Web Hosting - BizMove Small Business Management

Web Hosting:

101 Great Web Hosting Tips and Ideas By BizMove Management Training Institute

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Table of Contents 1. The Single Most Critical Factor in Making Money Online 2. 101 Great Web Hosting Tips and Ideas Special Bonus: The Simple Strategy That Made Me an Internet Millionaire 3. The First Step: Discovering Profit-Driving Keywords 4. The Second Step: Monetizing Your Site 5. The Third Step: Creating a Site That Will Attract Tremendous Amounts of Traffic 6. The Fourth step; Creating an External Linking Structure That Will Blast Your Site to the Top of Google Appendix 1: The 50 Best Paying Affiliate Marketing Markets Appendix 2: Sources for Backlinks Sorted by Category and Page Rank

1. The Single Most Critical Factor in Making Money Online

You may be wondering who am I and what qualify me to give you web hosting advice. Well, my name is Meir Liraz. You may have stumbled on my name on the internet, probably in relation to my activities as a writer and publisher of business guides. This is just one side of me, the visible one. There has been another side to my online presence, a concealed one, as a leading player in the internet marketing arena. I've been an active internet marketer since the first days of the Internet, back then the reigning search engines where dinosaurs bearing names like Alta-Vista, Infoseek and Lycos, while Google was just a vague idea in the minds of two brilliant Stanford University students.

As I don't believe in theories and opinions, I've tested dozens of Internet marketing ideas, strategies and variables. Some proved to be successful while others bombed (and served me well as learning experiences). I must've been doing something right as I managed to accumulate along the way a seven figure fortune. The bottom line is that I've come up with a simple strategy that has enabled me to make money online like crazy.

As a bonus, I've included within this book a special section where I describe exactly the simple strategy that made me an Internet Millionaire. This is a step by step guide that will allow you to mimic my method and make a killing online.

Why reveal my methods now? Well, I'm semi retired now and I've made enough money so that my kids do not have to work one more day in their lives (if they so desire). I've had my blessings and now I want to help others succeed as well, this is my way to give back.

Now look, 99% of the folks who try to make it on the Internet follow the same rout, the same set of activities. They all move in one big herd. Listen, In the highly competitive online arena, when you do the same things as anyone else you don't stand a chance to succeed - you are doomed.

In order to win the Internet marketing battles you must go off the beaten path, you need to do something different, you need a competitive edge - and that is where the simple strategy presented in the bonus section come into play. It will give you that "unfair advantage" to boost your sales, pile up profits and leave your competitors in the dust.

When a soldier goes into battle he seeks to equip himself with the best weapons he could lay his hands on. The same goes for the internet marketing battles. The single most important factor in utilizing this strategy successfully is equipping yourself with the right tools and services. The magic word is 'Automation'. You need to have the best tools and you need to know how to put them to best use. This is critical, some of the tools that I'll show you can actually heart you if not used correctly.

Look, in order to make money on the internet you need to get noticed by Google and you need to climb up the search engines' results pages (SERPs). Unfortunately Google gives preference to large and established sites. The little guy with a relatively new or small website does not stand a chance. You could of course go the "natural" rout. That will take you about 5 years to establish a site that will be liked by Google. I don't know about you, but I prefer to start making money with a new site much earlier than that. That is why you need to use some special tools, to take some unconventional measures - you need to be a little more creative. Sound complicated? don't worry, in the special bonus section, I'll give you exact instructions as of how to do it right.

Here's a list of the tools and services that I use while executing my strategy, later on I'll show you exactly how the strategy works and how these tools integrates perfectly within it to come up with the easiest, fastest, most effective way of making money online:

1. Keyword Research Tool: Keyword Canine - a multi-featured tool for niche discovery, keyword research and backlink analysis (for more details see here: )

2. Hosting Service: HostGator - a reliable web hosting. Has some extra features that makes it suitable for internet marketing activities. (for more details see here: )

3. Wordpress Theme: Thesis - much more than a theme, it's more of a design and template manager for Wordpress. Most suitable for a business site that is meant to be ranked high on the search engines. (for more details see here: )

4. Content Creator: Article Builder - produces high quality unique articles built around the topics and keywords that you give it. (for more details see here: )

5. Email Marketing Tool: Weber - automatically manage all email marketing activities: creates sign-up forms, collects and manages subscribers, sends out scheduled emails and more. Powerful yet very easy to use. (for more details see here: )

6. Article Spinner: The Best spinner - a multi-featured tool for creating multiple versions of an article that will be seen as unique in the search engines. (for more details see here: )

7. Links Building knowledge: Link Building Course - a comprehensive link building learning framework that is constantly updated to reflect the most recent effective link building strategies (for more details see here: )

8. Manual Link Building: Rank Crew - an affordable and reliable manual link building service (for more details see here: ).

