SundayBreakfastOmelet (Veggies of choice)Meat (steak, chicken, turkey, salmon and shrimp)Hot Beverage 8oz (black coffee, tea, hot lemon water)Snack(1) Protein Shake16 oz of waterLunchYour Salad Choice withMeats (steak, chicken, turkey, salmon and shrimp)32 oz waterSnack(1) Green Apple16 oz of waterDinnerYour Salad ChoiceMeats (steak, chicken, turkey, salmon and shrimp)32 oz of water?????Monday, Wednesday, Friday?BreakfastBreakfast Salad (Spinach and Kale mix)?Recipe?Add Sunflower Seeds to saladMeat (steak, chicken, turkey, salmon and shrimp)Hot Beverage 8oz (black coffee, tea, hot lemon water)Snack(1) Protein Shake16 oz of waterLunchYour Salad Choice withMeats (steak, chicken, turkey, salmon and shrimp)32 oz waterSnack(1) Bosc Pear16 oz of waterDinnerYour Salad ChoiceMeats (steak, chicken, turkey, salmon and shrimp)32 oz of water????Tuesday & ThursdayBreakfast(1) Bagel or CroissantMeat (bacon, sausage, no fish)?Hot Beverage 8oz (black coffee, tea, hot lemon water)Snack(1) Protein Shake16 oz of waterLunchSweet potato (baked)Meats (steak, chicken, turkey, salmon and shrimp)32 oz waterSnack(1) cup of Green Grapes16 oz of waterDinnerYour Salad ChoiceMeats (steak, chicken, turkey, salmon and shrimp)32 oz of water???SaturdayBreakfastOmelet (Veggies of choice)Meat (steak, chicken, turkey, salmon and shrimp)Hot Beverage 8oz (black coffee, tea, hot lemon water)Snack(1) Protein Shake16 oz of waterLunchYour Salad Choice withMeats (steak, chicken, turkey, salmon and shrimp)32 oz waterSnack(1) Green Apple16 oz of waterDinnerYour Choice Cheat MealIf you drink choice between Vodka, Tequila or Red WineGrocery List1. Spinach2. Kale3. Romaine Lettuce4. Carrots5. Red Peppers6. Sunflower Seeds7. Bosc Pears8. Protein Shake (Click)9. Meat of choice10. Eggs11. Sweet Potato12. Green Grapes?13. Green Apples ................

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