St Stephen’s Junior School

St Stephen’s Junior School

Literacy Unit Plan

Date 14th April 2008

Year/Class YEAR 5

|Final Unit Outcome To plan, perform and evaluate a choral performance of a poem |

|To use structure of poems read to write extensions or additional verses based on these |

|Week |Day |Shared Reading & Writing |Word & Sentence Work |Independent & Guided Work |Plenary |

|Objectives |Monday |W6 To know to be able to distinguish between homophones|W6 To know to be able to distinguish |W6 To know to be able to distinguish |W6 To know to be able to distinguish |

| | | |between homophones |between homophones |between homophones |

| | | | | | |

| | |HOMOPHONE – words with same sound but different | | | |

| | |spelling |As a class invite the children to write |Extension – To write a poem based on the| |

| | | |similar sentences to the ones in the |Sought it Out using a variety of |Focus on there/their |

| | |HOMONYM - same spelling, different meaning |poems, following the same pattern. |homophones/homographs | |

| | | | | |Where/were/were |

| | | |The bat grabbed the bat and batted the |CORE – Hayden Richards p 16/47 | |

| | |Text: Sought it out! Pie Corbett |ball. |Same Sound Different Meaning |Use Activote pods to vote for the |

| | |(Jumpstart Literacy p14) | | |correct homophone. |

| | | |His socks didn’t match at the football | | |

| | |Read through the poem and decide which are homophones |match. |SEN – Write the correct homophone in |USE AV games on IWB. |

| | |are being used and highlight. | |the sentences. | |

| | | |The hair had spikey hair. | | |


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| |Tuesday |I can explore the effects of the choice of vocabulary in the text | | |

| | | |I can explore the effects of the choice | |

| | |I can identify techniques the writer uses to create tension |of vocabulary in the text | |

| | | | | |

| | |Text: The Visitor (BBC TAPE) |I can identify techniques the writer | |

| | | |uses to create tension | |

| | |Read the poem aloud to them and ask them to identify what type of poem it is. Agree that it is a | | |

| | |narrative poem. | | |

| | | |I can identify the structure of a | |

| | |Read the poem again, this time pausing on key words and phrases, for example gouged out grave and|narrative poem | |

| | |bone. Discuss with the children the kinds of images or pictures that come into their heads. | | |

| | |Clarify that each individual’s images will be different. Encourage the children to talk to each |Explain to the children that they are | |

| | |other about the pictures they get in their heads. |going to identify how the poem has been | |

| | | |put together – its structure. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Provide them with copies of the text | |

| | | |and, in pairs, ask them to identify | |

| | | |setting, character, problem (link to | |

| | | |narrative) and also any aspects of | |

| | | |poetry they can see, such as rhyme, | |

| | | |repetition, simile, metaphor, | |

| | | |organisation of verses and so on. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Children to complete a sheet mapping put| |

| | | |the “story structure” of the Visitor | |

| | | |Worksheet: Story Structure: The Visitor| |

| | | | | |

| | | |The complete a sheet on techniques used | |

| | | |by the poet. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |The Visitor: Analysis | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |SEN – with TA support | |

| | | | | |

|Key Vocab |Wednesday |I can perform a poem in a variety of ways |I can perform a poem in a variety of |I can listen to and evaluate others’ |

| | | |ways |performances of poems |

| | |I can plan and manage group tasks over time | | |

| | | |I can plan and manage group tasks over | |

| | | |time |Using evaluation sheet children to |

| | |Text: The Visitor | |comment on others and own performances |

| | | |I can listen to and evaluate others’ |using the marking ladder/ evaluation |

| | | |performances of poems |cards. |

| | | | | |

| | |Explain that the children are going to get to know the poem better by finding ways to perform it.| |I can |

| | |Discuss how they would divide up the poem to show the different voices and what sound effects |Independent work and Speaking and |perform a poem as part of a group |

| | |they could use to create some of the atmosphere. |listening |improve a performance |

