Cadron Creek Outfitters Canoe Kayak Whitewater

Pinnacle SpringsA Historical and Heritage MonumentPresented BySprings of Arkansas Fall 2013John “Cadron Boy” Svendsen, M.S., D.M.D., M.S.D.PINNACLE SPRINGSINTRODUCTIONIn the 1880s Pinnacle Springs was perhaps the most popular health and recreational resort in central Arkansas. In a summer tradition that lasted for many years hundreds of people would travel by buggy, hack, horseback and foot to drink and bath in the healing waters emerging from the crevice in the bluff face bordering the North Fork of Cadron Creek. Hotels, boarding homes and bath houses were filled to capacity and dance halls, a skating rink and a saloon amused the crowds that descended upon the town each season. Today no homes or businesses remain. Where once lovers walked and the ill and infirmed bathed there is now a deep forest offering little evidence of prior occupancy. Yet amongst the rock crevices and steep bluffs relics of another age can still be found -- most amazingly, the inscription of hundreds of names, dates and initials carved into the bluffs and boulders that once were at the center of the resort.During the late 1800s there were nearly a hundred different spas and resorts in Arkansas supported by mineral springs reputed to have healing properties. Only a few of these resorts -- typically those supported by railroads -- would survive into the 20th century at which time modern medicine supplanted mineral springs in their offering of a cure for life's many ailments (Valencius, 2002). Albeit communities such as Hot Springs, Eureka Springs, and Siloam Springs still survive many of the other health spas of the 1800s are now completely abandoned and built upon, plowed under or lost in vegetative undergrowth. The story of those resorts that failed to survive rarely if ever gets told -- they become a cultural artifact set adrift, unprotected and lost in the currents of time.In this field experience project a conservation plan is proposed directed at the establishment of Pinnacle Springs as a historical and heritage monument eligible for designation in the National Register of Historical Places. Site management is focused on protecting the cultural resources at Pinnacle Springs for future investigation and documenting the site in detail as an indirect approach to preserve the existing rock art and inscription. A comprehensive historical review of Pinnacle Springs is offered to underscore the site’s cultural significance and influence during the "golden age of springs and spas". Additionally, a cultural resource management plan will be outlined for the site which will include overall management goals, methodology and evaluation protocols. 2HISTORYDiscoveryThe story of Pinnacle Springs begins and ends with the family of William W. Martin whose father purchased a large tract of land near Bee Branch in 1848. In 1861, William, the second oldest son of nine children, joined the Confederate Army rising to rank of captain with the Quitman Rifles in the 10th Arkansas Regiment. Upon his return home after the war Captain Martin moved to nearby Springfield where he went into a variety of businesses with family and friends, but perhaps none as profitable as the mercantile stores he established with his brothers in Springfield, Conway and the surrounding communities. Later as mayor of Conway and founder and president of the Faulkner County Bank Captain Martin used his money, power and influence to support many civic pursuits throughout Faulkner County. Captain Martin also owned a 1,500 acre farm with his brother Jesse E. Martin called “Cattern Cove Farm" that included over 400 acres of prime bottom land lying within the Cadron Creek watershed. The farm supported 300 head of cattle, over 150 head of hogs, and 100 or more sheep at a time. In the summer of 1880 on a nearby tract of farmland owned by brother James, a cow herder named Jeff Collier was tending to cattle on the open fields atop Batesville Mountain when he was taken with thirst. Riding his horse along the crest of the bluff overlooking Cadron Creek he looked down below and saw a spring emerging from a deep cleft at the base of the bluff. He dismounted his horse and scrambled down the side of the bluff where a small pool of water had collected and dropping to his knees he began to drink from the pool. He immediately noticed the water had a strange taste (Wilbanks, 1986). When Collier returned to Springfield he reported his discovery to James who then relayed the message to William and the remaining family. Upon confirmation of the spring's peculiar taste and safety and finding that it possessed a unique chemical signature rich in iron and magnesium Captain Martin and his family began to promote the spring as the centerpiece of a large health resort. And