Episode 1230 Monday, March 31, 1980 Re-aired Tuesday ...

January 29, 1976 Monday, February 14, 2011 1st Episode

Seneca and Ed have emotional discussion about Nell.  Nell stops breathing.  Mary is pleased when Jack starts having feelings of jealousy.  Seneca refuses to let Nell die and puts her on a respirator.  Sam shares with Maeve his delight in her food as well as her company.  Sam enjoys breakfast at the Ryan’s ant their company.  Jack gives Sam a warning to not interfere in his and Mary’s relationship.  Ed and Jill share concern for Nell.  Neither of them are concerned about Faith putting her disappearance off as nursing a broken heart.

***** Recap Re-Written in 2010 *****

Ominous music plays as we see Nell post-surgery. The nurse is telling Seneca and Bucky about Nell’s sky-rocketing blood pressure. Seneca believes it is caused by hemorrhaging. Ed enters and inquires about her condition, stating that he didn’t believe the aneurysm was even operable. Seneca defends his decision because he couldn’t let her die in the E.R. He tells Ed there was so much blood he felt like he was operating blind. Ed concurs with Seneca’s decision and says there’s nothing they can do but ride it out and offers his condolences. All of sudden Bucky yells out that Nell has stopped breathing.

Mary is in Jack’s kitchen cooking eggs. Jack enters wearing a blue robe (hmmm, guess we know that that means). He tells Mary he likes his eggs like his women – soft. After some nuzzling she tells him she’s glad he’s not mad anymore. He denies that he is over his feelings of anger. He doesn’t like the idea that she is headed out for work with “Pretty Boy Floyd”… or should he say “Mr. ‘Right’”. She admits that her boss played a dirty trick but it was pretty funny. When she tells Jack that she told Sam that she loved Jack he wonders if he got the hint. The important thing in Mary’s opinion is that she refused to have dinner with Sam and only spent twenty minutes with him before going to Jack’s place, making him dinner, then “making things up” with him. Jack still wants Mary to quit and worries about him chasing her around the desk. She’s enjoying him being jealous. She maintains that he’s a good newsman and she’s learning a lot from him. If he’s such a good newsman, why is he at Channel R. She admits that he likes her but insists she can handle him – boys have liked her since she was twelve. She accuses him of being a churl and wants Jack to be friends with Sam. He laughs at this and insists her dream of Jack, Sam, Johnny, and her having a lovely picnic together is not going to happen. He does not want to be buddies with someone trying to take Mary away from him. She insists she can keep men at a distance starting with seventh grade when a guy tried to kiss her and she clocked him with her lunch pail. She tells him she loves, trusts, and admires one person and she’s been waiting for him. He admits he has trouble trusting anybody but she assures him he can trust her.

Seneca goes into action mode – yelling at Bucky to clear Nell’s airway and the nurse to ready the oxygen. They put an oxygen mask on her and call it a respirator and Ed wonders if she’ll ever be the same again. Seneca laments that he took six years of her life away but Ed comforts him by saying Nell has done a lot of living in her limited time. Seneca appreciates that and tells himself that she could wake up. Bucky is very distraught but tells Seneca he couldn’t have done anything more. Seneca ponders whether he should have done anything as this is exactly what Nell didn’t want to happen. Seneca orders a tracheotomy and notes that her pulse is strong. He yells at Nell to wake up but there are no signs of her responding.

Jill is in Ed’s office and he shares the news of Nell’s stroke. She questions whether Seneca performing the surgery was a good idea and Ed believes it was an emotional decision. He’s pretty pessimistic about the outcome though and thinks surgery should only be performed if it can help the patient. Jill had come to Ed wondering if he’d seen Faith. Ed tells her she was going to the beach house but Jill maintains she was going to give Faith a list of things she needed from there before she headed out but she never showed. Ed thinks she just forgot but Jill is worried. Ed dismisses Faith not answering the phone as her being melancholy and strolling the beach about her break up with Pat.

Sam is at Ryan’s Bar kissing up to Johnny who marvels that he is up so early. Sam mentions several boxing greats that Johnny has met and Maeve enters with breakfast, their treat. She’s worried about his eating habits when Jack and Mary enter. Alone with Jack, Sam wonders what he’s waiting for. Jack counters that it’s not nine o’clock yet so it’s “his” time with Mary. Sam speculates that Jack should put a timeclock at his place so Mary can “punch in” over there. Jack warns Sam about the “Mr. Right” business and tells him he’s not allowed to take Mary out to dinner. Sam informs him he may be able to tell Mary what to do but not him. Johnny, eavesdropping from the kitchen, looks triumphant.

January 30, 1976 Monday, February 14, 2011 2nd Episode

Faith makes Kenneth angry when she tells him that it is Pat that she wants and loves.  Nell goes into violent convulsions.  Kenneth scolds Faith for continuing to love Pat when he has treated her so badly.  Faith gets an idea.  Seneca and Bucky get the results of Nell’s EEG. Faith manages to attach as S.O.S. note to Kenneth’s back.  A neurology patient reads the note.

***** Recap Re-Written in 2010 *****

Back to the hospital basement/morgue/Faith’s room. The caged canary sings as Faith is asleep and Kenneth enters. He has some crossword puzzle magazines and a paper sack. She stirs, sees him, and gulps as she realizes where she is. He watched her all night and wishes he could do more for her. She repeats her request to be let out of there but he tells her it’s a new day. She needs a doctor and x-rays but he believes she is more frightened than hurt. He also tells her if she had trusted him and not tried to run away she wouldn’t have gotten hurt. He then breaks the news of Nell’s aneurysm and he’s broken up about it. Faith expresses her condolences and compares her situation to Nell’s. He’s concerned about getting in trouble and people laughing at him – like she did. Faith maintains that he would receive no blame but Kenneth again extols the wonderful room and she has everything she needs (ummm except a bathroom?). He tells her that her physical pain is nothing compared to the psychological pain that Pat causes her. When she defends her love for Pat he gets angry.

Nell is doing her Darth Vadar imitation as Seneca orders an EEG. Bucky counsels him and tells him if he hadn’t performed surgery she wouldn’t have lived. Bucky believes the EEG will show brain damage. Nell has convulsions and they shove a napkin in her mouth. As she stills they agree that was bad.

Kenneth compares Pat and Faith to his parents; he will make her unhappy like his father did to his mother. She assures him that she can steer clear of Pat without having to stay in the basement. He counters that he didn’t want this room to be a cage; he created it so she could come and go freely. But she fell and broke her leg and now people will laugh at him. He goes into a bizarre dialog about people believing he is weird. During this, Faith is writing “Faith Help Basement” in the crossword magazine. She tells him he is very thoughtful by creating this room and carefully peels a piece of tape off her leg. He is telling her his life story and lamenting that he may lose his job due to Nell’s illness. She tells him she is sorry about hurting herself and his situation. He tells her he will let her out just not now and he will take care of her. He is leaving to check on Nell now and she asks him to untangle the bedclothes. He ominously tells her he knows what she really wants.

Seneca tries to help the nurse with the EEG. He and Bucky speculate on what the convulsions indicate and he decides he caused it by operating. Bucky tells him to shut up. The nurse hands Seneca the EEG tape.

Kenneth ponders that Faith really wants him to stay with her so they can get to know each other. He feels like he’s known her his whole life and has her best interests at heart. He feels like he can trust her like he trusts Dr. Beaulac and has to check on her. Faith again insists that he help straighten out the bed and asks him to talk her in his arms. She tapes the note to his back as he helps her to sit up. He leaves and she is pleading to herself that someone sees the note. Kenneth arrives at the nurses’ station and gets a status on Nell. He shares way too much information with how much Nell means to him as a new friend (didn’t they work together like fifteen minutes?). A limping patient walks by and sees the note on his back.

February 1976 Daily Recaps

February 2, 1976 Tuesday, February 15, 2011 1st Episode

Mrs. Rodriguez, who cannot speak English, shows Kenneth the note that was attached to his back.  He tells her that someone is trying to play a trick on him and heads to the basement. EEG indicates that Nell has no brain wave pattern.  Seneca takes it personal and feels that if he had not done the operation this would never have happened.  Ed learns of Nell’s condition.  Bucky calls his mother.  Seneca renders a loving apology to a lifeless Nell.  Kenneth is very angry at Faith and tells her that she is just like his mother.  Jill expresses her concern over Faith’s disappearance with Ed and they begin to search for her.  Jill and Ed decide to question Faith’s friends as to her whereabouts.  Kenneth makes Faith promise that she will not try and escape.  Once he leaves, Faith decides on a new plan.

***** Recap Re-Written in 2010 *****

Ken is conversing at the nurse's station, trying to pump the person on duty for more info about Nell.  Eventually, she yells that she's told him everything there is to tell and walks away.  Meanwhile, the limping woman with the cane is trying to read the sign on Ken's back.  It turns out that she does not speak English.  Ken goes over to where the nurse is and continues to press for information, telling her that as he is her (Nell's) lab assistant, it really would be OKenneth for the nurse to tell him about her condition.  She assures him (again) that she really has told him everything there is to tell.

Meanwhile, the limping woman continues to try to get Ken's attention, but Ken keeps brushing her off (since he doesn't understand her language). However, eventually, she does succeed to getting him to understand that there is something stuck to the back of his lab jacket.  Ken panics when he finds it (doing a cute little twirl, like a cat chasing its tail).  A panicky Ken assures the woman (in English, of course) that it (the note) doesn't mean anything - convincing her, despite the language barrier, that it is all just a funny joke.

Meanwhile, Faith is still suffering down in the secret room...*SONG*

Bucky and Seneca are reading Nell's EEG tape in her room.  Bucky concludes that she is "gone"; there is no higher brain function there at all.  Seneca requests the nurse to run the test again, but Bucky assures him that it won't change.  Seneca is desperately trying to retain hope, but Bucky keeps telling him that there is none.  Seneca replays various conversations with Nell in his head as Bucky reminds him that they promised her (Ed: Promised her they would not keep her alive by extraordinary means).

Bucky reminds him again that re-running the test won't change the results. Seneca fantasizes them running the test again and having it show improvement, but then we see it was only a fantasy.  Bucky tells him again that she is "gone", bringing Seneca to tears; Seneca bellows that he did this to her by operating.  He is consumed with guilt, not only for doing the operation out of a vain hope of being able to perform a miracle, but also for breaking his promise to Nell - the most solemn promise he ever made to her.

Seneca wanders out to the nurse's station, and is greeted by Ed Coleridge. Ed asks for a status report, and gets the expected news - that it isn't good.  Seneca tells him the bad news, that they ran the test twice and found no evidence of brain activity.  Ed suggests that he stay with Nell, allowing Seneca to get some rest, but Seneca snaps that he will stay with her.  Ed tells him that it has been 12 years since his own wife died and he has never gotten over the loss.  Seneca quietly notes that the situations are not comparable, because in Ed's case, his wife really was dead.

Seneca leaves the area.  Bucky comes out and phones his mother to tell her the news.  He asks her to come down to New York so that he can discuss it with her in person; she insists on some news before she will end the call. She wants to know if her sister is alive or dead; Bucky says he doesn't know how to answer that question.  When pressed, he recounts recent events and how the operation left Nell in her current state.  She agrees to catch the next flight.

Seneca returns to Nell's bedside and asks the nurse to leave them alone. Seneca is consumed with guilt - and in tears.

Outside the room, at the nurse's station, Jill arrives and tells her father that she is really worried about Faith.  Ed fills Jill in on Nell's condition.  He tells her that Nell will probably never regain consciousness. Jill is suitably sympathetic, but then changes the subject back to Faith. (Ed: Actually, Ed asks about Faith first - in an off-hand "Oh, what was that about Faith?" sort of way).  She tells him that Faith's car is still in the hospital parking lot (Ed: Right.  The guy at Sal's garage said he would leave the car in the parking lot, with the keys under the mat.)

Ed suggests that maybe she took the train.  Jill says she doubts this, but in any case, she's tried calling her there several times and there is never any answer.  Jill has tried calling there at all hours and she even called the phone company to check on the line.  She is really worried about her and tells Ed that they need to look into it and find out what's going on.  Ed suggests that they check her room in the intern's quarters - saying that it is probably something very simple.  They leave to do so.

Ken comes down the stairs, carrying his trusty flashlight and the note that Faith had stuck to his back, and re-enters the secret room.  He sternly tells her that this (meaning the note) was a "very naughty thing to do, Faith!".  He tells her that he is very angry with her.  She whimpers that she was only trying to get help, but he shouts back that she was trying to get him in trouble.  He goes into a routine about how he was trying so hard to help her and take care of her and she has betrayed him.  A very serious betrayal - that's what it is...

Ken then goes on and on about how if she gets back upstairs before her leg is healed, then he will be in a lot of trouble and he will be laughed at and ridiculed.  She assures him that that is not what she wants to happen, but he snarls back that he can't trust her anymore, not after what she's done. Then, she tells him that she wants her family and she wants Pat (Oops!).

Hearing this, Ken sputters that Faith is so much like "her" - so much like his mother, in so many ways.  Faith insists that he not confuse her with his mother, but he says that she doesn't understand.  He goes on about how his father "destroyed" his mother.  Faith insists again that she is not like his mother, but he declares that if she stays with "Pat Ryan", then that is exactly what is going to happen to her - the same as his mother.

He goes into a long tirade comparing his father with Pat - how they both ran around on their women, but their women only saw their charm and clowning around.  He ends by telling her that this won't happen again.  Pat Ryan will not destroy the most beautiful thing in his life - not this time!

Jill and Ed are in Faith room at the IQ.  Jill is looking through her things and concludes that Faith didn't sleep there last night.  She goes on to say that Faith would never take the train if she could avoid it and, in any case, she would need a car out there - to get groceries and things.  Jill suggests that they find Pat and see if he knows anything.  Ed says he is in surgery, but should be down in a while.  Jill says they need to talk to him.

Ed asks Jill to take care of it, because he is already late for a consultation (Ed: Got your priorities straight yet, Dr. C?)  Jill agrees to do so.  He tells her that he can be reached at University Hospital in Dr. Foreman's office; she can report what she finds (Ed: Still not taking the thing very seriously, though).  Jill tells him that she wouldn't be so worried if it weren't for all the other strange stuff that's been going on with Faith lately.  He agrees, but says he still hopes it is all just coincidence.  Telling her to call him right away, he leaves for his consultation.

Back in the secret room, Ken lectures Faith that he is giving her one last chance.  Upon inquiry, he tells her she has one last chance to regain his trust and his confidence.  One last chance for him to trust her...  He proposes a solemn pact between them, that they must both swear to uphold. The pact is that he will bring her everything she needs, everything to make her comfortable, even if he has to take grave risks to do so.  In return, she must promise not to try to leave the room until she is well.

Reluctantly, Faith agrees and gives her promise.  Happily, Ken states that the pact is done - they have exchanged their promises.  She can trust him to keep his side of the deal, and he will trust her to do likewise.  He then picks her up and leans her up against the chair, so that he can straighten her bedclothes.  While doing so, he rants about how much she hurt him by sticking the note on his back.  As he is finishing up the task, he tells her that, as hard as it is to believe, someday she will thank him for all that he has done.

After that, he puts her back in bed and tells her that he needs to go back upstairs, then tells her that he is so pleased that they trust each other again...(Closing credits: the nurse's station) *END*

February 3, 1976 Tuesday, February 15, 2011 2nd Episode

Delia invites Frank to lunch as a political ploy and is upset when he refuses.  Roger becomes annoyed when Seneca shows indifference to him.  Maeve sympathizes with Seneca and tells him what Nell said about the quality of life.  Frank shares with Mary the despair he feels for his marriage.  She reassures him about her relationship with Jack and tells him that her relationship with Sam is strictly business.  Sam convinces Mary to go into the sewers to do a story on environmental protection.  Dee encounters Roger and invites him to lunch.

***** Recap Re-Written in 2010 *****

In Dee/Frank's room at Ryan's, Dee is on the phone, gleefully talking to Mrs. Lem, setting up a lunch date for herself and her husband.  After finishing the call, she beams all over Frank about how wonderful it all is, but Frank is less thrilled than she is.  Next, Dee shows Frank her new wok (with a book inside of it; the book turns out to be "How To Cook and Eat Chinese").  She explains that a wok is a "cook everything Chinese pan" that is going to change their lives.  Well, ..., at least it is going to change *her* life - in the kitchen.  She is going to learn everything about Chinese cooking.

She asks Frank what he thinks of it, but before he can answer, she adds that it is very good for you (the food) and it is cheap (and she knows he'll especially like that).  Well, cheap once you get everything setup.  But she'll need to do a pretty complete kitchen makeover to get there.  She then babbles about how in China, they have chopsticks made out of ivory or jade or gold; Frank doesn't like the sound of that much, but is relieved to hear that she really doesn't have her heart set on gold chopsticks (Ed: yet!).

He then asks what all her plans are for lunch today and she explains that they will be going over to Lem's at 11:30 and Mrs. Lem will show them around the kitchen and teach them stuff and then she'll talk to Mrs. Lem about setting up cooking lessons for herself.  Frank tells her that the plans sound wonderful and he hopes she will enjoy herself, but, alas, he cannot make it.  She whines at this, but he explains that he has a meeting at 11:00 with some parents.