| | | |Divide the children into groups of four.|evaluate a performance |

| | |Sound effects: musical instruments, voices, sounds etc | | |

| | | |Encourage them to look through the text | |

| | |Narrator |for all the clues that tell them how the| |

| | |Ghost |voices should sound and get them to text| |

| | |William |mark them so parts are identified. | |

| | |William’s wife |Allow 10–15 minutes for rehearsal and | |

| | | |refining of performances. | |

| | |Success Criteria: |Remind the children that in a group | |

| | | |situation they will need to collaborate,| |

| | |clear voice |discuss and agree together on decisions | |

| | |expression suited words’ meaning |taken. Invite groups to perform their | |

| | |good balance of voices |oral versions. | |

| | |correct rhythm |Discuss with the class how they created | |

| | |volume |the tension and what clues they used | |

| | |right speed |from the text. | |

| | |variety in the delivery | | |

| | |background effects/sound effects | | |

| | | |Listen to groups perform The Visitor | |

| | | | | |

| | |Give highlighters so that children can highlight different parts. |(RECORD USING DIGI BLUE OR SOUND | |

| | | |RECORDER) ICT | |

|Resources |Thursday |To understand the differences between literal and figurative language |To write own figurative poem based on a |To write own figurative poem based on a |

| | | |known model |known model |

|TEXTS: The Highwayman | |Text: Fog (2 poems) | | |

|The Listeners | | |Children to write own figurative poem | |

|The Visitor | |Read through the poem and discuss the human features which the fog is likened to: |based on a known model. |Read out some of children’s poems aloud.|


|BBC Tape | | | | |

|Digi Blue | |FIGUARATIVE LANGUAGE: use of metaphor and simile to create a particular mood or impression. | |2 good things and 1 thing to improve |

| | | |LA – |one. |

| | |Discuss the poets use of figurative language in the poem to create an effect. |Writing frame to help with writing. | |

| | | | | |

| | |Explain to children they will write their own figurative poem using the fog as a basis. | |Use marking ladder to peer mark or |

| | | | |self-assess. |

| | |Use Unit 12 Footprints on page as a basis for poem. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Cross-curricular Links|Friday |To read a range of narrative poems |To use structure of a poem to write own | |

| | | |version |Children to read own versions of their |

| | |Text: The Listeners | |poems. |

| | | |Children to write their own version of | |

| | |Read through poem and discuss theme of the poem. |The Listeners substituting own words and| |

| | | |ideas. | |

| | |Discuss any difficult words: | | |

| | | | | |

| | |In pairs children to find examples of: |LA/SEN – Use a writing frame with word | |

| | | |bank for support. | |

| | |alliteration | | |

| | |adjectives/verbs which build up a spooky atmosphere | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Brainstorm other synonyms for some words in the poem to create a ghostly atmosphere using | | |

| | |thesauruses. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Refer back to yesterday’s poems on Fog for ideas. | | |

| | | | | |

| |Monday |To know what metaphors and similes are |To write own metaphors |To write own metaphors |To know what metaphors and similes are |

| | | | |To use the structures of poems read to | |

| | |Text: Extract from the Highwayman |To consider the ways that |write extensions based on these |Children to identify which are metaphors|

| | | |visualisation helps to gain a deeper | |and similes. |

| | |Read Verses 1-3 from Highwayman. |understanding of a description of a |Using PCM 3 | |

| | |Discuss any unfamiliar words in the poem. |setting | |If time practise changing metaphors to |

| | | | |Children to write own metaphors based on|similes. |

| | |Talk about alliteration – ghostly galleon. etc |Explain to children that they will be|Verse 1 of the poem. | |

| | | |making their own metaphors up to | | |

| | |Discuss how these descriptions are not meant literally, but|describe the setting of the | | |

| | |are figurative language: using metaphor and simile to |Highwayman. |SEN – using a picture write some | |

