Research Office well-being in Hong Kong

Research Office

Legislative Council Secretariat

Information Note

Overall study hours and student well-being in Hong Kong





In Hong Kong, despite various education reforms implemented since

the late 1990s, local education system remains highly examination-oriented.1

For students aged 6-18 in primary schools and secondary education, they

usually need to take at least two school examinations and two school tests each year, on top of a number of class tests of a smaller scale.2 Coupled with

the emphasis on academic achievement in parenting culture, local students

tend to study hard for long hours, including time spent on homework and

tutorial classes after school. There are concerns in the community that this

hectic study schedule may crowd out some of the rest time of students on the

one hand, and affect their health conditions and well-being on the other.


Reflecting the community concerns, the subject of study pressure

and homework policy has been discussed at the Legislative Council on at least

six occasions during 2015-2018. Most recently, a motion on the "Rights of

children amid examination and schoolwork stress" was passed at the Subcommittee on Children's Rights on 25 November 2017. 3 Moreover,

five motions on the subject of "Homework policy" were passed at the Panel on Education on 5 January 2018.4


At the request of Hon SHIU Ka-chun, the Research Office has

completed a fact-finding study on the daily length of study hours in Hong Kong

1 Major education reforms implemented in Hong Kong since 1997 include (a) applying school-based curriculum and assessment; (b) using information technology in learning and teaching; (c) introducing new subjects and new curriculum; (d) using Putonghua as a teaching medium; (e) introducing a new academic structure "6-3-3-4" in 2009; and (f) providing free kindergarten education in 2017.

2 Students also need to attend territory-wide examinations held on a triennial basis, including the Basic Competency Assessment Research Study in Primary 3, Territory-wide System Assessment in Primary 6 and Secondary 3, and Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination in Secondary 6.

3 The motion was moved by Hon SHIU Ka-chun, urging the Government to consider (a) setting maximum homework time; (b) requiring schools to assign same amount of homework on Fridays and other school days; and (c) requiring schools to arrange at least one long holiday homework-free so as to let students have the right to learn in a truly self-directed way.

4 The five motions were moved by five separate Members. They asked the Government to review the existing guidelines on homework and alleviate the study pressure of children.

and their welfare implications for local children, largely based on certain representative surveys conducted by academic institutions. 5 This information note begins with a quantification of time use of local students, followed by a discussion of its impact on well-being and health conditions of local children. For global comparison, it makes reference to the recent findings on study time and well-being of 15-year-old students under the Programme for International Student Assessment ("PISA") conducted by the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development ("OECD") in 2015. It concludes with recent research findings on time allocation for homework made by academics.


Overall study time of local students


In 2016, there were altogether 349 000 primary school students and

339 800 secondary schools students in Hong Kong, accounting for about 9.3% of the local population.6 In a nutshell, study time of children comprises the

following major components:

(a) Normal schooling hours: About 90% of local students in primary and secondary education attend government schools, aided schools or schools under the Direct Subsidy Scheme, mostly on the whole-day basis;

(b) Homework and revision after school: Homework is meant to enable students to consolidate and apply what they have learnt in schools. Based on a recent survey of the Education Bureau ("EDB"), daily homework time of primary school students varies widely, from less than 30 minutes to more than three hours, even for "similar homework arrangements for students of the same grade in the same school".7

In 2002, EDB had recommended in a guideline that "daily writing homework should not exceed 30 minutes" for lower primary

5 The request was made under a pilot scheme of a new initiative to strengthen research support to individual Members in the Sixth Legislative Council.

6 This note focuses on study time of students in primary and secondary education only. For the 184 000 kindergarten students, their schooling time ranges widely, from half-day basis to whole-day basis and long whole-day basis. Coupled with the fact that some of formal schooling involves certain childcare services, study time of kindergarten students merits a separate study.

7 EDB commissioned a homework survey in 2015-2016, covering about 7 000 parents from 100 primary schools, but details of this survey are not released to the public. See Education Bureau (2017).


school students, with similar time ceiling of "60 minutes" for upper primary school students. However, EDB removed these upper limits in the revised guidelines in 2015, on the ground that "since the modes of homework have become more diversified, it is difficult to set the maximum amount of homework for schools";8 and

(c) Private tutorial lessons: With a strong aspiration for academic advancement and amidst intense examination pressure, many local students attend private tutorial lessons for supplementary learning. According to the Census and Statistics Department ("C&SD"), about 36% of primary school students and 28% of lower secondary school students received private tutoring in 2004-2005. Although the tutoring coverage ratio is widely believed to have gone up noticeably over the past decade, more updated statistics are not available from C&SD. Some surveys suggest that such a ratio could have doubled to 50-75% in the more recent years.9


So far, the government has not conducted any comprehensive survey

on time use (including study and rest time) of students by grade in Hong Kong.

