Vision and Scope Of Online Reservation System

[Pages:20]Vision and Scope Of

Online Reservation System

Prepared By

Team Check-Out Team Leader Tapiwa Kunonga

Josh Lepley Justin Farrell

October 11, 2009

Team C: Tapiwa Kunonga, Josh Lepley, Justin Farrell



Assignment 1-3-2: Vision and Scope of Online Reservation System

Table of Contents

1. Business Requirements ......................................................................................................................................4 1.1. Background.................................................................................................................................................4 1.2. Business Opportunity .................................................................................................................................4 1.3. Business Objectives and Success Criteria ..................................................................................................5 1.4. Customer or Market Needs.........................................................................................................................6 1.5. Business Risks ............................................................................................................................................6

2. Vision of the Solution .........................................................................................................................................7 2.1. Vision Statement ........................................................................................................................................7 2.2. Major Features............................................................................................................................................7 2.3. Assumptions and Dependencies .................................................................................................................8

3. Scope and Limitations........................................................................................................................................8 3.1. Scope of Initial Release ..............................................................................................................................9 3.2. Scope of Subsequent Releases....................................................................................................................9 3.3. Limitations and Exclusions ........................................................................................................................9

4. Business Context ................................................................................................................................................9 4.1. Stakeholder Profiles..................................................................................................................................10 4.2. Project Priorities .......................................................................................................................................11 4.3. Operating Environment ............................................................................................................................11

5. Human Resources ............................................................................................................................................11 5.1. Team Charter ............................................................................................................................................12 5.2. Technical Skills and Attributes.................................................................................................................12 5.3. Roles and Responsibilities........................................................................................................................12 5.4. Communication Strategies........................................................................................................................13

6. Project Management........................................................................................................................................13 6.1. Deliverables..............................................................................................................................................13 6.2. Dependencies............................................................................................................................................14 6.3. Schedule ...................................................................................................................................................15

7. Educational/Program Outcomes.....................................................................................................................15 7.1. General Education ....................................................................................................................................16 7.2. Information Technology ...........................................................................................................................16

8. Annotated Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................18

Team C: Tapiwa Kunonga, Josh Lepley, Justin Farrell ITEC495 V2WW Assignment 1-3-2: Vision and Scope of Online Reservation System

Revision History


Date Reason For Changes

Josh Lepley Justin Farrell Tapiwa Kunonga Josh Lepley Josh Lepley Tapiwa Kunonga Josh Lepley Team C

10/03/09 10/06/09 10/08/09 10/09/09 10/10/09 10/11/09 10/11/09 10/11/09

Begin draft of vision & scope Worked on Section 1, 4 & 8 Worked on Section 2 & 3 Worked on Section 6 Worked on Sections 6 & 7 Created Draft Edited draft Final Review


Version 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Team C: Tapiwa Kunonga, Josh Lepley, Justin Farrell



Assignment 1-3-2: Vision and Scope of Online Reservation System

1. Business Requirements

Magnificent Marketing is a marketing firm that is looking to replace their current paper audio-visual check out system with a new web based application that will be able to inform the employees what equipment is available for check out, and when equipment is due to be returned.

1.1. Background

Magnificent Marketing currently employs 100 people who may need to utilize several types of audio-visual equipment to complete projects. Some examples of audio visual equipment that are in use at Magnificent Marketing are audio recorders, video cameras, projectors, laptops, and digital cameras. The audio visual equipment is quite expensive and it is too cost prohibitive for Magnificent Marketing to purchase duplicate equipment for each employee when it would not be utilized at all times. Since every employee does not use the same equipment at any given time Magnificent Marketing purchased small quantities of equipment that the employees could check out when they needed to. The current system that is in use requires employees to fill out a form requesting the audio visual equipment that they would like to use and submit it to the inventory clerk. Once the inventory clerk looks through the storage area he will let the requestor know whether or not the equipment they requested is available. If the equipment is available the inventory clerk lets the requestor take the equipment, if the equipment is not available the requestor has to keep checking in until something becomes available.