9. Automatic Directory Submission: DeepLinkerPro - automate the creation of manual directory links, allows the use of varied anchor text and also to drip feed the submissions over time to make it all look as natural as possible (for more details see here: )

10. Automatic Link Builder: Senuke - a powerful backlinking tool which has been designed to assist with the time consuming task of creating a large number of links (for more details see here: )

11. Backlinks Indexer and Booster: Backlink Booster - automatically increases the power of the backlinks to a website. It's both a backlink indexer aiming to get the backlinks indexed faster, and also a backlink booster to help boost the amount of link juice each of the backlinks sends to a website (for more details see here: )

Now, the next chapter features great web hosting tips and ideas. Starting in chapter 3 I reveal the simple strategy that made me an internet millionaire.

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2. 101 Great Tips and Ideas Proven to Kick-Start Your Web Design

1. Make certain to read reviews to determine whether your potential web host has frequent periods of downtime. If your website is often inaccessible to visitors, there can be drastically negative consequences. For example, if you are running an online business, downtime directly translates into lost business because potential customers will not be able to access your website. Customers may also feel uncomfortable conducting transactions on your website because they might believe your website to be unreliable. Choose a web host that does not have a history of being offline frequently.

2. Always have a backup plan for web hosting providers. In the event that you experience significant and ongoing problems with your hosting service, you will want to have an alternate already researched. If you are without service for more than a day, start immediately putting your backup plan into action. This will save you the potential for even longer delays if your provider has serious problems.

3. It used to be more expensive, but in today's world, it is entirely possible to manage several domains without spending too much money. This helps your business grow, and it helps you reach targeted customers. Know what your options are as far as multiple domain hosting is concerned. This will give you a huge extra boost!

4. The web hosting service that you select must be one that will allow you the needed space to grow your site. While a simple HTML page is small, as soon as you begin adding pictures, video, or other media, the size can balloon quickly. For most websites, 100MB of space is adequate for the future growth of the site.

5. Find out what other programming services your potential web host offers. You don't want your sites to be limited to CSS and HTML. The best web hosts offer the ability to code sites using PHP and ASP as well. Even if you don't think you need these languages, you should use a web host that offers them. As your knowledge of web design grows, you might want to use these languages to help your site reach its full potential.

6. Security should be one of your big concerns. This can be achieved via the use of a good secure server certificate, such as SSL. A secure server is a sign of trust to a potential customer. You will want to use this option if you are asking your site visitors to provide you any sensitive information, like their address or financial details.

7. Take the time to research web hosts on the internet or on specific blogs. Then narrow down your first few choices. There are far too many web hosts, to do research on every one. But, by researching a short list of hosts you can avoid all the pitches and gimmicks that many of the hosts will try to sell you on.

8. Check to ensure the hosts that you're considering provides you money back guarantees. If you become unhappy with your provider, what are the consequences of canceling your service? This is a question you must be able to answer from your contract. You can have a reasonable expectation to be able to cancel within the first month of your contract. Some hosting providers make promises they cannot keep.

9. If you are using your website primarily as a blog, choose a web host that will allow you to sync with popular blogging tools like WordPress. These tools are usually free and simple to use, but you will likely want to host them with a professional service. Choose one that allows you import the files directly into their platform.

10. If getting more visitors to your website is important to you, chose a web host which incorporates SEO. If you choose this option you can be auto-registered on major search engines. This won't give you the detailed access registering your site manually will offer, though, and you may not like the results.

11. Choose a web host with a good support system. It is inevitable when working with websites that something will eventually go wrong. The difference is made when you have access to a reliable support team. An ideal support team can resolve most problems in 30 minutes, while some of the subpar companies will take up to 24 hours to even respond to a call for help.

12. Find out what happens to your content in case you wish to cancel your subscription. You should be given a few days to save everything if you wish to switch hosts and you should not be charged any cancellation fees. You should also beware of signing for a contract that specifies you cannot cancel your plan.

13. Be sure to pay for your host by the month. Avoid being sucked into a discount plan where you would have to pay for several months in advance. You never know what could happen with the host or what issues you may encounter. By paying on a monthly basis, you will be able to switch hosts quickly if needed.

14. Beware of web hosting services that charge very low fees, remembering that you get what you pay for. If you really only need a one-page site to direct customers to a brick-and-mortar business, then by all means go for a $5 a month provider. However, if you plan to do any kind of online business transactions, or are reliant on high-end graphics and a lot of information, then pay for what you need.

15. When choosing a web hosting package, you need to make sure you get the right amount of disk space. When calculating the amount of disk space needed, you need to think of things like HTML files, graphics, scripts, and multi-media content. If you site uses up too much disk space, you will either be charged more money or the host can shut your site down.

