Business Names Letterhead - YoloWorks

| | Yolo County Workforce Investment Board |

| | |

| |25 North Cottonwood Street One-Stop Career Center Locations |

| |Woodland, CA 95695 |

| |(530) 661-2750 Woodland |

| |West Sacramento |

| |(530) 661-2658 FAX 25 N. Cottonwood St. 500-A Jefferson Blvd., |

| |Building A |

| |(530) 661-2641 (916) 375-6307 |

| | |

|Board Members |Executive Committee |

|AccuStaff – Woodland | |

|Adecco - Woodland |August 22, 2012 |

|All Phase Security Inc. | |

|Buckhorn Steakhouse |Committee:, Ken Garrett, Terri LaBriola, Tanya Provencher, Janis Holt and Wes Ervin |

|California Dept. of | |

|Rehabilitation |Present: Tanya Provencher, Wes Ervin, Terri LaBriola, Janis Holt and Ken Garrett |

|California Employment | |

|Development Department |Absent: |

|California Human Development | |

|California Indian Manpower |Staff: Nancy O’Hara, Lisa Vincent, Tanya Provencher, Art Rodriguez and Barbara Castillo |

|Consortium | |

|Cambridge Junior College - |Public Comment / Announcements – Non-Agenda Items |

|Woodland |WIB members, staff, or the public may address the Workforce Investment Board Executive Committee on subjects relating to employment and |

|Center for Employment Training|training in Yolo County. A time limit may be imposed. No action may be taken on non-agenda items. |

| |None. |

|City of West Sacramento City |Call to Order / Establish Quorum |

|Council |Nancy O’Hara called meeting to order at 8:10 a.m. with quorum present. |

|City of Woodland Economic |Agenda Review and Order Approval |

|Development |Approve the Executive Committee minutes of 7/25/12 |

|County of Yolo Economic |Corrections made to page 4 item 16-C, last line should read ‘SETA business outreach’ |

|Development |Janis Holt moved to approve amended minutes for July 25, 2012 minutes; Tanya Provencher seconded; motion passed. |

|Cruickshank Farms |Recommend appointment of WIB Member-Business; Kate Stille/Nugget Market Inc. |

|ERA Mata Realty |Recommend appointment of WIB Member-Business Based Organization (CBO); Kevin R. Sanchez/Food Band of Yolo County |

|Experience Works, Inc. |Recommend appointment of WIB Member-Labor; Maggie Campbell/Laborers, Local 185 |

|Los Rios Community College | |

|District |Recommend appointment of WIB Member-Labor; Ted Scott-Femenella/Sacramento Central Labor Council |

|Mori Seiki |Tanya Provencher moved to approve appointed WIB members mentioned above, items 5-8; Terri LaBriola seconded; motion passed. |

|Pride Industries | |

|Rite Aid Corporation |Receive resignation of WIB Member-Labor/ Chuck Frame/Road Sprinkler Fitters U.A. Local Union No. 669 |

|Sacramento Central Labor |Member received resignation letter for Chuck Frame. Appointed WIB member Ted Scott-Femenella of Sacramento Central Labor Council will be |

|Council (4) |replacing Chuck Frame. |

|Valhalla Mobile Home Club | |

|Walmart – West Sacramento |Receive resignation of WIB Member-Native American Program; Brooks Lockhart/Indian Manpower Consortium, Inc. |

|West Sacramento Chamber of |Members received resignation. |

|Commerce | |

|Western Truck School | |

|Woodland Aviation | |

|Woodland Community College | |

|Woodland Healthcare, Inc. | |

|Yolo County Department of | |

|Employment and Social Services| |

|Yolo County Housing | |

|Yolo County Office of | |

|Education | |

|Yolo Employment Services, Inc.| |

Page 2

Executive Committee

August 22, 2012

11. Approve the September 12, 2012, WIB Agenda

Software installation has been delayed. A new implementation date will be announced at a later time.

12. Receive PY 2011-12 Expenditures Summary Report

Yolo County has allocated $180,817.00; funds from the previous will be carried over to the new fiscal year.

13. Conference and Training Updates - Update

• CWA/Meeting of the Minds, September 4-6 in Monterey to be attended by Terri LaBriola.

14. CWA/WIA - Update

No updates at this time

15. Reports:

a. Executive Director – Nancy O’Hara, DESS Assistant Director

Nancy O’Hara announced that Tanya Provencher will be taking her place as the WIB Executive Director. Art Rodriguez will be taking the place of Tanya Provencher as a voting member on the WIB.

b. One-Stop – Tanya Provencher, DESS Division Manager

Tanya Provencher handed out stats updates for July 2012.