indeed, within a few years Pinnacle Springs -- named after a 50+ foot standing sentinel of rock a few thousand feet downstream -- would rival many of its larger competitors in the state in its growth and popularity as a vacation desitination. Its demise would come just as quickly. Founding of Pinnacle SpringsIn the spring of 1881 James Martin held an inauguration ceremony at the site and threw the area open for development. Articles of Incorporation of the Pinnacle Springs Land Company were filed and 3capital stock of $25,000 was raised through the issue of 1,000 shares at $25 per share -- mostly to close family members from nearby Conway and Springfield. William served as the overseer for the development. Considered one of Conway's "financial elite" William had adequate assets and connections to draw upon in promoting the development as he was the principal owner in "Martin and Harton", one of the best general merchandise stores in Conway with over 7000 square feet of retail space offering clothing, home accessories, groceries -- even farm implements. The Martin family conveyed 360 acres to the Pinnacle Springs Land Company by quitclaim deed whereupon James divided the town area into three districts -- a business district, a residential district and a two-acre park or reservation owned by William lying on the edge of the bluff from which the spring emerged (Glover, 1965). James erected one of the first homes in the new town and together with his brother William began building the first hotel, the Pinnacle House, a fine two-story hotel of 40 rooms. William also built a bathhouse north of the spring that he furnished with both hot and cold water. Another brother, Jess Martin erected the first store. A local newspaper The Pinnacle Springs Ledger was launched later that summer by Valney Jamison and with "the power of the pen" press releases and promotional brochures were written and widely distributed praising the virtues of the rich farmland and healthy living to be found at Pinnacle Springs. The impact of these promotions became quickly evident as long lines of wagons were soon fording the creek each day with newcomers, lumber and supplies. The Log Cabin Democrat reported in its Centennial Edition that Pinnacle Springs "was founded on a press agent's brochure that was sent broadside into surrounding states" extolling the virtues of Pinnacle Springs' health-giving water. The unusual taste of the water from Pinnacle Spring was derived mostly from a unique combination of minerals and gases. Carbonate of iron, manganese and chlorine are the principal minerals within the water but it was the abundance of glairine, a soft amorphous greasy deposit of slime and mucus of bacterial and vegetative origin that was thought to give the waters their unusual curative and invigorating properties (Burch, 1887). According to testimonials at the time the spring water was particularly helpful in treating bronchitis, tuberculosis, dropsy, dyspepsia, chronic sore eyes, diabetes, and all diseases of the kidneys. The spring water also brought relief to visitors suffering from gastritis and liver disease. Over a dozen more springs with reputed healing and restorative properties were later identified in the vicinity and trails and sidewalks lead from the hotels and city to many of the more popular springs which were named by the proprietors of the various bath houses (Goodspeed, 1890). 4Pinnacle Spring ProspersWithin a year nearly 300 people had moved to Pinnacle Springs and the Pinnacle Hotel was "crowded with visitors". Hammers could be heard day and night with as many as a dozen homes under construction at any one time and unimproved lots selling for five to six times their original value. The town now had a school, a church, and a post office, and businesses and lodging houses were doing a thriving business as visitors crowded the grand promenade in the city park to enjoy the views overlooking Cadron Creek. In April 1882 the Arkansas Gazette reported that work had begun in haste on a second hotel with completion set for the first of June. The Grand Central hotel, a large 84 x 64 feet two-story frame hotel with wraparound porches encircling the lower and upper stories was built to the east of the city park. The Grand Central, often commonly known as the Park House or the Palace Hotel, was operated by W. J. Dodson a Methodist preacher whose "labor and exposure...were too much for his feeble constitution" and who found himself inflicted with a number of ailments -- deafness, bronchitis, and nervous prostration. The ailing Reverend Dodson had moved to Pinnacle Springs to manage the hotel and recover from his infirmities so that he could "return to the active ministry". That day never came. The man who sought the healing mineral spring