11 October 2005


Visit to Beijing, Xiamen, Fujian, Zhejiang and Shenzhen

Report of visits: 11-17 October 2005

The visit to Beijing, Xiamen, Fuzhou (Where the Fujian Birdwatching Society based), Hangzhou (Where the Zhejiang Birdwatching Society based) and Shenzhen aimed to meet with bird watching societies further to Ms Zhong Jia’s message to the Steering Committee (Appendix 1) and internal e-mail to bird watching societies (Appendix 2). The visits also aimed to facilitate discussion with relevant bird watching societies and to invite them to provide information for the CMS action plan on Black-faced Spoonbill and Chinese Crested Tern.

Part 1: Visit to Beijing (11-13 October 2005)

1.1 Meeting with WWF China

Date: 11 October 2005 (Tuesday)

Time: 15:45 – 18:00

Presence: Yang Yan, Simba Chan (SC),

Carrie Ma (CM)

We met with Ms Yang Yan (杨彦), Species Programme Coordinator of WWF China. Ms Yang is coordinating the WWF China small grant (小额基金).

SC gave introduction to Black-faced Spoonbill conservation in the Asia coastal region, including background for CMS action plan, participants for the drafting work, as well as the coming BFS symposium in Hong Kong. He also shared with Ms Yang information about conservation of Chinese Crested Tern and the idea of facilitating communication between researchers in Mazu, Fujian and Zhejiang. Ms Yang would offer support to providing information to relevant contacts and offering comment to the draft.

CM gave an introduction of the BirdLife/HKBWS China Programme, including result of recent visit to bird watching societies in Sichuan, Yunnan and etc. to access capacity for further corporation. Ms Yang indicated interest to join part of the training, or to obtain a set of training material and offer support for contacts in the future.

Ms Yang has also mentioned that WWF China has applied funding for the birdwatching society round table discussion (联席会议). She was waiting for result for the application, and it is hope it could be help at the beginning of May.

We met Mr Louis Lin (林瀛禄Mobile no. 13501113832) at the entrance. Mr Lin is the new Country Representative of WWF China. He didn’t join the meeting due to other commitments. We had short discussion and took a picture (see attached name card for future contacts).

1.2 Meeting with Zhong Jia

Date: 11 October 2005 (Tuesday)

Time: 20:00 - 22:00

Presence: Zhong Jia (ZJ), Simba Chan (SC), Carrie Ma (CM)

We had dinner with Ms Zhong of Beijing Bird Watching Society, follow by some private discussion at the hotel.

1.2.1 Response from other BWS

ZJ mentioned the feedback from Chengdu Bird Watching Society (CDBWS, see Appendix 3), and said that she has sent a letter (internal communication Appendix 2) to all birdwatching societies to collect their views on the BirdLife International’s Taiwan issue. Four different types of feedback was received (some had not replied):

i. Extreme response – no discussion with any organizations who is related to “Taiwan independence ”;

ii. Reasonable response – how to find a reasonable way to solve the problem? In case Taiwan was being kick out, how could China move in?

iii. Immediately draw a bottom-line and stop any project connection (e.g. CDBWS).

iv. Unaware of the issue, and didn’t know how to do.

She as given a call to the chairman of CDBWS, Shen You (沈尤 / 扎西学) regarding the issue.

[Post-meeting note: Shen You currently worked in Guangzhou. we would met him and members of the Guangzhou group in Shenzhen on 23 October 2005.]

1.2.2 SC introduced background of BirdLife partnership

SC briefed ZJ the background of ICBP and BLI, and BLI’s partnership with non-governmental individual organizations. There are also special cases e.g. Hong Kong (since 1960s), Canada (2 partners) and other examples. That Taiwan should be view as a territory similar to the Falklands, but not a sovereign state. BLI didn’t aware of China/Taiwan issue in the past, and it has no intention on carry out “two-China” policy. In all major BLI publication such as RDB and IBA, Taiwan and Mainland are both placed under the title of ‘China’. SC mentioned result of the last Steering Committee meeting included to find a chance to meet with Taiwan partner, chances of issuing a statement from the BLI headquarters, etc.. He also analysis the difficulties that WBFT would encounter.

