


CHENNAI - 600113


No.NBA /3/169/Genl/13-14/01 Dated: 15/04/2013

The National Biodiversity Authority (NBA), Chennai, a statutory and autonomous body established under the Biological Diversity Act, 2002, intends to hire various types of vehicles on rate contract basis for contingency requirements/trip basis.

The terms and conditions of the contract are mentioned in the tender. The firms/contractors who wish to apply are requested to ensure that their organization fulfil all the terms and conditions mentioned in the tender before sending their proposals.

NBA reserves the right to modify, expand, restrict, scrap, refloat or cancel the tender process at any stage without assigning any reasons whatsoever and in such case no Tour & Taxi Operators / Travel Agencies shall have any claim arising out of such action by NBA.

Responses received after the stipulated time period or not in accordance with the specified format will be summarily rejected. Delivery of the responses along with documents at the prescribed address will be the sole responsibility of the responding agency.

Interested agencies may fill in the tender forms and send in two separate covers – First cover superscribed as “Technical bid – Envelope A” containing Annexure III, IV and other supporting documents and second cover superscribed as “Financial bid – Envelope B” containing Annexure V. Both Envelopes A and B will be put in another/ Big cover along with EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT and should be superscribed as “Open Tender for Hiring of Vehicles for office use on contingency/trip basis” and addressed to the Secretary, National Biodiversity Authority, 5th Floor, Ticel BioPark, CSIR Road, Taramani, Chennai – 600 113.

Sealed Tenders must be put in the Tender Box placed in the Receipts and Despatch Section in the Office of NBA at the address specified above not later than 3.00 PM (GMT) on 30th April 2013. Tender box will be placed in the Office of NBA from 22nd April 2013 10.30 A.M. to 30th April 2013 3.00 P.M (during office working hours). Tenders sent by Post / Courier / Email shall stand rejected. The last date/time for the receipt of tender document shall be 30th April 2013 3.00 PM. The tenders will be opened at 4.00 PM on 30th April 2013 at NBA Office at the address mentioned above. Further, opening of Technical Bids will be done in the presence of Tenderers who wish to be present on the same day. But, the opening of financial bids will be done at a later date. In case 30th April 2013 is declared as a holiday, then the tender will be opened at the same time / place on the next working day.


Administrative Officer

National Biodiversity Authority

Chennai – 600 113.



1. NBA intends to hire VARIOUS TYPES OF VECHICLES ON Rate Contract for Hiring of Taxis on Contingency/Trip Basis

2. (a) The Travel Agency shall be working 24 x 7 basis throughout the year.

(b) The contractor/travel agency shall give quotations in Annexure V for the following categories

of vehicles on monthly payment basis.

3. Normal requirement of vehicles may be up to 2 vehicles per day. However the contractor shall be prepared to supply additional vehicles upto 20 Nos., at short notice during peak requirement. On few special occasions such as parliamentary delegation/Conferences etc., the requirement may be up to 30 vehicles for which advance information would be given and the contractor shall be prepared to supply the vehicles. The Travel Agency shall be working 24 x 7 basis throughout the year.

4. (a) The contractor/travel agency shall give quotations in Annexure V for the following categories of vehicles for Contingency / Trip Basis. (a) The weightage for each category of vehicle is also given below.

|S. N |Type of Vehicles |Weightage |

| | |% |

|01 |Tata Indica - diesel (Non A/C) |20 |

|02 |Tata Indica – diesel (A/C) |45 |

|03 |Tavera – Chevrolet / Xylo – Mahindra – diesel (non-AC) |3 |

|04 |Tavera – Chevrolet / Xylo – Mahindra – diesel (AC) |6 |

|05 |Tata Indigo/Mahindra Verito/Maruti-Swift-DZIRE–diesel (AC) |4 |

|06 |Chevrolet Aveo / Honda City / Ford Fiesta / Maruti - SX4/ Hyundai / Mahindra Verito Verna - |5 |

