Arizona State University

Academic Integrity: Honesty/Dishonesty Scenarios

Discussion Questions and Grading Rubric

This document contains discussion questions and grading rubrics for each of the scenarios included in the Academic Honesty/Dishonesty Survey. To grade student responses, use the rubrics provided to determine whether students have successfully identified honest or dishonest elements.

• If you facilitate an in-class discussion, use these questions to start the group discussion about their responses.

• If you facilitate an online discussion, post one or more of the standard questions Use the supplemental questions to prompt follow-up discussion if necessary.

Discussion questions and grading rubrics are provided for the following scenarios:

1. Submitting One Paper to Multiple Classes 2

2. Aiding Others 3

3. Tests and Technology, Scenario 1 4

4. Tests and Technology, Scenario 2 5

5. Crediting Someone Else’s Work 6

6. Citations 7

7. Incomplete Citations 9

8. Collaboration 10

9. Working in Pairs 11

10. Selling a Paper 12

11. Using Someone Else’s Paper 13

12. Using another Source as a Model 14

13. Helping a Friend 15

14. Internship/Clinical Hours 16

15. Attendance Sheets 17

16. Family Illness 18

1. Submitting One Paper to Multiple Classes

Discussion Questions 

Standard Questions

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario honest?

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario dishonest?

• What changes would make the dishonest behavior honest?

• What changes would make the honest behavior dishonest?

Supplemental Questions

• What other options does she have in this situation?

Honesty/Dishonesty Rubric

|In what way is the behavior in |In what way is the behavior in |What changes would make the |What changes would make the |

|this scenario honest? |this scenario dishonest? |dishonest behavior honest? |honest behavior dishonest? |

|She did all the work herself. |She is reusing a previous paper |Use a related topic. |Not citing her references or |

|She properly cited all her |to get credit for a |Same topic, but analyze it |including a bibliography would |

|references and created a |new/different assignment.  |differently. |add an element of academic |

|bibliography. | |Ask teacher/ instructor/ |dishonesty to the original |

| | |professor for permission to |paper. |

| | |submit the same paper | |

2. Aiding Others

Discussion Questions 

Standard Questions

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario honest?

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario dishonest?

• What changes would make the dishonest behavior honest?

• What changes would make the honest behavior dishonest?

Supplemental Questions

• What right does an instructor have to ask a student to show him/her the crib notes he/she is using on an exam? Does there need to be a statement in a syllabus or on an exam?

Honesty/Dishonesty Rubric

|In what way is the behavior in |In what way is the behavior in |What changes would make the |What changes would make the |

|this scenario honest? |this scenario dishonest? |dishonest behavior honest? |honest behavior dishonest? |

|If Melody was only taking the |If Melody was planning on |If Melody threw the piece of |If the TA had not noticed, and |

|notes for herself. |sharing the exam questions along|paper away before she left the |Melody gave the questions and |

| |with her answers with Heather. |exam. |answers to Heather.   |

3. Tests and Technology, Scenario 1

Discussion Questions 

Standard Questions

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario honest?

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario dishonest?

• What changes would make the dishonest behavior honest?

• What changes would make the honest behavior dishonest?

Supplemental Questions

• What would you do if you were in Kelly's situation?

Honesty/Dishonesty Rubric

|In what way is the behavior in |In what way is the behavior in |What changes would make the |What changes would make the |

|this scenario honest? |this scenario dishonest? |dishonest behavior honest? |honest behavior dishonest? |

|Kelly took her own notes on the |This is academically dishonest |Kelly needs to find extra time |Placing notes or pictures of |

|test material and she paid |behavior.  Unless her instructor|to review her notes before the |notes on her cell phone to refer|

|attention during class. |tells students they can use |test so that she does not need |to during the test without the |

| |their notes when taking the test|to cheat. If Kelly feels |instructor's permission. |

| |this is cheating.  It is not |confident about the information | |

| |okay to cheat just because |she will be more comfortable in | |

| |everyone else does. |taking the test.  She also needs| |

| | |to take responsibility for not | |

| | |studying as she should have, do | |

| | |the best she can on the test and| |

| | |deal with the results. | |

4. Tests and Technology, Scenario 2

Discussion Questions 

Standard Questions

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario honest?

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario dishonest?

• What changes would make the dishonest behavior honest?

• What changes would make the honest behavior dishonest?

Supplemental Questions

• If Mitchell is caught during the test with the cell phone images sent by Dan, what should be the consequences for Mitchell? For Dan?

• If he does not bring the actual test questions to his exam is Mitchell free from any test cheating accusation?

