Craiglockhart Primary School

Mrs Saunders Maths SetWeek Beginning 18/5/20Morning everyone. Hope you had a great weekend and managed to complete your Maths without any problems last week.This week, we are going to move onto a different part of Maths – how to measure Area. You should have worked on Area before so some of this week’s work will be revision but next week we will move on to some trickier work, so make sure you understand/learn the work we are covering this week.Remember, if you have any problems or questions, please contact me using my email address which is below – Isabel.saunders@craiglockhart.edin.sch.ukNumeracy and MathsLearning Intentions –All Tasks –To understand area is a measurement of the surface that a shape takes up.To learn how to calculate the area of rectangles/squares using simple formulae.To understand that area is measured in square units/cm/mm/m.To use problem solving skills when working with area and perimeter.Activities and ResourcesTo complete the tasks below, you need go through the following procedure to start each of the tasks.Copy and paste the following website into your browser then search. down to Week 2Select the day you are working on i.e. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or FridayThen click on the Maths lesson for that day. You don’t need to do the lessons on these days you can do them when you want.Work your way through the lesson using the next activity button on the bottom right of your screen. The stages for each lesson are – Start LessonQuizVideo (very important as it teaches you the Learning Intentions)Main Activity – work in the videoQuizLesson Complete.Make sure you complete each stage. It mentions work sheets but I do not know where to access them yet so just complete the work on the slides on the video in your jotter – use full screen so you can see them clearly. I have given more information about this in each of the tasks. Also, the Main Activity are the slides in the video.Go back through the above procedure for the next task etc until you have completed all of them.Task 1Use the instructions above to access Week 2. You then complete the activities for Tuesday’s Maths plete any written work in your jotter. On page7, complete in your jotter.On page 19, (Main Activity) complete this work in your jotter or on a piece of paper. Additional Practice On your whiteboard, ask an adult to draw several rectangles/squares and put the measurements for 2 of the sides on the drawing e.g. a rectangle with sides 9 and 6 units. Work out the areas of the shapes using your formula and write the answers correctly in the shapes using units squared. Make them as challenging as you like.Task 2Use the instructions above to access Week 2. You then complete the activities for Wednesday’s Maths plete any written work in your jotter. On page 7 and Part 1 in the video, use your whiteboard to complete the answers.On page17, Main Task –write your answers in your jotter. Use written method (chimney sum) of multiplication is you want to work out answers.Something to think about? – write 5 examples in your jotter.Additional PracticeOpen the following icon or link and complete pages 1 and 2 of the 1 star worksheets in your jotter. You do not need to print the worksheets – complete the answers in your jotter.Once you’ve completed the work, mark your answers using the marking sheet. you want to, you can complete page 3 of the 1 star worksheets – complete it in your jotter.Task 3Use the instructions above to access Week 2. You then complete the activities for Thursday’s Maths plete any written work in your jotter.In the Moving On section – use your jotter for answers to all of the work.On page19, Main Task –write your answers in your jotter. Use written method (chimney sum) of multiplication is you want to work out answers.Additional PracticeOpen the following icon or link and complete pages 1 and 2 of the 2 star worksheets in your jotter. You do not need to print the worksheets – complete the answers in your jotter.Once you’ve completed the work, mark your answers using the marking sheet. you want to, you can complete page 3 and 4 of the 2 star worksheets – complete it in your jotter.Task 4In this task, you are going to use the skills you have learned in the work we have covered so far on perimeter and area and apply them to solve problems/investigate area and perimeter.Use the instructions above to access Week 2. You then complete the activities for Friday’s Maths plete any written work in your jotter.On the To Start page (page 8), use your whiteboard or paper to help solve the problems.In the Main Task –write your answers in your jotter or on paper. Use written method (chimney sum) of multiplication is you want to work out answers.Additional PracticeOpen the following icon or link and complete pages 1 and 2 of the 3 star worksheets in your jotter. You do not need to print the worksheets – complete the answers in your jotter. Once you’ve completed the work, mark your answers using the marking sheet. luck everyone. Let me know if you have any problems. ................

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