Dee pouts at her plans being spoiled, but Frank explains that the meeting is important and will last about 3 hours.  Dee pouts that she thought it would be a fun thing they could do together - and that it would have been really cool and official for her and the councilman to show up together, impressing Mrs. Lem and everyone else.  Frank is, however, skeptical of her claim that it would be something nice that she could do for him.

The conversation escalates into a fight, in which Dee suggests that Frank send Georgia to the meeting in his stead, so that he can keep the lunch date.  Frank refuses to do this, so Dee runs out in a huff, saying as she does that she will just find someone else to go with her.  After Dee storms out, Mary (real Mary is back!) emerges from the shadows and greets him as "Francesco".  She asks him how things are going, but then drops back and says "Or shouldn't I ask?" *SONG*

At the hospital, Seneca emerges from Nell's room looking tired and much the worse for wear.  Roger walks over to him and expresses his condolences about the way things turned out.  Roger leaves and Maeve enters, and has about the same conversation with Seneca as did Roger.  Seneca explains that Nell is still alive - that she is breathing with the help of a respirator - but that her brain is dead.  They ran two EEGs but there was no sign of brain activity.  Maeve tells him that she went to Mass and prayed for Nell, but there's really nothing anyone can do (is there?).

Actually, I lied when I said that Maeve/Seneca had the same conversation as Seneca/Roger.  This scene goes on and on, with lots of good drama, but little to summarize in a recap.  So, you'll just have to watch it.  The scene ends with Seneca saying he wishes he had let her die.

Mary is stroking Frank's hand as Frank tells her that he is just trying to get through it the best he can.  They are talking about his marriage and Mary is suitably sympathetic to his situation.  He explains that there just wasn't anything good enough going on this morning to warrant getting out of bed.  Mary is unhappy to hear that.  He goes on to describe how, in a way, he's got everything he always wanted now - a nice seat on the council and everything else - but it just isn't any fun.  There's no excitement in it (Ed: without Jill).

Eventually, Mary asks him if he's seen Jill at all recently.  He says yes, and that it was a mistake.  He explains how he was angry with Dee, and went out to see Jill a few days ago.  In describing their conversation, he says that what really got to him was how an agnostic, raised a Protestant (Ed: That would be Jill), could be so hung up on the indissolubility of marriage. Mary asks if Jill is really that hung up on marriage lasting forever, or if she is just convinced that Dee is going to make sure that hers and Frank's marriage lasts forever.

This all leads to a discussion of Mary's romantic entanglement.  Frank tells her to be very careful to never become "irreversibly committed" to the wrong person.  Mary replies that she is not so committed to anyone.  She *is*, however, in love with Jack.  Frank cynically notes that she is behaving like she is (already) married to him; she says (admits) that that *is* the way she feels.  They share a giggle/laugh over this.

Frank then asks "What about Sam?"  She says that she likes Sam.  Frank says he likes Sam, too.  Mary says "Of course you do.  He's as ambitious and competitive as you are."  Frank concludes that, alas, he's just "another buddy", and says "Sam, get in line!".  Mary replies "Oh, stop it!".

Noticing the time, Mary says that she needs to get to work, but leaves Frank with two thoughts - two things that should make it all worthwhile for him. They are: Little John and the 19th Congressional District.  He agrees; they embrace as she tells him that those are the reasons why she doesn't want him to give up on Dee.  She leaves for work, leaving Frank behind to feel glum again.

Mary arrives at Channel R; Sam is on the phone asking someone if they can get it together by 1:00.  After finishing his call, Sam launches into a spiel about how they've been invited, by the EPA, to tour the new (as yet unopened/unused) sewer pipe.  Mary is hesitant at first, but eventually warms to the idea and accepts the offer.  Sam then explains about how he was born and raised in Australia.  They share a happy moment together as Sam describes his childhood - how he would get up and swim, then float down to his grandmother's house for free food.  They leave together to go see the sewer.

Roger is milling about around the nurse's station.  Dee comes in off the elevator and asks the nurse on duty where Pat is.  Before she can answer, Roger interjects that Pat is up in surgery, so Dee comes over to Roger and asks him when he (Pat) will be free.  Rog tells her that he suspects he (Pat) will be up there most of the morning.  Dee responds with "Darn, darn, darn".

Dee declares that a doctor really doesn't have his own life, saying to Roger that you/they are always at everyone else's beck-and-call.  Rog asks if Pat and Dee had arranged to meet; Dee says no, not really.  In fact, she hasn't even told him yet...  They share a chuckle about this, then Dee says she is awful.  Here Pat is helping some poor person in need and she's mad at that person for needing him.

Roger assures her that that is "a very human response", then asks her if there is anything he can do for her.  Brightening, she confirms that he really means that; he is not just being polite.  They then discuss various bits of Ryan family nature, including that, other than Maeve, none of them ever really forgives anyone (a non-Ryan, that is).  After chatting some more, Dee asks Rog if he likes Chinese cooking.

After a bit of word-parsing, Roger admits that, yes, he does.  She says that is great and invites him to do her a big favor by having lunch with her at Lem's.  She explains the situation - all about her plans with Frank and how they fell apart - and now Pat isn't available - so here we are.  Rog is initially cautious - because of his general black sheep status with everyone these days - but eventually accepts.  They agree to meet at Lem's at 11:30 and to be discrete about their meeting there.  Dee leaves via the elevator.

(Closing credits: Channel R's studio, with flashing red light visible) *END*

February 4, 1976 Wednesday, February 16, 2011 1st Episode

Pat becomes worried when Jill tells him that Faith is missing.  Kenneth overhears Jill telling Pat that Faith is missing.  Faith starts a new plan to escape.  Delia and Roger share cooking lessons and lunch at Lem's.  Kenneth pretends to be worried about Faith and tries to convince Jill and Pat to go to the police.  Faith uses a chair as a crutch and walks toward the door.  Delia is humiliated, again, when Frank refuses her advances.  Jill and Pat attempt to put in a missing person's report through Bob.  Kenneth foils Faith's escape attempt.

***** Recap Re-Written in 2010 *****

Jill asks Pat at the hospital if he's seen Faith.  They discuss why Jill thinks Faith is missing.  Pat grows worried when he hears about Faith's car but he has no idea where she is.  Kenneth comes by and Pat asks him about Faith.  Kenneth tells them he saw her yesterday with her suitcase talking about the beach.  Pat says it looks like she never got there.  They all wonder where she could be.

Faith is lying on her bed in the basement trying to draw the chair closer to her.

Roger and Delia share lunch at Lem's.  They discuss reincarnation and Delia's vision of Roger and his past wives.  Delia is really enjoying herself and they talk about their cooking lessons.  Delia says she feels sinful enjoying lunch with a friend but she likes it.  Roger agrees and Delia confides in him about Frank's avoidance of her.  Roger tells her Frank doesn't appreciate her and doesn't understand that.  He believes Dee should be the center of attention but understands the black sheep label that he also carries.  Roger tells her they had fun today and asks her to do it again next week.  Delia hesitates but thanks him for her fun.

Kenneth and Pat and Jill talk about Faith's disappearance.  Kenneth claims not to have seen her since last night.  They talk about Faith's stalker and Jill fears he may have gotten a hold of her.  Kenneth continues to play along as Pat tries to find a logical explanation.  Jill says if Faith would have gone with anyone as Kenneth suggests it would have been with Pat.  Kenneth tells them to call the police but Pat is hesistant.  Kenneth pushes the police but Pat wants one more try before they do.  Jill agrees to one last effort and thanks Kenneth.  Kenneth watches as Jill walks away and tries to call Faith again.

Faith succeeds in getting the chair to her.  She tries to raise herself up and succeeds in standing up.  She uses the chair to slide across the room past her bed struggling as she does so.  

Delia arrives at Frank's office to show him a new purchase.  Frank has an appointment with Charlie and tries to get her to leave.  Delia carries on about past lives and shows him her new kimono blouse.  Delia gets romantic and Frank brushes her off.  Delia yells about his meaness towards her and Frank asks her to wait until they get home.  Delia argues as she pushes the issue and screams so Georgia can hear them.  Delia refuses to go on begging and calls him on his fixation with Jill.  Delia threatens to have her own outside interest.  She tells him she is going to take up Chinese cooking since it's more fun than him.         

Pat gets off the phone unsuccessful as is Jill.  They go into a private room and Pat says they should take Ken's suggestion.  He dials the police and asks for Bob.  Bob is out but Pat leaves a message to have Bob meet him at Ryan's in 15 minutes.

Kenneth comes back to the basement whistling and Faith struggles to get back into bed.  He has brought her lunch.  Kenneth tries to fluff her pillows but Faith tells him not to.  Kenneth tells her that people upstairs are starting to worry.  Faith questions him and asks if Pat was one of them.  Kenneth tells her Pat didn't seem interested, just her sister.  Faith believes that is a lie and tells him so.  She pleads with Kenneth to let her go.  Kenneth says no one upstairs will look down here and he told the others she left the hospital.  He boasts about his cleverness and about his suggestion to call the police believing it makes him look innocent.  Kenneth is excited Faith is getting better and plans to bring books for them to look at.  Faith gets upset and Kenneth talks about his mother and her breakdown.  Faith yells she is not his mother.  Kenneth reluctantly understands that and reiterates his plan for books and music.  He believes she'll understand in a little while.  Faith asks to go upstairs but Kenneth refuses.  He is going back upstairs.  He takes the chair across the room and tells Faith to rest.  They'll have the whole evening together.  He leaves as Faith starts to cry.    

February 5, 1976 [NO ORIGINAL RBO RECAP] Wednesday, February 16, 2011 2nd Episode

***** Recap Written in 2010 *****

Mary and Sam prepare to go into the sewer.  They get briefed by a city worker.  They both dress the part as they discuss their story.  Sam thinks Mary may be scared but she admits to only uneasiness.  Sam is excited to hopefully get the jump on cleaning up the Hudson.  He thinks the story may move both of them along careerwise.  He tells Mary she doesn't have to go but Mary insists.  

Seneca, Bucky, and Diana, Nell's sister are by her bedside. Seneca has been keeping vigil and he tells Diana about what happened.  Diana thinks she looks like she is asleep and Bucky says she is in good health aside from her brain damage.  Seneca asks if Diana knows about the EEG results and Diana says she still has hope.  Bucky says brain cells will not regenerate.  Seneca explains Nell's bad prognosis.  Diana wants to try to speak to her and does.  She pleads with Nell to come to and Seneca tells her about the convulsion preparations they have on Nell and the necessity for it.  Diana realizes Nell could go on like this and wants to believe Nell will come out of her coma eventually.  Seneca doesn't give her any hope and Diana asks Seneca to then let her die.

Mary and Sam return to Ryan's after their sewer adventure.  Mary and Sam tell Johnny and Bob about it.  Mary introduces Bob to Sam as her third brother and Maeve and the bartender grab drinks for all.  Mary was enthralled with the sewer experience and tells them all about it.  Sam is hoping to turn it into a series to inspire anti-pollution legislation.  Mary believes Frank will want to be involved and Sam wants to get a career started in network television.  They all celebrate as Jack walks in and greets Mary.  Jack then greets the rest one by one and asks Mary to dinner.  Sam tells her to go and Mary leaves with Jack.  Mary gives the bar a wistful glance as she leaves. Johnny gets a phone call and tells Bob Jill is on her way over.  She believes something has happened to Faith.  

Diana continues saying Nell would not want to live like this.  Diana tells Seneca he did the right thing and Bucky supports her but Seneca is still blaming himself.  Diana wants to talk to him outside but Seneca says they can talk here.  Nell would not know any of them if she woke up.  Diana is comforted that she is in no pain but says Nell would not want this.  Seneca agrees and Diana asks about her chances.  Bucky says only a miracle and Seneca says there is nothing he knows of to do.  She could live for years.  Seneca blames himself and says Bucky tried to stop him from surgery.  Nell was always afraid Seneca would control her life and he has done just that.  Diana stops him and says Nell must be allowed to die.  Seneca says he'll have a consultation done to be sure.  He goes for Marshall and Diana asks Bucky if there is any hope.  Bucky reluctantly says no.  

Mary tells Jack about her adventure at his place.  He is less than enthused and Mary calls him on it. Jack apologizes and Mary asks him to talk to her.  He tells her he feels bad about taking her away from her family and firends.  Mary says she would have gone looking for him but Jack felt the umcomfortableness when he arrived and saw her look back.  Mary wants her family to know him the way she does.  Mary believes they need time.  Jack says it's no good for her and maybe he isn't good for her either.  He thinks she might be better off with people her own age.  Mary loves him but Jack sees her good time with Sam.  Mary gets upset and yells at him.  She tells him she cares about him and is happy with him.  She pleads with him to believe her.  He does and says he wants her all to himself.  Mary says she has a job and laughs that he wants both worlds of commitment and freedom.  Mary accepts him and tells him he is a beautiful person despite his moodiness.  Jack asks her not to go away as they kiss.  

February 6, 1976 Thursday, February 17, 2011 1st Episode

Jill and Pat report Faith’s disappearance to the police.  Faith tries to escape.  Seneca hopes the consulting doctor finds something he has missed.  Kenneth disarms Pat and Bucky when they question him about Faith’s disappearance.  Frank has a chance meeting with Jill and behaves well – although it costs him painfully.  Pat and Bucky reconcile their differences in their concern for Faith.  Kenneth catches Faith before she has a chance to escape.

***** Recap Re-Written in 2010 *****

Pat, Jill, Bob, and Maeve are at Ryan's discussing the Faith situation.  Bob asks the usual questions, leading Pat to tell him about their breakup (with a meaningful camera shot of Maeve taking in this latest news).  Bob asks if it was a mutual decision; Pat hems a bit then concedes that it was "mostly my decision".  In contradiction, Jill chirps in that it was "completely his decision".  Pat still maintains that it shouldn't have been a complete surprise to Faith.

Jill then tells the story about the car in the garage (as Johnny joins the group) and how it ended up in the hospital parking lot.  Bob and Pat then go over some details, leading to Bob asking if Faith was seeing anyone else. Jill quickly says no to this.  Pat is convinced that it all adds up to one thing - that her stalker has got her - but Bob continues to play the cop angle (the idea that there is either a simple explanation or maybe she did it herself), annoying Pat in the process.  Bob suggests that she did it on purpose to get attention - specifically Pat's.  Again, Jill quickly denies this possibility - saying that Faith doesn't play games - if she wants attention, she asks for it.

Next, Bob suggests the possibility that Faith may have injured herself (perhaps intentionally).  Again, Jill flatly denies this possibility. Accepting this, Bob says he will phone the precinct and they will get on it. He requests a picture of Faith on his way out, as well as statements from everyone involved (and anyone who would know anything about the stalker). After Bob and Pat leave, Jill is consoled by the elder Ryans at the bar. Johnny suggests the possibility that Faith may have just wanted to be alone for a while, but Jill says that she still would have called and let people know her plans.

Meanwhile, down in the secret room, the bird continues to chirp and Faith continues to stare off into space.  Then she rolls herself out of bed onto the floor (grunting all the way) and drags herself over to the chair. *SONG*

Seneca is in Marshall's office, telling him about recent events with Nell. Marshall is suitably sympathetic and consoling.  Seneca is drowning in guilt; Marshall does his best to re-assure him that he didn't do anything wrong.  Eventually, Seneca blows up at him in anger.  Marshall refuses to accept Sen's proposition that he ruined Nell's life.

Eventually, Marshall suggests that Seneca get another medical opinion, to try to calm his fears and guilt.  Liking this idea, Seneca asks who Marshall would get if he were looking for the best neurosurgeon in the country. Marshall says "You", but Sen clarifies this to mean other than himself, so Marshall suggests Walter Hagan from Dallas (because he and Marshall were interns together).  Seneca asks Marshall to get in touch with him and get him to Riverside as soon as possible.

Pat joins Bucky in the staff lounge and tells him that Bob wants to talk to him.  He brings him up to date on Faith's disappearance.  Bucky can't believe that anyone would actually hurt Faith, but accepts the possibility after Pat convinces him that many people (himself, Bob, and now Bucky) are taking this very seriously.  Bucky wonders who could be secretive and shy and weird enough to do something like this - then has a light bulb moment when he suggests good ole Kenny boy.

Pat states that they have all noticed how weird Ken is and they could accept that he was the stalker, but they just can't believe he would actually act out on his weirdness.  But Bucky suggests that they give him a call anyway, noting as he is doing so that Nell liked him.  Seneca liked him.  As a matter of fact, he (Bucky) even liked him.  Bucky gets him on the phone and tells him that he and Pat want to talk to him; Ken agrees to come up to the staff lounge.

Pat is doubtful that Ken will be able to tell them anything more than they already know.  He and Bucky discuss strategy while waiting for Ken's arrival.  Ken arrives and greetings are exchanged.  Ken says he will help them if he can, and agrees that he was the last person to see Faith before she disappeared.  Bucky grills him, with Ken giving the expected answers and recommending that they leave it to the police (no sense everyone playing amateur detective, is there?).

Next, Pat asks him how well he knows Faith and he responds "Not nearly as well as I'd like", given that he's just a lowly lab tech and all.  Ken grants that his relationship with Dr. Coleridge is a little different than most (i.e., most of his relationships with the doctors).  He claims that she was always very nice to him and is "warm and relaxed" - and that he "admires her very much".  He admits that he is very worried about her.  Then he asks if there is anything else they need to ask him.  B says "no, that's it", so Ken excuses himself and leaves.