As such, the overall picture on study time can only be gauged through the following scattered surveys:10

(a) Schooling time: According to EDB, students in primary and

secondary education generally spend about seven hours each day in schools, including lunch breaks and recesses;11

8 In October 2015, EDB issued a circular entitled "Guidelines on Homework and Tests in Schools - No Drilling, Effective Learning" to local schools, highlighting the need to avoid "inappropriate quantity of homework and excessive drilling", superseding the earlier guidelines issued in 2002. See Education Bureau (2002, 2014 and 2015) and GovHK (2015).

9 More recent surveys conducted by academic institutions suggest that the tutoring coverage ratio was more that 60% for students in Primary 4 in 2016, and 54% for Secondary 3 and 72% for Secondary 6 in 2011-2012. See Census and Statistics Department (2006), University of Hong Kong (2017a) and Zhan (2013).

10 Although many surveys have been conducted by local groups on the length of study time in Hong Kong in recent years, their sampling size is generally small and the survey methodology adopted may not be clearly provided. This paper would make reference to those studies conducted by academic institutions or those representative institutions with a relatively clearer research methodology.

11 This normally includes two recesses of about 20 minutes each and a one-hour lunch break at school.


(b) Homework after school: According to the survey findings of the Lingnan University in 2016, students in Primary 4-6 on average spent 2.4 hours each day on homework in 2015, while the respective figure was 1.9 hours for students in Secondary 1-3;12

(c) Private tutoring: According to a survey conducted by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups in 2012, the average amount of time spent on private tutoring by participating students in primary and secondary schools was about 4.9 hours per week or about 0.7 hour per day in 2012;13 and

(d) Total daily study time: As a crude aggregation, average study time for a student in primary to secondary education is estimated to be about 10 hours on a school day.


For the five-day school week alone, total study time could add up to

about 50 hours on average. For the weekend, if the time spent on homework

and private tutoring is broadly similar to school days, weekly study time for an

average student in primary and secondary education could be around 55 hours

per week. For those students in senior forms or taking more time in doing

homework or attending tutorial classes during the weekend, the weekly study

time could be even longer.


Sleeping time of local students


Adequate sleeping time is important for children for development of

brains as well as physical and mental strength. According to the medical

guidelines on sleep duration of children made by the Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention in the United States ("US") in 2017, the optimal daily

sleeping time for paediatric population should be 10-13 hours for kindergarten

students aged 3-5, 9-12 hours for primary school students aged 6-12, and 8-10 hours for secondary school students aged 13-18.14 However, there are

12 The survey was commissioned by Hong Kong Early Childhood Development Research Foundation, with participation of 1 146 students from 23 schools studying in Primary 4 to Secondary 3 in 2015. See Lingnan University (2016).

13 The survey was conducted in December 2012 and covered some 500 students from Primary 5 to Secondary 6. See Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (2013).

14 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2017).


concerns that local students cannot meet these sleeping time

recommendations in face of a tight study and activity schedule on the one

hand, and increasing diversion of time to digital devices (e.g. Internet, social media and electronic games) on the other.15


According to the aforementioned survey of the Lingnan University in

2016, average daily sleeping time was estimated to be 8.7 hours for students in

Primary 4-6 and 7.3 hours for Secondary 1-3 in 2015. They are all below the

recommendations made by the medical profession discussed above (Figure 1).

As a matter of fact, another study conducted by the Chinese University of

Hong Kong suggests that as many as 58% of local surveyed teenagers suffer

from sleep deprivation. This in turn could have adverse effect on their physical health and mental health.16

Figure 1 ? Actual and recommended sleeping hours for children in Hong Kong

Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Lingnan University.

15 Based on a survey of 7 600 primary school students in 2016, children aged 6-10 on average spent four hours each day on digital devices for playing videogames, watching television, communications through social media, etc. See University of Hong Kong (2017b).

16 A survey of 4 500 teenagers conducted in 2013 shows that 58.4% of students did not have enough sleep, which in turn could lead to adverse effects such as mood and behavioural problems, academic deterioration, metabolic and cardiovascular abnormalities. See Chinese University of Hong Kong (2014). 5


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