water offered at Pinnacle Springs would later be stricken with typhoid fever -- acquired from a well in Altus Arkansas. The Reverend passed away on April 25, 1886. When spring rains threatened some of the improvements near the banks of Cadron Creek the post office was moved to the top of the ridge south of the park where it was more accessible to the growing community. The Cook family placed a series of large flag-stone steps leading down the steep hillside from the city park to the main spring which was piped so that the water gushed forth into a 7000 plus gallon reservoir impounded against the bluff walls by thick stacked rock masonry that stood over eight feet high in places. The reservoir is reported to have been 70 feet long and 20 feet wide, covered over by a roof and surrounded by a flagstone floor. Following the natural contours of the landscape a bathhouse snaked along the bottom of the bluff line below the spring and contained 9 baths, 2 showers, 2 vapor baths, dressing rooms and ladies and gents' parlor. There was also a portico that was constructed to protect those visiting the spring or donning their swim suits to enjoy the long "lake" of Cadron Creek. A dance hall -- the "Grotto" -- was constructed in a small nearby box canyon that opened to the creek and was surrounded on three sides by towering rock walls.5On June 30, 1882 Pinnacle Springs celebrated its one-year anniversary with day-long festivities and events highlighted by the official opening of the Park Hotel. An anvil salute at 10 o'clock in the morning ushered in a large crowd from the neighboring towns and communities to enjoy "political and temperance speeches, music and dancing, swinging and boat riding". The evening ended with a grand ball at the Park Hotel where local dignitaries danced late into the night to the music furnished by the Conway String Band. As the event unfolded Pinnacle Springs celebrated its first year with two grand hotels, four boarding houses, seven stores, 325 citizens, and seventy five visitors. When Dr. Juan H. Wright, the noted analytical chemist of St. Louis, visited many of the springs along the Fort Smith road in 1882 the Arkansas Gazette reported that "he was much pleased that Pinnacle Springs has in one year grown to be a large town; its prospects are brilliant, the number of patients very flattering and the hotels will be open all winter." CITATION Cor8212 \l 1033 (Correspondent, The Arkansas Gazette, 1882)Indeed, times were good and visitors seemed plentiful as brochures and flyers were sent out to prospective clients and investors in Texas, Louisiana and Tennessee. Pinnacle Springs was particularly appealing to residents living in the Arkansas River Valley because it was "free of malarial influences." Conway was built on a large marsh and during the spring the streets were veritable quagmires and each summer swarms of mosquitoes infested the place and often did not disappear until well into winter. Pinnacle Springs offered not only an escape from the heat, humidity and mosquitoes of the lowland it also possessed all the pleasures of a recreational resort – boating, bathing, fishing, hunting, swimming, etc. But, perhaps more importantly, Pinnacle Springs lacked the social formalities of the “more refined" spas: at Pinnacle Springs ladies and gentlemen in their "revealing and temptatious" suits bathed and swam together.Several hack lines operated from the river port at Conway to serve the needs of visitors and carry goods to Pinnacle Springs but the ford across Cadron Creek just upstream of Pinnacle Springs could only be used safely in late summer and fall. Thus, to offer safe passage during the spring a ferry large enough to accommodate a team of horses and a wagon was located downstream of the ford at the head of "Spring Lake" (Log Cabin Democrat, 1973). It was a simple ferry -- hand-operated, using ropes and pulley wheels -- but with safe passage now available year around the town grew at an even faster clip. A sawmill and shingle mill were built north of the town and a cotton gin and grist mill were built to the south. Other improvements included the opening of another dry goods store, a drugstore, shoe shops, a blacksmith shop and a brickyard. And to serve the recreational and restorative aspirations endowed upon Pinnacle Springs there was also a skating rink, 10-pin alley, pool hall and billiard room, a dozen bathhouses and a saloon (Junas, 1979).. 