• Is it OK to share information about test questions with students in other sections of a course?

• If Dan had helped Mitchell study but not given him actual test questions, would that be honest or dishonest?

Honesty/Dishonesty Rubric

|In what way is the behavior in |In what way is the behavior in |What changes would make the |What changes would make the |

|this scenario honest? |this scenario dishonest? |dishonest behavior honest? |honest behavior dishonest? |

|If Dan and Mitchell had studied |Both Mitchell and Dan are |Dan should have say "No" when |By helping someone else study |

|together before the exam rather |cheating. According to the ASU |Mitchell asked him to cheat.  |after he had knowledge of the |

|than afterwards, they would not |Student Code of Conduct, |Also, Mitchell or any other |test questions, Dan was cheating|

|have been cheating but just |cheating is prohibited.  Dan is |student should refuse to look at|and helping Mitchell cheat on |

|preparing for the final. |taking a great risk by taking |any material sent to them about |his exam. |

| |pictures of the exam with his |an exam and should not discuss | |

| |cell phone.  |the exam with students who have | |

| | |already taken the exam. | |

5. Crediting Someone Else’s Work

Discussion Questions 

Standard Questions

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario honest?

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario dishonest?

• What changes would make the dishonest behavior honest?

• What changes would make the honest behavior dishonest?

Supplemental Questions

• Since Sarah gave credit to the encyclopedias in the bibliography and changed a few words, was Sarah guilty of plagiarism?

• Is it sufficient to change a few words or sentences in order to paraphrase an original idea?

Honesty/Dishonesty Rubric

|In what way is the behavior in |In what way is the behavior in |What changes would make the |What changes would make the |

|this scenario honest? |this scenario dishonest? |dishonest behavior honest? |honest behavior dishonest? |

|Sarah cited both the dictionary |She did not give credit to any |Citing the sources where |Not citing the sources at all.  |

|and the encyclopedia in the |sources in the text of her |appropriate within the text of | |

|bibliography. |paper. This implies that the |her paper. | |

| |information: | | |

| |1) was Sarah's original idea or | | |

| |2) is common knowledge. | | |

6. Citations

Discussion Questions 

Standard Questions

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario honest?

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario dishonest?

• What changes would make the dishonest behavior honest?

• What changes would make the honest behavior dishonest?

Supplemental Questions

• What would you do if presented with this predicament?

• If this is wrong what other options does Amy have?

− Find the extra time to locate the needed information and email her instructor that she will be a little late for class

− Indicate in the citation that the end page numbers were not indicated in the database

− Talk to her instructor about it

Honesty/Dishonesty Rubric

|In what way is the behavior in |In what way is the behavior in |What changes would make the |What changes would make the |

|this scenario honest? |this scenario dishonest? |dishonest behavior honest? |honest behavior dishonest? |

|Amy used in-text citations to |It is academically dishonest if |If Amy has paper or electronic |If Amy makes up the page numbers|

|credit her sources.  She wrote |she falsifies the pagination of |copies of the articles she |of the sources she uses. |

|the paper and is not attempting |some sources even if she cited |should look at the page number | |

|to take credit for the work of |the sources in her paper. |on the last page of the copy and| |

|others. | |enter that information into her | |

| | |citation. If she does not have a| |

| | |copy Amy could ask her | |

| | |instructor for an extension to | |

| | |allow her time to check the | |

| | |pagination of the sources. She | |

| | |could find extra time before | |

| | |class to locate the missing | |

| | |information. Another option Amy | |

| | |has is to use standard symbols | |

| | |in the citations such as a "+" | |

| | |[149+] to indicate only the | |

| | |beginning page number was listed| |

| | |in the original source. | |

7. Incomplete Citations

Discussion Questions 

Standard Questions

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario honest?

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario dishonest?

• What changes would make the dishonest behavior honest?

• What changes would make the honest behavior dishonest?

Supplemental Questions

• Is it academically honest to write a paper that has some original statements of your own, but is mostly based on quotations from another source?

Honesty/Dishonesty Rubric

|In what way is the behavior in |In what way is the behavior in |What changes would make the |What changes would make the |

|this scenario honest? |this scenario dishonest? |dishonest behavior honest? |honest behavior dishonest? |

|Monique did cite her source, she|Although she did cite her |Putting quotation marks around |If Monique did not quote or cite|

|is not attempting to take credit|source, inserting the author's |the verbatim text, along with |the reviewer and claimed the |

|for the reviewer's ideas. |words verbatim without using |the citation. |words AND ideas as her own. |

| |quotes is plagiarism. | | |

8. Collaboration

Discussion Questions 

Standard Questions

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario honest?

