Monday, January 19, 2015


Monday, January 19, 2015

(Read this issue online: resources/e-news/nn-issue-189.aspx)


1. Executive Director’s Reflection *

2. Welcome to our new NACC staff member, Linda Yanasak *

3. Death of our former NACC member, Agnes Kolbeck *

4. Have you read the January–February 2015 Vision? *

5. NACC Initial Certification Application Deadline of February 17th is fast approaching! *

6. Revised checklist for supportive materials required for certification interview is available *

7. NACC Palliative Care and Hospice Specialty Certification offering is available *


8. NACC – The 70’s Building Professionalism *

9. Reflecting on the ministry: Bridget Deegan-Krause. *

50th ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE – March 6-9, 2015!

10. Early Bird Registration deadline this Friday, January 23rd! *

11. Register for the NACC 2015 50th Anniversary Conference on the NEW Online Registration Portal! *

12. Wendy Cadge will be our plenary speaker for Saturday in place of Debra Canales *

13. Would you consider or ask your employer to consider being an NACC Jubilee Sponsor? *

14. Hotel Room Block is filling up fast – make your reservation today! *

15. Conference Roommate Referral Service*

16. As you register, please consider a donation to NACC Scholarship Fund*

17. There is still room in the pre-conference workshops! *

18. Please keep sending the names of our deceased NACC members to honor!


19. NACC 2015 World Day of the Sick cards now available on the NACC website! *

20. Request: NACC seeks to update its resources for members

21. Request: How do dioceses/hospitals address parish on call coverage? *

22. Interested in participating in a virtual community of healthcare chaplains? *

23. Have you joined the 100 days of prayer leading up to 2015 World Day of the Sick?

24. Healing Tree: a request for prayers *

25. Recent job postings *

* new/updated items

1. Executive Director’s Reflection *

I remember my first year in the seminary, as a freshman in high school, reading on the pendant on the altar the Latin phrase, Ecce adsum quia vocasti me. It took me a week into Latin class to get the right translation – behold, here I am, because you have called me. A little later in scripture class I realized it was from yesterday’s reading from 1 Samuel 3:8. It remains a daily mantra.

I always enjoy the beginning of Ordinary Time after the Christmas season. Yesterday’s Second Sunday of Ordinary Time’s scripture readings lead us again to examine our vocational calling. My favorite gospel narrative was yesterday’s from John 1 where “Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to them, “What are you looking for?” They said to him… ‘Where are you staying?’”

(Read more>)

2. Welcome to our new NACC staff member, Linda Yanasak *

Last Monday, January 12, Linda Yanasak joined the NACC staff as the newly hired Administrative Specialist, Membership Services. Linda brings a rich office administration background. She is being oriented to these new duties by Cindy Bridges and Mary Pawicz who previously had those responsibilities. Linda will work part-time Monday-Thursday. Welcome, Linda!

There is much to learn along with the NACC staff as they all acclimate to using WebLink data base. We hope members are finding the ability to handle membership matters online to be of help to them. Thank you all for your patience as we work out the bugs in the systems.

3. Death of our former NACC member, Agnes Kolbeck *

We recently learned of the death of our former NACC member, Agnes Kolbeck. May God soothe the grief of her husband and family as they mourn her death, and may God’s fullness of peace abide with her.


4. Have you read the January–February 2015 Vision? *

The January-February 2015 Vision issue is available on the NACC website. It is dedicated to articles on the newly revised NACC standards and procedures for certification that were approved for 2015-2021 by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Subcommittee on Certification for Ecclesial Ministry and Service. Go here to view this certificate of approval. This Vision issue provides articles on the background of this process of approval, and the newly revised standards. To read it, go to vision.

5. NACC Initial Certification Application Deadline of February 17th is fast approaching! *

The NACC is accepting applications for the February 2015 initial certification application deadline. Since February 15 is a Sunday in 2015 and the 16th is President’s Day, all materials must be postmarked no later than February 17, 2015, for consideration for an October 2015 certification interview. For questions regarding the application process, please contact Ramona Zeb at rzeb@ or at (414)483-4898 ext. 304. Best wishes to all those who are working to prepare their materials!