| | |create mood/atmosphere. | |sentences describing the setting. | |

| | | |Using whiteboards children practise | | |

| | |What kind of setting is the poet trying to build up? |writing metaphors based on Verse 1 of|Or to draw a picture of what they see in| |

| | |What picture do the children see in their heads? |the Highwayman. |their heads after re-reading the first | |

| | | | |verse. | |

| | | |The wind was a …. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |The moon was a ….. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |The road was a …… | | |

| | | | | | |


| |Tuesday |To read a range of narrative poems |To investigate the meaning of |To deduce information about a character | |

| | | |unfamiliar words |from a visual text | |

| | |Text: Highwayman | | |Talk about what a Highwayman was, refer |

| | | | |To deduce information about a character |back to Robin Hood and talk about |

| | | |Children to work in pairs and |from a description |similarities – highwaymen concentrated |

| | |This narrative poem, written in 1913, tells a tragic tale |highlight unfamiliar words/phrases in| |on rich, became popular heroes – use web|

| | |of love, jealousy and bravery. |the poem. |To offer opinions and provide evidence |link for further information |

| | | | |to support them | |

| | |Introduce chn to The Highwayman, explain that it is a poem | | | |

| | |that tells the story involving a highwayman. They will | |In threes, chn to have own copy of |Talk about the other characters in the |

| | |need to listen carefully as the poem is read, as it uses a | |illustration and to put down as many |poem: |

| | |lot of ‘old-fashioned’ language. Read the poem to the | |ideas as they can – chn to back up with |Bess, Ostler, King George’s men. |

| | |class and then chn talk with partner about what they have | |evidence from poem. | |

| | |found out about the story. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Make notes on board about character and story. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Wednesday |To identify key events in a story | | To identify key events in a story |I can |

| | | | | |identify key events in a story |

| | | | |chn to storyboard key events from poem –|sequence the key events correctly |

| | |A Re-cap over story of poem. Use Animated version of | |using notes made on own copies | |

| | |story – pausing for chn to annotate notes on own copy of | | | |

| | |main points as they go through each verse | | | |

| |Thursday | | To think from a character’s | to think from a character’s viewpoint |I can |

| | |to think from a character’s viewpoint |viewpoint | |explore characters’ feelings |

| | | | | |voice those feelings |

| | | | |model hotseating as a character |think about the reasons behind |

| | |discuss yesterday’s activity and what chn thought about the|A model hotseating as a character |yourself, then get chn to come and |characters’ actions |

| | |different characters’ feelings at that point in the story. |yourself, then get chn to come and |hotseat as different characters – others| |

| | |Chn to work with partners and think about what they might |hotseat as different characters – |ask questions written earlier | |

| | |ask Bess,Tim or the Highwayman, and how this character |others ask questions written earlier | | |

| | |might reply about what happened and why they behaved as | | | |

| | |they did – chn to scribe questions on wbds to use during | | | |

| | |main session | | | |

| |Friday |To experiment with writing in the form of a narrative poem |To experiment with writing in the |To experiment with writing in the form |I can |

| | | |form of a narrative poem |of a narrative poem |write my own verse for a narrative poem |

| | |A introduce the idea of writing an additional verse to the| | |follow the structure of a poem |

| | |poem, the ghosts of Bess and the highwayman. Mindmap ideas|Chn to write own lines for an | |use my own ideas |

| | |of what could happen in the next verse of the poem. Start |additional verse of the poem – remind|Read last verse of original poem – then |use appropriate vocabulary |

| | |the verse with a line from the poem – Over the cobbles he |chn to use their own ideas but they |choose children to read their verse | |

| | |clattered – chn to work with a partner and write next line |need to keep to the structure of the | | |

| | |on a whiteboard. Encourage chn to use own ideas, but to |poem | | |

| | |keep to the style and rhythm of the original | | | |

| | | |Swap with a partner, they make | | |

| | | |comments, then swap back and see if | | |

| | | |you can improve in light of comments | | |

| | | |made. | | |


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