As he is leaving, he asks them to let him know if there is any good news on Faith.  Bucky then asks Pat what he thinks; Pat says that Ken doesn't know any more about it than they do...

Meanwhile, in the secret room, Faith has managed to drag herself to the chair and is pushing the chair towards the door...

At the bar, Jill is still talking to M&J.  She says that what concerns her the most is the fact that Faith takes everyone at "face value" and doesn't consider the possibility of "ulterior motives".  Johnny facetiously asks if she means that somebody just came up to her and said "come away with me" and she did?  Maeve chortles "don't be foolish" and reminds him that Jill has a right to be worried and that Faith *is* a bit naive ("an innocent").

Johnny agrees with that last, then apologizes to Jill for making light of the situation.  Jill accepts his apology and they continue to dither about the situation until Frank arrives (entering the bar from outside, walking with his cane).  Frank greets his parents, then sees Jill and says hello to her.  He states that he was sorry to hear about Faith and asks her if there is "any news".  She answers in the negative, then tells him that Bob is on the case.  Frank re-assures her that Bob is a good man and will do everything he can.

He then tenderly reminds her to be careful if she goes outside, because the sidewalks are getting slippery, then tells her it was nice seeing her again. She replies that it was nice seeing him, too.  Frank tells her to "take care", then walks away (towards the kitchen).  Jill watches as he goes, missing him greatly.  In an effort to console her, Johnny re-assures her that Bob is a great cop (once he gets up a head of steam).  Jill accepts this, then makes her apologies and leaves the bar.

Maeve joins Frank in the kitchen and tells him that he handled that very well.  He replies that he is a politician and that it is, after all, his business to be able to say the right thing at the right time with the right expression on his face.  She tells him to stop that and assures him that he made it a lot easier for Jill.  She goes on that they are bound to run into one another, now and again, and hopes that it will become easier for them. Frank replies that it all feels so dishonest and that that was *not* what he wanted to do in there.  Maeve tells him that we can't always do what we want, but Frank snips back that sometimes it feels like he can *never* do what he wants.

Maeve inquires as to whether things are improving between him and Delia, but he answers in the negative and says that it is hard to imagine that they ever will.  He states that he is having a tough time trying; Maeve declares that there can't be any improvement in a marriage if the people involved aren't trying.  Frank states that Dee is trying (Ed: I always think that there is an unintentional play on words here, whenever I hear anyone say that "Dee is trying".  She certainly is...)

Frank then goes on that every time they (he & Dee) get to a point where he should be feeling sympathetic towards her, he finds himself getting mad and that when he should be thinking of Dee, he is thinking of ... (he does not finish the sentence, but instead turns and looks longingly out towards the bar area).  Maeve imperiously tells him that it seems to her that there is a lot of improvement due here from his side.  He admits that he is not doing a very good job of it, but claims that they can't accomplish anything by pretending that none of it ever happened.

Frank goes on to say that Dee wants to just pretend that everything is just like it was when they were first married, believing that pretending will make it so.  Maeve points out that at least Dee is willing to forget what has "passed", asking Frank to confirm that it has, in fact, passed, which he does, painfully.  When his mother reminds him of the time when he and Dee took their wedding vows, pledging to stay together for the rest of their lives, Frank says that he wishes he didn't think life was such a long sentence.

Not liking the sound of this, Maeve sternly tells him that it is nothing to joke about.  Frank continues to whine about how long he'll be stuck with Dee, but Maeve says that the time will be a blessing, and that he can use that time to straighten things out with his wife.  Frank says he wishes he were a little more confident that that could actually happen, then turns and dramatically walks away.

Pat is with Bucky, shouting that they were careless with Faith and should have had someone stay with her every minute.  Pat is picturing her alone with "some maniac"; Bucky is touched by his concern, because he didn't think Pat cared about her all that much.  B apologizes for blowing up at him earlier, then suggests that they work together to figure out what happened. Pat agrees, but asks where they could start; B says that Faith could be a thousand miles away or she could be right there under their feet (Ed: Gee, ya think?)

Meanwhile, Faith has gotten herself out of the room and is dragging herself up the stairs using the chair as a crutch.  However, she stumbles and falls on the stairs, just as Ken comes back.  Ken sees her and cries out "Faith! Are you all right???".

(Closing credits: the window at Ryan's bar) *END*

February 9, 1976 Thursday, February 17, 2011 2nd Episode

Kenneth realizes that Faith’s injuries are more serious than before.  Ed and Bob realize that Faith is definitely missing.  Nick tries to mend his broken relationship with Frank, but to no avail.  Faith pleads with Kenneth to tell her father, and he is at the point of agreeing.  Nick makes Delia an offer, which she is able to refuse – this time.  Bob inadvertently frightens Kenneth and he doesn’t tell Faith about it.

***** Recap Re-Written in 2010 *****

Ken continues to shout out Faith's name and is clearly gravely concerned about her well-being.  When she gasps back in pain, he then castigates her for trying to climb the stairs.  She tells him that it hurts to open her eyes and he complains that she is getting him into trouble and tells her that it was very naughty of her to do so.

Faith suggests that she be taken home, but Ken says that she will have to go back to bed.  He states that he will not take her up upstairs until she is able to walk down the hall unassisted and is completely well.  Saying "That way, you won't be angry with me", he picks her up and carries her back into the room.

Meanwhile, detective Bob is talking with Papa Ed.  After some idle chatter, Bob says that he wants to check out the people Faith works with.  He hands Ed a list of all the people he's interested in and asks him if he sees anyone on the list who might have had a "special" interest in Faith. *SONG*

Frank is using the rowing machine in the exercise room at the hospital as Nick arrives to join him.  Nick tells Frank not to worry about him being there and jokes that he isn't there to corrupt him.  Frank jokes back that he has about as much chance of "corrupting" him as he has of "reforming" Nick.  As he starts rowing next to him, Nick says that Frank has his way of living while he has his and that the only thing keeping them from being friends is this difference of life styles.

Frank says this isn't quite the way he sees it, but Nick goes on to say that he is really disappointed in his attitude, and goes on to claim that he has taken care of all the code violations (at great cost, mind you).  He is now as pure as the driven snow!  Frank is unimpressed, but Nick goes on to say that they've known each other for a long time and their families grew up together, blah, blah, blah.

Frank says the only thing they have in common is that they both have weak backs, but Nick says Frank also has a weak head and that it is time for him to get some sense and to "grow up".  Frank suggests that Nick might get Herbie to work him over, but Nick brushes off Frank's sly comparison of himself with Roger.  Roger is just a dumb _schmuck who gambles on the horses, but Frank is a respected councilman.  Frank is in "the big time" now.

But, he says, Frank can't change the system.  He must work inside it, or else it will suck him in, chew him up, and spit him out.  Frank is impressed with this imagery, but tells him he isn't scared of him.  Nick says it isn't just him and that he (Nick) doesn't have to do anything, because he's just one guy in a whole hierarchy of people, all of whom have interests (that Frank would do well not to ignore or upset).

Frank wants to know who Nick works for (Ed: who is above him in this hierarchy), but Nick says it doesn't matter.  Even if Frank could get rid of this guy, there'd be some other guy to take his place and nothing would (or ever will) change.  Frank claims that he *will* run Nick out of Riverside, but Nick says "So what?  What if you do?" - it won't make any difference. There will always be another guy, another guy to run numbers, make book, and loan shark.  He concludes by telling him that he can change his (Nick's) address, but he can't change human nature - and that Frank should stop making waves.

Nick then waxes on about what a nice, safe neighborhood they live in - no hookers on the street or dope being pushed.  Frank laughs and says that's only because Nick wants to keep things quiet so that no one will hassle him about his operation(s), then goes on to list all the bad things that Nick does do.  Nick brushes this off, saying "a little here, a little there, but nothing that really hurts anyone" and goes on to say that he can be of great help to the new councilman.  Frank says that he doesn't want Nick's help, but Nick persists that some day he will.

Like maybe next summer, when he is running for another office, namely, Congressman.  Turning serious, Frank asks Nick where he heard about that; Nick says that he hears things and that come next summer, he could be very helpful to Frank, talking to various people who owe him favors.  Frank imperiously tells him that he won the last election "without any deals", but Nick snarls back that he just got lucky once and that he should take out a little insurance for the future.  And he should stop making it his life's work to go after him.

Frank brings up the case of Mr. Huber, who was gravely injured in one of Nick's buildings as a result of Nick's inattention to safety details.  Nick snarls back that he does the best he can, but Frank is unimpressed with his excuses.  He tells him that he will start treating him like he treats anyone else when he starts behaving like everyone else - but not before then.

He goes on to claim that things could change - that enough new people are getting into politics now that the "old ways" are going away.  Hearing this, Nick does a cute impression of someone playing the violin.  Frank laughs at this, then says "Anyway, we're sure going to find out", then walks out of the room.  Nick is annoyed at this and takes out his frustrations on the poor rowing machine.

After Frank has left, Dee arrives and calls out "Frank!", but is startled when she sees only Nick in the room.  She apologizes, but Nick greets her and asks if she can spare him a moment.

In the secret room, Ken is asking Faith if she feels any better, but she just tells him not to touch the bed.  He agrees to be careful, then offers her water, which she gratefully accepts.  She again begs him to take her back, but he prattles on that she can't blame him and that none of it was his fault.  She claims that she is not blaming him, but that her head hurts. He states that at least she didn't re-injure her leg - and at least that's something, isn't it?

And that once that bump on her head goes down, ..., but Faith interrupts to ask him if he knows what a concussion is.  He says "Well, sort of...", but she says that she thinks she has one and that she needs to be in a hospital bed and be "watched over".  He claims that she *is* in a hospital bed and that *he* is watching over her.  Somehow, this does not alleviate her fears.

She claims that she has all the symptoms of a concussion, but Ken just shouts at her that he doesn't believe her.  He maintains that she will get better - that she will lie there and rest and he will bring her everything she needs and she will get better.  Alas, Faith doesn't share his optimistic world view and continues to wail that she wants her father.  Ken maintains that he can do anything Ed could do.

He shouts at her that she has just had a knock on the head, but that's all. And, of course, if he takes her upstairs, he will be in *so* much trouble. But if she would just get well, then everything will be fine.  Then he can take her upstairs and neither one of them will be in any trouble.  She continues to beg him to help her, all to no avail.  She asks him if he is worried that she will blame him; he replies that he wants to do what's best.

Taking a new tack, she stutters that maybe, just maybe, if she doesn't have a concussion, then she might be able to recover down there, but it could take several weeks.  He is delighted to hear this and notes that they will be able to spend several evenings together and that he can bring some nice books (on Victorian architecture, no less!) and they can read them together. She states that when she does get upstairs, she'll tell everyone what good care he took of her and how well he entertained her - and what good friends they became.

He is delighted to hear this, but she goes on to note that some people might not understand and they might come to resent him - if he makes them think she is dead now.  Ken disagrees, saying that they won't think she is dead, just missing.  He asks why anyone would think that she was dead; she answers that she has disappeared.  He concedes there may be some truth to this, and she tells him that if he would tell them where she is now, that would help his cause.

But he claims they will be angry; she counters that they will love him for saving her - and that he will be a big hero.  Ken seems to be going for this, as he nods that then she could get the professional attention that she needs.  Continuing in this vein, she lists out all the bad things that could happen if she fails to get said professional attention - the concussion could lead to brain damage and/or she could be crippled for life as a result of the broken leg.  Worried, Ken stammers that he doesn't want that to happen.  She tells him that if he really cares about her, he will find her father right now and tell him where she is.  Amazingly, Ken agrees, saying that if she gets sick, he'll be in much more trouble than he is now.

Stating emphatically that he will do as she asks, he leaves to go find Dr. Ed.  After he leaves the room, Faith gasps out "Oh God.  Please don't let him change his mind..."

Back in the exercise room, Nick is chatting with Dee.  He tells her that ever since the time she visited him in his office, he has thought of that music box as belonging to her.  He suggests that she should stop by the office some time and pick it up, then goes on to congratulate her for her performance with the district leaders, saving Frank's job and all.  She states that she didn't think he'd be too happy about that, but Nick laughs and says that he is all for a bright young fella getting ahead.  He assures her that his problems with Frank are "strictly business".

Dee recalls that that's what he told Johnny, but that J didn't exactly see it like that.  Nick agrees, adding that neither did Frank.  He then asks how Dee feels about it.  He wants to know if she goes along with the family line or if she is "a woman who can see both sides".  Getting the picture, she asks what it is that he wants her to get Frank to do.  Calling her a "smart little lady", he explains that the way the system operates is that everyone has to get their fair share; no one gets frozen out.  Aka, "I scratch your back, you scratch mine"...

Nick goes on to explain that Frank is facing a major decision.  He has to decide if he is going to be a "reformer" or a "pro", then asks Dee if she knows the difference.  She snarls that he better explain the difference to her.  Nick explains that reformers come and reformers go; they are like shooting stars - big flashes of light one day, then Poof! gone the next.

But a pro is very quiet and is around for a long time.  Dee concludes that what Nick is really talking about is that he wants her to get Frank off his back.  Nick replies that he just wants Frank to be friends with him - and that right now, he is *not* friends with him.  However, he states that that does not hurt his feelings (Frank not being friends with him), but that there *is* something that Dee can do.

Dee is skeptical, but Nick explains that all she has to do is to let him know when Frank wants something.  She asks "Like what?", to which he cagily responds "Well, anything...  A favor.  An introduction.  Anything.".  Dee snips back "Oh, and you'll get it for him"; he replies "Only if he wants me to." and goes on to say that he would really appreciate her doing that for him.  He offers her something "tangible" in return: something nice for the house or a vacation in the sun somewhere, but Dee doubts that Frank would want her to do something like that.

Of course, Nick responds with that old chestnut - that what he doesn't know won't hurt him - then reminds her that there was a time when she was willing to do "most anything" to get a favor from him, but, alas, he wasn't able to accommodate her then.  Dee remembers that well, so he points out that now, the shoe is on the other foot - and that now, he'd be willing to do "most anything" to get a favor from her.

Craftily, Dee asks "And you'd know how to say 'Thank you'?".  He replies that he can be very generous and he can be a very, very good friend.  Dee jokes that he is a "very bad man", but she likes him anyway (she just wishes he was on better terms with Frank).  He is happy to hear that and notes that at least the two of them are on good terms.  Happily, she agrees, stating that they are on "very good terms".  Just then, Frank arrives and spoils the mood.  Dee runs over to him and they exit together.  Before they leave, Nick tells Frank to "be good".

At the hospital, Bob and Ed are going over the list.  Ken arrives from the elevator and asks to speak with Ed.  Ed agrees, introducing Bob in passing. Ken brags that he was the one who suggested calling in the police.  Bob asks how that happened; Ken explains that while it really wasn't any of his business, he did happen to join in on a conversation between Jill and Pat and had suggested to them that they call the police.

Bob goes into his "bad cop" routine, flashing his badge, announcing that this is an official investigation, the situation is serious, and that whoever is responsible will be in deep doo-doo.  They go over recent events yet again, leading to Ken revealing that he lives in a boarding house over on 159th St.

Ken then makes to leave, but Ed stops him, asking him what it was that he wanted to talk to him about.  However, Ken has lost his resolve to tell Ed about Faith.  He says "Oh, not really" and that he just wanted to let him know how sorry he is about his daughter.

(Closing credits: the hallway outside the secret room) *END*

February 10, 1976 Friday, February 18, 2011 1st Episode

Kenneth makes Faith write a note to her father that she is sage and well and that he should not try and find her.  Mary is getting sick.  Kenneth is dismayed with the reactions to Faith’s note and realizes that his difficulties are increasing.  Pat examines Mary and tells the family that they have to get her to the hospital as soon as possible.  Faith realizes that if something is not done soon she is going to die.

***** Recap Re-Written in 2010 *****

The first few minutes of my recording got cut off…it pops in w/Crazy Kenneth boo-hooing to Faith that SHE has to help HIM (WTH??) When Faith complains of a headache, Kenneth huffs that he doesn’t know how that could be since she’s been asleep for 12 hrs. Faith counters that she doesn’t have a stomach flu…she’s sure it a concussion & she’s going to be in dire straits if she doesn’t get medical attn.

Kenneth clucks that she’s just saying that to frighten him-she knows she’s getting better each day &, “That’s what you’re going to tell everyone who’s searching for you.” Faith breathes a sigh of relief when Kenneth informs that her dad, etc. are looking for her & have called in the police…they say whoever’s responsible for the “abduction” (he says this incredulously!) will be in serious trouble.

Kenneth yammers on about how nervous he is upstairs since they’re all so suspicious (I think he actually expects Faith to feel bad for him!) Handing her a pad/pencil, Kenneth orders her to write a note telling her loved ones that she’s ok…she simply took some time for herself & doesn’t want them seeking her out. As the canary chirps in the background, Faith fumes that she isn’t ok! In denial, Kenneth insists she’ll be well once she eats breakfast, but FIRST she writes the note!

Faith refuses…it’d be suicide! In one of the most jaw-dropping lines, LOL, Kenneth actually has the gall to tell her, “I’m asking you nicely…you’ve got to appreciate what I’M going through! I can’t stand the thought of them tracing my footsteps!” Faith snips that she’s hopes it’s true—she wants to be found. Kenneth again demands she write the note w/him telling her exactly what to say.