16. Before choosing your web host, you should always try calling their technical support and ask a few questions. If you can talk to a representative right away, this means their customer service is efficient. If you cannot talk to anyone at anytime of the day or night, you should look for another service.

17. Don't choose your web hosting provider based solely on price. Although using a cheap or free web host may save you money in the short run, these hosts might not offer the disk space or bandwidth you need. Price should be only one factor in your final decision so that you ensure that you get what you most need.

18. The minute you start seeing things that you don't like with your web hosting company, you should begin looking at other options. This does not necessarily mean you are going to switch right then, but in case you need to, you will definitely be wellprepared and ready to move on.

19. If you own and operate several websites, it can be to your advantage to choose one web hosting service that allows you to have "add-on domains." Many hosts will give you the ability to have unlimited domains added to your main account at no additional fees. This can save you a lot of money, as well as time going back and forth between multiple accounts.

20. Free is good, but a free web hosting provider isn't always the best choice. Most free hosting services post banner ads on all the websites they host. You can't filter ads for objectionable content or even websites that compete with your business. If you use random ads, your websites reputation will suffer.

21. Beware of free hosting. Some websites advertise free hosting but charge you a ridiculous amount to register your domain or by charging you extra traffic. If you want a professional website, you should consider web hosting services as an investment that will allow you to create a much better website.

22. When on the prowl for a web host, aim to select one that always has news and other announcements. A host that always has news is one whose company is growing and whose services are striving to be improved. This also lets you better estimate where this company will be at in the future. A host whose company doesn't have many announcements is likely one that isn't evolving. Therefore, you should steer away from these.

23. If you want to establish a brand on the internet, think about getting a web hosting service with a POP3 email feature. This feature allows you to create your own email addresses containing the name of your domain. You will be able to give your customer an email address that reflect your professionalism and helps them remember the name of your brand.

24. Make sure that you choose a host that has support 24/7. You don't want to run across a problem or an issue and not be able to get a hold of somebody quickly. This could harm your business or personal en devours. Once you've picked a host, try calling them at an odd hour to see is support service is available.

25. Find out what kind of other websites your service is hosting. If you notice that a lot of spammy or unreliable websites are hosted alongside with yours, most search engines will be more likely to rank your site lower because of this. Remember that your business will be associated with the host you choose.

26. When you are looking for a good web host, make sure that you check whether or not they offer a multiple home network. Also make sure that they are run by multiple bandwidth suppliers to ensure redundancy. Check and see if they offer a guarantee for network availability and up-time.

27. Pay attention to the SPAM policy. It is always best to avoid web hosts that "spam" their clients or that tolerates their clients doing this to their users. If there is not a specific document outlining their policy, check the FAQ. Be wary of any company without a well-defined spam policy.

28. Make sure you find a hosting site that is both reliable and stable. Meaning that they only take on the number of clients and sites that they can properly handle. They will also generally maintain dedicated servers and will do their best not to overload. A good hosting site will also take care in choosing which sites they will host and which ones they won't.

29. As your website gets more visitors, you may want to upgrade your service plan. Ask if there are any procedures they use to make sure that the upgrades happen in the timeline promised. If you need more bandwidth, they should be able to handle this request very quickly. This switch should be seamless, limiting problems and saving time.

30. Make sure the host you choose has minimal to no downtime. It is frustrating if you try to log on to your site, and the server is down. If you have a business that relies on the internet for sales, this means you will lose a lot of money because your site is not operable.

31. If you are going to have a website that mentions products and services that you offer, you need to have e-commerce hosting available in order for the customers to make purchases. You do not want to push your customers, but at every opportunity, they need to have the ability to make a purchase at their disposal.

32. It is important to understand the refund policy of your potential web host prior to making a commitment. A lot of web hosting packages will require you to sign up for a year at a time, or will offer significant discounts for making a long term commitment. You should make certain that you will be able to obtain a refund if the service is less than satisfactory. Certain packages may not allow refunds, or might have cancellation fees.

33. Call the customer service number and ask about SSL certification and shopping carts. If the technicians are helpful, you have found a web host that understands ecommerce and will be able to meet your needs. On the other hand, if no one is able to answer your technical questions, look for a different host.

34. Are you considering utilizing a web host that is free for the website you are starting? If so, then check into the service that the free web host provides and be sure that you back up all of your data. This is important because free web hosts typically don't back up your data. The end result is you being out of luck should something disappear.

35. It is important to determine your needs prior to shopping for a web hosting service. There are numerous packages you can choose from that vary significantly in price. Some of the factors you should consider include the amount of bandwidth you need, how much disk space you require, and the types of databases offered. Knowing your requirements in a web host will make it much easier for you to select a hosting package.


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