1.2. Business Opportunity

Magnificent Marketing realizes that an audio-visual equipment check out is needed due the expense of the equipment, but the current system is not efficient which can lead to delays in completing projects for customers and that could result in lost profits if Magnificent Marketing

Team C: Tapiwa Kunonga, Josh Lepley, Justin Farrell



Assignment 1-3-2: Vision and Scope of Online Reservation System

develops a reputation for not meeting customer deadlines. Magnificent Marketing wants the

opposite results in that they want customers to utilize their services because they can complete

projects on time. For this goal to be obtained Magnificent Marketing wants to eliminate the lost

time and productivity that results when employees have to fill out request forms, have to deliver

the forms to the inventory clerk, have to wait for the clerk to see if the equipment is available, or

worse yet, wait for the needed piece of equipment to become available for use. The time that is

spent completing all of the above tasks must be reduced because the costs associated with the

lost productivity will eventually cut into Magnificent Marketing's bottom line. Magnificent

Marketing believes that implementing a web based check out application is the first step towards

making the business even more efficient and profitable.

1.3. Business Objectives and Success Criteria

The main business objectives are this product will provide a tracking and inventory system for Magnificent Marketing. This product will be reliable, secure and scalable for future growth and business needs. Success of this product will be measured by the:

- Ease of use for employees using the system - Time spent reserving equipment - Ease of updating database After minimal training, employees should be able to use the system efficiently and effectively.

The system will become a longtime investment for Magnificent Marketing reducing the wasted time it took with the paper tracking system, repetitive tasks which added up in the long run especially when the employee finds out the equipment was not available:

o Clerks time looking for equipment o Employees time filling multiple forms

Team C: Tapiwa Kunonga, Josh Lepley, Justin Farrell



Assignment 1-3-2: Vision and Scope of Online Reservation System

o Employees time going back and forth to the inventory room

1.4. Customer or Market Needs

This product will eliminate confusion and delays in delivering final products to Magnificent Marketing's customers. By effectively tracking and assigning available equipment, projects can be brought to their completion more efficiently, leading to higher customer satisfaction. The product should be able to run on low end workstations for the end users and will require a server to house the database software. 1. Product must be secure due to customer and employee sensitive information 2. Product should be intuitive with minimal training required for use 3. Product should be accessible from any location

1.5. Business Risks

With the introduction of the new system, more security measures have to be placed on the network, because without adding more security features in the network the risks increase. Not only will a database be introduced, but now the database has employee information and users have to sign in to reserve equipment to insure that only authorized users have access to the database.

Team C: Tapiwa Kunonga, Josh Lepley, Justin Farrell



Assignment 1-3-2: Vision and Scope of Online Reservation System

Risk User acceptance


Severity LOW


Mitigation Provide quality, informative documentation to product users On-site installation and quality testing

Web application might not run on all web browsers


Use open-source development packages used on most web browsers

Database might may not run on client's servers


Develop a database compatible with the clients server

Database might be too big client's servers


Develop a database with the least minimal features

Unauthorized users


Include user validation. Add in user sign in to the web forms.

2. Vision of the Solution

The new system will increase efficiency of the business processes and procedures by

reducing the time wasted in reserving equipment, and improve the relationship with customers

because projects will be completed on schedule. In addition, less equipment will need to be

purchased to efficiently use all available equipment.

2.1. Vision Statement

Our vision is Magnificent Marketing's new web application system will increase revenue though increased customer satisfaction. Customer projects will be completed on schedule because equipment will be reserved in conjunction with schedules. The new application will be accompanied by an enhanced database management system as well as a secure employee portal.

2.2. Major Features

Major features will include: A Web form to reserve equipment E-mail confirmation upon reserving equipment

Team C: Tapiwa Kunonga, Josh Lepley, Justin Farrell



Assignment 1-3-2: Vision and Scope of Online Reservation System

Web portal for employees to manage reservation data

Enhanced network for hosting and processing information

Enhanced database to store equipment and employee data

2.3. Assumptions and Dependencies

Assumption: The current paper reservation form is the basis of design of the new online reservations. o Dependency: When the online reservation system is in place, the paper form will become a backup option for registration.

Assumption: The nature of the online application requires client/server architecture, network hardware and software, server hardware and software, database software, and development software. o Dependency: Establishing relations with various software and hardware vendors will fulfill the hardware and software requirements of the project.

Assumption: The new system will show the inventory in real-time and show future returns, which will allow users to make reservations accordingly. o Dependency: This should increase employee productivity, hence increasing revenue through customer satisfaction.

Assumption: Additional training of staff is foreseen for staff to handle new protocols, hardware, and software. o Dependency: Additional training time allowed for staff.

3. Scope and Limitations

The new system will include an online web reservation form, database to store equipment and employee data, Web portal, and a secure network. The organization already has a Web site


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