St.Francis’ Primary School Daily Learning Plan

Class: P3/2 Teacher: Miss PennickCheck-in Message:Tuesday 19th January 2021Good morning Primary 3/2! I hope you are having a great start to the week so far – I hope some of you have managed to see my ThingLink on Twitter to help you find online resources and follow activities linked with the Daily Plan! Don’t worry if you do not finish everything you can always come back to an activity from another day. Remember to check in and go through the Zones of Regulation this morning if you are in the green (happy), yellow (worried), blue (sad) or red (angry) zone draw a small face at the top of your blank jotter and colour in the zone you are in!Today, we are working on subtraction in Numeracy and I will Tweet a Treasure Hunt Tuesday activity on Twitter. In Literacy we will work on handwriting skills and continue working on our winter writing and or practice our red words sounding out and spelling carefully. In RE we are learning about different religions, today we are learning about Islam. Remember you can Tweet us some of your work @stfrancisps @MissPennickStfr. Keep safe and remember to keep your 2m distance and wash your hands regularly. Miss Pennick?Curricular AreaLearning Intention Learning ActivitiesToolkit resourcesOnline resources71967-3196100Numeracy LI: I am learning to use my subtraction skills. Subtracting from a 2-digit numberP2 have a go at the following subtraction questions (watch the Subtraction Help Clip to remind you what subtraction is).2 – 2 = 4 – 2 =8 – 4 = 5 – 3 = 7 – 5 = 8 – 6 = Challenge: try taking away from 2-digit numbers:20 – 4 = 46 – 4 = 33 – 3 = 22 – 3 = Count down out loud or use the 100 squareSquared/blank/lined jotter or paperPencil------Subtraction Help Clip Hunt Tuesday activity post on Twitter: the second page of the Number of the Day visual document for the 100 numbers square to help you in Class Resources Page: go to Miss Sealy’s ASFL class page if you are in her group?LI: I am learning to write carefully and neatly.LI: I am using adjectives for writing about winter.If you are in Miss Sealy’s Read Write Inc group please go to her ASFL class page / Twitter @MissSealy_Handwriting TaskGet your writing hand warmed up! Write out the alphabet you can use your alphabet sheet from your learning pack to help you!Writing TaskIf you haven’t seen yesterday’s Daily Plan – go back it Daily Plan - 18.01.2021 and try writing a sentence describing winter or a winter walk. Use the Adjectives Help Clip to remind you what an adjective is. Examples:-Winter walk: I went for a walk outside in the crispy white snow. -Winter: Winter is freezing cold and sometimes it snows. Blank/lined jotter or paperPencil Adjectives Help Clip spacingFull stopsCapital lettersRead your work out loud to check it makes sense.21248-2202900Spellings LI: To sound out and spell words correctly.Read your week’s red words carefully sounding them out and write them out. Can you add the dots and dashes?Pink RWI group: want, you, call, we, be, No, her, are Blue RWI group: any, oth er, two, one, all, her, th ere, said PencilPaperJotter -951645-1559000RELI: I am learning about other religions.Watch the video clip about practices in the religion of Islam.What have you learnt from the clip?Write down the 5 pillars of Islam that are in the clip.What are the 5 pillars of Islam? Write each one and explain in your own words what they are.Who is Allah in Islam? Allah is God Draw the picture below of the symbol of a crescent moon and star for Islam Blank/lined jotter or paperPencil 5 pillars of Islam clip ................

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