6. Revised checklist for supportive materials required for certification interview is available *

A few clarifications and revisions have been added to the Checklist for Supportive Materials Required for Certification Interview and are now available for your review. If you are planning to apply for certification in the near future, you will want to review this important document. All applications for the upcoming February 2015 deadline must be in compliance with this revised document. To request a copy, please contact Ramona Zeb, Certification Specialist, at rzeb@.

7. NACC Palliative Care and Hospice Specialty Certification offering is available *

In the fall of 2013, the NACC Board of Directors approved certification standards and procedures for a new specialty certification in Palliative Care and Hospice. In the first months of 2014, the NACC Certification Commission implemented a pilot certification project of this specialty certification with a select number of members. After the pilot project, revisions were made to the procedures and materials required. In November, the Certification Commission approved these revisions and you can now access these standards and materials at: certification/standards-and-procedures.aspx. Any members desiring to apply for this specialty certification can send their materials by February 17, 2015. Also, if you are interested in participating in a webinar to review this specialty certification to help answer questions about the materials required and the process, please contact David Lichter (dlichter@).


8. NACC – The 70’s Building Professionalism *

What do you know about NACC in the 70’s? To read about that first full decade of NACC, please see the excerpt from the NACC 40th Anniversary booklet. aboutnacc/history.aspx

9. Reflecting on the ministry: Bridget Deegan-Krause *

In each NACC Now, during this 50th jubilee year, we are featuring a reflection by one of our NACC chaplains on his or her ministry and an experience of a gift of that ministry. Please go to Bridget Deegan-Krause’s reflection, and allow it to inspire you to share this year in writing one of your “gifts” of ministry. Your own reflection is welcomed! If you want to share a reflection, please contact David Lewellen (dlewellen@).


10. Early Bird Registration deadline this Friday, January 23rd! *

Register today for the NACC National Conference! The early bird registration deadline of Friday, January 23, 2015, is quickly approaching. After this date, you will need to register at the Full registration rate. Visit the NACC website to view the options available for registering – including our NEW online registration portal!  conference/

11. Register for the NACC 2015 50th Anniversary Conference on the NEW Online Registration Portal! *

Have you registered yet for the NACC 2015 50th Anniversary Conference on the NEW Online Registration Portal? This new feature provides all interested participants the opportunity to register and/or pay for the conference online. For those who would still like to register through the mail, a paper registration form was sent recently with the NACC conference flyer that can be returned directly to the NACC office with payment. The NACC national office is very excited to launch this new online feature and hope our conference participants will enjoy this easy way to register for the upcoming conference. If you have questions, please contact Jeanine Annunziato (jannunziato@) at our NACC office.

12. Wendy Cadge will be our plenary speaker for Saturday in place of Debra Canales. *

In the past few days we learned from Debra Canales, our Saturday plenary speaker, that she was not going to be able to speak at our 2015 Conference. We understand such circumstances. While disappointed, we are delighted that Wendy Cadge has graciously accepted to be our Saturday morning plenary speaker. Wendy was going to be one of our speakers last year, but her being with child prevented her from honoring that commitment. God has blessed us with Wendy’s acceptance and we look forward to having her with us. For background on Wendy, go to: conference/default.aspx#speakers

13. Would you consider or ask your employer to consider being an NACC Jubilee Sponsor? *

For our 2015 50th Anniversary Conference, we have a Special 50th Jubilee Conference Sponsor ($500) category. Would you consider asking your employer or a vendor to consider being such a sponsor? Please consider inviting others to be sponsors. We will need these sponsorships by Friday, February 6th, to get them into our conference materials. For the sponsorship opportunity form, go to docs/conference/2015 Conference Sponsorship Opportunities - final 11-5-14.doc. If you would like to discuss this with David Lichter, please contact him at dlichter@.