Faith states that she won’t sign her own death certificate-she’s not getting better, only worse-she’s got a concussion, subdural hematoma…w/out care, she’ll go blind or even die! Kenneth blasts that he doesn’t believe her. “Write the note, Faith…I mean it! Pick up the pencil!” Stunned, Faith weakly obeys.

Sam’s working at Channel R when Mary arrives full of apologies for being late. Sam says she’s not, & Mary’s taken aback to see by the clock she’s on time after all. She forgot to put on her watch this morning-in fact, it’s been a weird morning all around-she had a hard time getting out of bed, kept fading in/out. She seems quite out of it now, but then starts singing an old tune (ala Pat!) much to Sam’s delight (much to my annoyance, sorry to say).

Sam teases that she must’ve been drinking…Mary says no, it only feels like it. As Sam goes over their assignments, Mary looks ready to pass out. She comments that she’d like to go for a swim right about now in that cold Australian river Sam spoke of the other day…she then wearily asks for the heat to be turned off-she feels like she may get sick. Sam states that the heat IS off-the mgmt. is cheap, remember?

Sam then feels her forehead & frowns that she’s burning up! When he announces that he’s taking her home & putting her to bed, Mary snarks playfully that Jack wouldn’t like THAT! Mary then gripes that she doesn’t want to go home, she’s not sick, it’s just stuffy in here…as she protests, she has trouble keeping her thoughts together…Sam stands her up & she jests that she’s capable of standing up on her own…um, if there’s something to lean against! She says Sam’s too bossy, but then admits to not feeling so great after all…

Kenneth finds Pat in the staff lounge & approaches him with a problem concerning his “elderly aunt who lives alone in NJ” who is “very nice, but a little strange” (gosh, K, we’d never believe that about YOUR relative!) Kenneth claims this aunt fell & got a hairline fracture…it was treated at the hospital, but then she fell again at home & hit her head pretty hard. Pat says no offense, but she sounds rather accident prone! Kenneth agrees, adding that Auntie feels it’s the hospital’s fault for letting her go home w/the bad leg before she was ready. Pat states that she might be right.

Kenneth then says that his aunt is now against the thought of going back to a doctor & is just resting in bed at home—she’s in pain, though, & has some double vision. Alarmed, Pat says she must seek help asap! This is nothing to fool around with! Kenneth sputters that Auntie’s stubborn once she gets something in her mind, but Pat tells him to do whatever’s necessary, even if it means scaring her.

“Scare her how?” Kenneth jitterily questions. Pat notes that there’s consequences to all of this-is she having headaches, vertigo, nausea? Kenneth says yes & is rocked when Pat says it sounds like a concussion (hmmm, K’s heard that before!) Pat even brings up subdural hematoma, much to K’s dismay. Pat goes on to say that if she just lies there, the damage may get worse & could prove fatal! Kenneth blathers that maybe he could care for her at home, but Pat says no way…if things really get bad, she might need surgery.

Kenneth keeps grasping at straws, but is crushed when Pat firmly tells him that his “aunt” needs to be examined right away…if she waits too long, well, the outlook will be grim….Just then Ed enters & shows Pat a letter from Faith that had been slipped under the door-Ed’s already called the cops & Bob’s coming over to pick it up. Acting concerned, Kenneth asks if he may read her letter.

He does so out loud: “I’m safe and well, please stop looking for me. I need time alone to get myself together. Love, Faith”. Pat grouses that he doesn’t believe it. Ed mentions that the writing seems to be Faith’s, but it’s faint/wobbly…it’s as if she were ill or weak. Pat offers that if Faith wanted to assure them, she would’ve telephoned, not written some odd note!

Ed‘s rattled by the “please stop looking for me” part—as if she knew, as if she were watching them try to find her! Pat snaps that someone else has been watching them look for Faith…doing his best owl imitation, Kenneth gives a loud, “WHO?” Pat growls that her ‘secret admirer’ probably has Faith somewhere & made her write the note (hmm, Pat, you got that far, but didn’t tie it together w/K’s accident prone aunt story!!!)

Ed soberly says Pat’s probably right. He didn’t want to consider that possibility earlier…he was just so relieved to find the letter & know Faith was still alive. Kenneth nearly pees his pants when Ed informs that Bob told him this will be considered a kidnapping & the FBI’s involved! Kenneth gobbles that maybe the letter’s for real-maybe she really did go off by herself. Ed sighs that he could understand her needing time away, but it’s not like her to have them so worried & to neglect her job responsibilities.

Sherlock Holmes, er, Pat snips that whoever has Faith must’ve begun to panic…after all, this note was a very stupid move on his part...he desperately wants them to think Faith’s fine when she most likely isn’t! Kenneth flusters that he doesn’t even want to think along those lines & Ed appreciates K’s kindness. As Ed/Pat exit the room, K’s mortified when he hears Ed rant that he wants to find the person behind this & lock him up for life!

Over at the bar, Pat updates Maeve/John about the letter. Maeve says that she didn’t want to believe the person making calls/sending gifts, etc. would take things further, but it’s looking that way. John tells her to stop speculating—at least they know she’s alive. “Please, God” Maeve sighs.

Pat mentions that he hasn’t told Bucky about the letter since he’s been w/Seneca all this time…there’s nothing new on Nell. A specialist named Dr. Walter Hagen is flying in from Dallas today to give a 2nd opinion, but Pat knows it won’t matter…no one knows more about neurology than Seneca & if he can’t do anything…

Just then Sam/Mary arrive w/John jokingly calling them “sewer rats”. Mary continues talking/carrying on like she’s lost in space & Sam fills the group in on Mary’s fever & how she acted when she got to work. Mary’s all giddy/silly, screaming out when Pat’s ice-cold hands touch her; John scoldingly tells her to behave & let Pat check things out. Maeve states that she noticed Mary looked tired this morning & probably should’ve said something, but John huffs that Mary wouldn’t have listened (he’s right!)

When Pat asks what else is going on besides the crazy pulse rate he just detected, Mary confesses that her head aches & her back/legs are stiff. Pat insists she go to the ER right now…Mary clucks that she has work to do, bragging that Sam can’t get things accomplished w/out her! Sam sternly counters that she’s not much use to him at work if she’s sick. Mary rails that she’s not about to miss work, which she takes VERY seriously, b/c of a common cold!

“Sam depends on me, you do, don’t you, Sam?” (barf) Sam says she’d better believe it, but right now he’s depending on her to do what’s best for her health. Mary calls them all bossy & salutes John, “Ok, Sarge, I’m going!” John thanks Sam for bringing her home, promising to keep him posted. As Pat/Maeve help her head for the door, Mary continues to sing/giggle (imo, very over the top); when Maeve asks what could be wrong, Pat moans that it’s certainly more than a cold!

Back in his lair, K’s trying to get Faith to eat…why won’t she make an effort? (yeah, how dare she!) He grumps that he’s prepared her favorite breakfast of orange juice, English muffins, & scrambled eggs; she has to eat—it’s good for her. Faith groans that she can’t stand the idea of food right now—when Kenneth presses, Faith furiously throws the tray from the bed, hissing that getting out of there would be ‘good for her’.

Kenneth looks wounded---nothing’s working out as he planned. It was supposed to be so lovely for them there-he got her a canary, got her treasured tea cup-he even thought she’d like architecture! “We seemed to have so much in common--I only wanted you to be happy! You shouldn’t have gotten hurt, that’s where things went all wrong!” Faith coos that Kenneth can make things right again…he can tell Ed where she is!

Kenneth shivers that he can’t do so b/c they’ll put him in jail, he’ll never see her again, & she won’t be his friend. (Oh yeah, K, like she’s all that wild about you now!!!) Faith assures she knows he meant well & she’ll always be his friend. “I’m hurting, I’m sick, I need a doctor…It’s only getting worse!” Kenneth glowers that Faith’s playing it up as being worse than it truly is…they continue arguing back/forth about getting a doctor until Kenneth shouts, “Well, you can’t have one!”

Faith then reminds that if they wait, she’ll surely die…Kenneth just stares at her.

END (credits backed by the staff lounge)

February 11, 1976 Friday, February 18, 2011 2nd Episode

Delia misplaces a week’s worth of house money and Frank has a hard time suppressing his anger.  Dr. Hagen confirms Seneca’s diagnosis that there is no hope for Nell.  Frank runs into Jill in the hospital and endures a moment of unspoken feelings.  Delia interrupts the two and has a triumphant moment before she meets with Roger.  Seneca explores the thought of taking Nell off of life support and allowing her to die.  Pretending to be uninterested, Delia manipulates Roger into inviting her to dinner.

***** Recap Re-Written in 2010 *****

In their bedroom, Frank’s trying to read as Dee frantically searches through dresser drawers & dumps the contents of her purse on the bed…Frank looks over every few seconds in disapproval. She then begins blathering that she put it away for safe keeping…”FRAAANNNKKK…I try to talk to you & you bury your nose in those papers.” When Frank says he must read for his meeting tonight, Dee sarcastically echoes him & fumes,“Of course, there’s always something to put ahead of me!”

Annoyed, Frank asks how he’s supposed to know where the house $ is…she’s the one who put it away! Dee berates, “That wasn’t my question—that shows how much you’re listening!” She then asks him what she was wearing the day she got the $ from the bank. Frank groans that he doesn’t know & Dee blasts him for not ever paying attn. to her. He used to like helping her, remember?

Frank says he’s sorry & Dee tries to retrace her steps from bank day to figure out where the $ might be…she talks aloud to herself & knows she put it in a white envelope to keep it separate from their pocket $. She then sits down to think...right on Frank’s papers! She tries to engage him in a cutesy game of “If you were an envelope, where would you be hiding?” but Frank’s not amused.

Dee then starts griping that she’d be better organized if she were in her own home; Frank snips that naturally it’s his fault she can’t find anything, his fault they have to stay w/his folks for the stair lift…he adds pointedly, “And YOU had nothing to do w/that, hmmm, nothing at all!” Dee pouts that she didn’t mean to cause trouble—she just wants Frank to be well so they can go back to their own place.

Frank glowers that she should make up her mind—first she complains that Mary’s pushing his therapy too fast & now he’s not improving quickly enough for her! Dee apologizes, demurring that he must go at his own pace…she doesn’t know what she’s saying sometimes. Frank says ok, but still seems irked. Dee muses that he’s got the same pained expression on his face that Fr. McShane had when she misbehaved in church as a kid.

Frank cautions her to think before she speaks. Dee lovingly says she will & they make plans for her to meet him after his P/T session. She purrs that when she finds the $ they’ll go out to celebrate…how about a nice dinner? Frank reminds that he’s got that meeting tonight & it may run late. “Ok, some other time then” she replies woundedly. Frank assures he’s not making it up-he really has a meeting! Dee snorts that she believes him & she’s sure the other councilmen neglect their wives, too!

Frank’s understandably miffed & Dee, never knowing when to stop, snaps that maybe Frank can _squeeze her in on his schedule one day before he retires! Frank begins to storm out & Dee’s on his heels, pawing him & saying sorry. “Skip it!” Frank barks & walks out….Stricken, Dee watches him go (Duh! What did she expect???)

Seneca’s in his office w/Bucky waiting for Dr. Hagen’s report on Nell. Bucky says Sen could’ve gone in w/him, but Sen sadly responds he couldn’t bring himself to do so. What’s taking so long? Bucky offers that maybe Dr. H. has found something encouraging, but neither man actually believes this.

Just then Dr. H. comes in & Sen asks him to speak plainly w/no sugar coating. Dr. H. sighs that Nell’s a beautiful young woman, but his findings are no different than Sen’s: there’s no chance Nell will ever recover! What’s more, Nell’s physical condition is excellent, so it’s likely that she could remain in a vegetative state for decades! Bucky/Sen are rocked by this even though they knew it was coming.

Frank arrives for his P/T session & goes to hang up his coat. Jill’s getting off of the elevator at that moment-the two see one another & lock eyes. They coo hello & Frank remarks, “We did that very well…it’s not easy for two people who are desperately in love to exchange such casual greetings.”

Jill soberly tells him to stop & asks him about the city council. Frank smiles that it’s about the only thing keeping him sane. He’s also getting around more independently these days. He then swoons that any time he’s not working is filled w/thoughts of her. “Please don’t” she begs & Frank fawns that being w/out her hurts so much.

Just as Jill’s saying goodbye, Dee happens upon the scene & makes a huge deal out of prancing over to them, stepping in b/w them & loudly announcing that she found the missing $; it had been in the top drawer of the bureau all along. “I tucked it away like a little squirrel hiding a nut!” (or who is a nut!) The P/T then calls Frank in & he tenderly bids Jill farewell. Dee gleefully tells him she’ll be waiting for him when he’s done—Frank grimaces at this like he just had a brick fall on his foot, lol.

Once he’s gone, Dee asks if there’s been any word from Faith; when Jill says they got a note from her this morning, Dee smiles that Faith’s ok. Jill explains that they think it means quite the opposite since it seems she wrote the note under duress…also, it was strange that she’d slip the note under Ed’s door & ask the family not to come looking for her. Jill mentions that Ed’s talking to Bob about all of this now, & Dee assures that Bob’s a terrific detective who’ll surely be able to help.

Instead of just leaving it alone, Dee has to get a “dig” in at her rival…she starts off by saying that maybe they’re fretting over nothing, maybe Faith really did need some alone time b/c of her break-up w/Pat. Jill snips that all signs point to Faith being in jeopardy, but Dee jeers that Faith made the mistake of falling for a Ryan guy & Pat/Frank certainly have strings of broken hearts behind them. “YOU know that better than anyone,” Dee smirks.

Jill bristles & tries to leave, but Dee twists the knife by sneering, “I don’t think Faith was captured by pirates or dragons or anything like that…I think she’s just another Coleridge woman dumped by a Ryan man who doesn’t know what to do w/herself now!” Livid, Jill fires back that her family is extremely upset about this situation—it’s not a joking matter that silly little girls like Dee should fool around with! (quite right!)

Just then Roger comes over & asks them to calm down. Dee turns around to greet him w/an ear to ear grin. Rog asks if there’s anything he can do for them & Jill snaps, “She’s all yours!” After Jill storms off, Rog is free to let his guard down—he sweetly says, “Well, if it isn’t my favorite luncheon companion!” Dee’s tickled pink by his admiration & gazes at him affectionately.

Sen thanks Dr. H. for coming to NY for them so quickly; Dr. H. tells Sen/Bucky how sorry he is for the situation & that he wishes there was something he could do. Once Dr. H. leaves, Sen looks devastated, blaming himself. Bucky states that they’ve been all mixed up w/love, tears, & medicine through all of this, but now they’ve got a cold, objective opinion on Nell’s circumstances. They also need to be cold/objective about what led up to this…

Bucky insists that Sen had sound medical reasoning for doing surgery on Nell; sure, there was only a small chance the aneurism was operable, but he had to take it! If Sen had done nothing, she would’ve died w/in minutes; of course he had to take that chance, no matter how improbable a good outcome was! Sen groans, “I’ve caused this-I put Nell in a state of living death!”

Bucky asks, “Suppose it wasn’t Nell, suppose it was someone else & you tried the same operation for the same reason…sure, it may have turned out the same way, but you wouldn’t be beating yourself up over it!” Sen blasts that it IS Nell & nothing will change. “I’ve done this to her & it’s up to me to undo it!” Bucky looks rattled as Sen sighs he’s had it run though his mind 100 times already. “I could take Nell off of life support & let her go…Nell would want that.”

Bucky agrees but he’s still shaken. They talk about Nell being on life support for many years, growing old day by day but not having a real life…both shudder at the thought. Sen asserts that he made Nell a promise & must keep it. Bucky gingerly points out that Sen can’t do it…Clem’s the physician of record on her case & he’s the only one who can take her off life support. “You’re right,” Sen clucks, “A doctor can’t do that to another doctor’s patient, but a husband can do it for his wife!”

When Bucky points out the risk involved, Sen huffs that Nell took a risk in trusting Sen not to let her linger in a vegetative state. Bucky rants, “Forget the promise…I know what it means, you know what it means, but for a jury…” Bucky stops himself there &, more softly, tell Sen to talk to Clem about it. “What if he says no, “ Sen questions pointedly…Bucky wants Sen to ask Clem anyway.

Sen sighs that it really won’t be a fair situation to put Clem in what with a spouse who is a doctor & Clem’s superior on staff asking him to remove her from life support. With Bucky’s encouragement, Sen decides to discuss it w/Clem after all. However, he declares boldly that he will keep his promise to Nell one way or another…

Back at the hospital, Dee grumbles that it’s very hard for her to be nice to Jill. She’s shocked when Rog sincerely says he understands, “Jill’s my sister & I care for her, but she’s caused you a lot of pain.” Touched, Dee thanks him, glad that someone else appreciates her point of view. She goes on to say that everyone expects her to be pleasant/polite all the time, but she’s not like that. “I have to say what I think…I’m honest in that way…when I feel something, it has to come out.”

Rog compliments that this is a good way to be, upfront/real. He then asks what she said that got Jill so irate, & Dee grumps that Jill was making a federal case out of Faith’s going away, as if it were a matter of life/death. Rog gently says it could very well be serious. Dee blithers that Faith’s just sniveling over Pat & has gone somewhere to lick her wounds & get his attn. (hmm, Dee, that’s what YOU’D do!)

