Pilot Career Exploration Application

The Nancy Pautz Memorial Career Exploration Award

The Gustavus Adolphus College Center for Vocational Reflection in partnership with the Career Center is offering a unique opportunity for students participating in an Interim Career Exploration. The Nancy Pautz Memorial Career Exploration Award is open to students of all majors exploring vocation through a month long, off-campus, full-time, experience. The primary goal of this program is to help students participating in an Interim Career Exploration engage in substantive reflection on issues of vocation, lives of service and how a person’s career reflects one’s larger sense of self, purpose, and contribution to society.

This program awards a small number of students up to $300 to cover expenses incurred while participating in an Interim Career Exploration. Students demonstrating financial need, commitment to genuine exploration, and the ability to participate in required program components are given priority consideration.


Internships and Career Explorations provide students with opportunities to learn and gain experience in a variety of career fields. Since many are unpaid, students with limited financial resources are often unable to participate. We believe experiential learning is an integral part of the Gustavus experience and that equalizing opportunities for all students is important. As stated in the Gustavus mission, “the purpose of a Gustavus education is to help its students attain their full potential as persons, to develop in them a capacity and passion for lifelong learning, and to prepare them for fulfilling lives of leadership and service to society.” The Nancy Pautz Memorial Career Exploration Award is intended to support students in this endeavor.

About Nancy:

Nancy Pautz worked at Gustavus Adolphus College for 21 years; with her last 16 years in the Gustavus Adolphus College Career Center as the Internship Program Assistant. In December of 2003, Nancy passed away after a battle with cancer. Nancy’s contributions to students are immeasurable. Students loved Nancy’s approachability, her generosity, caring, and her never-ending enthusiasm for experiential learning. By establishing this award, the Center for Vocational Reflection and the Career Center hope to honor Nancy’s countless contributions to the career exploration program.


1) Complete Interim Career Exploration registration process.

2) Complete application and one-page statement by Tuesday, December 4, 2007.

3) Write a one-page reflection paper about your experience. This summary will include your story, what you have learned, and a photograph to be shared with the Gustavus community, due Friday, February 1, 2008.

4) Complete all work assigned by your faculty sponsor and internship program. Common readings to help you process your career exploration through the lens of vocation will be sent out at the beginning of your experience and questions related to the readings will be emailed each Friday during the experience.

5) Attend the reflection dinner on Tuesday, February 12, 2008 @ 6:30pm.

Nancy Pautz Memorial Career Exploration Award Application


Your Name ______________________________ Student ID# ____________

Phone _________________________ Email ______________@gustavus.edu

You currently are a: Sophomore Junior Senior

Your Interim Contact Information (Award check will be sent to this address)

Address ________________________________________________________

City _____________________________ State ______ Zip ______________

Email ____________________________ Phone _______________________

Site Information

Organization _____________________________________________

Supervisor’s Name and Title ________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________

City _____________________________ State ______ Zip ______________

Supervisor’s Email ________________________________________________

Supervisor’s Phone _______________________________________________

Title of Internship: _______________________________________________

Is this a compensated position: No Yes (Wage $ ____________)

Attach to this application a one-page statement addressing the following:

• Description of your Interim Career Exploration and why you chose it

• What you hope to discover by doing this Interim Career Exploration

• Describe how this award will help you in this endeavor

Note: Award amounts may vary, and a small number of students may be awarded up to $300.00. If you are selected for this award, the first portion of the award money will be mailed out at the beginning of January. Once all the requirements are successfully met the remaining award will be received at the Reflection Dinner. We will send out award notification to you at your Gustavus email address.

Application deadline: Tuesday, December 4, 2007


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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