14. Hotel Room Block is filling up fast – make your reservation today! *

Wednesday, February 4, 2015, is the last guaranteed date book room reservations at the special conference prices! After this date, the hotel will not hold our room block; therefore, the special conference rates and availability of rooms will not be guaranteed. We encourage you to make your reservations now while there is still space. Please note that our special conference hotel rates are available for the evenings of March 6-9 during our conference, and room reservations outside of these dates will not be available at the special conference price.


15. Conference Roommate Referral Service *

The NACC is pleased to again facilitate a Roommate Referral Service. Visit the NACC website (conference/default.aspx#roommates) to find out how to utilize this service.

16. As you register, please consider a donation to NACC Scholarship Fund.*

Please consider a donation to the NACC Scholarship Fund. All donations received aid NACC members to attend the NACC National Conference. For those members who have contributed at past conferences through the purchase of Silent Auction items, please note that this year we will not have a Silent Auction. We ask that you consider making a donation directly on the conference registration form (Box E) or when you register using our online registration portal. Every dollar counts; no amount is too small or big. Thank you for your support.


17. There is still room in the pre-conference workshops! *

For those looking to receive further continuing education hours before the conference, the Task Force is pleased to offer a selection of five pre-conference workshops. These four-hour workshops are offered in the morning on Friday, March 6, prior to the official start of the conference. Don’t spend your morning looking for something to do; spend it with others learning new and exciting things about pastoral care. Full descriptions and objectives for each of the pre-conference workshops can be found on the NACC website (conference/2015-materials.aspx). Register for a pre-conference workshop for a cost of $80.

18. Please keep sending the names of our deceased NACC members to honor!

The theme for our 2015 national conference is “Honoring the Gift.” While we are celebrating our 50th anniversary as the NACC, it seems appropriate to think about all those who have been a gift to our ministry, especially our colleagues who have called us, nurtured us, and guided us, and now are home in the Kingdom of Heaven. At our upcoming conference, we would like to honor the memory of all of our NACC member colleagues who are deceased. We ask that you submit names of member colleagues and friends who you have ministered with, or who have been a part of your journey and have been a gift to your ministry. Please submit their names to Jeanine Annunziato at the NACC office at jannunziato@. We want to recognize all of these people at one of our liturgies and we need your help to make sure we do not miss anyone. Even if you think someone else may have sent in a name, please do not hesitate to include it on your list. Gratefully, Rich Bartoszek, Conference Liturgy Chair


19. NACC 2015 World Day of the Sick cards now available on the NACC website! *

We are grateful to all our members who submitted prayers for the NACC 2015 World Day of Sick cards. We chose this year two prayers by our NACC member, David Rapp. Thank you, David. As in the past, we have both a prayer for the caregiver and a prayer for the sick; each is in English and Spanish. For this Jubilee Year, we are making these available free on the NACC website. You can download each of these prayers separately at resources/wds/default.asp. Here also is the link to Pope Francis’ message for the 2015 World Day of the Sick:

May we continue to hold each other’s ministry of healing in prayer!

20. Request: NACC seeks to update its resources for members *

The NACC is in the midst of redesigning its website to make it more valuable to members. We want to update and improve its many spiritual resources. We are asking you, our members, to share your spiritual care documents and practices with your colleague. Please go to this link, review the areas of need, and submit materials you are using that you believe your colleagues will find valuable. Please send them to David Lichter (dlichter@) at your earliest convenience. Thank you for sharing these.

