Facilities: - Quia

SEM II LESSON PLANS 3-12 thru 3-16-12 SPH

COMPETENCY: 4.00 Synthesize the relationship between event and facilities management.

OBJECTIVE: 4.02 Discuss aspects of event management.

DAY 1 - 3-12-12 WARM-UP What could be the best thing to happen to a team who signs Peyton Manning and what could be the worst?

EQ: What are two core principles of the NCAA?

ACTIVITY 1: “We are very concerned by the point-shaving allegations involving Auburn University men’s basketball program and have been in contact with the school and the FBI since the issue arose in February,” the NCAA said in a statement. “The NCAA takes any allegation of point shaving very seriously because sports wagering threatens two of our core principles – the well-being of student-athletes and the very integrity of intercollegiate sport.

1. Investigate what this statement is making reference to.

2. What athlete(s) is being investigated?

3. What are the worst possible consequences if he is found guilty?

4. What effect might it have on Auburn University's revenues?

Activity 2: "All of this comes at the worst possible time for the NFL, a league under pressure to curb hits that result in concussions. The league itself is the subject of lawsuits from former players alleging that the league failed to protect the players from the dangers of concussions. As a league that is obsessed with protecting its image as family entertainment, another lawsuit that highlights the dangers and violence of the game is yet another bump in that road."

1. What is the above statement making reference to?

2. Who are two of the most famous players who received injuries in games with the Saints?

3. Where did the money for the fund come from?

4. Was the head coach aware of the operation of the program?

5. What might be the outcome of this?

Activity 3: Use the notes for 4.02 on the Class website to fill in the blanks below:

1. No 2 events are exactly alike and require ________ ___________.

2. Planning for events can be __________ and should be detailed.

3. Careful preparation is _______ for the event to be a success.

4. Financial and _______ risks are the largest to consider when planning an event.

5. Financial risks include: _________ expenses; _________ than expected revenue; a ________ in the economy, a decrease in personal _____________ income of attendees; ____ ____ problems associated with the event.

6. Safety risks include: ____________; ________; terrorist ________; and __________.

7. Event marketing provide a service, thus making it ___________. Intangible aspect of an event include: ___________; ______________; & ______________.

8. The event _______ varies with each ___________ involved.

9. Event __________ provide unique services for customers. Customers _________ and react in their own way.

10. The product and the ______________ are inseparable.

11. ___________ tickets for an event are perishable and cannot be ______ later.

12. Necessary skills of an event manager. _____________: the vent manager must bring together and motivate __________ people to coordinate a successful event.

13. Clear ___________ of individual responsibilities must occur.

14. Well-informed staff provide a more positive _________ for the spectator.

15. _______________. The event manager must develop a ___________ for the event to run smoothly.

16. Tasks must be ___________ to the appropriate staff.

17. Probem-_________. The event manager must be _________ and ______ in professionally handling new challenges. The event manager must be capable of solving unexpected ____________.

DAY 2 - 3-13-12 WARM-UP .Who am I? One of only 10 freshmen under coach Dean Smith to start the first game of his career, he had 86 assists in NCAA Tournament play, which was the most in that event's history at the time. In 127 games as a collegian, he averaged 12.9 points per game and 6.0 assists while running Carolina's offense to masterful perfection from his point guard spot. His record of 195 steals for Carolina still hold 4th place.

EQ: What effect is digital communication having on collegiate basketball games?

Activity 1: Attendance, a key vital sign in any sport, is slipping in college arenas as fans have digital access to games in ways that would have seemed futuristic just a decade ago. Young super-stars play at the collegiate level just one year before seeking NBA riches. Scandals have tarnished marquee schools, while conference realignments have buried rich and storied rivalries. And coaches' salaries continue to soar, reinforcing the view - fair or not - that college hoops is first a business.

Yet the NCAA tournament remains a showcase, dominating the March sports calendar and pulling rabid and casual fans into the annual ritual. But even this crown jewel could be showing wear. Total attendance a year ago hit a 5-yr. low despite an expanded field and one additional session.