1.2.3 Pressure faced by Zhong Jia

ZJ understood the issue, and she has no problem personally regarding the relationship with BirdLife International. However, she was recently advised that the issue could cause problem to the registration of birdwatching societies.

ZJ has a full-time job in the Taiwan/Hong Kong section of People’s Daily. She has spoken to her seniors (5 people, who are familiar of China/Taiwan issue) about the BirdLife issue during a meeting. Unfortunately, when she raised the question, she was scolded by two of them that she should not have involved in any connection with BirdLife International. Later on she was advised by one of her seniors that there is only one way for changes, i.e. Taiwan partner should change its name to “China Taipei (中国台北 / 中华台北)”.

1.2.4 Dongting Lake Bird Race

ZJ has also mentioned to the organizer of the Dongting Lake Bird Race regarding participation of BirdLife people in the race. The suggestion was brought to the organizing committee for consideration. However she was advised that BirdLife people should not attend the event officially, for fear of being widely reported by journalist and which would generated negative impact for future races.

The coming event will be co-organized by the provincial government, Forestry Department and the China Zoological Society (中国动物学会which made a donation of RMB30,000).

ZJ is going to arrange:

- A meeting between group leaders (representatives from bird watching societies) and BirdLife staff to discuss the China/Taiwan issue

- At the same meeting, SC could make an introduction on IBAs.

- Dr Zhao Xinru (赵欣如) of the Beijing Normal University (and Beijing Bird watching Society) would organize another meeting for other participants on education or promotion of birdwatching activities.

1.2.5 Formal registration

ZJ intended to get the Beijing Birdwatching Society registered as a individual organization through the way of commercial registration (商业注册). There is no need to pay tax unless profit is generated. By this way, this would allow the Society more flexible to apply for projects and has its own bank account. She raised an example that the Wild China Studio (野性中国工作室) organized by Xi Zhinong (奚志农) also runs in a similar way.

She also mentioned that organizations which are mostly sub-division of government related organization (e.g. Friends of the Nature (自然之友), Shanghai Birdwatching Association (上海观鸟会), Xiamen Birdwatching Society (厦门观鸟会)) used to be control by the government on data ownership, and these organizations were instructed to organize government-related activities, e.g. the annual “Love Bird Week” in April.

Recently, there is an interesting chance for Chengdu Birdwatching Society that members of the Society offered comment to the government regarding the Lake Beihu (北湖) development on bird conservation. It got support from the Agriculture Department (农业部) and CDBWS took this opportunity to apply for an individual status in May 2005.

1.2.6 Suggestion to BirdLife International

SC raised a question in case a letter or statement from BirdLife International, where should it be sent. ZJ suggest it should be sent to sent to Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council (国务院台湾事务办公室 / 台办)

ZJ raised a question that “when Taiwan partner was dismissed (or changed its name), how could China move in?” She suggested the following ways:

- To form a “national birdwatching organization”

- To follow Indonesia model that SC mentioned, to have a BirdLife programme office in China and it eventually evolve into a BirdLife partner.

ZJ mentioned in the last two years, leaders of birdwatching organizations approached her that she should take the lead to form a “national bird watching organization”. She tried to ask them questions on how to do the planning, but no one could answer her. The only expectation from these organizations was to seek help for funding support. She would give consideration to a BirdLife programme office in the future. She considered that the office currently in Hong Kong is okay, but it should be move to China in the future.

1.2.7 Other hesitation

ZJ found herself and Zhao Xinru are both helpful to Beijing Bird Watching Society. However, both of them could be a burden for its development. ZJ thought she worries too much and her People’s Daily background used to be an obstacle for major opportunities. She said that Zhao Xinru understand the background too much, he used to discourage support from other people.

[Post-meeting note: After Zhong Jia has sent an internal e-mail to birdwatching societies, members of Beijing BWS, including some of our good contact e.g. Liu Yang, Lei Jinyu and Wang Ximin became more alert to get in touch with us. Wang Ximin refused to have meeting with us in Hangzhou on “China Bird Watch” affairs. We could only communicate with them through SMS privately, until the last evening in Beijing. The political atmosphere was rather strong in Beijing, and CM was advised Zhong Jia in two different occasions about the objective of “Communist Party”.]

