Spelling and vocabulary:Vocabulary or lexicon is the ...

Spelling and vocabulary:Vocabulary or lexicon is the knowledge of words and the meaning of them (Hill, 2012), while “ The major purpose of learning to spell proficiently is to enable the writer to write her/his meaning as clearly as possible and to enable the reader to read as easily and understand what is written” (Consultative draft, 2012, p. 5). Accurate spelling may rely even more than reading on complete or higher quality lexical representation (Perfetti, 1997 cited by Ouellette, 2010) which indicates that spelling and vocabulary are intertwined.As cited by Hill, (2012), Pearson, Hiebert & Kamil (2007) said that we understand more vocabularies through listening than what we use in writing and reading. Pacheo & Goodwin (2013), also cited the Carnegie Council for Advancing Adolescent Literacy (2010) for noting that the challenges many middle school students face when encountering grade-level texts stems in part from increased word complexity. This goes in line with the findings of Nagy and Anderson (1984) which emphasized that sixty to eighty percent of words within middle school texts are morphologically complex.Students at level 6 are expected to understand how to use words, word origins, base words, suffixes and prefixes, morphemes, spelling patterns and generalizations to learn and spell new words including technical words and words adopted from other languages. (ACARA, English Scope and Sequence: Year 6, 2012).?It is the duty and responsibility of a teacher to try and simplify these complexities using different methods and strategies with the help of digital technology to assist students alleviate their problem and find ways so that students learn with understanding.As a result of digital technology both the amount of information and access we get in teaching and learning has grown exponentially. There is now a great potential for using different types of resources in many different ways for teaching and learning at home, at school or anywhere else. Alvin Toffler (1993),? cited by? Hill J. R, & Hannafin, M. J. (2001, p. 37) predicted that individuals would have more information at their desktop than was available during an entire lifetime at the turn of the 20th century; this prediction may prove conservative.For the purpose of these lessons on "Spelling and Vocabulary" at year 6 level I will be using the cite:? Information:Digital resources are very much accessible and user friendly as far as information in relation to subject matter is concerned. However just like any other part of the lesson identifying and using the appropriate information or content depends on the teacher. This may be easier for a teacher with experience but difficult to a pre-service teacher like myself. Therefore as mentioned earlier it is important to refer to ACARA: ? AusVELs: articulate what content or information is requires as per the curriculum. The resources used in this lesson would be based on inquiry which is in support of the theories of Dewey (1994 as cited by Hill (2012). According to Hill, Dewey took the process of inquiry as the way by which we attain knowledge.??The lesson also will be based on the social constructivist views of Piaget, Vygotsky’s and Dewey (Hill, 2012), ?which is inquiry based and important for students at all levels including middle school to construct knowledge through asking questions and actively seeking answers .?What can we use as a diagnostic assessment:To start with going back to year 5 and asking students to complete worksheets based questions from some lessons which are comprehensive and give you the Pre-service teacher a good idea of their prior knowledge.Per or Diagnostic testingAn example of diagnostic assessment worksheet?Lessons on Spelling & Vocabulary:The teaching of spelling and vocabulary go side by side and teaching them effectively ?requires the creation of a well organised lesson plan. A good lesson plan determines the success or failure of a lesson.Digital resources such as vocabulary spelling are very important in teaching students both spelling and vocabulary and assisting them in learning the lesson required faster in particular when when they include a variety of content supporting interactive games which contribute toa better student teacher communication.Grade 6 students are middle school students and their writings rely on vocabulary and comprehension. At this stage parents can help their children by having them practice their vocabulary skills using online digital resources i.e. closer ?communication between parents and teachers could be to the benefit of the student.Click at the right end of the following address? can learn both spelling and vocabulary ?at the same time using touch buttons and switching from one to the other.?Phonics help students to improve spelling, vocabulary and writing skills.?Click at the right end of the following address and? Root WordsA root word is a full-fledged word in and of itself. ?For example, the word "port" is the root word export and portable.Learning the roots of words is vital in a child's education to help in spelling and comprehension skills. teaching root, prefixes and suffixes is closely linked with teaching word origins including teaching Greek and Latin words.?Understanding root words is useful especially to ESL students in terms of word recognition and phrase comprehension.Click at the right end of the following address? the help of digital resources children can learn syllables / Segmenting while having fun under the guidance of their teachers.Click at the right end of the website and proceed??? only can one use the practical aspects of this resource inquiry based one can also look at the theoretical aspects and apply them during teaching.The Syllable Patterns Video Lesson details the most common patterns found in segmenting words and gives an example of each. Patterns include:1. Always divide after the prefix.?pre|view2. Always divide before the suffix.?mo|tion3. When one or more consonants are followed by "le", count back three and divide.?ta|ble(Note: This rule does NOT apply to works that end in "ckle" (like "pickle")).4. When there are two consonants in the middle, you should divide the word between the consonants, unless they blend into one sound, such as "ph" or "ch".?rab|bitWhen one consonant appears between two vowels, it will most likely be in the same syllable as the second vowel.?si|lent6. Divide between compound words.?sun|rise7. Divide before a single middle consonant when the vowel sound before it is long.?o|pen8. Divide after the middle consonant when the vowel sound before it is short.?hab|it9. Divide between two vowels that don't blend to make one sound.?be|ingHomophones:Homophones are words that are pronounced the same but differ in spellings and meanings, such as?to?and?too. Children enjoy both homophone games and dictionaries on line. The are more than adequate resources for teachers too for creating worksheets, and classroom activities.Online homophone games are also beneficial to ESL (English as a second language) students as they help the students to to differentiate words sound the same but have different meanings.Click at the right end of the web address and proceed.? alike wordsHomonyms?(multiple meaning words): are words with the same spelling and pronunciation but have different ?meanings.For example: Bear-the animal and bear -to tolerate.Click at the right end of the web address and proceed?(also known as heterophones or?homographs):are words which are spelled ?the same but with different pronunciations and meanings.Click on the right end of the site.? this website students can learn, test themselves and printout results for the teacher to mark or review.Homographs?(also known as Heteronyms,or Heterophones): have the same spelling, different pronunciation and different meaningsFor example:Wind:?I need to?wind?the alarm clock so I can fly my kite on in the early morning gusty?wind.Record:?Please?record?the program when they try to beat the world?record?for word nerdiness.Excuse:?Please?excuse?this poor?excuse?for art.Bow:?He took a?bow?after shooting my?bow?and arrow in the archery tournament.Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK):It is not enough for teachers have to a good knowledge of subject matter and general teaching knowledge (Shulman, 1986b) to be good teachers. He suggested that content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge need to blend to make teaching more meaningful for student learning. ?It is important for teachers to have well developed pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) so that they know how and why teaching activities work to promote student learning a particular idea or concept.PCK develops through teaching experience. However it is also beneficial to pay attention to the tips and guidelines which are suggested by experienced teachers and educators to assist a pre-service teachers in his/ her endeavor.?Below is a table which I believe a pre-service teacher may find helpful.JerryCapitonyms:?is a word which's meaning changes based on whether or not it is capitalized.For example: China (the country) and china (as in porcelain).In a diverse classroom the mixture may include SLD (Specific Learning Disability), ?ESL, ADHD, ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), ESE (Exceptional Student Education), and other varieties it is very important to use versatile and varying learning methods and multi-sensory learning techniques to offer students different learning experiences. Using digital technology, for example, in learning spelling and vocabulary students can see and hear each what is being said. Digital resources make it easy to adapt lessons to fit the particular needs of ?diverse students. By doing so it helps to maintain an integrated classroom pace which neither overwhelms some and bores others.? ................

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