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario dishonest?

• What changes would make the dishonest behavior honest?

• What changes would make the honest behavior dishonest?

Supplemental Questions

• Can you submit this paper as your own work?

• Can you submit this paper with proper attribution - in other words disclose that sections of the paper were edited by the writer. Would you be willing to do this?

Honesty/Dishonesty Rubric

|In what way is the behavior in |In what way is the behavior in |What changes would make the |What changes would make the |

|this scenario honest? |this scenario dishonest? |dishonest behavior honest? |honest behavior dishonest? |

| | |You could set off the sections | |

| | |that were edited by the writer, | |

| | |either by indenting them or | |

| | |enclosing them in quotations and| |

| | |cite them so you do not mislead | |

| | |your instructor or other | |

| | |readers. It might also be | |

| | |helpful to discuss the | |

| | |arrangement you had with the | |

| | |author with your instructor so | |

| | |he or she understands why you | |

| | |are quoting certain sections. | |

9. Working in Pairs

Discussion Questions 

Standard Questions

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario honest?

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario dishonest?

• What changes would make the dishonest behavior honest?

• What changes would make the honest behavior dishonest?

Supplemental Questions

• Is it the instructor's fault because he allowed them to share information?

• What other options to they have to finish all their work by the end of the semester?

Honesty/Dishonesty Rubric

|In what way is the behavior in |In what way is the behavior in |What changes would make the |What changes would make the |

|this scenario honest? |this scenario dishonest? |dishonest behavior honest? |honest behavior dishonest? |

|Jim and Mike researched the |Submitting someone else's essay |Sharing the information sources |Using the essay words written by|

|questions and shared the sources|with changes is academically |for each essay question was |their friend and submitting it |

|as instructed by their |dishonest. They were allowed to |allowed so working together was |as their own work. |

|professor. |work together to research and |okay up to this point. To be | |

| |locate information for the essay|academically honest each person | |

| |questions but each was |needed to independently compose | |

| |responsible for interpreting the|their own essay for each | |

| |information and writing his own |question. | |

| |essay |Jim & Mike need to make this | |

| | |exam a priority so that each has| |

| | |time to use the sources and | |

| | |compose an answer. | |

10. Selling a Paper

Discussion Questions 

Standard Questions

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario honest?

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario dishonest?

• What changes would make the dishonest behavior honest?

• What changes would make the honest behavior dishonest?

Supplemental Questions

• Do you think anyone might find out?

• What risks are you taking?

• Do you know about the "XE" grade that can be given for infringements of academic integrity?

Honesty/Dishonesty Rubric

|In what way is the behavior in |In what way is the behavior in |What changes would make the |What changes would make the |

|this scenario honest? |this scenario dishonest? |dishonest behavior honest? |honest behavior dishonest? |

| |Submitting someone else's work |Not selling the paper, or | |

| |as your own, or offering your |offering to help her roommate | |

| |work for someone else to submit |understand the assignment and | |

| |as their own, is dishonest. |find relevant articles so she | |

| | |can write the paper on her own. | |

11. Using Someone Else’s Paper

Discussion Questions 

Standard Questions

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario honest?

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario dishonest?

• What changes would make the dishonest behavior honest?

• What changes would make the honest behavior dishonest?

Supplemental Questions

• Tom is clearly in a bind with the injury and his paper due. What options does Tom have?

Honesty/Dishonesty Rubric

|In what way is the behavior in |In what way is the behavior in |What changes would make the |What changes would make the |

|this scenario honest? |this scenario dishonest? |dishonest behavior honest? |honest behavior dishonest? |

|Tom did some of the research on |Using another person's paper |Tom could ask his instructor for|Using articles another person |

|Vietnam himself and is using |with their words and thoughts is|an extension due to his injury. |copied or printed is okay as |

|prints or copies of other |academically dishonest. |Tom could use his friend's |long as the resulting paper is |

|sources. | |sources to write a paper on the |written by Tom. |

| | |same topic if he uses his own | |

| | |ideas, and words.  A different | |

| | |analysis or focus on the topic | |

| | |is adacemically honest. | |

12. Using another Source as a Model

Discussion Questions 

Standard Questions

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario honest?

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario dishonest?

• What changes would make the dishonest behavior honest?

• What changes would make the honest behavior dishonest?

Supplemental Questions

• Is it OK to use quotations in your paper that another author used originally without locating and reading the original sources?

Honesty/Dishonesty Rubric

|In what way is the behavior in |In what way is the behavior in |What changes would make the |What changes would make the |

|this scenario honest? |this scenario dishonest? |dishonest behavior honest? |honest behavior dishonest? |

| | | | |

13. Helping a Friend

Discussion Questions 

Standard Questions

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario honest?