| |Petrol (AC) | |

|07 |Toyota Innova - Diesel vehicle (AC) |12 |

|08 |Toyota Corolla – Petrol (AC) |2 |

|09 |Tempo Traveler - diesel (Non A/C) |2 |

|10 |Tempo Traveler - diesel (A/C) |1 |

(b) Bidders are required to bid by quoting their Best rates for different types of vehicles for all the slabs (5 Hrs / 50KMs & 10 hrs/100 KMs), Extra running KM, Extra hour rate and Driver batta in the Financial Bid Format (Annexure-V) enclosed. The evaluation criteria to decide the relative position of Bidders shall be based on the weightage tables given in 4 (a) as given in Annexure I for Contingency / Trip basis. Bidders are required to quote for all the types of vehicles for all slabs, including rates for extra hour, extra KM, driver batta compulsorily, failing which they will lose their weightage in evaluation of bids.

5. The financial bid of those tenderers who qualify in the technical bid will be opened and the L1 party shall be offered lowest picked up rates for acceptance.

6. NBA reserves the right to hire taxis from any outside travel agency in case of necessity other than the successful tenderer.

7. The charges quoted in the tender shall be inclusive of all overhead charges like fuel, taxes, Comprehensive Insurance, Payment to staff, vehicle maintenance, overhead etc., but shall not include Service Tax. Notwithstanding the quote/bid, the base rate of fuel (regular petrol & regular diesel) will be one prevailing on the date of Technical Bid opening.

8. All the rates should be quoted in figure and also in words in Financial Bid Annexure - V. Any overwriting / Correction should be attested by the Bidder. In case, the rate quoted in figures differ from those quoted in words, the lower of the rates will be taken as the tendered rate and shall be binding on the tenderer(s).

9. All the offers received will be scrutinized and only technically qualified offers will be considered for Financial Bid opening. Technically unqualified offers will be rejected.

10. The estimated cost of the tender is Rs.7,00,000/- (Rupees Seven Lakhs only) per annum

11. All tenders shall remain valid for acceptance for a minimum period of 90 (ninety) days from date of Technical Bid opening.

12. All entries in the tender documents should be neatly written in ink or typed. Erasing and/or overwriting are not permitted. Bidder should attest the correction and insertions, if any, by putting his signature thereon.

13. The name, full address and phone numbers of the Tour & Taxi Operators/Travel Agencies should be furnished at appropriate places in the tender documents. In case of a partnership firm, the name and address of all the partners with a certified copy of the partnership deed shall be furnished along with the tender. All partners have to sign the tender documents unless the power of attorney has been given to any partner. In such case, copy of the power of attorney duly attested by a Gazetted officer must be attached with the tender. In case of Limited Companies, duly authorized representative shall only sign the bid and in case of proprietorship, proprietor shall himself sign the bid document, for proper validation.

14. The starting / closing kilometre of every trip should commence / end from / at NBA office (Taramani) / other location/s as specified by the Office of NBA time to time.

TENDER IS LIABLE TO BE IGNORED IF COMPLETE INFORMATION IS NOT PROVIDED AS REQUIRED. The person signing the proposal or any documents forming part of the proposal on behalf of another or on behalf of an agency shall be responsible to produce authority letter duly executed in his favour, stating that he has the authority to bind such other person or the agency as the case may be, in all matters pertaining to the contract. If the person so signing the tender fails to produce the said authority letter, his proposal shall be liable to summary rejection without prejudice to any other right of NBA under the law. The proposal shall be filled in by the agency neatly and accurately. Any corrections or overwriting would render the proposal invalid. Conditional offers/ offers which are not in conformity to the prescribed document will be summarily rejected. The proposal should be duly signed on every page including annexures.



The following minimum criteria should be fulfilled for qualifying in Technical bid:

1. The bidder should be a reputed firm / travel agency, preferably having experience in providing travel services for Central Govt. Ministries/ Departments/ Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous bodies/ Statutory bodies of Government of India / State Government Departments etc. (Copy of Completion certificate indicating the value of the work or copy of Work Order / Purchase Order indicating value of work along with certificate of satisfactory services from the previous employer should be enclosed). If the bidders have provided/providing services to NBA, their performance during the contract will be taken into account while evaluating their technical capability.

