bolivia |2008 |-999 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Brazil |2008 |2008 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Bulgaria |2008 |2010 |2009 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Cambodia |2008 |-999 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Canada |2009 |2009 |2009 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Chile |2008 |-999 |2011 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |China |2008 |-999 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Colombia |2009 |-999 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Democratic Republic of the Congo |2008 |-999 |-999 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Costa Rica |2008 |2009 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Cuba |2008 |2008 |-999 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Denmark |2008 |2009 |2009 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Dominican Republic |2008 |-999 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Ecuador |2008 |2009 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Egypt |2009 |2009 |2009 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Finland |2008 |2010 |2011 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |France |2008 |2010 |2008 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Germany |2009 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Greece |2009 |2010 |2009 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Haiti |2008 |-999 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Honduras |2009 |2011 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Iceland |2008 |2009 |2011 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |India |2009 |2009 |2008 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Indonesia |2008 |-999 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Iran |2008 |-999 |2011 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Iraq |2008 |-999 |2009 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Ireland |2008 |2010 |2011 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Israel |2008 |-999 |2009 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Italy |2008 |2010 |2011 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Jamaica |2010 |-999 |-999 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Japan |2009 |2009 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Kazakhstan |2008 |2008 |2011 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Kenya |2008 |-999 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |North Korea |2008 |-999 |-999 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |South Korea |2008 |2009 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Lebanon |2008 |-999 |2009 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Liberia |2008 |-999 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Libya |2008 |-999 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Luxembourg |2008 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Mexico |2008 |2008 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Netherlands |2009 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Nicaragua |2008 |-999 |2008 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Nigeria |2008 |-999 |2011 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Norway |2009 |2010 |2011 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Pakistan |2008 |2012 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Panama |2009 |2008 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Paraguay |2008 |2008 |2009 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Peru |2008 |-999 |2011 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Russia |2008 |-999 |2011 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Rwanda |2008 |-999 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Saudi Arabia |2008 |-999 |2009 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Sierra Leone |2008 |-999 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Singapore |2008 |2011 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |South Africa |2008 |-999 |2011 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Spain |2009 |2010 |2011 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Sweden |2008 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Switzerland |2008 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Syria |2008 |-999 |-999 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Tunisia |2008 |-999 |2011 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Turkey |2008 |-999 |2011 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Ukraine |2008 |2009 |2011 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |United Kingdom |2009 |2010 |2011 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |United States |2010 |-999 |2009 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Venezuela |2008 |-999 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Vietnam |2008 |-999 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |Zimbabwe |2008 |-999 |2010 |2010 |2010 |2010 | |


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