Rog then explains all about Faith’s ‘secret admirer’, the weird gifts/calls, etc. It got so bad Faith went to Bob about it. Also, Faith was headed to the beach house one minute & then it was like she vanished w/out a trace. Dee replies that Bob never told her about this (why would he?); she had no idea of these goings on. “I hope Faith’s fine—I never would’ve joked about it if I knew the whole story!”

Dee then broods that she wishes Jill would’ve explained things to her like Rog just did…Jill probably figures Dee’s not worth the time. “Everybody says ‘Don’t tell Dee, you’d be wasting your breath’, so I get ignored & they figure if they ignore me, I’ll eventually go away. Then when I don’t know something, they think I’m dumb, but I’m NOT dumb…I just need to be told. I’m pretty quick on the uptake.” (especially if it involves deception/manipulations, lol, though Rog has no beef w/that!)

Rog purrs that he thinks she’s smart & Dee beams. She swoons over how warm/patient Rog is, so unlike Jill who is a “cold fish”. Rog snickers & Dee wonders if he’s laughing at her. Rog assures smoothly that he finds Dee charming b/c of the way she lets her emotions show & is just what she seems to be. They continue w/the mutual admiration & agree to consider the other a “close friend”.

They start discussing the Chinese cooking lessons & how much fun they had together at lunch. When Dee sulks that she hasn’t gotten to practice the dishes yet b/c she doesn’t have the kitchen to herself, Rog suggests she use HIS kitchen…he goes on to say that he’s got a wok & all the supplies she’d need. Dee notes that Frank’s got a meeting tonight that should run late, so she’d love to come over.

They make a plan to prepare fried rice & sweet/sour pork. Dee then says flirtingly that she’s not sure it’d be appropriate for them to be alone in his apt. Rog grins that they’re simply going to have an ‘innocent’ Chinese dinner, if there is anything really innocent about eating all that delicious food! Rog adds that they’ll cook upstairs in Ed’s part of the house; it will truly be above reproach to dine in his ancestral kitchen.

The two are giddy as they finalize arrangements for 7 pm. They touch hands as they say goodbye; Rog merrily exits & Dee has a dreamy expression on her face. (maybe it’s just b/c I like the pairing, but Rog looked especially handsome today, all flushed w/excitement over her).

END (credits backed by Dee/Frank’s bedroom window)

February 12, 1976 Monday, February 21, 2011 1st Episode

Emergency Room doctor suspects that Mary has meningitis.  Clem tells Seneca that although his is sympathetic to Seneca and anguished for Nell he cannot take her off of life support.  Maeve takes care of a delirious Mary and Sam arrives.  Delia and Roger find they have a great deal in common, including trouble because of Frank.  Mary’s condition worsens.

***** Recap Re-Written in 2010 *****

Mary is in the ER complaining of being cold and asking Pat for a blanket. Her request is rewarded with the ubiquitous green one. Her temperature and white blood count are high. When the ER doctor questions her she sings that her “name is Nell and the truth to foretell” (Ed: ironic considering the state of the actual Nell). She continues singing an Irish brogue rather incoherently. Her parents come in as Pat updates the ER doc on her symptoms. Her neck is extremely sore and Ma tells them Mary had a hard time getting out of bed. She asks her mother to take care of “Julie Rose” the family cat that has been dead for years. The ER doc suspects meningitis.

Clem enters Seneca’s office. He updates Clem on Dr. Hagen’s prognosis of Nell and that she could go on for years in a vegetative state. He asks Clem, as the physician of record, to have her taken off life support. Clem is sympathetic but maintains that he was not the one who operated. He believes that if they had done the EEG at the time of the aneurysm bursting, they would have known not to put her on life support. Clem tells Seneca that Nell is alive, which Seneca denies. Clem admires Nell and Seneca and dislikes the position in which they are. Seneca respects Clem but continues to argue the point, saying that if Nell had pneumonia they wouldn’t treat it so how is that different? Clem points out that there is life in Nell; she’s not a mannequin in a store window (huh?). As a doctor he has sworn to preserve life. Seneca compares the plant on his desk to Nell’s life. Clem is concerned about criminal charges as well as ethics. He does not feel he can define death but expresses his condolences again.

Mary is complaining of being hot as Pat continues to examine her. They did a lumbar puncture on her and are continuing to run tests. Pat is trying to assuage her parents’ fears by telling them if it is meningitis it’s likely they caught it in time. Mary apologizes for keeping the cat but John tells her its okay. Maeve sends John home to watch the bar and Pat excuses himself to check on patients. Mary starts to sing again but Maeve asks her stop so Mary asks her to sing to her. Maeve does as Sam enters Mary’s room. To his inquiry about how Mary is doing he’s told “Not so good.”

Roger and Dee are cooking in the Coleridge kitchen as frolic music plays. She is doing the slicing and prep work and compliments him on the sharpness of his knives. He claims that no matter what else he is doing he sharpens all the knives once a week. She loves cooking in here and Roger goes on to tell her Ed loves to cook and he and Faith have their own specialties. Dee replies that she bets he does. They both smile at the double entendre. At her inquiry about Faith’s status Roger tells her about the note and how strange it is. Why wouldn’t she have called? Dee believes that everything is going to turn out okay – that bad things don’t happen to people like Faith. She remembers seeing Faith as a kid and always wearing pretty sweaters. She muses what it would have been like to have a father who gave her everything. Roger corrects her that Faith was pretty lonesome and surrounded herself with books. Dee wonders how she and Roger could have known each other so long but not known each other at all well. When quizzed, Roger reveals he felt Dee appears to be is Frank’s beautiful, baby-doll wife – a little vain and a little helpless. Roger now reveals that he was wrong and she doesn’t have any enthusiasm for her husband’s political career. Dee compares the two as being out in the cold. He relates that she saved Frank’s career and the two share a warm glance.

Mary’s nurse is examining a good old-fashioned mercury thermometer. Maeve and Sam enter and he tells Maeve about the missing person’s story is doing on Faith. Mary stirs and sees him. He asks her to get well as the studio was a disaster today without her. He makes to leave as he has to be on the air soon but Mary calls him Jack and asks him not to leave. Clem and Pat come rushing in and Clem tells them he has put a rush on the lab as he reveals her temperature is close to 104.

February 13, 1976 Monday, February 21, 2011 2nd Episode

Faith is very ill and Kenneth chooses to believe she is pretending.  Jack arrives at the hospital to visit Mary and is upset that no one called him.  Kenneth questions Seneca and gets the answers he needs regarding Faith’s illness.  Nick asks Maeve for advice to deal with his daughter.  Seneca arrives with the results of Mary’s tests.  Ed provides the police with a handwriting sample of Faith’s and they confirm that she is weak or emotionally disturbed.  Kenneth is told that the gas has been turned back on.  Gas leaks into Faith’s special room.

***** Recap Re-Written in 2010 *****

Faith is experiencing double vision in the secret room and Kenneth enters. She complains to him of being dizzy and having headaches. Kenneth attributes her symptoms to not eating and proceeds to spoon feed her chicken soup from Greenberg’s Deli. The mere smell is making her nauseous and she again pleads for medical care. He maintains that, though not a doctor, he can take care of her and won’t let her go until she’s all better. Faith explains the medical condition of a concussion but Kenneth pooh poohs her diagnosis. She insists on a neurological examination and yells that she needs an x-ray of her leg. Kenneth believes “anyone that can yell that loud” can certainly eat something. He then tells her he consulted with Dr. Ryan today. At Pat’s name she tells him she needs Pat. At this Kenneth loses his smile and tells her there are things he needs to do in the lab and leaves.

Maeve is holding vigil at Mary’s bedside as Jack enters. She apologizes for not getting in touch with him and he wonders if they’ve diagnosed it but they still haven’t. He sits at her side, takes her hand, and calls out to her. She tells him he’s been gone so long… She calls out to Frank believing he is in the room. Maeve tells him she hallucinates when she has a high fever. Memory book plays as the two exchange I love you’s and Maeve smiles. Seneca enters with the lab results – it’s not meningitis. Seneca asks if she’s been out of the country as Mary calls out to Jack. He quizzes her on contact she may have had with foreign food or animals. “Lem’s?” Mary asks. Seneca thought it was a place she didn’t know much about. Or in any odd, out-of-the-way places? Maeve and Jack recall the tour of the sewer plant and Seneca takes off to conduct more tests.

Kenneth is in the lab and using a Benson burner. Seneca enters wanting to talk to him. Kenneth inquires to Nell at which Seneca tells him to pack up all her things – she won’t be coming back to the lab. Kenneth is concerned about her opaque dye and Seneca tells him the sale will go through. Seneca reassures Kenneth there’s plenty of work for him to do in Neurology and notes Kenneth was reading about hematoma. Kenneth repeats his story about his aunt and that “they’re” just watching her in the hospital. Seneca tells him not to worry. The burner goes out and Seneca tells him the gas was getting shut off in the hospital. He reminds Kenneth to shut off the gas to the burner. The lights in the secret room go out and Faith looks alarmed.

There’s a knock on Mary’s door and Nick enters with red roses. He wants to talk to Maeve in private so she reluctantly leaves Mary’s side. At the nurses’ station Nick is reminiscing about his daughter Serena, Mary, and Siobhan all playing together. He recalls how they wanted to see one of daddy’s “clients” at the funeral home. Maeve is trying to move the conversation along. He finally gets down to the real reason he wanted to talk to her. His daughter Serena has written him that she has met someone and wants to get married. Maeve thinks it will all blow over but warns him not to make any ultimatums. He faces the elephant in the room and apologizes for the trouble he has been causing the Ryan’s. But he is asking her help with his daughter. She recommends he meet the young man and he thanks her for his help. Meanwhile Seneca arrives with a report on Mary.

Ed is showing Bob the note that Kenneth made Faith write. Bob instructs “Peter” to come in and he agrees its “hospital paper” it is her handwriting. Ed wonders if Faith is ill or badly frightened. Bob ponders that it’s her secret admirer and he’s holding her in the hospital. They theorize that it’s someone they know. As Ed exclaims horror Bob believes he’s a psycho but not the violent kind. It could be somebody they see every day.

Another guy (who in my opinion seems every bit as weird as Kenneth) enters the lab. He’s there to make sure the burners had been turned off and Kenneth assures him he took care of it. Next we see Faith passed out in her room, the canary quiet, and hear the hissing of gas.

February 16, 1976 Tuesday, February 22, 2011 1st Episode

Gas continues to leak into the basement room.  Bucky has an accident relating to the gas being turned off and tells Pat of the incident.  The canary dies.  Incoherent with fever, Mary thinks she is married to Jack.  Seneca diagnoses Mary’s illness and tells the family that she is going to be all right.  Bob tells Pat and Bucky that the person that is after Faith is someone in the hospital.  Faith is unconscious.  Maeve and Jack explore the future of Mary and Jack’s relationship.  Kenneth realizes that Faith is in danger.

***** Recap Re-Written in 2010 *****

We open on the secret room.  The canary is still chirping, Faith is still moaning, and the gas jets are still hissing (since there are no flames to burn the gas).

Upstairs, Pat is talking to a nurse at the nurse's station.  Bucky comes in from the elevator; Pat goes over to talk to him.  Pat asks about Nell; B, in turn, asks about Mary.  Pat says that the lab report is back and it (Mary's mysterious illness) is not meningitis.  After talking a little bit of random shop, Pat asks about B's bandaged hand.

B explains it as "a small mishap in pathology" and says he burned it in a little accident involving a lab technician and a Bunsen burner (No, not our favorite little kooky lab tech, but a different, female, one).  The incident had to do with the gas being turned on unexpectedly and the Bunsen burner magically re-igniting itself.  Bucky was mildly injured, but the lab tech was badly hurt (3rd degree burns) and is in the ER.  Meanwhile, in the secret room, the gas continues to hiss, but the canary is chirping no more. *SONG*

Mary is asleep in her bed as Jack, Seneca, and Maeve discuss her condition. Seneca has now diagnosed her illness as "leptospirosis" - a rare condition, but one that is easily cured with penicillin.  Seneca relates a story about his having seen the condition back when he was an intern - in a farmer who caught it cleaning out a barn.  That was a serious case, but Mary has only a mild version of it.  Eventually, these three Einsteins figure out that, in Mary's case, it was indeed caused by her being in the sewer (with, of course, Jack intimating that it is all Sam's fault).

Jack asks (still in accusatory tone) if rats can carry leptospirosis; Seneca affirms that it is possible, but Maeve downplays this possibility.  Jack crabs that they (meaning Sam) should have found a news story above ground. Seneca tells them that the disease is not contagious - and that Mary will probably be getting a roommate soon.  Sen thanks Jack for "putting them on the right track".  Jack continues to crab about Sam, but Maeve is unsympathetic to his whinging.

Mary wakes up and they start chatting.  Mary's delirious and sing-songy. She keeps asking for Jack, even though Jack is right there.  She starts babbling about being married to Jack, to Jack's great distress.

Back near the nurse's station, Pat and Bucky are standing around as Bob comes off the elevator, saying that he wants to talk to both of them.  Once he has them seated and paying attention, Bob announces that it is definite now - the hospital is the "home base" for whoever is holding Faith.  Pat asks him what he has found out and Bob tells him that the handwriting expert (Peter Lytell) has definitely identified the letter as being written by Faith.  Pat objects, but Bob reminds him to keep his voice down, since the person could be around at any time and they don't want to be overheard.

Bob then starts listing out how they think the stalker is behaving - how he works at the hospital and moves back and forth between working and "being with" Faith.  He asks who could move around the hospital that easily and not be noticed.  B and Pat go through a list of various other people, then B mentions Ken again.  Pat downplays this, saying that they've already been through it all with Ken, concluding that if he is lying to them, then he's a "real pro".

Bob notes that Ken is weird, but B & Pat downplay this, saying only that he is a little "different", but that he is a gentle soul (Ed: Yeah, right...) However, Bob recalls that when he talked to Ken a day or so ago, he (Ken) was "nervous as a cat".  B answers this by noting that Ken is like that all the time, and Pat then asks (rhetorically) how he could carry off an abduction when he has a hard enough time carrying off a conversation.  Pat concludes by saying that he doesn't think he (Ken) has a "violent bone" in his body.

Playing cop, Bob sternly tells them that they'd be surprised how people sometimes react under pressure, and that he's seen many so-called "gentle souls" go "completely haywire".  Bob states that he is going to keep an eye on Ken.  Meanwhile, in the secret room, the gas continues to hiss, and Faith passes out, dropping the flashlight from her hand.

In Mary's room, Maeve continues to hold vigil.  Jack re-enters the room, bearing tea for the two of them.  They sit down to drink their tea, while Maeve does some knitting.  They discuss the fact that Mary considers them (she & Jack) to be married already.  Jack re-iterates his position to Maeve that he has always been "straight" with Mary about the marriage thing. Maeve rather frostily agrees that, yes, he has put his cards right on the table - and that Mary has explained to her many times how Jack feels about anything permanent.  However, Mary still holds out hope; she is simply waiting for Jack to love her the way that she loves him.

They continue to discuss this, with Jack implicitly defending his way of life, while Maeve works to convince him that Mary deserves better. Eventually, Jack makes a comment to the effect that Mary needs to "grow up", which causes Maeve to snap back "What is growing up?  Being unable to trust anyone?  Living for the moment?".  Jack says "I can't blame you for that" and Maeve apologizes for her outburst.

Maeve generously tells Jack that she was actually glad when Mary met and got involved with him.  It brought her great joy and it got her away from being completely centered around and wrapped up in her brother.  However, despite a few nice moments like this, the basic tension between them remains.  Maeve re-iterates her position that her daughter wants and deserves better; Jack apologizes for not being that kind of guy, but states that he likes her (Maeve) and that he wants her approval.

He goes on to rhapsodize about his relationship with Mary, ending with the classic "But I'd never hurt her" line.  Maeve responds "you wouldn't mean to"; Jack queries "But you think I will?"  Maeve then does some rhapsodizing of her own about the kind of ideal man (complete with children!) that she always imagined for her daughter.  Pointedly, Jack asks if this ideal man exists - outside of Maeve's imagination.  Maeve replies "Oh yes!"; Jack asks "Anybody I know?"

After some meaningful exchanges, Jack concludes that Mary is the only one who will be able to recognize that person when he comes along; Maeve agrees that they will all have to trust her - trust her to choose the right person and that in the long run, she will know who that person is.  With a meaningful look, Jack picks up his jacket and announces that he has a column due in the morning, so Maeve dismisses him, telling him that Mary is "resting peacefully".  Jack leans down and kisses Mary, then leaves.

In the secret room, the gas continues to hiss.  Faith stirs a bit, then falls back down on the bed.  Upstairs, Bob/Pat/Bucky wrap up their discussion of the situation; Bob exits via the elevator.  As Pat/Bucky walk away from the elevator, Ken re-appears on the scene and greets them (in his usual oh-so-charming manner).  Pat asks him if he is "working late"; he demurs, saying that he's just doing some reading.  He got involved in his book on "Gothic Architecture" and just couldn't put it down!

Ken then notes that he saw Detective Reid leaving and wants to know if he found anything out about "Dr. Coleridge".  Pat says no, other than that he is now certain that it *was* Faith who wrote the note.  Ken asks how they can be sure and B explains about the handwriting analyst.  Ken says that was very wise, which leads to them discussing how the note shows that Faith was under stress when she wrote it; this leads to Ken stating that he wishes all this talk about kidnapping would go away and that they'd come to think that Faith had just gone away by herself for a few days.

