Ottawa. Schedule B Employment Area

[Pages:27] September 17, 2015 City of Ottawa 110 Laurier Avenue West 4th Floor Planning and Growth Management Department Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1J1

Attention: Dear Sir/Madame: Reference: Block 8, Plan 4M-1538

Application for Site Plan Control Our File No.: 115136 This Planning Rationale and Design Brief has been prepared in support of an application for Site Plan Control for the property legally known as Block 8 of Plan 4M1538, in the City of Ottawa. `Schedule B' of the City of Ottawa Official Plan (OPA 150) designates the Subject Site as `Employment Area'. The Subject Property is currently zoned Business Park Industrial Zone (IP) in the City of Ottawa's Comprehensive Zoning By-law 2008-250. The proposed development is a two storey automobile dealership. Accessory surface parking as well as vehicle display and storage areas are being proposed. Should you have any questions regarding any aspects of these applications please do not hesitate to contact either Adam Thompson or myself.

Yours truly, NOVATECH

Sarah McCormick Planner

M:\2015\115136\DATA\Reports\Planning Rationale\20150917-BarrhavenHonda-PlanningRationale_DesignBrief.docx

Suite 200, 240 Michael Cowpland Drive, Ottawa ON K2M 1P6 Tel: 613.254.9643 Fax: 613.254.5867 novatech-

Planning Rationale and Design Brief

Barrhaven Honda

Table of Contents

1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................1 1.1 PURPOSE......................................................................................................................1 1.2 PROPOSAL FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL............................................................................1

2.0 SITE LOCATION AND CONTEXT ..................................................................................3 2.1 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS ...........................................................................................3 2.2 SURROUNDING CONTEXT...............................................................................................4 2.3 LINKAGES AND TRANSPORTATION NETWORK...................................................................5

3.0 PLANNING POLICY AND REGULATORY FRAMEWORK ............................................6 3.1 CITY OF OTTAWA OFFICIAL PLAN (OPA 150)..................................................................6 3.2 SOUTH NEPEAN SECONDARY PLAN ? AREAS 9 AND 10 ....................................................8 3.3 CITY OF OTTAWA ZONING BY-LAW 2008-250 ..................................................................8

4.0 CITY OF OTTAWA DESIGN POLICY .............................................................................9 4.1 CITY OF OTTAWA OFFICIAL PLAN (OPA 150) ..................................................................9 4.2 CITIGATE CORPORATE CAMPUS DESIGN GUIDELINES....................................................14

5.0 CONCLUSION ..............................................................................................................16

Appendices Appendix A: Proposed Site Plan Appendix B: Proposed Landscape Plan Appendix C: Honda Elevation Drawings Appendix D: CitiGate Landscape Plan


Planning Rationale and Design Brief

Barrhaven Honda


1.1 Purpose

Novatech is pleased to provide a Planning Rationale and Design Brief in relation to the Site Plan Application for Barrhaven Honda on Block 8 of Plan 4M-1538, in the CitiGate subdivision (the `Subject Property').

This Planning Rationale and Design Brief will demonstrate how the proposed development conforms to City of Ottawa Official Plan, the South Nepean Secondary Plan for Areas 9 and 10 and Zoning By-law 2008-250. It will also demonstrate how it respects the CitiGate Corporate Campus Design Guidelines and the City's Urban Design Guidelines, as well as how the proposed development will fit in and be compatible with the surrounding area.

1.2 Proposal for Site Plan Approval

The development will consist of a two storey Honda automobile dealership, as shown on the site plan provided as Figure 1. A full size copy of the site plan is included as Appendix A. The automobile dealership will have a gross floor area (GFA) of 2,421m2 square metres (approximately 26,000 ft2) with a drive-through service bay on the north side of the building. The building is located generally in the centre of the site, with 43 customer parking spaces to the north and east of the building. A total of 356 new vehicle storage/parking spaces are provided surrounding the proposed dealership.