6Racial DiscordBut not everyone was well received by the community. Recently a few African-Americans had begun to settle in the vicinity of Pinnacle Springs exacerbating racial tensions on land once terraced with cotton fields and harvested by slaves. On December 13, 1882, Burrell Lindsay, an African American, made a homestead entry for a tract of land north of Pinnacle Springs even though a few months earlier a warning had been posted to his door:"Notice is her by giving That I sertify you, Mr. Niggro, just as shore as you locate your Self her death is your potion. the Cadron is a ded line. your cind cant live on this side a tall and this is all you air going to git And I dont know what cind the next warning will Bee.”On the night of January 10, 1883, a group of masked men road up to Lindsay’s house with the intention of making him leave the area once and for all (Barnes, 2004). When the masked men began firing their guns aimlessly into the air Lindsay and a group of his neighbors escaped out a back door. As they were being pursued by the vigilantes, they turned and fired and one masked man, later identified as Harvey Holland, fell dead. Lindsey and his party traveled all night by foot through the mud and muck of Cadron Bottoms before arriving in Conway worn out, frightened to death and seeking help. Lindsey was promptly arrested, sentenced to life and sent to state prison for the death of Harvey Holland. As for the masked men whose raid precipitated in the death of Holland: warrants were secured for the arrest of three people but when the sheriff's deputy took his posse into the area the men for whom he had writs had left Pinnacle Springs for the purpose of avoiding arrest.Race relations became more tense in the fall 1890 when white and black residents quarreled over the title to another tract of government homestead land. A white man named James Cook of Pinnacle Springs filed an ejection suit in circuit court to remove a black man named Jackson from some of the property both men claimed. After a deputy sheriff removed Jackson and Cook took possession of the homestead, eleven black men and one woman showed up at his doorstep and shot Cook, though not fatally. Authorities promptly arrested the offending blacks, but the neighborhood was much astir over the incident.Shortly thereafter, Thomas Riley, a black man from Pinnacle Springs, wrote to the American Colonization Society for information about how to emigrate to Africa. Thomas and many of his African American neighbors in the area formed an emigration club and began making contributions in order to gain passage to Africa. Forty-eight applicants from northern Faulkner County sought passage; but sadly, none were able to secure passage on the departing ships and they certainly weren't made to feel welcomed at Pinnacle Springs. 7Pinnacle Springs was in no position to exclude visitors based upon the color of their skin. Beginning with a prolonged drought in the summer of 1881 farmers in the Cadron watershed began to face a series of natural disasters. In 1982 heavy rains and flooding delayed planting and washed away improvements at Pinnacle Springs and throughout the rest of the 1880s cold wet weather, unwanted rains and extended dry spells shook the community's confidence further. Even as railroad fever was racing through the area with rumors of a Springfield and Southern railway passing through the community, by the mid-1880s it was evident that Pinnacle Springs had reached a plateau -- limited by space and access Pinnacle Springs could grow no more. Moreover, the resort was placing a significant burden on the Martin family resources and distracting William Martin from his far larger civic goal of riding central Arkansas of its saloons. Prohibition, Depression and the Demise of Pinnacle SpringsWilliam W. Martin was a strict prohibitionist and was chosen for the chairmanship of the state temperance committee -- a role he savored. First as deputy sheriff and then as one of the Springfield's leading citizens Martin cleansed the town of all its saloons and offered support and provision for the town's first school and churches. In 1885 Martin moved to Conway, a town known as being "tough" and "under the control of the whiskey element" and immediately went about cleaning up the town. Upon opening a mercantile in Conway, which William would later sell to his brothers, he set upon eliminating all the saloons from the city by lobbying local people and businesses for restrictive ordnances. Within three years the job was done -- Conway was free of any saloons and an ordinance was established in which all children had to be off the street after 9pm. This led the way for Conway to become the home of two important theistic colleges and for Martin to become mayor of Conway, a post he held from 1890 to 1905. Martin also took his prohibitionist crusade to Pinnacle Springs -- a health resort premised on one's freedom to indulge in life's pleasures, imbibe in restorative spirits and lounge for one's recovery. Soon after being elected president of the recently organized Young Men’s Christian Association of Conway, William was able to enact a restrictive ordinance in Pinnacle Springs similar to those he enacted in Conway forbidding the sale of alcohol within the town. However William’s endeavors to eliminate alcohol at Pinnacle Springs wasn’t nearly as effective: Amy Julian simply moved his saloon across the creek to the east side of the Cadron where it was still readily accessible as it was just a few hundred feet away from the center of town and still close to the ferry landing. 