2. The Bidder must be a registered Tour & Taxi Operator / Travel Agency. COPY OF REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE SHALL BE ENCLOSED.

3. The Bidder should have regular establishment / office at Chennai. (DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE OF REGISTRATION TO BE ENCLOSED) The office shall have telephone and E-mail facilities for accepting booking of taxis.

4. The Bidder should be having minimum three vehicles registered under Taxi permit in their name/firms name. (COPIES TO BE ENCLOSED).

5. The Bidder should have

i. ) PAN/TAN number as per Income Tax Act

ii) Se rvice tax registration number as per Service Tax Act.

iii) A valid Provident Fund registration with Regional PF commissioner and ESI registration iv) Valid labour contract licence


6) The average annual financial turnover of the Bidder during the last three years ending 31st March ie. (2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13) shall be Rs.5 lakhs (COPIES OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CERTIFIED BY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT OR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF INCOME TAX RETURNS FILED FOR THE YEARS 2010-11,2011-12 and 2012-13 SHALL BE ENCLOSED ).

7) The firm/agency/bidder should not have been blacklisted or debarred by any Government Organization/PSU etc. The firm/agency may furnish an undertaking to this effect on its letter head duly signed by authorized person of the firm/agency.

8) The bidder shall furnish Earnest Money deposit (EMD) in favour of “National Biodiversity Authority” issued by any Nationalized Bank or by State Bank of India or its subsidiaries for an amount of Rs. 35,000 (Rupees Thirty Five Thousand only)

Pl. Note: Consortium bidding to fulfill the eligibility criteria of this tender shall not be allowed at any stage.


The following are the terms and conditions that will be applicable to the contract between NBA and the successful bidder.

1. The taxis supplied should not be owned by NBA Employees and their dependants.

2. If the successful bidder (who will be referred as “contractor” thereafter) fails to deploy the vehicle after issuance of the Work Order in his favor, NBA may forfeit the earnest money so deposited by him, terminate the contract and also initiate action to blacklist / ban future business dealings with such party.

3. The contractor should be in a position to supply taxis within 30 minutes of booking in urgent/emergency cases and should agree for such supply in urgency.

4. Drivers should be familiar with all important places and routes in Chennai and outstations.

5. The contractor should provide only those vehicles that fulfill all the legal obligations prescribed by the State Transport Authority, such as payment of Road Tax, etc

6. The contractor is wholly responsible for any accident and / or compensation payable to the Drivers engaged by him working under this contract. He shall keep NBA fully indemnified against any claims in this regard.

7. The contract is for a period of one year initially and renewable subject to the satisfactory performance.

8. The vehicle should be made available on any day at the time and place specified including on all Holidays and the vehicle should be made available at our end even if requested at short notice.

9. The vehicle should be in good running condition (road-worthy) and in any case not more than three years old.

10. All legal requirements under various statutory laws, such as Motor Vehicles Act must be complied with. Any default will be the liability of the firm and the department shall not be liable to any matter whatsoever.

11. The vehicle should be insured in all respects covering accident or theft, etc. and all the claims arising out of it will be met by the firm and NBA will not be liable in any matter whatsoever.

12. Payment of hiring charges will be made on monthly basis and the bills claimed for the use of vehicles must be accompanied by the duty slip/ trip sheet. The applicable Service Tax on the claims/bills will be paid by NBA.

13. The tariff quoted should be inclusive of all general maintenance expenses of the vehicle, driver batta (pay and allowance of the driver), fuel charges, etc.

14. No request for escalation in rates shall be entertained during the currency of the contract, for whatsoever reasons;

15. Failure by the contractor to comply with any statutory requirements and terms of the agreement during the period of contract shall result in termination of the contract and subsequent disqualification for participation in any future tender called by the Authority.

16. The Authority has all the rights to terminate the above said contract at short notice, if the service is not up to the mark or for any other reasons.

17. The Authority is not responsible for any repair and maintenance of the vehicles. No other charge will be borne by the Department.

18. Alternative suitable vehicles should be provided in case of breakdown of the car so provided. In case of failure to provide alternative suitable vehicles, this office would have a right to hire a vehicle from the market and the additional cost incurred by this Office will be borne by the vendor / operator.