1. Name the Texas All-Star who played just one year before moving onto NBA.

2. Name two marquee schools tarnished by scandals.

3. Name a rivalry that was buried by conference realignment.

4. What year did the NCAA begin providing free streaming of tournament games? (2)

5. Name the NCAA defending national champion of probation - for what reasons?

6. The NCAA tournament has grown so great that many feel it sucks attention and passion from the regular season. Do you agree or disagree - why or why not?

7. NCAA college football execs believe that every game matters: TV ratings are better; the in-stadium attendance is better and the post-season is valuable. Only one of these is present in the NCAA basketball - which one??

8. Investigate to see what the average attendance for an ACC regular season game currently is? Some of the dips can be attributed to on-court performance. Give an example of an ACC team that was previously strong but will likely miss the NCAA tournament for the 3rd time in five years.

9. What school has begun putting unclaimed student seats on the general admission sales block?

10. Current alumni in the demographic range of 40 to 60 years buy season tickets and support the college's sports program through donations. How do you see the current student body's addiction to digital information making a difference on what has been the norm for college sports programs?

11. How has Stanford University embraced technology?

12. What do healthy numbers in TV ratings imply?

13. If the regular basketball season has become overexposed and overpowered in the fall by college football and the NFL - what would be the problem of moving things up so we deal with April Madness instead of March Madness? What all would be involved?

14. Determine what the NCAA tournament attendance was last year.

15. How are the revenues split?

Activity 2: Use the notes for 4.02 on the Class website to fill in the blanks below:

To create an event management plan: ________ the event. Find a facility for the ________ number of attendees. Determine if the facility wants or _______ to book the event. _________ the contract for the event. The coordinator, promoter and __________ __________ define the terms of the contract. A boilerplate (_________) contract has a fill-in-the blank _______, making it easy to complete. __________ and revenue for the event should be analyzed. The split or ______________ percentages for dispensing the revenue should be ___________. Example: The facility received 30% of revenues and the promoter/entertainer receives ________%.

Coordinate the event. Meet _______ and equipment needs. Secure a _________ for equipment. Recruit, train and supervise _____________. Design a work order complete with _______ __________ for each task. Discuss any concerns and __________ problems. Schedule __________ as necessary. Follow _________ and _________ legislation. (3)


DAY 3 - 3-14-12 EQ: What effect is Linsanity having on revenues for the NJ Knicks?

WARM-UP . In a promotion for its first production fuel-cell vehicle in Germany, Mercedes-Benz turned a B-Class hatchback invisible -- at least, from a distance, using the same idea behind the invisible car in the James Bond film "Die Another Day." See if you can see it before it sees you. Google Mercedes invisible car on Yahoo and see if you can find the car - what was Mercedes point in manufacturing an invisible car and producing the ad?

Activity 1: LinSanity!! LinFatuation!!!

1. What is the amount of Jeremy's contract with the Knicks?

2. Linn is the 1st ______________ player in the NBA.

3. Linn is the 1st graduate of Harvard in _______ years.

4. Do Ivy League schools offer athletic scholarships?

5. According to the media - ticket prices have soared for the Knicks. Research to see if you can determine the increase in the value of tickets since he joined the team.

6. Visit the Knicks' website and determine the most expense and the lease expensive item you can purchase relating to Linn.

7. Think about it. Linn is the 1st Asian to make it big in the NBA and throughout his career he has had to deal with being stereotyped with no other Asians to talk to about it. What advice would you offer him to help him get through the heckling?

8. What was the first sponsorship deal the Knicks have signed since Jeremy Lin took over the starting point guard job Feb. 6 while leading the team to seven consecutive wins?

Activity 2 Students answer a survey determining if they have the skills necessary to become an event manager. Survey Questions:

1. Do I enjoy working with other people?

2. When working in groups, do I delegate responsibility to my teammates to make sure that everything is completed?

3. When working in groups, am I careful not to do everything myself but trust others to do their part?

4. Do I enjoy writing and speaking?

5. Am I clear in giving instructions?

6. Do I like to talk with people?

7. Do I work well with diverse groups of people?

8. Am I good at making a team come together to work toward the same goal?

9. Do I have self-control and remain calm in stressful situations?

10. Do I enjoy problem-solving?

11. Am I organized and detail-oriented?

12. Do I enjoy taking on challenges and work diligently to find a solution?

13. Am I flexible when it is necessary to change plans?

14. Do people tell me that I am creative?

15. Do I have the ability to think and plan ahead?



If time remains, student is to practice on Quia activities related to Obj. 4.00.

