Saturday, OCTOBER 25, 2008

TWO Motorcycle Resort, Suches, USA [Georgia]

1:30PM Eastern Standard Time


150 rider limit

We are pleased to announce that all went well with our silver anniversary event and the decision to have the 26th True Grits 50cc Fun Run is official. This semi cherished event is dependent on the cool heads of the participants in our annual quest for fun. In addition the promoter did not have a life changing event that was a threat to future Grits. Note this event is not a race.

Last year we started the Saturday afternoon running of the Grits with good results. Many of the local bubbas were home watching dawgs [sic] playing football and were wondering at loud if they the cheer ‘how bout them dawgs’ was referring to the football players or the cheerleaders. Our guess there was somewhat less traffic for the 50cc riders to contend with during the fun run. On top of that the light in the afternoon was better on dryer roads.

Our schedule for event festivities will remain as last year. Sign in will start early Saturday morning until 1pm. Our riders meeting will be at 1:10 followed by the downtown metro parade and the start of the Grits at 1:30. We will make every attempt to have trophy presentation by 5pm. Our start and finish location continues to be at TWO motorcycle resort. For more information on camping and lodging give them a call at 706-747-5151.

The 100k course for 2008 may have a little change. We will use the same basic route but may run part of the course in a different direction. Gas is available along with local law enforcement in the event you have an error in judgment on how to properly operate your street motorcycle on a public highway. The local area has seen its share of ‘stupid bikers’ keeping the local law on their toes for obvious violations. We do not want to wear our welcome to the fabulous north Georgia mountains. Our scoring method is some what secret but we measure riders on their time between checkpoints at the start, finish and on the route of the course. The times are an average under the posted limit and are reset at each check for every rider.

2008 is an important election year. Yes I think it is important as elections do affect the motorcycle world in which I live. We are seeing plenty of off road riding area being closed to off road riding and the threat of universal health care rationing on the horizon.

Universal health care rationing could be a huge threat to motorcycling as we know it today. Face the facts the stats are not in our favor when it comes to injury and worse when compared to other forms of transportation.

I think it is wonderful that we can still express our political opinion most anytime and anywhere unless it conflicts with the worthless campaign finance reform act.

Here is a little test as we face an ever increasing ‘progressive agenda’ from our friends on the left side of the isle. If you are interested in the answers, feel free to contact me via e-mail and I would be happy to send you the answers with some additional data like when it was said. Here it goes. Who said the following:

1) "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

A. Karl Marx

B. Adolph Hitler

C. Joseph Stalin

D. None of the above

2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few...and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity."

A. Lenin

B. Mussolini

C. Idi Amin

D. None of the Above

3) "(We)...can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people."

A. Nikita Khrushev

B. Jose f Goebbels

C. Boris Yeltsin

D. None of the above

4) "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own...in order to create this common ground."

A. Mao Tse Dung

B. Hugo Chavez

C. Kim Jong Il

D. None of the above

5) "I certainly think the free-market has failed."

A. Karl Marx

B. Lenin

C. Molotov

D. None of the above

6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched."

A. Pinochet

B. Milosevic

C. Saddam Hussein

D. None of the above

We will continue to donate a portion of the entry fee and additional funds donated to some folks who have been an asset to the motorcycle community in the Suches area. Last year the total donated was over $3400 from our famous cookie sale. Thanks to all who put a little extra on their entry form.

Our costs for the event have gone up in the past few years. We will hold the entry to the same level as last year with one little change. If you choose to entry after October 1, we are going to shake you down for an additional $5.00 late fee. In addition we will stick to the original plan of a limit of 150 riders.

Questions are welcome. You can email me at ben4072003@ or give me a call at 770-329-3259. Our unofficial web site is and look for the 50cc icon.

I am also involved with a wonderful organization the Dream House for Medically Fragile children. F.A.R.T. is the promoter of record for the May 4th family off road fun ride at Aonia Motorcycle park and the Dream House 500 on October 4th. The Dream House 500 is a 500km road event and a dual sport event in the north Georgia mountains. More information can be found at , and . I would love to see you at one of these fine events for a wonderful community service in the Atlanta area.

Finally, I would like to take the opportunity to thank a few of the folks that have been an asset to the Grits. The staff and management of TWO motorcycle resort

Web master Jeff Champion at

Tommy Greenway of Speciality engraving 770-448-3386

Chester Graham of GoPro Ltd. 770-446-7777

Sam Shaw of Dream House motorcycle fund raising

Josh Williams professional scoring and time keeping

Several volunteers who help make this event happen

Special thanks to noted motorcycle artist Jeff Gundlach

Plus Rick ‘Wolf’ Houge, Scot Tway, Butch Lieder who generously support our friends in Suches.



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