19. Vehicles should be in excellent condition, neat and tidy and not damaged previously by any accident.

20. The drivers should be neatly dressed in uniform and should not be addicted to any kind of intoxicants.

21. The contractor shall ensure that drivers of the vehicles provided by him drives the vehicles smoothly and as per the instructions issued by NBA from time to time. The vehicles should be utilized only for the official purposes as instructed by NBA and shall not be misused.

22. The contractor shall ensure that drivers provided by him possesses valid driving license to drive the heavy vehicles and behave well with pleasing manners and should have fair knowledge of Tamil/English and knowledge of Hindi will be an advantage. He should be able to attend to any minor technical problems that may arise while driving the car.

23. The contractor shall ensure that driver engaged by him is conversant with all the traffic rules and regulations and shall follow the same and comply with the statutory law in force with regards to Motor vehicle. Any penalty imposed for traffic violation etc by the traffic police Transport Dept Officer/agency will be charged to the firm’s account and NBA will not reimburse the same under any circumstances. The drivers of the car provided must strictly follow traffic rules and other regulations prescribed by the Govt. from time to time.

24. The contractor should ensure that the driver engaged by him for the car provided on contingency basis shall maintain records in trip sheet provided for the vehicle and make available the same for verification by NBA whenever so required.

25. Any matter during the period of this agreement which has not been specifically covered by this agreement shall be decided by NBA whose decision shall be final and conclusive.

26. NBA will reimburse the Toll Charges / Parking Charges while settling the bill. Bills will be settled within 10 days subject to satisfaction of the Competent Authority.

27. NBA is regularly in need of logistical travel arrangements but does not guarantee any amount of volume of business to the travel agencies. The cars should be provided, even if requested at short notice.

28. All the terms and conditions as stated in the TENDER documents, Annexures and Acceptance conveyed by NBA will constitute the contract between the contractor and NBA.

29. The selected contractor is expected to provide taxis / cars / vans on the date and at the location to be specified in the work order to be issued by NBA or as periodically requested by NBA over phone / email / fax as per its requirement. If the contractor fails to commence the assignment within the specified schedule as per work order request or as per periodical request by NBA over phone / email / fax as per its requirement, the contract shall be liable to be terminated.

30. (a)The contractor will be engaged for one year from the date of issuance of letter of intent and which may be extended for one more year on mutual consent. The engagement does not confer any right for continuation or extension of the contract on any account, and this is purely a short term temporary arrangement on contractual basis.

(b) The Offered rates should be valid for one year from the date of commencement of contract. In case, the contract is extended by one more year. Any variance in rates during the extended period of contract shall be mutually consulted and decided upon. However, the decision of Secretary, NBA will be final in this regard.

31. For the purposes of this Contract, “Force majeure” means any unforeseen event directly interfering with the services during the currency of the contract such as war, insurrection, restraint imposed by the government, act of legislature or other authority, explosion, accident, strike, riot, lockout, act of public enemy, act of God, sabotage which is beyond the reasonable control of a Party and which makes a Party’s performance of its obligations under the Contract impossible or so impractical as to be considered impossible under the circumstances. The obligations of NBA and the travel Agency shall remain suspended if and to the extent that they are unable to carry out such obligations owing to force majeure or reasons beyond their control. The failure of a Party to fulfill any of its obligations under the contract shall not be considered to be a breach of, or default under, this Contract insofar as such inability arises from an event of Force Majeure, provided that the Party affected by such an event.

(a) Has taken all reasonable precautions, due care and reasonable alternative measures in order to carry out the terms and conditions of this Contract, and (b) has informed the other Party as soon as possible about the occurrence of such an event and such impossibility subsists for not less than 60 days.

(b) Any period within which a Party shall, pursuant to this Contract, complete any action or task, shall be extended for a period equal to the time during which such Party was unable to perform such action as a result of Force Majeure.

(c) The travel agency is entitled to the payments for the portion of the work already completed before the happening of any event constituting force Majeure culminating in termination of contract. Decision of NBA in this regard will be final and binding upon the contractor / firm.