1.3 Meeting on production of education material and China Bird Watch

Date: 12 October 2005 (Wednesday)

Time: 09:30 – 16:00

Presence: Carrie Ma, Wang Ruiqing (王瑞卿), Zhang Ling (张玲) and Simba Chan (morning only), Zhong Jia and Qiao Yingxin (乔颖欣)(afternoon only)

1.3.1 Education material

We met with Zhang Ling and Wang Ruiching of Global Green Earth (绿家园志愿者)on the production of education material. Zhang Ling said that she used to organize the annual university school bird race for 4 years, the activity has gradually became regular activities of universities. The Global Green Earth is considering to further promote bird watching among universities. Wang Ruiqing has prepared a proposal for education material (Appendix 4), it includes:

■ 2,000 pcs “Introductory guide on bird watch” at RMB13,900

■ 2,000 pcs “Handbook of bird ID in the wild” at RMB12,000

■ 1,000 promotion posters at RMB 4,300

Mr Wang intended to have the education material produced in February or in August 2005. He would prefer to get funding support a.s.a.p.

CM made a feedback to Mr Wang and Ms Zhang that the proposal would be sent to the BirdLife/HKBWS China Programme Steering Committee. Mr Wang could also consider applying for small grant from RSPB or other suggested sources (e.g. Swarovski Hong Kong Ltd.) by him in case funding support is urgently needed. When chance arises, he could consider to organize the bird watching event as a part of the China Bird Festival, hopefully to be held in next October.

1.3.2 China Bird Watch

As discussed in the BirdLife/HKBWS China Programme Steering Committee meeting, we will support part of the production of China Bird Watch in 2006.

CM discussed with the editorial group in Beijing (lead by Zhong Jia) that the support will involve budget of next year, in the other words, the support of next year would be comparatively less than that of this year.

The 2006 issue would include the following:

← Colour cover

← Logos of bird watching societies and supporting organization (including Darwin Initiative and Global Greengrants Fund (GGF)) at the inside

← Words from the editors

← Bird watching news / Conservation news in China mainland or world wide

← News from bird watching societies

← Articles from bird watchers

← Bird records

CM asked ZJ to communicate with Wang Ximin that he might need to consider whether GGF is happy to offer support.

1.4 Meeting with Zheng Guangmei

Date: 12 October 2005 (Thursday)

Time: Afternoon

Presence: Zheng Guangmei and Simba Chan

SC met Prof. Zheng Guangmei privately to discuss various matters on China ornithology and development of BirdLife projects in China. Prof. Zheng has always been aware of the politics in the BirdLife matter, probably because he was a member of the People’s Assembly (the Parliament in China). Personally, he understands that matter well and even a bit sympathetic on the Taiwan issue. He said the WBFT should change its name as ROC is not acceptable to Beijing. When it is done, he suggested BirdLife to approach the State Science Commission (国家科委) for an official understanding on the BirdLife matter.

Prof. Zheng also said he would step down as the President of the China Ornithological Society at the coming ‘election’. Prof. Gao Wei (高玮) of Jilin would be his successor. Due to Prof. Gao’s age he will only serve one term. The President will then be succeeded by Prof. Liu Naifa (刘乃发) of the Gansu University (NOTE: CONFIDENTIAL! Only for the information of the steering committee)

1.5 Wednesday Lecture

Date: 12 October 2005 (Thursday)

Time: 18:30 – 20:00

Presence: About 40 active bird watchers

As requested by the organizer, Dr Zhao Xinru, SC offered a one-hour presentation on IBAs in Asia. The presentation includes how IBAs were identified and published, source of information, criteria of IBA identification, summaries of IBAs in Asia and relevant comparison with potential Ramsar wetlands.

[pic] [pic]

1.6 Meeting with Dr Zhao Xinru

Date: 12 & 13 October 2005 (Thursday)

Time: 12 Oct (20:30 – 22:30) & 13 Oct (09:00 – 11:00)

Presence: Zhao Xinru, Xiao Wen (霄雯), Carrie Ma (12 Oct evening, and later part of the meeting on 13 Oct) and Simba Chan (13 Oct morning)

As arranged by Zhong Jia, CM met with Dr Zhao Xinru to seek his advises on training courses. CM shared with Dr Zhao information of previous visits to bird watching societies. SM and CM shared experience on education and publicity affairs. The meeting continued on 13 October morning.

