GHS Football Vision Statement: - HomeTeamsONLINE

LHS Football Vision Statement:

To develop well disciplined student/athletes who strive for educational and athletic excellence.

LHS Football Mission Statement:

The mission of Lehi High School Football is to develop student athletes to their highest potential, to graduate champions in the classroom, on the field and in life, to W.I.N. football games in an atmosphere that is fun, to embrace diversity, to never quit, to understand our role as an integral part of Lehi High School and the Lehi community and to become Men of Lehi High School.

← Develop student/athletes who are committed to personal excellence and team success.

← Provide inspirational and motivational environment where preparation, practice and hard work generate legitimate opportunities for success.

← Emphasize the importance and development of fundamentals and techniques necessary for positive experiences in football and in life.

← Create a consistently exciting and entertaining program that generates huge levels of support, pride, and tradition for all in our community to share.

Life Long Goals from Football:

• Discipline

• Time Management

• Work Ethic

• Dedication

• Leadership Skills

• Perseverance

• Lifetime Friendships

• Physical Wellness

LHS Football Core Values:

Commitment: Be committed to personal excellence in the classroom, athletics, and our community.

Integrity: Do what is right. Be honest and loyal to parents, coaches, teachers, classmates, and teammates.

Pride: It is a personal commitment; it is an attitude which separates excellence from mediocrity. We will strive for that excellence in everything we do!

Teamwork: Teamwork is achieved when individuals make personal sacrifices to work together for the success of the group.

Discipline: Means being mentally and physically tough, to continually improve and become the best student, athlete, mentor, and family member we can be.

Effort: Give everything we have in everything we do in the classroom, athletics, and in our community.

LHS Philosophy of Football in Education:

It is our contention that football should be an integral part of the school curriculum, an extension of the school day to pass on life long skills through the medium of this great game. They are not an end into themselves. They must be inherently educational and conform to the goals, values, and stated purpose of the school.

Our coaching staff must be concerned with stimulating each athlete so that he will want to secure the finest education possible. We must demand a commitment to excellence and to winning, not only in football, but also to every endeavor in life they consider worthwhile and meaningful. They must learn that dedication, sacrifice and hard work are necessary ingredients in performing any task that will lead to the attainment of a valued goal or life objective. The athlete in our program is in a favorable and unique position. He is a part of a team and must learn to work and function effectively and cohesively with a wide variety of personalities. Lasting and treasured friendships will be nurtured and developed. He will also represent our school in a very visible role and we will encourage him to conduct himself with character, poise, integrity, honesty, and pride.

In our relationship with student athletes we will always be aware of the tremendous influence our position projects, for good or bad. Parents entrust their dearest possession to our charge. We teach by example. It is our goal and desire that the young men who have participated under our leadership are finer and more decent persons for having done so. We will never place the value of a win above that of instilling the highest desirable ideals and character traits on our student athletes.

Our staff philosophy of coaching is built around the following objectives:

1. Contribute to the development and well-rounded maturity in the student athlete.

2. Train the student/athlete for leadership.

3. Encourage the student athlete to achieve academic success.

4. Make the student athlete concerned and aware of the importance of his self-disciplined and commitment in all areas of his life.

5. Develop, refine, and teach ethical values.

6. Teach the practice of excellence in competition.

7. Encourage the student athlete to be concerned about his attitude in the overall education process.


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