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario dishonest?

• What changes would make the dishonest behavior honest?

• What changes would make the honest behavior dishonest?

Supplemental Questions

• Was Frank guilty of academic dishonesty for taking the test for his friend?

• What other options does Quentin have in this situation?

Honesty/Dishonesty Rubric

|In what way is the behavior in |In what way is the behavior in |What changes would make the |What changes would make the |

|this scenario honest? |this scenario dishonest? |dishonest behavior honest? |honest behavior dishonest? |

| |Quentin is allowing another |Quentin should contact the | |

| |person to take a test for him. |instructor to alert him/her to | |

| |Frank is also dishonest, as he |his illness and request a make | |

| |is going to take a test |up test time, or some | |

| |pretending to be someone else. |alternative arrangement. | |

14. Internship/Clinical Hours

Discussion Questions 

Standard Questions

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario honest?

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario dishonest?

• What changes would make the dishonest behavior honest?

• What changes would make the honest behavior dishonest?

Supplemental Questions

• Is it academic dishonesty to fudge about how many hours you've put into an internship?

• What are Jordan's other options?

Honesty/Dishonesty Rubric

|In what way is the behavior in |In what way is the behavior in |What changes would make the |What changes would make the |

|this scenario honest? |this scenario dishonest? |dishonest behavior honest? |honest behavior dishonest? |

|Jordan completed most of the |Taking credit for work not |Jordan should find a way to |Submitting the form saying she |

|assigned hours for the month. |completed is academically |complete the hours. She could |completed the required hours |

| |dishonest.  This is no different|ask a friend to take her to the |when she did not. |

| |than taking credit for another |clinic or take the bus and get | |

| |person's words or ideas in a |as many hours completed as | |

| |paper. |possible.  Jordan could also ask| |

| | |for an extension to allow her | |

| | |time to complete the hours next | |

| | |semester or between semesters. | |

15. Attendance Sheets

Discussion Questions 

Standard Questions

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario honest?

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario dishonest?

• What changes would make the dishonest behavior honest?

• What changes would make the honest behavior dishonest?

Supplemental Questions

• Is it academically dishonest to sign an attendance sheet for another student?

• If Kendra is discovered signing for Tamara who - if any - should be penalized? Just Kendra, just Tamara, or both students?

Honesty/Dishonesty Rubric

|In what way is the behavior in |In what way is the behavior in |What changes would make the |What changes would make the |

|this scenario honest? |this scenario dishonest? |dishonest behavior honest? |honest behavior dishonest? |

|Tamera attended all of the labs |It is academically dishonest for|Tamera could tell her study |Allowing Kendra sign for her |

|and most of this one. |Tamera to leave early while |partners that she will be a few |when they both know she left |

| |letting her instructor think she|minutes late because she has |early. |

| |attended the entire lab.  Kendra|class so that she doesn’t have | |

| |is also acting dishonestly if |to leave early and have this | |

| |she signs her friend's name |dilemma.  She could explain her | |

| |knowing that she left early. |situation to her instructor and | |

| | |ask if it would be okay to leave| |

| | |a little before class ends. If | |

| | |her instructor agrees she could | |

| | |ask her friend to take notes on | |

| | |the part she misses so she | |

| | |doesn’t’ fall behind. | |

16. Family Illness

Discussion Questions 

Standard Questions

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario honest?

• In what way is the behavior in this scenario dishonest?

• What changes would make the dishonest behavior honest?

• What changes would make the honest behavior dishonest?

Supplemental Questions

• Is it academically dishonest to ask for extra points so she can maintain her A average? What other options does she have?

• Is it academically dishonest for Rachel to use her mother as an excuse for her late paper and lower grade?

Honesty/Dishonesty Rubric

|In what way is the behavior in |In what way is the behavior in |What changes would make the |What changes would make the |

|this scenario honest? |this scenario dishonest? |dishonest behavior honest? |honest behavior dishonest? |

|Despite her personal situation |Rachel is being academically |She should talk with her |Asking for andexpect additional |

|Rachel completed all of the |dishonest in using her mother as|instructor honestly about her |points for work not completed or|

|assignments even though one was |an excuse for turning in a paper|mother's illness and the impact |completed on time. |

|late. |after the deadline. |it has had on her schoolwork.  | |

| | |Ask if she can do an extra | |

| | |credit project to earn the | |

| | |points she needs to have an A.  | |

| | |Be prepared to deal with the | |

| | |consequences of her actions.   | |


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