32. The contractor hereby agrees to keep indemnified and shall keep indemnified and hold harmless, NBA and its officers and employees from and against all and any claims, demands, losses, damages, penalties, expenses and proceedings connected with the implementation of this Contract or arising from any breach or non-compliance whatsoever by THE CONTRACTOR or any of the persons deployed by it pursuant hereto of or in relation to any such matter as aforesaid or otherwise arising form any act or omission on their part, whether willful or not, and whether within or without the premises.

33. The drivers of the vehicles provided by the contractor at no time will perform any such act that would lower the dignity of the NBA. The NBA shall have the right to return that person/car to the Contractor, who shall provide a suitable replacement.

34. The contractor shall comply with all provisions of statutory requirements in relations to the persons engaged including payment of minimum wages as laid down by or under any law in force and as amended from time to time.

35. All liability regarding Government dues as well as any human loss/injury during the course of work will be personal responsibility of the Contractor. The NBA shall not be liable, in any case and an undertaking to this effect should be furnished by the contractor. NBA shall not be responsible, either directly or indirectly, to pay any compensation for bodily injury to the contract labourer/worker in case of any accident/ mis-happening taken place at NBA premises.

Expiration of Contract

36. Unless terminated earlier, this Contract shall expire at the end of such time period after the effective date as specified.


37. After award of the contract, any minor changes in the modus of implementation can be agreed to mutually in writing.


38. The Contractor shall not give sub-contract, transfer, assign or otherwise, part of the contract to any other persons, firm, company, directly or indirectly. In the event of the contractor contravening this condition, NBA shall be entitled to terminate the contract and get the service done through other party at the risk & cost of the contractor. In such case the EMD of the selected contractor, will be forfeited.



39. NBA may terminate this Contract, by not less than thirty (30) days written notice of termination to the contractor, to be given after the occurrence of any of the events specified below in clauses (a) through (c) of and sixty (60) days in the case of the event referred to in clause (d):

(a) If the contractor commits breach of contract or do not remedy/rectify a failure in the performance of their obligations under the Contract.

(b) If the contractor becomes insolvent or bankrupt;

(c) If, as the result of FORCE MAJEURE, the contractor are unable to perform a material portion of the Services for a period of not less than sixty (60) days; or

(d) If NBA, in its sole discretion, decides to terminate this Contract.

In the event of termination on unsatisfactory service or in violation of any of the terms & conditions of contract, the EMD shall stand forfeited.


40. NBA shall provide the contractor such reasonable assistance as may be required in order to carry out the assignment.


41. In performing the terms and conditions of the Contract, the contractor shall at all times act as an Independent service provider. The contract does not in any way create a relationship of principal and agent between NBA and the contractor. The contractor shall not act or attempt or represent itself as an agent of NBA. It is clearly understood and accepted by both parties that this Contract between the parties evidenced by it is on a Principal to Principal basis and nothing herein contained shall be construed or understood as constituting either party hereto, the agent or representative of the other, under any circumstances. The employees/Drivers of the contractor shall never, under any circumstances whatsoever, be entitled to claim themselves to be the employees of the NBA. There will no employer-employee relationship between NBA and the Drivers engaged by the contractor.


42. The contractor will raise the bill for the services provided which include service charges (excluding tax).


43. In the event of any dispute arising amongst the Parties, the Parties agree to use their best efforts to attempt to resolve all disputes in prompt, equitable and good faith. In the event the Parties are unable to do so, then such dispute shall be finally resolved by arbitration. The arbitration shall be conducted in the English language and the venue of the arbitration shall be in Chennai. The sole arbitrator will be appointed by Chairman, NBA whose decision in this regard will be final & binding.


44. The parties hereby irrevocably consent to the sole jurisdiction of the Courts of Chennai only in connection with any actions or proceedings arising out or in relation to this TENDER.

Performance Guarantee

45. i) The successful bidders will have to submit performance security to ensure due performance and timely provision of vehicles for office use to an amount of Rs 70,000 (Rupees Seventy thousand only) in the form of an Account Payee Demand Draft/ Fixed Deposit from a commercial bank/ Bank Guarantee from a commercial bank in the name of National Biodiversity Authority as per the text provided by the Authority.