Unfortunately for him, Pat says that her writing shows that she is under extreme stress - and is probably sick, too.  Distressed by this news, Ken creates a diversion by asking Bucky about his bandaged hand.  B downplays it as insignificant, but Ken insists on prattling on about it.  In the course of their all yacking it up about the Bunsen burners and the gas, Ken all of a sudden realizes that he has a problem downstairs...

Stopping himself mid-sentence, he then asks the doctors what happens when a lot of gas escapes.  Pat jokes that you don't light any matches; Bucky says that you find some oxygen so that you can breathe.  Beginning to really panic now, Ken shakily asks if they turned the gas off all over the hospital and is answered in the affirmative by the two doctors.  Ken turns and runs towards the elevator, leaving Pat and Bucky to exchange mystified glances.

In the secret room, Faith may well be unconscious by now...(Closing credits: the nurse's station) *END*

February 17, 1976 Tuesday, February 22, 2011 2nd Episode

Kenneth arrives to rescue Faith from the gas.  Pat tells Bob that Kenneth was acting strangely.  Seneca mother arrives and learns of Nell’s condition.  Pat and Bob talk to Kenneth’s landlady and learns that he has not been around much lately.  Kenneth attempts to comfort Faith.  Marguerite tells Seneca that he has placed Nell in the exact position that she did not want to be in.  Seneca is very moved by his mother’s understanding of Nell.  Bob and Pat set out to find Kenneth.  Kenneth becomes desperate when he finds Faith in worse condition.

***** Recap Re-Written in 2010 *****

In the secret room, the gas continues to hiss.  A panicky Ken rushes down the stairs yelling Faith's name, and enters the room.  Finding the place full of gas, Ken holds a cloth over his mouth as he walks around the room turning off all the gas lamps.  He then carries the unconscious Faith out to the hallway.  He fusses over her, begging her to say something. Rhetorically, he asks "How could I have let this happen to you?"

Upstairs, Bob is writing on his notepad as Pat rounds the corner.  Pat tells Bob that he just had the weirdest run in with that lab technician.  Pat explains about all the questions Kenneth was asking about Faith and the investigation - how it went beyond the level of just being polite.  Bob asks if he seemed nervous about the police being around; Pat says that Ken *always* seems a little nervous, then goes on to say that the really strange thing was when Kenneth asked B about his injured hand.  He asked about it, but when B proceeded to explain, Kenneth didn't listen at all.

Bob jokes that that's not that hard to explain; after all, Faith Coleridge is a lot prettier than Bucky Carter (har dee har har!).  Pat says that it wasn't like he wasn't concerned with Bucky's hand; rather, it was like Kenneth started going into a different world.  Pat goes on to say that Kenneth started asking a bunch of weird questions that made no sense, then ran for the elevator like a maniac, nearly knocking the nurse off her feet, then he was gone.  Bob asks where he went; Pat says he doesn't know, causing Bob to tell him that he is a lot of help (har dee har har again!).

This leads to a discussion of Kenneth and his weirdness.  Bob asserts that Pat thinks he is "flaky", but Pat says "not like that" and gives the usual litany of "he's just a normal, low key kind of guy - wouldn't hurt a fly", blah, blah, blah kind of stuff.  Unimpressed by this, Bob says maybe he *should* talk to him.  Pat can't understand what triggered K's latest episode, saying that they were just making small talk.  Bob suggests they check out Kenneth at home, so they leave together to go find out where he lives. *SONG*

Seneca visits Nell in her room, telling the nurse to take her break now.  He replays various old conversations with Nell, in his mind.  Then Sen's mother appears in the room.  Sen greets her, then tells her that she was supposed to have called him before she left Quebec.  She brushes this off, saying that he had enough on his mind without having to deal with her travel plans. She then asks about Nell's condition and so on; she says that she loves Nell and had been planning on asking them both to come up to "Trois Pistol" sometime that summer.

Mother (Ed: I don't think we ever get a name for her) then gives a long speech about death and stuff which didn't make much sense to me.

Bob arrives at K's boarding house, and is being led in by the landlady.  Pat follows them in, then the landlady asks "What can I do for you, detective?" Bob says that he wants to ask her a couple of questions about one of her tenants - Kenneth Castle.  After bits of small talk are exchanged, they get down to business.  The landlady says that Kenneth is an "odd duck", but she wouldn't want to see him get into any kind of trouble.

In the ensuing chatter, she says that she "missed" him; Bob picks up on this and asks what she means.  She says that he hasn't been around much lately. She guesses that he may have found something else to do (Ed: Hmmm.  What is that a euphemism for?  Anyway, with our K, not likely...) or maybe he is just working overtime at the hospital.  Saying "I see...", Bob asks to see his room.  The landlady protests saying that it might be a mess, but Bob assures her that he isn't there to judge K's personal habits.

The landlady (a Mrs. Gordon) protests again, citing the "boy's privacy", but Bob threatens to come back with a search warrant, which convinces her to let him in.  They all enter the room, and Pat observes that it hardly looks like anyone lives there.  Again, Mrs. G says that Kenneth hasn't been around much lately (even to eat!).  Bob asks if she has any idea where he *does* spend his time; she doesn't and had just assumed that he has been working very hard at the hospital.  She then goes on again about how polite and considerate Kenneth is.

Bob asks when was the last time she saw him; she says a day or two ago.  Bob asks if that is unusual (for him to be gone like that); she says definitely not (usually, his habits are quite predictable) and that, in fact, he hasn't had dinner there all week.  She then goes into a routine about an electric coffeepot, telling Pat that her nephew is an electrician, so if there is anything that he needs repaired [*], ...

[*] She says it using the Pittsburgh inflection, saying "If there is anything that needs repaired".

Pat assures her that he will keep it in mind.  Mrs. G then goes on and on about how Kenneth always made himself coffee in his room in the morning and always took dinner with her (and, presumably, the rest of the people at the house), except, of course, for the past few weeks.  Pat and Bob both wonder what he's been doing "instead", and Bob says he wants to find him.  Mrs. G then says "I've been hoping that he has a girl" (Ed: Hmmmmm.....), eliciting a smirk from Pat.

Back in the secret room, Kenneth is still trying to rouse Faith (and acting all put upon by her refusal to speak).  He assures her that he never meant to kill her and that he would never be able to live with himself if she dies (heh heh).  He continues to beg her to revive.  At last, she speaks, saying that it is dark and that she can't breathe.  Again, she begs him to get her some help.  Seeing her moving and talking, Ken tells her that this is a good omen and that she has been "saved".

He asks her to open her eyes, but she just keeps asking to be taken upstairs.  Kenneth offers her water telling her that he is so glad that the gas didn't hurt her.

In Nell's room, Sen's mom tells him that he reminds her of his father.  They then continue to discuss Nell and the early years of their marriage.  There is a flashback to a time when Sen and Nell are eating at mom's place, discussing their recent grant money award.  This conversation sets the groundwork of Sen's controlling nature.

Back at the boarding house, Mrs. G continues to rhapsodize about how nice it would be if Kenneth had a girl, saying that everyone should have someone to love. She leaves to fetch K's coffeepot, leaving Pat/Bob to talk alone.  Pat says it is "a little depressing", and Bob agrees, saying that if he lived in a joint like this, he wouldn't want to hang around much either.  After a little discussion of K's habits and whereabouts, Bob says he is going to go back to the hospital to ask some more questions, saying that the boy has to be somewhere and he'll find him.  They leave.

Outside the secret room, Kenneth is still trying to get Faith to breathe easily, but she isn't cooperating with his efforts.  He plans to take her back into the room, but she just wants to be taken upstairs (one track mind, this girl has!).  He re-assures her that it is safe in the room now, since he opened the air shaft to drain the gas away.  Next, she asks to be taken to Pat (Ed: Wrong thing to say, girl!), which produces the expected reaction in K.

Next, he offers to bring her oxygen (Ed: Bad idea, with all that gas floating around...).  Gasping for breath, Faith passes out.

(Closing credits: K's room at the boarding house) Note: According to the credits, momma Beaulac's name is "Marguerite". Also of note in the credits: Miss Mills is credited (though we haven't seen her yet), but Mrs. Gordon is not (Why?).  Also, who is "Leo"? *END*

February 18, 1976 Wednesday, February 23, 2011 1st Episode

Seneca helps Nell through convulsions.  Ed tries to help Seneca deal with what is happening to Nell.  Kenneth promises to bring Faith oxygen but loses courage when Bob questions him.  A delirious Faith pleads with Kenneth to bring his father or Pat to her – but Kenneth is not there.  Conflict erupts between Roger and Seneca over what is to be done about Nell.  Seneca arrives at a decision – he refuses to allow Nell to continue along in this condition.  Bob throws Kenneth into absolute panic but he manages to slip away.

***** Recap Re-Written in 2010 *****

Nell is seizing as Seneca calls for a nurse to help him.  She has hit her head against the rail.  Seneca is surprised at her strength and they calm her.  Ed is there and watches as Seneca holds her hand.  He expresses his condolences and asks about the restraints.  Seneca had them removed but he'll put them back on.  Ed asks Seneca to come to his office.

Kenneth wakes a sleeping Faith in the basement.  He asks her not to blame him for everything.  Faith is groggy and stresses her need for medical attention for her concussion.  She asks for her father or she will die.  Kenneth wants to know if she is serious and Faith says yes.  He goes to fetch her father.

Bob is at the hopital expecting phone call.  Kenneth comes off the elevator and Bob asks to see him for a moment.  Kenneth is in a hurry but stops to answer Bob's questions.  He tells him about his living arrangement and taking his meals at the boarding house.  Bob asks about his evenings and Kenneth says he watches tv and goes to bed.  Bob makes him nervous and Kenneth tries to say it's Bob's questions that are unnerving him.  Bob presses his evening activities and Kenneth insists he is a tv watcher.  Bob asks about a girlfriend and sneaking off but Kenneth denies it.  Bob asks Kenneth if his landlady would back up his story.   Kenneth changes his story to say he's been taking walks by the river to work off the dinners.  Bob doesn't believe him and presses him further.  He reads Kenneth his rights after Kenneth jumps up to look for Ed. 

Faith calls out for her father in the basement and asks him not to let her die.

Ed and Seneca discuss Faith's disappearance.  Ed asks about the woman he saw earlier and Seneca tells him it was his mother.  Ed and Seneca discuss taking Nell off life support and Clem's refusal.  Seneca argues to let her go.  Roger enters and disagrees with taking Nell off life support.  Roger and he argue about Seneca's decision to do surgery.  Roger agrees with Seneca's decision to follow through the way he did but he will not agree with deliberately ending her life.  Ed agrees.  Roger warns Seneca he is talking murder.  Seneca disagrees and Roger tries to give his sympathy and concern.  Roger then asks to dicuss a surgery with his dad.  They leave and Seneca remembers Nell and he in bed.  They discuss a trip to New Orleans so Nell can present a paper. Nell is angered when she finds out that Seneca has already made the arrangements without asking her permission.  She tells him not to make her decisions for her, ever.  Ed returns and apologizes for Roger.  Seneca understands and tells Ed about making decisions for Nell.  He will not allow her to remain in her condition.

Bob continues reading Kenneth his rights and questions him further.  Kenneth sticks with taking walks and watching tv at night.  Kenneth is nervous and takes a drink of water.  Bob tells him they know he hasn't been back to his room in weeks but Kenneth maintains innocence.  Bob asks for a witness to confirm Kenneth's story but there is none.  Bob thinks he's confused about his stories.  Kenneth repeats his alibis and extra workload with Nell's injury.  Kenneth says he was the one who asked to call the police.  Bob decides not to arrest him but asks him to come down to the station now.  Kenneth says he has an important errand to run but Bob wants him with him at all times.  Bob is interrupted by a phone call and Kenneth leaves while he is distracted.  Bob calls hospital security.  

Faith is talking out loud to her father in the basement before collapsing off the bed.       

February 19, 1976 Wednesday, February 23, 2011 2nd Episode

Frank and Delia have a fight over her use of the business checking account.  Nick arrives and hears the argument and tries to use it for his advantage.  Bucky brings Mary some company when he admits a new patient who refuses to answer his questions.  Nick is tough with Frank during their meeting and softens when his daughter calls to tell him that she is sick.  Mary ties Miss Mills in with Mrs. Monroe and frightens her when she calls for Bucky.  An angry and unhappy Delia runs into Roger and fixes on him as a source of help.

***** Recap Re-Written in 2010 *****

At his office, Frank yells at Delia for using a business account she wasn't supposed to.  Delia claims it was for food only and yells back.  Frank is upset that Delia is disorganized and irresponsible.  Delia claims she is being picked on as they are interrupted by Georgia who announces a visitor.  Delia keeps it up and tells Frank she will ask before she spends any penny of his.  She tells Frank not to invite her to his office ever.  Nick enters as Delia storms out.

Mary, in her hospital room, is visited by Bucky.  Bucky tells her she is better and Mary feels better.  Mary asks about Nell who is still the same.  Nurses enter with a roommate  for her.  Mary introduces herself and Bucky introduces Mrs. Mills who had a bad fall.  Bucky asks her how she fell but Mrs. Mills refuses to answer him.  She claims it was an accident.  Bucky backs off and decides to come back in the afternoon.  He leaves as Mary makes conversation with Mrs. Mills.  She notices Mrs. Mills has trouble handling her cup and she tells Mary she is afraid.

Nick tells Frank about his friendship with Johnny and their falling out.  Frank refuses to help him get back into his good graces and is tired of his excuse of  'it was just business' from Nick.  Nick says he was a mayor of the streets before Frank got into politics.  He's done a lot of good.  Nick admits to profits but he benefitted people.  Nick warns Frank to stop making waves.  Frank gets the message and Nick threatens him.  The phone rings and Georgia tells them it's for Nick.  A man named Leo tells Nick his daughter is sick.  Nick refuses to believe him but his daughter gets on the phone and talks to him.  Nick promises to be there as soon as he can.  His daughter can't move her legs and tells him where she is.  Nick asks about the guy but his daughter asks him to come and get her.  Nick comforts her and hangs up.                        

Mrs. Mills and Mary talk as she asks for Mary's roll.  Mary pushes it over and is unsteady.  Mrs. Mills tells her not to fall.  Mrs. Mills talks about Mrs. Monroe and her fall and Mary notices the name.  She remembers the story and Mrs. Mills tells her there is no doctor at the Hillside Manor.  Mary asks more questions and Mrs. Mills realizes she has said too much.  A nurse enters and Mary asks for Bucky.  Mrs. Mills asks her not to tell.  Mary reassures her and tells Bucky about Mrs. Mills' story.  Bucky questions Mrs. Mills and asks her to help them.  Mrs. Mills gets upset and Mary and Bucky think she is being threatened.

Nick sees Roger at the hospital and demands a private room for his daughter.  Roger says none are available and Nick is off to see Seneca.  Roger calls Seneca's office and leaves a message that Nick is headed for him.  Delia comes off the elevator and notices Roger.  She greets him and he is happy to see her.  They commiserate about their bad days and Delia says she is on her way to see Mary.  Roger mentions their cooking lessons and Delia says they are secret.  Roger asks about what happened and Delia tells him about her argument with Frank.  Roger says it's time for a cooking lesson.  Delia agrees and Roger says it's not appropriate for them to dine out together.  Delia agrees and Roger suggests his own place.  Delia hesitates but Roger tells her she is within shouting distance of help.  Delia is worried if someone comes downstairs.  Roger says it won't happen because his family does not see him because he is a disgrace to them.  Delia asks to think about it and Roger is encouraged by her willingness to find a way.

February 20, 1976 Thursday, February 24, 2011 1st Episode

Delia is going out and is furious when she sees how little Frank cares.  Bob and Pat are looking for Kenneth.  Pat learns where Kenneth is and follows him.  Nick arrives and finds a very sick daughter who is also hiding something else from him.  Delia is determined to have a good time, and Roger finds himself sharing in the fun with her.  Pat follows Kenneth into the basement and arrives at the door where Faith is staying.

***** Recap Re-Written in 2010 *****

In her room at the Ryan's, Delia is lying on the ubiquitous green blanket, wearing her hot red dress.  She is on the phone with Roger, telling him that it looks like she will be able to get away (from the Ryan's) for dinner, assuming he is still interested in having her over.  Roger says that he has been looking forward to it all day and that when she gets there, she should ring the doorbell 3 times - that will be their secret code.  Just then, Frank wanders into the room, working on his tie.  This event triggers the birth of the great mystical "Sheila", as Dee quickly shifts into gear addressing Roger thusly.

Roger detects that she "has company" and plays along as Dee gives "Sheila" cooking advice.  After Dee finishes up the call, Frank casually asks her if she is going out; Dee snarks that "Yeah, I think I'd just make a little change and not be the one left behind".  Not sharing her mirth, Frank sternly maintains that she knows perfectly well that he has to attend this meeting of the "General Welfare Committee".  But she happily encourages him to go to his meeting, indicating that she has no problem with his going, and that she will be going out as well.

