Word Within a Word

Word Within the Word

Stems List 3

Do you know these words?

|Stem |Definition |Examples |

|homo |same |homonym, homophone |

|spec |look |respect, spectacles, specious |

|duct |lead |conduct, reduction, deduct, aqueduct |

|fer |carry |ferry, inference, refer |

|pend |hang |pending, pendant |

|micro |small |microscopic, microphone |

|hydro |water |hydroplane, dehydrate |

|photo |light |photograph, photosynthesis |

|pan |all |panorama, pantheon |

|penta |five |pentagon, pentathlon |

|tele |far |telepathy, telescope |

|vid |look |video, provide, evidence |

|omni |all |omnipotent, omnivorous, omnipresent, omniscient |

|ex |out |excise, exit, eccentric, excerpt |

|poly |many |polygon, polyphony |

|re |again |review, retouch, return |

|hypo |under |hypodermic, hypocrite, hypothermia |

|pseudo |false |pseudonym, pseudoscience |

|neuro |nerve |neuron, neurology |

|tomy |cut |appendectomy, anatomy |

|hema |blood |hematology, hematic |

|proto |first |protoplasm, prototype |

|phon |sound |symphony, telephone, cacophony |

|mono |one |monotonous, monocle |

|viv |life |vivid, vivisection, revive |


HW 1: Context Clues. Using your knowledge of stems, select the word that best fits in the blank. Write the letter in the margin. Do not use a dictionary for this section!!!

___1. Scientists thought the disease only affected a small area; however, it soon appeared to be a(n) _________________________ disease that had spread all over the world.

a. pandemic b. hydrogerm c. specious d. microscopic

____2. Kelly and Cindy made ____________________ of themselves at the school dance. Everyone was watching their ridiculous behavior as they shouted and danced foolishly.

a. microphones b. pantheons c. spectacles d. homonyms

___3. Her argument held ____________________ reasoning even though some of what she said looked attractive at first.

a. specious b. coniferous c. monotonous d. vivacious

___4. He was the first to imagine a talking garbage can when he made a _______________ that said “Thank You” when garbage was placed in it.

a. ferry b. pendant c. homophone d. prototype

____5. The blissful silence was suddenly ended by the loud _________________ of the falling pots and pans.

a. prospectus b. pantheism c. hypobang d. cacophony

____6. She was a ______________ person, living the good life by feasting and celebrating together with friends.

a. pendulous b. convivial c. polygamist d. monocular


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