DAY 4 - 3-15-12 EQ: How are alcohol policies set for public events?

WARM-UP . Name 5 famous people you would like to dine with - and why?

Activity 1: Use the notes for 4.02 on the Class website to fill in the blanks below:

Staging the event. Ensure __________ flows between all event workers. Be visible. _______ and walk around the event site. Schedule _________ for workers. Coordinate _______ efforts. Work with sponsors to ensure ______________. Organize Traffic flow and ____________.

Allow law ______________ agencies to provide input. Determine if parking spaces have been lost due to the weather or ____________ ______________. Example: Lowes Motor Speedway lost numerous parking spaces due to ______ ________. Post signs to direct ___________. Alter signal lights to assist _______ _________ as necessary. Notify local ___________ and _____________ of traffic plans to improve community relations. Establish ________ routes for police, fire and medical personnel.

Determine a seating plan. _________ ushers and an effective crowd ________ plan will minimize problems for reserved seating areas. ___________ may line up in advance for general admission seating due to the first come, first ________ seating. For festival seating arrangements, there are no ________ seats, and the spectators must ________ shoulder to shoulder in open _______ spaces.

Determine Alcohol Policies. Alcohol sales present a potential ________ if intoxicated patrons create a _______ situation. _____________ is an alcohol education program for _________, ____________, and consumers of alcohol. Require techniques for effective alcohol management (_______). A 501©(3) non-profit coalition of companies, including: _____________ Corporation, Health ___________, Inc., Major League ____________. Also included: the Anheuser-__________ Companies, The __________ Brewing Company, The _________ Brewing Company, the National ___________ Association, the National __________ League, the Natl. Highway Traffic Safety ___________, the National _________ League. The TEAM coalition mission is to "_________ effective alcohol service _________ in public assembly _____________ and promote _____________ alcohol consumption that enhances the ________________ experience while reducing ______________________ instances both in facilities and surrounding ________________."

Check IDs and ___________ of those of legal age. Have a two-beer ________ per purchase. Use 12 oz. ___________. Eliminate sales after a set time. Promote a ______________ Driver Program.

Activity 2: Have students make a poster (Prepare in Word/powerpoint, etc.) portraying the intangible aspects (things you cannot physically touch or hold in your hand) of an event including:

• Amusement (pictures of people smiling)

• Entertainment (magician’s hat, people clapping)

• Information (what could be learned/personal growth gained from this event) THINK OF OTHER ASPECTS!


DAY 5 - 3-16-12 EQ: What is the purpose of a SWOT analysis?

WARM-UP Who do you think President Obama's favorite athlete is and why? Who do you think President Obama's favorite entertainer is and why? .

SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses/Limitations, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve that objective.

Setting the objective should be done after the SWOT analysis has been performed. This would allow achievable goals or objectives to be set for the organization.

Strengths: characteristics of the business, or project team that give it an advantage over others (5)

Weaknesses (or Limitations): are characteristics that place the team at a disadvantage relative to others

Opportunities: external chances to improve performance (e.g. make greater profits) in the environment

Threats: external elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business or project

A strength could be (internal) (helpful):

• Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Information Technology (IT) support Amazon's business strategy.

• Toys "R" Us has in excess of 1500 superstores in the United States and Worldwide.

• Brand is all-important. Apple is one of the most established and healthy IT brands in the World.

• Wal-Mart has grown substantially over recent years, and has experienced global expansion (for example its purchase of the United Kingdom based retailer ASDA).

• Ben and Jerry's is a prestigious, established, successful, global operation, with sales in USA, Europe and Asia, which is synonymous with social responsibility and environmentalism.

• Stakeholders in Bharti Airtel include Sony-Ericsson, Nokia - and Sing Tel, with whom they hold a strategic alliance.

• Williams-Sonoma has an extensive store network helps it cater to a varied consumer needs and segments and create product awareness and loyalty.

• Among Fast Food restaurant chains, Burger King is second only to McDonalds and holds a 15% share of the United States market.

