Plan your day –Plan your night

The last 10 nights of Ramadan Asalamualykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu,I hope you are all well, and have a had a good 13 days of Ramadan, subhanallah we are already hitting half way point and here I am talking about the last 10 days of Ramadan 2019 already! How has your Ramadan been so far? Have you gained closeness to Allah? Have you recited as much Quran as you had wished? Are you Happy with your level of worship? The amount of dua you have made? The amount of Sadaqa you have given? My answer is No, and maybe some of yours too. If the answer to any of those questions is ‘No’ – do not worry. Allah does not limit us he gives us an opportunity to refine ourself further. OK you first 10 didn’t go well- -don’t worry, your middle 10 didn’t go well don’t worry – im going to give you an incentive to make the last 10 go well - Laylatul QADR. A bit like if you don’t do well on a piece of work/essay in class, teacher gives you chance to improve and then you didn’t do that great, then another chance again something came up and you couldn’t then final chance your teacher says ‘if you can improve this answer for me im going to give you 100 merits’ or ?100 – What would you do? You’d drop everything and focus on that essay! The reason I say 100 you think that outrageous why would anyone do that. Its because the rewards of Laylatul qadr are outrageous. Lets look at the Quran...The night is so great that Allah has revealed an entire Surah about it ….left7747000Tafseer - Verse 1 – Indeed - We sent it down in the night of Qadr IT = Quran, it should already be on your mind – Quran. It doesn’t need to be spelt out that it is the Quran being spoken about - Ibn Abbas - One night the whole Quran came down from Heaven 7 to Heaven one in this night Qadr has 3 meanings Calculation – to calculate something – this is the night in which Allah sends major decisions for the entire year.. Allah already has decreed all this but it is on this night it is sent down to the angels to execute. Nobility/ Honour – The most honourable of Angels (Angel Jibraeel as) came down on the Most honourable night (Laylatul Qadr) to the Most honourable of messengers (Prophet Muhammad) with the most honourable of Books (Quran). All the glories come together Power – We should have faith in the power of Allah to change our life. The most powerful kitaab – Quran was revealed in this night. The power of our duas on this night is immense too. It is the EID of the Quran , the anniversary of the Quran Verse 2 – What is the night of Qadr? Allah is going to tell us just incase we forgot. Three answers to this Question 1)Value 2) Decree 3) Limit Verse 3 - The night of decree is better than 1000 months – Allah tells us the value 1000 months = 83 years and 4 months. When Allah put a huge number in the Quran – Allah means that this night is better than a lifetime. So if you found this night you got your lifetime sorted. This night can change everything about your life. Gain Allahs blessings for our entire lifetime. Night of Value? What is its value? Better than 1000 months. Not fixed. Its more than… means a lot!Verse 4- The angels and the spirit descend by the permission of their Lord with every commandLegion of Angels descend along with the spirit (Jibrail) – special guest in the house come down by leave from their master (Angels have other tasks to do) with every kind of command (Allah has decreed that they come with Allahs command for everyone regarding everything– help us with financial spiritual health ect….) They are all around us. More angels around us than grains of sand. You can feel them This happens every year. Verse 5: Peace is till the emergence of dawn Qadr = limit – how long does this last? Matlaa – rise of Fajr – Laylatul QADR IS extended, It stops when the light starts coming out Salaamun Hiya – There is no peace like no other in it Salaam – It is all for giving peace and serenity . You can feel it!So when are these beautiful night ……Odd nights – if you starting fasting on Monday 6th May Night of Ramadan Date 21st Odd night Saturday 25th May 23rd Odd night Monday 27th May 25th Odd night Wednesday 29th May 27th Odd nightFriday 31st May 29th Odd night Sunday 2nd JuneWhat is important is that you know when your odd nights are and that you pencil them in to your diary or write them up big and bold on your fridge or bedroom. You are consciously aware when they are. What should you do on this night? Its not just reward but also a chance for us to get our sins forgiven. Abu Hurayrah??relates that the Prophet??said: “Whoever stands (in the voluntary night prayer of) Ramadan out of faith and in the hope of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven. And whoever spends the night of Lailat Al-Qadr in prayer out of faith and in the hope of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven.” [ HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Sunan an-Nasa’i] . Encourage your family too Aisha??reported: With the start of the last ten days of Ramadan, the Prophet??used to tighten his waist belt (i.e. work harder) and used to pray the whole night, and used to keep his family awake for the prayers. [Bukhari]Plan your day –Plan your nightOne of the ways to have a successful last 10 days and nights of Ramadan, is to plan them Plan your day – 3 tips to have a productive day leading to a productive night Try to get a short nap in the later afternoon to recharge your battery for the night. 20 mins power nap has proven to re-energise your body. After work for us who work or when the kids are asleep for us mum, look after yourself also. Keep your day easy – any tasks that can be left for after Ramadan avoid doing it in Ramdan Keep the Iftaar simple (no Iftaar parties or time/energy consuming dishes), use paper plates and cutlery … minimise washing and decrease your work. BE smart with your day! Alhamdulillah, for us students and staff and hopefully parents to we could not be more grateful to Allah that the last 10 days have fallen in the MAY half term holidays. That is a rare opportunity that Allah has blessed us with after many many years. How will we make it worthwhile? How will we make this Ramadan different?Plan your night – 10.00-2.45am. (4hrs and 45mins) Plan and portion your night – something to look forward to – get you motivated Plan your sleep, Plan you Sahur, Plan your kids, taraweeh, your Quran recitation, Your duas and your giving charity, plan your rest….You don’t have to stay awake the whole night if you cannot perhaps sleep in between and make sure you awake up/ woken up abit earlier for sahur to make the most of the third portion of the night. More than usual is what your aiming for…Mix up various different forms of ibadahs . Quran and salah then charity then Quran. Even with the Quran there are so many different things you can do. Memorize new verses, brush up on old verses, get someone to listen to your verses, read translation, read/listen to the commentary, listen to the Qur’an (maybe while you are doing your dishes), reading the Quran. Give charity every night. X 83 years even if it’s a pound a night. Keep hydrated and eat well – keep your bottle next to you/ have a snack time – treat yourself with something nice. Plan your duas : What are you going to ask for? - Allahumma innaka ‘affuwwun tuhibbul ‘afwa fa’fu ‘aConclusion - Ask Allah to give us the ability to stay awake, fully energised , I make dua that Allah give us the ability to make the most of the last passing days of RamadanTo accept our worships and sacrificesTo help us to maintain the connection and worship and link with the Quran even after this month. Please remember me, my family, our community, our school our scholars and the ummah in your humble duas. Subhaana rabbika rabbil'izzati 'ammaa yasifoon. Wasalaamul 'alal mursaleen. Walhamdu lillaahi rabbil 'aalameen. ................

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