Still not picking up any signs that things are not what they seem, Frank asks if mother (Maeve) has time to look after the baby; Dee answers in the affirmative.  Dee asks him if he's at all curious about where he is going, but he just says that he assumes she's going out to see "Sheila" (so what's the big deal?).  Dee asks if he could at least pretend to care; she could, after all, be going out to see some guy...

Frank gurgles at this and states that he's not going out to see Jill, if that's what she's suggesting.  Dee brushes this off, then suggests that they get together for a "late date" after her dinner and his meeting.  Frank is uninterested, as he states that he has no idea how long his meeting will last.  Disgusted, Dee tells him to forget it - it was just a dumb idea of hers.  Frank suggests that maybe they can go out to the movies some time next week; Dee's response is "sure, sure...".  Then Frank says he has to see his mother for a few minutes before he leaves, so "see ya later, ok?".

After Frank leaves, Dee brightens up considerably as she perfumes herself up for her date. *SONG*

Down in the hospital basement, Ken skulks around as a hospital security guard asks an unnamed employee if he's seen anyone around there who "doesn't belong".  The employee sarcastically says "Yeah, I just saw Raquel Welch...".  The guard tells him to knock it off and that they are looking for a lab technician, then gives Ken's description.  The employee gives a negative answer then leaves.  The guard continues to look for K.

After the guard moves on, K emerges from the shadows and enters the stairway leading back up to the main hospital area.  Back at the ubiquitous nurse's station, Bob and Pat are talking; Pat says that he hasn't seen K recently (nor has anyone else).  Bob says no one has seen him around the rooming house.  Pat then shouts that "he's gotta be the guy!".  Bob says he's going back to police HQ.

After Bob leaves via the elevator, a nurse enters and asks Pat if he's seen Detective Reid.  Pat tells her that he just left.  The nurse says that Bob had been asking about K and that she has just seen him - around the oxygen supply room - and that he was headed towards "Stairway 7".  Hearing this, Pat takes off in pursuit.  We then see a long scene of Pat chasing K (who is carrying a box of oxygen) down the stairs (with Pat always about 2 floors up from K).

Meanwhile, Faith is on the floor, barely conscious...

Next up, we hear funky saxophone music as the camera pans over a disheveled hotel room (with empty liquor bottles on view).  This is Reenie's hotel room; Reenie is annoyed to find that she cannot move her feet.  There is a knock on the door; it is Nick.  Nick enters with a nurse (Miss Hacker) in tow.  Reenie is all teary and whimpering about how sick she is, but Nick assures her that everything will be fine now.

Nick continues to assure R that everything will be fine, once they get her checked in at Riverside, but R continues to whine about Leo - the bum who brought her to this dump.  R announces that they were eloping, but Nick is convinced that he's skipped out on them; she maintains that he is a beautiful, sensitive person, not a bum.

The nurse finds a note, addressed to R.  R reads the note (to herself) then announces that, indeed, Leo has left the building.  R insists that her father find Leo; eventually, he reluctantly agrees.  He takes down some information about Leo, including the interesting fact that he has no car, just a motorbike.  He has a job as a messenger.  Nick shouts out "A motorcycle bum - you had to go the whole way, eh??!".

Eventually, R concedes that Nick is right and begs him to just take her home.  He is happy to do so.

In Roger's apartment, Dee happily allows Rog to take her coat as she takes in the sights.  She is especially pleased with the kitchen, which she declares to be better than the one upstairs (i.e., Ed/Faith's kitchen).  She is concerned, however, with the possibility that someone might come down to visit them while she is there.  Rog assures her that no one will do that.

Dee also likes the couch a lot.  Rog offers her wine; she prefers a vodka martini, which Rog prepares and serves.  Rog appreciates her perfume, then asks her to tell him about her day.  Dee declares that it is well known that she and Frank don't exactly have a marriage made in heaven; Rog says that he thought the thing with Jill was all over now, but Dee says she's not sure and that in any case, it doesn't really matter (if Frank still sees Jill or not) as he just doesn't have much interest in her.

Rog is suitably sympathetic.  Dee goes on to say that Frank always finds little nitpicky things to pick at her about - and that he does it so that he won't have to feel so bad about leaving her home alone all the time.  Rog asks what sort of things; she says things so little and trivial that it is hard to believe.  She then tells the story of the checks on the business account.

She continues to chatter about her chilly home life - and how she has to take care of the baby while Frank attends to family and political duties. Rog is surprised that Dee is stuck upstairs tending to the baby while everyone else is downstairs having fun, but Dee assures him that today is special - that she is out from the Ryan's and is having fun with him.  He says that he is glad to be able to bring a little cheer into her life, and she confirms that he has.

Enjoying her martini greatly, she tells him that it is great to be able to talk to someone who doesn't act like they are bored by every word she says. Roger gallantly protests that he doesn't see how anyone could be bored with "someone who looks as nice as you do".  Agreeing with the sentiment, Dee notes that Frank somehow manages to do so.  Rog says that he thinks he could talk to her for "100 hours" and never run out of things to say.  He has so many questions he wants to ask her and so many things he wants to tell her about himself and about what happened between himself and Frank.

She agrees that she'd like to know about that.  He asks how much time she has tonight, how soon does she need to be back at the house?  She says not to worry - she can stay as long as she likes.

Ken finally arrives in the basement hallway, winded from his exertions.  He is still carrying the box of oxygen - and using his trusty flashlight to guide him.  He opens the door that leads towards the old part of the hospital and enters, as Pat follows behind in hot pursuit.  Pat enters the darkened area, using a box of matches from his pocket to lead the way.  (Ed: It is funny how he keeps lighting matches, letting them burn down a little, then lights another...)

K enters the secret room, finds Faith on the floor, and calls out to her, asking her what she has done!  He picks her up and puts her back in the bed and begs her to wake up.  He tells her that *they* are in terrible trouble, but Faith just tells him to go away.  Meanwhile, Pat is still lighting matches.

Faith is yammering on about her dreams of black forests; K (correctly) tells her that she is delirious.  He then gets her some oxygen, forcing her to accept the mask on her face.  He insists that they don't have any time for her fooling around and that she must wake up.  Faith asks him why he is hurting her, but he denies this, saying that she knows he would never hurt her.  She then starts laughing, but K doesn't see the humor in their situation.

She asks him why he is angry at her; he replies that it is because she won't listen and because she is hurting him (!).  He announces that she is about to be found by the others, so it is important that she tell the right story. She is to tell them what good care he took of her - how he put the splint on her leg and how he brought her everything she wanted.  But all she can do in response is yowl that she wants to go home (Ed: The ungrateful wretch!)

K yowls back in reply "Why??? What am I gonna do???" and insists that she is going to be "on their side" and she will be against him and will blame him for all that has happened.  Faith is upset by his loud voice and begs him to quiet down, which he agrees to do, for his "darling".  He agrees to talk quietly and assures her that they will be as "quiet as mice".  As Pat continues to navigate the darkened hallways outside the room, K tells Faith that he needs to go away for awhile; F continues to moan in pain.

Before leaving, he moans that he wishes she would say the right things, which she, reluctantly, agrees to do.  Alas, he doesn't believe her.  He loudly shouts "No!!!!", asserting that she is lying to him.  Outside, Pat hears his outburst, which guides him into the room.  As Pat enters, K stops babbling and looks up in horror!

(Closing credits: the green hallways in the hospital basement) Interestingly enough, Reenie (Julia Barr) is *still* not credited *END*

February 23, 1976 Thursday, February 24, 2011 2nd Episode

Pat discovers a terrified Kenneth making an emotional farewell to Faith.  Delia shares some truths about herself and is having fun, which Roger finds intoxicating.  After a hysterical confrontation, Kenneth escapes when Pat’s attention is on Faith. Delia has an emotional letdown when she arrives home and realizes that no one missed her.  Horror of what has happened to Faith sinks in on Pat.  Pat leaves Faith to get help.

***** Recap Re-Written in 2010 *****

K shrieks "No!  No, Dr. Ryan!  I don't want you to come in here!".  He pushes Pat through the door and follows him out into the hallway, closing the door behind them.  Pat growls at him to get out of his way, but K maintains that he (Pat) is not supposed to be down here.  He asserts that this is "Faith's room".  Pat growls again, then pushes him out of the way, telling him that he is out of his mind.  Pat re-enters the room, with K following and shrieking that he is not (out of his mind).

Ignoring him for the moment, Pat attends to Faith's health, looking first for a pulse.  K continues to babble that he is not crazy, that this is not his fault, and that he took good care of her.  As Pat focuses on Faith's condition, K continues to buzz around.  Pat yells at him to get out of his way, causing K to beg P not to hit him (which P readily agrees he won't do).

Then K starts up on the offensive again, telling P that he has no business being there and that he doesn't want him anywhere near her and that he (Pat) has only caused her pain and heartache.  K tries to pull P away from his patient, causing Pat to rudely tell K to sit down and shut up as he is (still) trying to find a pulse. *SONG*

In Roger's apartment, Rog is bringing a pitcher of beer into the living room.  Dee says that if *she* ordered beer in a gourmet Chinese restaurant, everybody would probably say "Ah, that Delia!  She's so dumb...", but Rog replies that she would just tell them that "beer is the only acceptable cold drink to have with Chinese food".  Accepting this as true, Dee takes a large swig of her beer and happily announces: "Chinese beer!".

Rog declares that, despite the fine glassware (which was his mother's), the beer was brewed in Brooklyn, which elicits a giggle from Dee.  She goes into a great Brooklyn accent routine of asking the waiter for a "Brooklyn beer", then quickly switches to an elite, cultured voice informing the waiter that it (beer) is, of course, the only acceptable cold drink to have with gourmet Chinese food - all to Roger's great amusement.

However, Dee notes that if she did tell that to anyone, they'd want to know how she knew and she'd not be able to tell them.  Rog says that she would just tell them that it was very simple - she just knew it.  Going along with that, Dee declares "I just know it".  Rog tells her that everybody has to learn from someone else; no one is "born smart".  She touches his knee and tells him that he was (born smart), but he says "far from it".

He says that nobody knows everything, and that there are lots of things he could learn from her.  Skeptically, she asks what that might be, and he says "Like how to be free and open with my feelings" and how to take an ordinary room and make it into a playground (Ed: With the Mary Tyler Moore show theme running in my head...).  Embarrassed by the way things are going, Dee offers to help him clear the dishes, but he declines.  Instead, he just covers it all up with a blanket.  Dee protests that that's not clearing, it's just covering, but he insists that that's the way they do it around here.

Dee playfully tells him that that's "bad" and that he is "bad", as she continues to chug her beer.  Rog tells her that he doesn't want to waste a minute of his time with her by doing housework.  She agrees, telling him that she feels very "free and happy".  He is happy to hear this and she goes on to say that she is so relieved to be there - it is as if she now can breathe again.

Understanding her situation, Roger asserts that it isn't always so easy being a Ryan, but she tells him that she is not really a Ryan.  She then notices what she has just said and asserts that she's never said that before.  Repeating that she is not one, she notes that being a Ryan was always the most important thing in the world to her.  Rog states that he thinks that everyone in the neighborhood wanted to be a Ryan at some point in their lives.

They discuss this some more - each agreeing that they've been fascinated with the Ryan's - intrigued by all that warmth and fierce loyalty.  Rog even notes that he would have liked to have been asked to join, just so that he could have turned them down!  Rog then asserts that Dee's prayers were answered, but she denies this, saying that her name may have been changed (by marrying a Ryan), but she hasn't changed.

Surprised to hear this, Rog asserts that he always thought she *was* one of them - that even before marrying Frank, she was "going around with" Pat. Dee explains that really it was Bobby who was part of the Ryan thing, but she was just tagging along with her brother.  They were just nice to her because she was Bobby's kid sister.  Roger protests that Maeve was different from that, but Dee says that Maeve just felt sorry for her.  Dee overheard a conversation once, in which Maeve referred to her as "poor Delia - that poor child"...

This leads to Dee telling the story of her and the incident with Mary's precious Spaulding ball.  This, in turn, leads to an exposition on Dee and Frank's marriage, and how, initially at least, you never saw two people more in love.  But how things changed...

Embarrassed, Dee yells that she is telling him the story of her whole life, but he assures her that he wants to hear it.  She states that it is getting late, but he tells her that he wants to hear the story of her life, from the very beginning right up to this very minute.  She tells him that at this very minute, things really aren't working out very well for her.

He feigns pain at this last comment, but she playfully assures him that it is not him.  It is, of course, Frank - and he knows that perfectly well. She asserts that Frank doesn't speak to her at all, and his parents just refer to her as "that poor child" - and Mary, well, Mary just hates her. Rog says he didn't think Mary Ryan could hate anybody, but Dee maintains that Mary certainly doesn't like her very much.

Rog suggests that Dee buy Mary a new ball, causing Dee to throw a pillow at him.  He goes on to say that he doesn't understand people - and that the Ryans just don't appreciate Dee the way they should.  Cuddling her hand, he tells her again just how much he enjoys having her here, which leads her to once again assert that it is getting late.  But he still wants to hear the "story of her life".

Saying yet again that it is getting late, she notes that they might be missing her at home.  He lets goes of her hand, for which she is thankful. After some more banter (laced with double entendres), he gets her her purse and coat, lamenting the fact that he can't walk her home.  Saying their "good nights" to each other, Dee exits the apartment.

Back in the secret room, K is still shrieking at "Dr. Ryan" that it is not his fault and that he took very good care of her.  Pat tells him to just sit down, causing him to again ask not to be hit.  K asserts that she died because she wouldn't listen to him, but P informs him that she is not dead (yet!).  Next, Pat wants to know who put the splint on her; K declares that it was he.  Faith instructed him on the technique (Ed: She being a doctor and all...); he was both doctor and nurse for her and they worked well together.

Now, K asserts that he is so glad to hear that she is "all right", but P tells him that she is not "all right" (yet!); in fact, she is barely breathing.  K stammers, then P demands to know what happened.  K explains about the falls, carefully (or not so carefully) avoiding incriminating himself in the mess.  As K is still yammering, P talks to Faith, trying to get her to respond to his voice.  Faith babbles, including a bit about the canary having died.

Noting Faith's delirious state, P asks K if she is on any meds.  He says "no", then "yes" and tells about the pain killers from his dentist. Unfortunately, K doesn't know anything about the drugs - what they were or what dosage.  P asks some more questions, causing K to relapse into his usual "I did everything I could" babble.  Pat again tells him to just sit down (Ed: and shut up!).

K whimpers "You won't hurt me?".  Disgusted, P says "No, I won't hurt you, but buddy, you've got a lot of explaining to do upstairs!".  As P focuses on Faith once again, K slips out the door.  P still wants to know what happened in the room.  Faith finally comes to and P tells her that he found her. Faith begs him not to leave her, saying that she thought he'd never get there.  She wants to know where K is; P tells her that he's gone, but F is convinced he will be back.  F wants to know if she is going to die...

Dee returns to the Ryan parlor and wakes Maeve up with loud obnoxious tales of Chinese cooking.  They exchange child care notes.  Dee tells her that she learned a lot about cooking tonight - then she re-tells the story of the beer (how it is the only appropriate drink, blah, blah, blah).  Maeve wonders where Frank is, but Dee says it shouldn't be any mystery because he is always anywhere but here.  Maeve tells her not to let her imagination run away with her, but Dee assures her that she is not mad.

She knows that Frank loves his city council and he loves his work and his career, etc, etc.  This leads to Dee complaining to Maeve about the way Frank is treating her lately.  Maeve keeps trying to find the silver lining, but Dee isn't having any (she is getting increasingly morose throughout this conversation).  Eventually, Maeve excuses herself, saying that she has to go check on Johnny and help him close up the bar.  After she leaves, Dee brightens up again and calls Rog on the phone, and they have a very pleasant and enjoyable conversation.

In the secret room, Pat continues to attend to Faith.  He asks about the splint, but Faith has no concept of time (down there in that room).   She still thinks she is going to die, but P assures her that they can and will fix her up.  He insists that he has to go upstairs to get help; she begs him not to go, saying that she loves him and that she knew he would find her. He leaves; she continues to moan & wail for him not to leave her.

(Closing credits: Roger's apartment, with portrait visible) *END*

February 24, 1976 Friday, February 25, 2011 1st Episode

Ed is horrified when he finds Faith and realizes that she is very close to death.  Jack confesses to Mary that with her being sick made him realize that he cares for her more intensely than he knew.  Seneca gets angered when Jill explains the legal ramifications of taking Nell off of life support.  Mary is appalled when she learns more about the nursing home from Miss Mills.  Faith is upset when she is faced with questions regarding whether she and Kenneth has sex.  She becomes upset further when she learns that he is roaming the streets and is not in police custody.

***** Recap Re-Written in 2010 *****

Pat brings a relieved Ed to the secret room. Ed calls to Faith, assuring she’s safe. Two orderlies (one is that strange one that was nicknamed Woody) get the stretcher ready for her. Faith wonders where Kooky Kenneth is now, wailing that he’s going to come back to get her. Ed promises that won’t happen as Faith begs him not to leave her. They get her strapped on to the stretcher & start taking her to the hall; Faith yowls about her head hurting before she appears to pass out (that dramatic, hideous “cat screeching” music plays).