8Losing moral control of the community which he helped to build and infuriated at the presence of a saloon within sight of the city park, Captain Martin who owned many of the business houses at Pinnacle Springs ordered them moved to the nearby village of Cadron Cove where his brother James had recently moved and had established a pavilion for worship that would later evolve into the Arkansas Christadelphia Bible School. With the population in decline, the popularity of the springs waning, and the Captain dismantling the town, the town citizens quickly turned their attention toward becoming a bastion of education and work began in late 1887 on a building a college. In support of this endeavor Pinnacle Springs no longer promoted itself as a health resort but as a "college community" with the following press announcement released to the Arkansas Gazette in 1888:"Pinnacle Springs offers many attractions to those wishing to make their homes in a college community for the purpose of giving their children the best educational advantages. Pinnacle Springs is free from saloons, theaters and other places so alluring and pernicious."The hotel at Pinnacle Springs was still open through 1888 with J.W. Austin and W.B. Crosby serving as the proprietors but business was slow and vacancies high. Pinnacle Springs no longer needed a hotel, so it was re-purposed to serve as a boarding school and the Arkansas Christian College opened its doors on September 2, 1889 under the guidance and management of its president William Moseley and his wife. Nine months later in June 1890 the first class graduated. Unfortunately, no other class would graduate as the college closed soon thereafter citing a lack of good transportation to the school as underlying its lack of success -- the rough four-hour trip by hack from Conway was simply too big of a deterrent to prospective students and their families.Pinnacle Springs quickly fell into disrepute with the Martin's abandonment, racial strife and the closure of Arkansas Christian College. After 1890 the town quickly slid into a depression that was punctuated by the near wholesale abandonment of the community with the Panic of 1893. After the post office closed in 1891 the dying resort with its empty homes and aging improvements became a gathering point for "immoral people". Eller Little, a resident of the community stated, "The decent people had to leave on this account and settled in the nearby communities of Guy, Damascus, and Martinville." 9With incorrigibles and scoundrels and criminals finding sanctuary and relaxation in Pinnacle Springs the character of the town changed. On April 10, 1891 James P. Paxton, a law enforcement officer from Nebraska, was shot dead in Pinnacle Springs as he was attempting to serve an arrest warrant for a man wanted in connection with selling mortgaged property. When Paxton commanded the man to surrender, the man responded by shooting Paxton in the face, killing him instantly. Mat. S. Good, the man who shot and killed James P. Paxton, was acquitted by a jury of his peers and with the applause of his friends. This cemented Pinnacle Springs' reputation as a place to avoid -- and it was.By the early 1900s Pinnacle Springs was chiefly abandoned except for campers who would travel to the springs each summer for extended outings spent boating, fishing and swimming. During this time Pinnacle Springs was a favored destination of the Conway Boy Scouts who built crude shacks and lean-tos on the ridge above the springs and furnished them with cots. In 1922, trustees of the Boy Scouts in Conway completed the purchase of a 10-acre tract for a camp site at Pinnacle Springs from Cecil Martin in consideration of $200. The tract was located within 75 yards of the big spring and included the portion of Cadron Creek where the famous swimming pool “Spring Lake” was located. More substantial camp buildings were erected and the springs were given new life serving as a source of water for the campers. The camp was also frequently used by groups of young girls from Conway and the surrounding communities under the chaperone of parents and instructorsIn 1932 the Log Cabin Democrat of Conway reported that J.I. Summers was chosen president of the Pinnacle Springs Resort Company that was formed to revive Pinnacle Springs as a summer resort by first improving