Zhao Xinru’s suggestion on trainings include (12 October):

- Training material/manual should be produce to fit the requirement of participants at different levels;

- Consider participants’ availability (e.g. weekends, Wednesday evening, winter holiday)

- Consider the use of visual aid equipment (e.g. video on bird ringing)

- Medium e.g. website available for download of education material (Zhao Xinru requested the education material could be upload onto his website at .);

- Encourage submission of records and news;

- Include more pictures to increase its attractiveness;

- Make good use of examples and case studies;

- Encourage core members’ participation and build up their capacity;

- Consider cultural differences at various parts of China (e.g. practical information, interpretation, different concern about environment)

1.6 Lunch with Zhang Zhengwang

Date: 13 October 2005 (Thursday)

Time: 12:30 – 14:00

Presence: Zhang Zhengwang, Simba Chan and Carrie Ma

We had a lunch with Zhang Zhengwang (Chinese Ornithological Society) and Zhang Guogang (National Bird Banding Centre of China).

SC raised the China/Taiwan issue and reported recent progress. Both Zhang Zhengwang and Zhang Guogang look forward to having the problem solved. Zhang Guogang said that he would attend the coming Black-faced Spoonbill International Symposium (he’s much clear that BirdLife is not the organizer).

SC discussed with Zhang Guogang details of the CMS action plan on BFS. CM introduced Zhang Zhengwang the BirdLife/HKBWS China Programme.

[Post meeting note: Regarding the Hainan Conference in November, Zhang Zhengwang has indicated support to deliver the “Saving Asia’s Threatened Birds (Chinese version) to the venue (Appendix 5).]

1.7 Meeting with BP (China) Holding Limited Beijing Branch

Date: 13 October 2005 (Thursday)

Time: 14:30 – 16:00

Presence: Catherine Zhang Lei (张磊), Simba Chan and Carrie Ma

Ms Zhang gave some introduction about BP (碧辟(中国)投资有限公司北京分公司) China’s work. BP has funded over 10 projects since 1980s’ to match with development of BP conservation programme. This include conservation of Crested Ibis and Tibetan Antelope.

Recently BP China Programme has two major interests apart from the BP Conservation Award:

i) Education affairs – in particular secondary and primary education and relevant education reform. For example, WWF has conducted a programme on school education; Qinghua University and Guangzhou University conducted training programmes in tertiary school students.

There would be chance for consideration in case proposed project involve, e.g. Beijing Normal University (trained teachers) to organize some sort of regular education events for primary or secondary schools, teachers’ training and in long-term to build up certain links to existing curriculum. Ms Zhang has indicated interest to offer views from BP China or comment on proposals on this aspect.

ii) Community development – Volunteer initiative. As most of the large cooperate, BP encourages its staff members to initiate projects related to community (e.g. school activities, animal protection, serve mentally handicapped children, etc.).

iii) Road safety – BP also interest in promoting road safety that could enhance the corporate image in a significant way.

1.8 Dinner with Chen Shuihua, chat with Liu Yang and Lei Jinyu

Date: 13 October 2005 (Thursday)

Time: 19:00 – 20:30

Presence: Chen Shuihua (陈水华), Liu Yang (刘阳), Lei Jinyu (雷进宇) and Carrie Ma

A telephone was received unexpectedly from Dr Chen Shuihua (Chairman of Zhejiang Birdwatching Society) in the evening. We went out for a dinner with Liu Yang and Lei Jinyu.

Dr Chen mentioned the internal message from Zhong Jia. He didn’t think to dismiss WBFT is not a reasonable way to handle this relationship, and it would not easy to invite Taiwan to join anymore. He mentioned that ZBWS has good relationship with some researchers in Taiwan in particular on Chinese Crested Tern projects.

Chen Shuihua also asked a number of questions including how BirdLife International handle the China/Taiwan issue, possibility of Zhejiang BWS join BirdLife International, etc.. Dr Chen also gave lots of positive comments relating to bird records for the China Bird Report (Liu Yang and Lei Jinyu are editors of the report).