• Whole Foods have had 25 years of double digit revenue growth.

• Carnival Cruises are such a large company that they have significant cost advantages over most of their competitors.

A weakness could be (internal) (harmful):

• China Mobile is not globally diversified. Telecoms companies tend to trade in more than one country.

• Toyota needs to keep producing cars in order to retain its operational efficiency.

• Because they are most well known for children's art products, they have yet to achieve high market share in this division, and most art professionals do not use Crayola products.

• A slumping US economy may negatively impact demand for the Time Warner’s products and services.

• Dell is a computer maker, not a compute manufacturer.

• In the recent past the company's passenger car products are based upon 3rd and 4th generation platforms, which put Tata Motors Limited at a disadvantage with competing car manufacturers.

• DreamWorks' stock price fell following lower than expected box office revenue for “How to Train Your Dragon”.

• Starbucks has a reputation for new product development and creativity.

• The software of EA Games is dependent upon the platforms that are created by other companies,

• Sony's production facilities are located far from its customer base.

An opportunity could be (external) (helpful):

• New and emerging markets provide opportunities for eBay in countries such as China and India.

• To diversify and add breadth to its brand, Smith and Wesson licenses its name to makers of apparel, watches, sunglasses, gift sets, and more.

• Sandals could promote their resorts at all Bridal and Child/Baby Expos in major cities, in order to reach the largest numbers of their target market.

• Fox Entertainment is well positioned to capitalize on the shift to digital television

• PepsiCo is in the midst of making a $1, 000 million investment in China, and a $500 million investment in India.

• More than half of General Electric's revenues come from outside the United States, other contracting opportunities will take place in Mexico, South Africa, India, Italy, and Japan.

• There are positive projects for General Motors' business in China and India.

• Product development offers Nike many opportunities. The brand is fiercely defended by its owners whom truly believe that Nike is not a fashion brand.

• The increasing demand for cloud computing is likely to create demand for HP’s solutions in coming years.

• Open Nestlé Café's in major cities to feature Nestlé products. (6)

A threat could be (external) (harmful):

• Home Depot joins competitors such as Lowes and Menards in taking a second look at expansion plans due to an uncertain economy.

• Top competitors for Molson Coors include: Ashai, Carlsberg, Heineken, Kirin, and Tsingtao.

• The most highly priced Indian Premier League teams may not be those that have the early success.

• McDonald's have been criticized by many parent advocate groups for their marketing practices towards children which are seen as marginally ethical.

• The supply chain has very few suppliers, leaving IBM very little to negotiate with or switch to.

• The majority of the Kroger’s 326,000 employees are covered by collective labor agreements.

• The customers of Infosys may switch to other offshore service companies in other countries such as China or Korea.

• Many of Johnson and Johnson's new launch products are vulnerable to the uncertainty of regulatory review

• The obvious threat is from ITC's competition, both domestic and international.

• There may be religious, cultural and social restrictions among certain groups that object to utilizing Trojan's birth control methods

Below is an example SWOT analysis of a market position of a small management consultancy with specialism in HRM (Human Resources Management)

|Strengths |Weaknesses |Opportunities |Threats |

|Reputation in marketplace |Shortage of consultants at operating |Well established position with a well |Large consultancies operating at a minor |

| |level rather than partner level |defined market niche |level |

|Expertise at partner level in HRM |Unable to deal with multi-disciplinary |Identified market for consultancy in |Other small consultancies looking to |

|consultancy |assignments because of size or lack of |areas other than HRM |invade the marketplace |

| |ability | | |

Activity 1:

Have students research on-line newspaper articles for recent sports and entertainment events in their area. Have the students write a summary of the event listing Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. (A good choice might be the recent ESN College Day celebration on the Duke Campus - you may find a lot of media coverage on it).









Speaking of Coca-Cola, this is a big year for their Powerade division. According to AdAge, Powerade will launch its biggest marketing program yet as this year’s “Official Sports Drink of the NCAA”. Powerade products will be on the sidelines for all 88 games and they’ll launch their new “Game Science” campaign during the first game with an ad featuring Chris Paul from the New Orleans Hornets. Powerade currently holds about 27% of the sports drink market share with Gatorade leading the category with 71%.



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