(ii) The performance security will be valid for a period of 60 days beyond the validity of the contract.

(iii) Earnest Money will be refunded to the successful tenderer on receipt of performance security.

Payment terms

46. Payment by means of crossed cheque /bank transfer will be made on submission of monthly bills of claim before 10th day of next month by the contractor for the job performed during the preceding month. However, taxes at the rate applicable which are as per the rules shall be deducted at source from monthly payment.


47. In case the contractor does not carry out the Contractual/Statutory obligations or the services rendered by him are found to be unsatisfactory, NBA shall bring the same to his notice and he will be obliged to discharge the obligations and rectify the deficiency/anomaly within three days time failing which, NBA reserves the right to terminate the contract. In such an event, no compensation will be payable to the contractor.





Full Name and address of the applicant in addition to address and other relevant information needed for the complete Address:-



The Secretary, NBA, Chennai


1. I / we have read all the particulars regarding the general information and other terms and conditions of the contract for providing HIRING OF VEHICLE FOR OFFICE USE ON CONTINGENCY BASIS / TRIP BASIS and agree to provide the services as detailed in schedule herein or to such portion thereof as you may specify in the acceptance of the TENDER at the rates given in Annexure V to this TENDER and I / we agree to hold this offer open till One year from the date of entering a job contract with NBA. I / we shall be bound by a communication acceptance despatched within the prescribed time.

2. I / we have understood the terms and conditions for the contract and shall provide the best services strictly in accordance with these requirements.

3. The following pages have been added to and form a part of this TENDER. The documents to accompany this TENDER are at page Nos.

4. Every page so attached with this TENDER bears my signature and the official seal.

5. The Offer shall remain valid for acceptance for a minimum period of 90 (ninety) days from date of Technical Bid opening.

Signature & Seal of Applicant with date


Name & Signature of witness



(To be submitted on the letter head of firm/agency under signatures of the authorised signatory)

1. Name of the Firm/Agency & Address

(with telephone/fax/e-mail/website)

2. Constitution of the Firm/Agency a) Indian Companies Act 1956

b) Indian Partnership Act, I932: (please give names of partners)

c) Any other Act, if not, the owner

3. For partnership firms whether registered under 'The Indian Partnership Act, 1932', please state further whether by the partnership agreement, authority to refer disputes concerning the business of the partnership to arbitration has been conferred on the partner who has signed the TENDER.

ii) If answer to the above is in negative whether there is any general power of attorney executed by all the partners of the firms authorising the partner who has signed the tender to refer dispute concerning business of the partnership to arbitration.

iii) If answer to (i) or (ii) above is in the affirmative please furnish a copy of either the partnership agreement or the general power of attorney as the case may be.

4. Name and Full Address of their Bankers

5. Registration Number of the firm

6. ESI No. of Firm

7. EPF No. of Firm

8. Registration No. under Contract Act

9. Service Tax Registration no. of the firm

10. PAN/TAN Number

11. Provident Fund registration No.

12. Experience in no. of years (Name and address of client departments may be indicated.) (Enclose copy of contract, details of satisfactory performance report/ work completion from their clients from Govt. /PSUs)

13. Turnover of last 3 years. (Certified copy be attached) (i.e. 2009 -10, 2010-11, 2011-12)

(All the above information must be accompanied with the certified copies of the documents, failing which the TENDER will be liable to be rejected.)

I/We hereby submit that the information submitted hereby are correct & best of my/our knowledge & belief. My/Our agency has not been debarred by any Govt. department/PSUs for providing manpower during last 3 years. In case of any information/documents found to be false, fake or incorrect, NBA is free to take action against my/our agency as deemed fit by them. I/we, do also hereby declare that I/we are not engaged in any activity, which conflicts directly or indirectly with the proposed assignment. I/we further declare that during the currency of the contract, I/we will not engage in any such conflicting activity.

(Signature of the Authorised person with seal)

Name and seal of the bidder

Note: A signed copy of the tender documents as acceptance of all terms and conditions of the tender is to be enclosed with the technical proposals.


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