After the dinner, CM, Liu Yang and Lei Jinyu find some where to continue chatting (as usual). Lie Jinyu mentioned that Zhong Jia faced lots of pressure recently from her seniors. Her e-mail to HKBWS and internally to birdwatching organizations aimed to generate pressure to BirdLife International to handle the China/Taiwan issue. He understand that this could cause other birdwatching societies hesitate to get in touch with us, and he suggested the most effective way is to have face-to-face discussion with these societies.

Appendix 1

Message from Ms Zhong Jia to some members of the BirdLife/HKBWS China Programme


(continue next page)



Appendix 2

Internal e-mail from Ms Zhong Jia to birdwatching societies on the National Day (1 Oct 05)




Ms Zhong’s internal message is translated below


To all responsible person of birdwatching societies:

How are you

There is about two months to the Dongting Lake bird race. As a part of the race, there is a meeting between responsible person of bird watching societies, and we need to discuss something. I take this chance of the National Day to talk about this problem.

The aim of the meeting is to let officers of BirdLife International understand the development of bird watching career in China mainland, this is an important step of moving China birdwatching towards the international. However, there is an important problem ---- BirdLife International is the only one international organization which receive "Republic of China" as member. The China government strongly not allow any non-government organization to join this kind of international organization, unless BirdLife dismiss the membership of "Republic of China" or Taiwan being "China Taipei". Nowaday, BirdLife International has an office in Hong Kong, which works on projects in China in an indirect way. If we allow this happen and cooperate with it, this is not appropriate. IF birdwatching societies cooperate with BirdLife International on projects, IF there is government members and officers' attendance, and IF publicity material with BirdLife logo were distributed widely, there will be problem. This will affect us as birdwatching societies the status in the government official as well as our formal registration and daily operation. In case you think it is minor issue, we can go around and ignore the issue, but it would let BirdLife International a chance to remain "Republic of China" as member, and allow a chance for those which promote Taiwan independence to further promote in the international (actually this has already happened). Dongting Lake Bird Race is a chance, we should show our attitude to the officers of BirdLife International who are attending the event : The China mainland bird conservation career need our effort as amateur birdwatchers, we have already achieved this very well, and there will be further development. However, BirdLife International should solve the membership problem of Taiwan, otherwise it cannot start any work in China smoothly. In this issue, we should stand at the national point of view, and should not let any chance to BirdLife International because of project money.

Birding friends in Taiwan are not our rejecting object, we should not let any chance for Taiwan independence. This is our principle! BirdLife International could first dismiss "Wild Bird Federation of ROC", let it change the name to "Wild Bird Society of China Taipei" and reply for the membership. This is not a difficult issue to Birdlife International, but those officers in BirdLife International have been very lazy on this issue. In the past few years, only Mr CY Lam and several members of HKBWS raise this issue to BirdLife International, the pressure generated is not large. Now, we need to use the chance of the attendance of BirdLife people ot the Dongting Lake bird race, to give group pressure to BirdLife International. To them, we are not in an antagonistic attitude, but we need to express this is problem base on fundamental principle. In addition to the Dongting Lake Bird Race, we should always raise this issue and principle when we contact BirdLife International, not to allow its name and logo appear. This is related to the future of us as birdwatching societies, and more importantly, we can show our effort on against Taiwan independence, please pay attention to it! In the past, only HKBWS show its attitude to BirdLife International alone, as a Special Administrative Region, it has straightly insisted to protect the principle of one China. Now there are many bird watching societies, we can give pressure to BirdLife International together, and let it understand our views on solving the Taiwan membership problem as soon as possible.

All of the above are not designed by myself only, but from the last Dongting Lake Bird Race to now, and many issues. This is a chance to go to Dongting Lake again, this is a chance for us to move forward. Carrie Ma of HKBWS now working as the China Programme Officer for BirdLife International; Simba Chan from Hong Kong is now working in BirdLife Asia Division in Tokyo, they are our alliance. Please do not miss the chance to make use of and to get in touch with them, and make them at the same time working for BirdLife International, and together with us to make BirdLife International see the importance of Taiwan problem.

If you think you need further information or discuss practical ways regarding the issue, please get in by letter or by phone 13910919154.

Thank you! Have a happy National Day!