In their hospital room, Ms. Mills is reading while Mary dozes…just then Jack arrives & Mary delightedly greets him, thanking him for the flowers he sent earlier. They kiss/coo as Ms. M looks on; Jack’s shy when he realizes she’s watching so Mary makes the introductions. They say hi & Ms. M comments that Jack’s very handsome…she then adds knowingly, “Handsome men are the best…it makes up for so many other things!” (INDEED! LOL!) Jack & Mary look a tad taken aback, heh heh.

To give them privacy, Ms. M turns over to go to sleep. Mary purrs that she’s the nicest roommate she’s ever had, “Present company excepted” (wink, wink) Jack can’t wait for her to be released from the hospital. He presents her w/a box of Italian cookies (which Mary accepts in that annoying, sing-song voice) & they joke about not being able to light the papers in the hosp. setting.

Turning serious, Jack admits to not being able to think about anything else since she got sick. “It was awful…your being sick changed things in that I realize my feelings for you aren’t as simple as I’d thought.” He then tells her that she was babbling about the two of them being married. Embarrassed, Mary corrects “getting married” but Jack insists Mary spoke as if they were married already.

Jack says this bothered him a bit & Mary argues that none of it counts since she was delirious. Jack mentions that Maeve was right there & agreed w/it: Mary feels married to Jack-she’s made a huge commitment to him & is just waiting for Jack to respond in kind. Mary sighs that she loves him, but doesn’t want to make demands.

Jack asks her to be quiet & listen for a moment—there was a good chance for awhile there that Mary wouldn’t pull through, & he realized he wouldn’t know what to do if that happened, wouldn’t know how to go back to his old life before Mary came along. When he left the hosp. that night, he walked all the way downtown, thinking about them the entire time. He then panicked that Mary had died & was so grateful when he phoned the hosp. & found out she was improving & off the critical list.

“I sat down & tried to do my column, but I couldn’t b/c I was crying. The point of all of this is that I do love you as much as you love me & I have made a commitment to you in my own fashion. I just want you to get well & get out of here!” Overwhelmed, Mary swoons & kisses/hugs him.

Seneca’s brooding in his office when Jill arrives unexpectedly. She mentions that Ed thought it might be a good idea for her to consult w/Sen about the legal aspects of Nell’s situation. Sen remains silent & looks miffed; Jill says she understands if he’s not interested—she doesn’t like unsolicited advice either. Sen apologizes & invites her to sit down; he’s willing to hear whatever she feels she must tell him.

Jill realizes how painful this is for Sen & how much he must want to release Nell from this-Sen interjects that he never should have done surgery. Jill continues that b/c the staff’s been aware of Nell’s condition from the start, Sen’s sure to be in the spotlight-he won’t be able to take Nell off of life support w/out facing legal consequences. Sen questions what those might be.

Jill makes it clear that she’s not defending the law, she’s simply explaining its provisions: anyone that takes Nell off of the respirator will most likely be charged w/homicide. It’s possible there could be a lesser offense, but either way conviction would be inevitable. Prison would be the outcome &, in Sen’s case, the loss of his medical license. Sen clucks that it was his error that put Nell on life support, & a doctor should be able to correct his mistakes! He goes on to ask if it would make a difference if he made himself the physician of record--Jill says no, he can’t do so now.

Sen indignantly resents the law telling him how to practice medicine—where was the law when Nell was brought to the OR, where was a judge when Sen was faced w/Nell’s certain death if he didn’t try to operate? Sen growls on & on in frustration, & Jill demurs that she wishes she could be more helpful. “Oh you’ve helped!” Sen snips, “You’ve told me that the law requires that my wife remain a vegetable, dying by inches over the years-it’s what Nell dreaded! It’s what I vowed wouldn’t happen! Doesn’t the law care about Nell’s wishes?”

Jill frets that while Lady Justice is usually blind, in this case, no, Nell’s wants aren’t recognized. Softening, Sen apologizes—he didn’t mean to take his anger out on her. Jill assures it’s ok, but she wants Sen to realize the ramifications he’d face if he did anything to take Nell from life support. Sen thanks her for her concern, but the consequences for himself are NOT his priority right now! Jill looks very worried.

Mary’s snoozing when she’s awakened by the sound of crumpling paper-she looks over to see Ms. M taking one of the Italian cookies. Ms. M sheepishly says she’s sorry for doing so w/out asking, but she couldn’t help it. Mary grins that it’s perfectly fine.

Ms. M gripes about them serving dinner too early & then giggles that she loves middle-of-the-night snacks. Mary smiles about how she/Siobhan used to sneak down for snacks every Friday night which drove their mom bananas! (The line was flubbed-Mary said S. lived in Pittsburgh, but Kathleen’s the sister who lives there…anyway…)

Ms. M talks wistfully about growing up in Wichita, KS, & she/her sisters driving their mom crazy w/midnight snacks, etc. too. She sighs that it seems so far away & she’s the last living one in her family. As they continue chatting, Ms. M lets slip some more disturbing info. about the nursing home where she resides, how they have such small food portions, how they close the kitchen in the evenings…

”I don’t much like being hospitalized here, but it’s sure lovely to have all this food!” She mentions the ‘red letter days’ when her friend Mr. Holbrook gets cookies from his nieces…Mary gently questions her about that—don’t they give them enough to eat at the home? They shouldn’t be hungry all the time! Why don’t they speak up?

Ms. M says the powers-that-be at the home insist the portions are large enough; besides, they take a dim view of complainers, calling them “malcontents”. Appalled, Mary asserts that something must be done-Ms. M agrees, but what can they do? They’re all so helpless there…

Mary declares that something could be done from the outside, & Ms. M becomes fearful, sputtering that she’s just an old woman who’s been talking too much & Mary should forget it. She begs Mary to keep mum-“You’d get me into terrible trouble!” When Mary presses, Ms. M gets further upset-she refuses to even have another cookie since she doesn’t want it to be a sign that she’s hungry. Mary cheerily gives up & tells Ms. M to have some more. She happily does so as Mary thoughtfully watches.

In the ER, Ed gives the nurse directions as they start to treat Faith. As Pat checks her leg, Ed uses smelling salts to bring her around. Ed explains she’s in the ER & Faith can’t recall coming up there. She’s glad to see Ed/Pat & thanks Pat for finding her. He talks about zeroing in on K & following him to the basement.

Faith’s alarmed to hear that K’s missing; they assure that the cops are looking for him & Ed pleads w/her to focus on recovery. Faith complains about her head, still seeing two of everything. They’re uneasy when Faith asks about K again, not remembering they just told her about him still being on the run. Pat promises that Bob’s on the case & will question Faith asap.

Pat then asks her about how K got her down to the room-did he force her? Faith says no, he said he had something to show her. When she got there & realized he was her stalker, she tried to rush out & hurt her leg. When she attempted a later escape, she hit her head. Pat glowers that during that time, K was upstairs trying to stay one step ahead of the investigation!

Faith freaks a little---why are they questioning her? K’s out there & he’s coming back-he’s going to get her! “Help me, Daddy, help me!”

END (credits backed by K’s secret room)

February 25, 1976 Friday, February 25, 2011 2nd Episode

Nick causes an uproar when he takes Reenie to the hospital.  Delia’s unhappiness with Frank is causing her to make a decision.  Seneca and his mother explore the idea of life after death.  Seneca tells her that he wants to release Nell from her current condition.  Bucky takes Reenie’s history and learns about the situation leading to her arrival at Riverside.  Nick learns that Reenie’s situation is serious and is worried.  Maeve tries to reason with Delia, and fails.

***** Recap Re-Written in 2010 *****

Nick, Reenie, & the private nurse get off of the elevator (Woody the orderly is really earning his paycheck today—he has to push Reenie’s stretcher, too!) Bucky’s on the phone at the nurses’ station—Nick rudely approaches & demands, “Where’s Beaulac?” Bucky asks him to wait a moment, but Nick gruffly presses the button which disconnects Bucky’s call-“You’ll help me now—where’s Beaulac?”

Bucky heatedly snears back that he won’t take orders from Nick—“If you want Dr. Beaulac, you ask someone to have him paged!” (whoo hoo, Buck, good for you!) Nick backs down-he’s worried about his daughter. He’s got a room reserved for her & wants her looked at right away. Nick’s irked when there’s no record from admissions about Reenie coming in today-the two continue arguing back/forth (is it just me or was Woody making some weird faces in the background, lol).

When Nick storms off to find Seneca himself, Bucky goes over to Reenie. The private nurse (Mrs. Hacker) hisses that Nick’s ‘too much’. Reenie tells Bucky not to pay her dad any mind-he’s just worried. As Bucky tries to chat w/Reenie, Mrs. H clucks that Reenie’s the “hysterical type”. When Reenie explains that she can’t feel anything below her waist, can’t even bend her knees, Mrs. H squawks judgmentally, “Well, someone was certainly moving about in that hotel room of yours!” (Bucky isn’t thrilled w/this woman!)

Reenie then starts to panic (a bit dramatically)…it started in her feet & spread up her legs…what if it keeps going? What if it hits her lungs & she cannot breathe…”Am I gonna die?!?”

Dee (who looks very pretty in a white lace nightie & her hair pulled back on top) sits up in bed looking shaken at hearing a noise. When Frank enters, she sighs in relief, grateful to see him. Realizing Frank hasn’t heard the latest on Faith, Dee tells him how Pat found her in the secret room, how she was being held prisoner by Kenneth, how K seemed so sweet but it turns out he’s a maniac…he’s now on the loose, which is why she was so nervous at hearing the noise.

Annoyed, Frank snorts that Dee’s perfectly safe—he wants to hear more about Faith. Dee reports that she’s got a broken leg/possible concussion-Maeve’s over there now & will tell them more when she gets home. Dee frets that K could strike again, but Frank dismisses her fears. Peeved, Dee whines that K could be out on the fire escape right now & she/LJ were up there alone all night!

Frank huffs that he’s home now & the windows are locked—he seems rather amused by Dee’s upset. Dee then wonders if Faith got raped—it could’ve happened since she/K were alone so often & Dee can’t think of anything worse. “K’s disturbed, but let’s not turn him into Jack the Ripper!” Frank clucks. Just then they hear a noise outside—Dee’s horrified & Frank looks out the window…

“It’s Kenneth!” he announces (quite over the top) Dee believes him until Frank adds, “He’s frozen solid!” Dee cries that Frank’s trick was very mean & he chortles that he couldn’t resist. He reluctantly gives her a hug when she puts her arms up to him…when Dee starts rubbing his back in a seductive manner, Frank demurs that she should go to sleep & he’ll do some reading.

She naturally wants him to come to bed, but Frank says he must get his work done for the morning. Dee growls that he’s been working all day/half the night-she’s sick of the city council & wants some of Frank’s attention! Frank starts to half-heartedly say, “Maybe tomorrow…” but Dee rages that she wants to make love w/him now! What does she have to do to get his time…become a prisoner herself?

Frank gently says he’s sorry—he wants things to get better, too. Dee won’t accept this, but Frank asserts that while he’s not ready to be intimate b/c there’s so many bad feelings b/w them, he really is trying. Dee seethes that he’s a _damn liar, & Frank points out that they’re always blowing up like that, there’s so much anger just below the surface. “I wasn’t angry a minute ago,” Dee pouts, “I wanted to make love w/you & I still do. It’s only b/c you said no that I got mad.” Frank understands how she feels but still starts walking out of the room.

Dee stops him & asks what’s wrong—doesn’t he want sex sometimes? He said he wasn’t seeing Jill, “So here I am, waiting…” (ugh, Girl, don’t beg!!!) Frank just looks at her blankly & then exits. Dee throws herself across the bed, hurt/humiliated.

Seneca’s in Nell’s room gazing at her & then at the respirator. He recalls Nell reciting a poem by Tennyson, “How dull it is to pause, to make an end…to rust unburnished, not to shine in use, as though to breathe were life.” Sen’s memory is interrupted by Marguerite’s arrival. She sighs that when she comes into the room, she has to put aside the feeling that Nell’s simply resting & will wake up soon, ready to go home.

Sen admits he has the same thoughts & then fantasizes about a bright, healthy Nell sitting up & having a tender reunion w/Marguerite. Nell then points to Sen & says, “We need to do something about HIM…I keep telling him I’m ready to leave, but he won’t let me…” When Sen coos that he can’t, Nell chuckles that she doesn’t want to hear this—Sen’s always done exactly what he wanted to do when he wanted to do it! “We all know you get your own way & you don’t want me here forever, do you?”

Back in reality, Sen asks M where Nell is now. They discuss possible after-life scenarios & the lovely chance of being reunited w/ancestors & other dear ones. Sen hears Nell’s voice saying, “I’ll wait for you!” Sen anguishes that he wants to let Nell go…he can’t leave her trapped b/w here and whatever’s waiting for her. “I can accept her death, but I can’t accept this, especially since it’s my fault.”

M questions what might happen to Sen if he took Nell off of life support; he tries to evade, but she won’t allow it. Sen finally states that he’d lose his medical license, probably go to jail, etc. M asks pointedly if Nell would want Sen to have to go through all of that…just then Nurse Morris arrives & tells Sen Nick’s looking for him. Sen kisses M goodbye & leaves the room as M keeps vigil at Nell’s side.

In her hosp. room, Reenie begs Bucky to believe her, noting that the “awful nurse Daddy hired” thinks she’s _faking. Bucky smirks that Mrs. H is gone “Probably home starching her underwear!” When she complains that her fingers are starting to feel weird, Bucky says he must ask her some background info., height, weight, etc.

When he asks if she’s married/single, Reenie sulks that she doesn’t know how to answer that since she/Leo were heading off to elope when she got sick (um, you’re still SINGLE!) Bucky’s sorry she had such bad luck & figures that Nick doesn’t approve. Reenie replies that no one approves of Leo, but that’s just b/c they don’t know him like she does…he’s really a beautiful person, inside & out.

She blithers on about Leo’s motorcycle, how the nuns at her school don’t like him, blah blah, “And that makes you like him even more, right?” Bucky laughs. He moves her feet-she says she can feel him touch her & while it’s tender, it’s not real pain. When she frets about Leo again, Bucky assures he’s probably waiting for her. He asks about any recent illnesses, but she claims she had a “throat thing” a few weeks back, nothing more.

Just then Sen/Nick arrive. He introduces his darling girl to Dr. Beaulac, the “head man” (well, he does work on brains, lol) As Big Daddy continues fawning, Sen/Bucky consult off on the side-Bucky states the problems & Sen’s impressed w/his recommendations. Nick demands to know what’s up…he gets very persnickety, wanting to know what the KID (meaning Bucky) had to say.

Sen snaps that they need to run tests-Reenie has a serious illness & they’ll get a firm diagnosis asap. Nick becomes nervous…could it be critical? Sen confesses it could, but they don’t know very much about it yet. Covering for Reenie’s sake, Nick smiles that she’s going to be ok (Sen/Bucky exchange irked glances & roll their eyes Heavenward).

Reenie begs for Leo, but Nick grumps that he doesn’t want to hear that name…he just wants Reenie to get well. “But if I die…” she whimpers. Nick promises that’s not going to happen. “Don’t you talk like that…I brought you here so they can make you well & that’s what they’ll do…or else!”

Frank’s reading his ppwk. out on the couch & can hear Dee breaking things in the bedroom. Just as he’s disgustedly getting up to go see her, Maeve comes home. She wants to know what’s going on & Frank fills her in about his/Dee’s argument…if he won’t accept Dee’s solutions to things, well, obviously there’s hell to pay! He just hopes she won’t wake LJ…

Maeve grouses that instead of hoping, he should go in & talk things out. Frank barks that it won’t help, but at last relents. When Maeve sees the pile of work he has, however, she decides to go in instead…when Maeve gets to the room, she furiously asks Dee what she thinks she’s doing. Dee pouts that she broke some dishes, but it’s no big deal since they’re old & have chips/cracks anyhow (oh, well, by all means then…sheesh!!)

Maeve fumes that Dee has no business breaking anything-Dee defiantly throws another one & Maeve grabs her arms, ordering her to cut it out! Dee hisses that she has very strong feelings; Maeve understands, but also asserts that you can’t express them in a destructive way. Dee then cries that it’s Frank’s fault-he’d treat a dog on the street better than he treats her!

“Please, Dee” Maeve clucks, but Dee yells back, “Please nothing! I don’t know what to do anymore, I don’t know how to get his interest or make him attracted to me! He’s so cold, he closes me out…you’re so lucky that you’ve never had to know what that’s like!” (True…good point) Maeve insists she knows it’s a bad time for them, but Dee rages that it’s only bad for her…Frank enjoys punishing her b/c she’s not Jill!

Maeve reminds that Mac told Dee to be patient & loving. Dee blasts that she’s done all of that & it’s no use…she has offered love, she has been giving, but Frank won’t accept her…she’s sick & tired of this! Maeve dismissively says tired is the right word…Dee’s tired, they’re all tired right now…Dee/Frank can patch things up tomorrow. “You must know he wants the marriage to work.”

Incredulous, Dee wonders if she’s the only one in the family who’s able to see negative things in Frank. “He pushes me away every day, every chance he gets!” She’s getting very loud & Maeve looks angry. Dee apologizes—she knows she’s saying things Maeve doesn’t wish to hear, but she can’t help it. “I don’t want him to treat me that way anymore!”

Maeve snips that Frank doesn’t mean it, but Dee bitterly counters he means it deeply. She then declares nastily that she’ll pay Frank back…she’s going to show him just how bad things can get!

END (credits backed by the nurses’ station)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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