WIA Program Updates:

1. Youth Program (Regular)

| |July |

| |2012 |

| Active Participants |95 |

|Enrolled during the month (regular |17 |

|program) | |

|Exited from program during the month |13 |

2. Adult/DW Program

| |July |

| |2012 |

|Active Participants |104 |

|Enrolled during the month (regular |6 |

|program) | |

|Exited from program during the month |20 |

|Total Orientations between Woodland & W. |6 |

|Sacramento | |

|Total Customers scheduled to attend |34 |

|Orientations | |

|Total Customers that actually attended |23 |

|the orientation | |

Page 3

Executive Committee

August 22, 2012

Rapid Response Services for July 2012

1. Woodhaven Lanes (Woodland) – No notification received, staff found out after closure. Several unsuccessful attempts made to contact owner & staff.

Business Services through One-Stop: July 2012

| | |Number of Client in Attendance| |

|Date |Company | |Recruitment Type |

|7/3/12 |Clark Pacific |6 |Onsite Recruitment |

|7/11/12 |Clark Pacific |Unknown |Onsite Recruitment |

|7/11-7/13/12; |RUSH (PCP Orientation) |493 |Onsite Recruitment |

|7/26-7/27/12 | | | |

|7/17-7/18/12; |VOLT (warehouse0production/Call Center |56 |Onsite Recruitment |

|7/31/12 |agents) | | |

Employment Center Updates:

| |June 2012 |July 2012 |

|Total Users |1,025 |1,256 |

|Total Services |8,355 |10,015 |

|Accessed through VOS | | |

New Hires for June 2012:

Total number of people who attained a job through the One-Stop Services

Component of July 2012


WIA 15

*Employment Centers 0

Total 15

*The number of people who obtained employment through the public use of the Employment Center may be higher, but unreported. The statistic above includes facilitation with employers only.

Occupational Skills Training:

|Program |School |Field of Study |

|Dislocated Worker (DW) |Western Truck School |Class A Truck Driving |

|Adult A |Western Truck School |Class A Truck Driving |

|DW |Western Truck School |Class a Truck Driving |

|DW |OCT Operator Certification Training |Water Management |

|A |Horizon College of Health Sciences |Nursing Assistant |

|DW MTI |MTI |Accounting Technician |

|DW |Anthem College |Dental Assistant |

Page 4

Executive Committee

August 22, 2012

Tanya Provencher shared the following announcements with the Executive Committee Members:

• The newly created One-Stop Services WIB packet will be on the WIB agenda for September 11, 2012

• One-Stop Services will be advertised on radio station 92.5 FM and 1530 AM news radio

c. WIB Membership recruitment – Steve Roberts

Nancy O’Hara reported for Steve Roberts

There is nothing in the By-Laws that prohibits a business with multiple local locations from being appointed by location, i.e., more than one membership for one parent company. The Executive Committee agreed to have Home Depot of West Sacramento and Woodland as members of the WIB with two separate memberships.

The following businesses will be submitting their applications to the WIB:

• California Manpower Indian Consortium, Velma WhiteBear

• Pacific Coast Producers, Denise Fairbanks

Thank you to Janis Holt for her assistance in recruiting Kevin Sanchez; Food Bank of Yolo County.

Steve is in the process of recruiting the following businesses:

• Seminis Vegetable Seeds

• First Northern Bank, Dixon

• Walgreens Distribution Center, Woodland

d. Yolo Youth Opportunity Council – Janis Holt, Yolo Housing

Janis Holt reminded the members there was no Youth Council meeting in July due to the summer break.

Updates as follows:

• Working with Elliot Jones to recruit eligible youth to replace the two who left to college

• Would like RISE to give a presentation on what RISE does and how they are connected with Yolo County

• Regional WIB meetings are at a standstill for now until all regional WIBs can meet again

16. Other Business That May Come Before the Board

Lisa Vincent presented the board members with the 2013 WIB schedule; members agreed to add this schedule to the WIB agenda for September 11, 2013.

17. Adjourn

Meeting adjourned at 8:55 a.m.

Next Meeting

September 26, 2012

One-Stop Career Center – Davis Room, Woodland One-Stop

8:00-9:30 a.m.

Accommodation: In accordance with Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you require special

assistance, meeting materials to be in an alternative format, auxiliary aids, or other person to assist you

while attending this meeting, we will provide reasonable accommodation to allow participation. Contact

Ms. Barbara Castillo at 530-661-2651 at least 3 business days prior to the meeting to facilitate arrangements.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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