Zhong Jia


This message to:

Xiamen Bird Watching Society (Jiang Hangdong and Chen Zhihong)

Guanddong Educaton Institute (Liao Xiaodong)

Zhejiang Bird Watching Society (Chen Shuihua and Fan Zhongyong)

Chengdu Bird Watching Society (Du Ke and Shen Long)

Shanghai Bird Watching Society (Fangzhen and Yang Zhidong)

Shenzhen Bird Watching Society (Xu Meng and Dong Jiantian)

Fujian Bird Watching Society (Yang Jin)

"Bird-talker" on-line record submission system (Zhao Junfeng)

"China Bird Watch" editor (Wang Ximin)

"Bird Watching Network" (Yanghua and Chen Yuzhu)

Xibopo Bird Watching Society (Li Jianping)

WWF Forum (Yu Haiyin and Wang Jiyi)

WWF Forum in Wuhan (Tao Xudong and Zhu Mihui)

Xinjiang (Wang Chuanbo)

Beijing Global Green Earth (Zhang Ling)

Bird Group, Friends of Nature (Fu Jianping)

Appendix 3

Message from Chengdu Birdwatching Society on 9 October 2005



Translation of the above message:

Dear Ms Ma:

How are you!

Thank you for sending us the book and CD! However, I regret to inform you that, because of bird watching society of China Taipei was allowed by BirdLife international to join as "Wild Bird Federation of ROC", to our Government, and our Chengdu Bird Watching Society and members, will not allow and is strongly denounced this. Although including Ms Ma, we are trying our best to coordinate this issue, before BirdLife International dismissed "Wild Bird Federation of ROC" and only allow them to join as "China Taiwan Bird Watching Society", Chengdu Bird Watching Society will not apply or join any projects with relations with BirdLife International. We were forced to pending our discussion related to project application. Hope you could understand this.

Chengdu Bird Watching Society will joined with other bird watching oranization, to actively discuss with officers from BirdLife International. We thank once again for Ms Ma's understanding, helping and supporting to Chengdu Bird Watching Society!

Chengdu Bird Watching Society

October 2005


Appendix 4

Proposal from Global Green Earth on education material

The proposal received is related to promotion of birdwatching activities among university students, through production of education material, organizing talks and outdoor activities.

The Global Green Earth proposed a production of (a) 2,000 pcs “Introductory guide on bird watching” at RMB13,900; (b) 2,000 pcs of “Handbook of bird ID in the wild” at RMB12,000; (c) 1,000 promotion posters at RMB4,300.

(Page 1)


(Page 2)


Appendix 5

Support from China Ornithological Society to distribute the “Saving Asia’s Threatened Birds” (Chinese version) during the Hainan Conference to be held in November 2005

At 17:37 05/10/24 +0800, zhang zhengwang wrote:

>HI Simba:

> THank you for your e-mail and I am glad that you had a fruitful trip.

> I will ask Song Jie to check the book tomorrow. I am sure we have

> some left. But it is too heavy to take many copies.



>Best wisghes!



>----- Original Message -----

>From: "Simba Chan"

>To: "Dr. Zhang Zhengwang"

>Cc: "Carrie Ma"

>Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 2:26 PM



>edition of Saving Asia's Threatened Birds



> > Dear Zhengwang,

> >

> > It was very good to meet you in Beijing. We had a good trip to Fujian and

> > Zhejiang. Very glad to see the growth of birdwatching activities in China.

> > As for the problem of BirdLife's participation in conservation in

> China, we

> > are now working on solving the problem and I believe we can find a

> solution

> > soon.

> >

> > As many ornithologists and birdwatching organization will join the

> > Cross-Strait ornithological meeting in Haikou in November and the Dongting

> > Bird Race in December, these are the best chance to distribute the

> > remaining copies of Saving Asia's Threatened Birds (Chinese translation)

> > kept at BNU. Could you check how many copies are kept at the BNU? If

> > possible I would like to have some send to Haikou and some to Dongting for

> > these events.

> >

> > Thank you very much for your help.

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> > Simba

> >



Photo at the entrance of WWF China: (from left) Loius Lin, Simba Chan, Carrie Ma, Yang Yan

From left: Wang Ruiqing, Zhong Jia, Qiao Yingxin

From left: Liu Yang, Chen Shuihua and Lei Jinyu


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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