the road from Highway 65 to the springs and then clearing of the entire 110 acres of the land so as to erect quarters, cottages and improve the swimming facilities. But Pinnacle Springs had always been "populated with a class of people who were carried away more by enthusiasm than by fact" and no other evidence has come to light suggesting that such improvements were ever made. In 1936 the Methodist Church at Pinnacle Springs, the last semi-occupied structure at Pinnacle Springs was disbanded. Today all traces of the many buildings that once housed hundreds of people have disappeared -- even their foundation stones have been carried off or buried. A memorial tabernacle erected in the 1950s has been taken from the site and the springs have withered, waned and with but two or three exceptions no longer flow. All that remains are the many names and dates carved into the rock faces -- lasting marks of newly married couples who came to this area to spend their honeymoon, of invalids seeking restoration and of young scouts with more youthful energy than sense. 10Site IntegrityI often get asked “what remains” of the old resort? This is a question I usually answer reluctantly in fear that it will open the site to vandalism but if you have taken the time to find us and then read this historical account of Pinnacle Springs then I believe you can be entrusted to visit the site and take a look around yourself. As you stroll the grounds you’ll still be able to find the following:1) City Park -- A two acre city park owned by Capt. William Martin set on the bluff immediately overlying the principal spring. The park was graced with benches and trails that offered viewpoints overlooking the Cadron. The town well lies in the park’s northeast corner and the foundation for the old hotel is to the north.2) Cook Stairwell -- Constructed in 1881 this stairwell offered the best route of access to the principal spring from the town center and traversed the bluff line from the city park to the reservoir and bathhouse below. The route was constructed from cut rocks set into place -- at its lower end the steps are cut from natural footholds in the bluff. 3) Reservoir and Springhead -- The springhead is still evident and is encapsulated by a 8 foot tall cut-rock mortar wall that once was part of a much larger impoundment that created a 20 by 70 foot long reservoir bordered on one side by an impervious bluff wall. Much of the impoundment has washed away and now the backwall is crumpling inward. Little water runs from the pipes emerging into the basin – they are likely sealed with iron deposits – and the chalybeate water now flows from a small crevice in the bluff face.4) Register Rocks - Visitors to the springs in the late 1800s would inscribe their names, initials and dates into the Atoka sandstone bluff walls and large boulders while "taking the waters". In this way they offered the only registry of their visit that has survived for future generations to study. As you wander the grounds push back vegetation and dirt and the names will reveal themselves – they are everywhere. The City Park is no longer clearly evident albeit several promontories and overlooks are obvious attractions and ideal settings for a bench or picnic table. Several treads through the open woods could possibly have once been the main promenade in the park or perhaps a much latter improvement. Due to its restricted size parallel transects will be set on 10 meter intervals and the study area visually scanned for surface features, artifacts, midden and anomalous plant communities. All evidence of historical usage will be noted and the GPS coordinates for such sites will be recorded to facilitate future study.11The Cook Stairwell is readily apparent and thus serves to identify the location and entrance to the city park. The stairwell is 4-5 feet wide and makes use of a natural break in the bluff to traverse the hillside. Large cut rectangular rocks have been placed to form some of the steps; others are stacked and backfilled to create a level tread way. Vandals have taken some of the larger stones weighing one to two hundred pounds apiece and have rolled them off the bluff -- they lie scattered below. Other stones exhibit settling and creep. There is no evidence of the stairwell having been used in the recent past and several small trees have taken root in the middle of the passage. No survey is planned. Improvements will be limited to removal of trees growing in the pathway.The Reservoir and Springhead have been dramatically altered by the passage of time. Only the head wall of the reservoir remains but the double-layered stacked cut rock still serves as an indication of the quality of the masonry used to impound nearly 7000 gallons of water against the bluff wall. The