Figure 1: Site Plan

(enlarged copy



Appendix A)

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Planning Rationale and Design Brief

Barrhaven Honda

As shown by the building elevations provided as Figure 2, the building has been designed to meet Honda Canada corporate design. The main entrance is identified by red cylinder cladding with an eight inch silver accent band and a seven foot illuminated Honda logo. The silver accent band extends in red outwards from the main entrance, with tinted windows dominating a majority of the north and east fa?ades. The red illuminated dealership name sign, Honda word mark sign and service centre sign are located along the north elevation, with the Honda word mark sign also being visible along the east elevation.

The drive-through service bay on the east fa?ade is also designed predominantly with tinted windows surrounded by white `Alucobond' composite architectural panels. The rear portion of the building, utilized as a service area, is finished with white insulated metal panels. All garage doors, man doors and door frames will be painted `super white'.

Figure 2: Proposed Building Elevations (Provided as Appendix C)

North Elevation ? Facing Honda dealership from Dealership Drive East Elevation ? Facing Honda dealership drive-through service bay

South Elevation ? Facing Dealership Drive

West Elevation ? Facing Honda dealership from vacant lot to west Novatech

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Planning Rationale and Design Brief

Barrhaven Honda

Forty-three (43) surface visitor parking spaces, including two barrier free parking spaces, are proposed in front (west) and north side of the dealership. Three hundred and fifty seven (357) new vehicle storage spaces are located in various parking areas throughout the site. A bicycle stand with four spaces will be provided near the main entrance within the landscape strip adjacent to Dealership Drive. This exceeds the Zoning By-law requirement of one bicycle parking space. The wood garbage enclosure and metal used tire enclosure are located to the rear of the building.


2.1 Existing Site Conditions The Subject Property is legally described as Block 8 on Plan 4M-1538 and is located within the Draft Plan of Subdivision for the CitiGate Campus (see Figure 3).


Figure 3: Site Location and Context

The property has an area of 16,400 square metres (1.64 hectares), with 104.2 metres of frontage on Dealership Drive.


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Planning Rationale and Design Brief

Barrhaven Honda

2.2 Surrounding Context

The CitiGate Campus is bounded to the north and east by Strandherd Drive, the south by the VIA railway and McKenna Casey Drive, and to the west by Highway 416. The campus grounds are currently vacant land with some forested lands along the western edge of the subdivision.

The following describes the adjacent land uses as demonstrated on Figure 3 and Figure 4.

North and East: North and east of the site is the proposed re-alignment of the O'Keefe municipal drain. A recreational pathway (to be built by others) is proposed along one side of the drain, while the reminder of the perimeter of the drain will be landscaped with naturalization planting.

Figure 4: Landscaping detail of the naturalization of the O'Keefe Drain (Enlarged copy provided as Appendix D).

South: Lands to the south of the site are currently vacant. Permitted uses on the adjacent lands include, but are not limited to, an automotive dealership, light industrial uses, offices, personal service businesses and restaurants.

West: Across Dealership Drive to the west is stormwater management pond for the CitiGate Campus, as seen in Figure 4. The stormwater management pond has been designed to act as a public node in this portion of the CitiGate Campus. Trees are proposed to line both sides of Dealership Drive, while the stormwater management pond will be landscaped and


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Planning Rationale and Design Brief

Barrhaven Honda

include pathways connecting to those adjacent to the O'Keefe Drain. Additional details, such as decorative fencing, bicycle racks, picnic tables, benches and a shade structure may be incorporated into this public node by others.

2.3 Linkages and Transportation Network

The subject site is located along Dealership Drive, a collector road with a 24 metre right-ofway. Dealership Drive connects to Strandherd Drive at the existing intersection of Kennevale Road and Strandherd Drive. This intersection will be designed as follows:

? Four leg signalized intersection ; ? Northbound and southbound approaches consist of a single through lane, a right turn

lane and a left turn lane; ? Westbound approach consists of a shared through-right lane, and a left turn lane;

and ? Eastbound approach consists of a left turn lane, a through lane, and a right turn lane.

Being located on a collector road with a 24 metre right-of-way is an appropriate location for an automotive dealership.

OC Transpo bus stops #3393 and #3394 are located at the Kennevale Drive/Cobble Hill Drive intersections, at a walking distance of approximately 160 metres from the west side of Strandherd Drive, and approximately 450 metres from the subject site. These stops provide service to express route 72 and regular route 170.


Figure 5: OC Transpo express route 72 and regular route 170

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