Comfort Cares to Help Someone Feel Better

Comfort Cares to Help Someone Feel Better

• Just sitting with someone can make them feel comforted and not feeling all alone.

• Other people just want to be left alone, but make sure you check on them frequently.

• Talking softly or reading stories to individuals when they feel sick can help keep them calm and relaxed.

• Playing quiet music is another way to help individuals feel calm and relaxed.

• Some people like to have lotion rubbed on their arms or legs to help them feel better; this can also feel cooling and soothing if someone has a temperature.

• Chicken soup has healed many a cold.

• A cold compress or cold pack can reduce swelling.

How to apply a cold compress or cold pack

Guidelines for use if health care professional doesn’t specify directions:

• NOTE: Do NOT put cold pack from the freezer directly on bare skin

• Apply cold pack to area for 20 minutes

• Apply cold pack to area every 3-4 hours PRN or as directed by nurse

• Generally use cold packs for 36-72 hours after injury

• Cold packs may be discontinued, using the following guidelines: swelling is no longer visible and/or pain has gone away or per health care professional’s recommendation.

• Usually heat and moisture are applied to help with infections and swollen areas.

How to apply heat and moisture

• Warm water soaks or warm cloth application may be recommended by a health care professional for treatment of injury or infection.

• Guidelines for warm soaks if health care professional doesn’t specify directions:

▪ Immerse the injured or infected area in warm water (as warm as tolerated by the individual) for 10 – 15 minutes.

▪ Use warm water soaks every 4 hours as directed by health care professional.

▪ Warm water soaks may be discontinued, using the following guidelines: if it is an injury and the pain has subsided, or if it is an infection and the symptoms have gone away.

• Guidelines for warm cloth applications if health care professional doesn’t specify directions:

▪ Rinse a clean cloth in warm (not hot) water.

▪ Apply to area for 10 – 15 minutes, re-rinsing the wash cloth in warm water every 5 minutes to ensure it stays warm.

▪ Use warm cloth application every 4 hours as needed or recommended by a health care professional.

▪ Use a clean cloth for each application.

▪ Warm cloth applications may be discontinued using these guidelines: if it is an injury and the pain has gone away, or if it is an infection and the symptoms have gone away.

• Giving over the counter medication such as Aspirin, Tylenol, cough syrup, etc., for simple symptoms may be advised but make sure you have checked with your agency’s policies and procedures as well as the family, legal representative, or health care professionals and have consent to give these medications. Many agencies have a standing order with a list of over the counter medications that Direct Support Professions may administer as needed. Just make sure you have written consent to give these medications before you give them. Remember, any medication can have side effects so read the directions before giving any medication to anyone.

• Some individuals are comforted by short shoulder and neck rubs.

• Some individuals may be comforted when you lower the lights.


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