remaining cut rock from the impoundment is thought to have been carried away by flood -- perhaps in 1927 -- or was carried off to be reused elsewhere. The pipe from which the spring once emerged now lies several feet above the floor of the reservoir; however, a spring still surfaces from a crevice in the bluff at the floor of the reservoir and forms a reddish-orange pool of chalybeate water. No survey is planned. Improvements will be limited to replacement of a few cut stones which have broken free from the headwall. The Register Rocks are probably one of the most notable features at Pinnacle Springs albeit they are frequently overlooked. Over a rather large area hundreds of names, initials, dates and drawings have been carved into the rock faces surrounding the principal spring. What began as graffiti scratched into highly visible positions on the rock by visitors to make a lasting affirmation of their presence now carries significant historical and sociological value. Only one other site in the state -- Russell Springs in Johnson County -- offers a similar record. These rock carvings can be seen as an unintended visitors book left by travelers visiting a certain place at a certain time. The genealogical implications are self-evident but these rock carvings also offer us an irreplaceable archeological record that illuminates cultural remnants etched in time and framed by spheres of influence and social organization that no longer exist. The Register Rocks are considered to be under severe threat due to weathering and their immediate preservation via 3-dimensional recording is a principal goal of this proposed conservation project and is described in more detail below. 12Final NoteSometimes the only sound method to protect and preserve a historical landmark such as Pinnacle Springs is simply not to reveal the site's existence. By describing a site's location or drawing attention to it we may only encourage vandalism, a problem which is already rampant in our vicinity where many nearby native American encampments and bluff dwellings have been totally decimated by loco yokels, "meth-crazed diggers" and amateur archeologists. Unintended consequences are frequent and often detrimental to our aims to protect and preserve our natural resources and cultural and archeological relics. Perhaps Pinnacle Springs should be allowed to slip entirely into obscurity with the only record of its past a couple of faded photographs and a few historical footnotes. Please – if you visit Pinnacle Springs respect its heritage, tread lightly, and take nothing. Thanks!For More Information or a Private Tour of the GroundsContact: John “Cadron Boy” SvendsenCadron Creek Outfitters54 Cargile LaneGreenbrier, Arkansas 72058BIBIOGRAPHYBancroft, Bill. 2004. Rock Art Recording Guide. Archeological Society of Central Oregon, Bend.Barnes K.C., 2004. Journey of Hope. The Back-to-Africa Movement in Arkansas in the Late 1800s, The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill. Burch, C.S., 1887. Handbook of the Arkansas River Valley along the "Valley Route" between Van Buren and Little Rock. Chicago.Croneis, C. 1930. Geology of the Arkansas Paleozoic Area. Arkansas Geological Survey, Little Rock.Dandridge, Debra E. 2006. "Lichens: The Challenge for Rock Art Conservation". Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy, Graduate Studies, Texas A&M University. Glover, J. 1965. "Pinnacle Springs", In Faulkner Facts and Fiddlings. Faulkner County Historical Society, Conway.Goodspeed, 1890. Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Central Arkansas: Pulaski, Jefferson, Lonoke, Faulkner, Grant, Saline. Perry, Garland. and Hot Springs counties, Arkansas. Goodspeed Publishing Co., Chicago.Junas, Li. 1979. Cadron Creek. A Photographic Narrative. The Ozark Society Foudation, Little Rock. Loendorf, Larry, 2001. "Rock Art Recording". In Handbook of Rock Art Research, edited by David S. Whitley. Altamira Press, Walnut Creek.Log Cabin Democrat. 1973. "Pinnacle Springs in Walker Township". In History of Faulkner County Towns and Townships, Centennial Edition. Log Cabin Democrat, Conway.Reynolds, S. J., Johnson, J. K., Morin, P.J. and Carter, C. M. 2010. Exploring Geology, 3rd Edition. McGraw Hill, Boston Valencius, Conevery B., 2002. The Health of the Country. How American Settlers Understood Themselves and Their Land. Perseus Books, New York. Wilbanks, R. 1986. "Pinnacle Springs" In Faulkner County: Its Land and People. Faulkner County Historical Society, Conway.The author also drew upon several newspaper postings printed in the Arkansas Gazette of Little Rock, Arkansas during the years 1881-1891 and in the Log Cabin Democrat of Conway, Arkansas during the years 1921 - 1936. ................

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