21. Request: How do dioceses/hospitals address parish on call coverage? *

The Archdiocese of Boston is in the process of looking at the parish on call coverage of its 72 hospitals and 300+ nursing homes. They would like to hear from other dioceses on the methods used such as: is there 24/7 coverage, what are the expectations from the hospital (i.e., are they expected to respond immediately when called), has there been a change made in the way the hospitals are covered? Any information on your current hospital coverage would be appreciated. Please contact Deacon Jim Greer @617-746-5842 or JGreer@

22. Interested in participating in a virtual community of healthcare chaplains? *

Please consider joining a research project sponsored by Dominican University in River Forest, IL. Chaplain Jeanne Wirpsa at Northwestern Memorial and Joan Bieler launched the project, Virtual Community of Practice for Healthcare Chaplains (VCOP), to explore the value of this virtual community to help chaplains maintain what is most meaningful to them in their work. The VCOP is open to any chaplain working in any healthcare setting such as a hospital, hospice, rehab units or nursing home, medical or nursing schools, etc. The chaplain can be full- or part-time, contract chaplain or volunteer. The attached information sheet contains additional details about the project.

Anyone interested in joining this research project should send an email to Joan Bieler at She can answer questions or address concerns, as well as send the Informed Consent form – the next step in enrolling in the project – via email. A telephone call can be arranged via email if that would be helpful.

23. Have you joined the 100 days of prayer leading up to 2015 World Day of the Sick?

We sent you a Catholic Health Association invitation to participate in 100 Days of Prayer leading up to the 2015 World Day of the Sick. Please join us in this prayer, and you can add the names of those individuals who are in need of prayer also. Go to: wdos/default.html.

24. Healing Tree: a request for prayers *

Please let us know if you would like our membership to pray for your health and healing.

Also please let us know when you want us to remove your name from our Healing Tree.

We continue to pray for: Susan Balling, Maria Meneses, Chaplain Julia Mary Sweeney (mourning the death of her sister, Margaret Maureen Lewis, BA Honors), Sr. Sheila Prendeville, CPPS, AnaLisa Bischoff, Sister M. Dianna Hell, Linda Piotrowski, Sister Maria Theresa Hronec, Betty and Louis Skonieczny, Mary Theresa (niece of NACC Chaplain Sister Dorothy Kline), Jim Castello, Jeff Michel (brother-in-law of David Lichter), Thomas from Chicago (12 years old), Thomas Smiley (brother of member Diane Smiley), Marga Halala, Donn Renfro (son-in-law of Karen Pugliese), Amy in Atlanta (friend of NACC member Theresa Sullivan), Thomas (grandson of NACC member Ginny Grimes Allen), Beth from Boston (friend of NACC member Dana Sandlin), Sr. Janet Bielmann, Kelly Folan (daughter of NACC member Marty Folan), Mary Potts (twin sister of Deacon Francis Potts), Elizabeth A. Walsh, Francesco Marshall, Glenn and Pat Teske, Susan Murphy, Fr. Jim Radde, SJ, Sr. Mary Clare Boland, SP, Sr. Phyllis Ann DiRenzo, Kathy Brier (daughter of NACC member Theresa Brier), Gloria Troxler, Fr. Kevin Ikpah, Lourdes B. Ruta (wife of Peter Ruta), and Kelly Elizabeth Sexton (daughter of NACC member Melyssa Sexton).

25. Recent job postings *

The following positions have been posted recently on our Positions Available page. Please go to positions/available.aspx for more information.


      Cincinnati, Ohio - Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center


      Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare


      Grand Rapids, Michigan - Mercy Health


      La Crosse, Wisconsin - Gundersen Health System


      Colville, Washington - Providence Mount Carmel Hospital


      Portland, Oregon - Providence Portland


      Madison, Wisconsin - SSM Health of Wisconsin


      Port Jervis, New York - Bon Secours Community Hospital


      Palo Alto, California - Stanford Health Care


      Albany, New York - St. Peter's Health Partners (SPHP)


      Lufkin, Texas - CHI St. Luke’s Memorial Health System


      New York, New York - HealthCare Chaplaincy Network


      Newport, Rhode Island - Salve Regina University


      Maryland - Greater Baltimore Medical Center (GBMC)


      CARE Waterbury, Connecticut - Saint Mary’s Hospital


      Houston, Texas - Villa de Matel

View these jobs and more at: positions/available.aspx

This e-newsletter is a publication of the National Association of Catholic Chaplains and is ©2015


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National Association of Catholic Chaplains

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