ISTA IV - University of Arizona



The American Tilapia Association and ICLARM


Panorama da AQUICULTURA Magazine

Rio de Janeiro – Brazil


We invite you to participate in the ISTA V to be held September 3-7, 2000

at the Sofitel Rio Palace, at Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL

The ISTA Meetings are the primary venue for all aspects of tilapia aquaculture. Technical sessions present the latest findings in nutrition, physiology, genetics, disease control, production techniques, processing and marketing. It is also the prime place to meet growers, distributors, and retailers of tilapia products.


Papers on all aspects of Tilapia biology and culture are invited. Proceedings will be distributed at the conference. Abstracts and complete papers must be submitted by April 1, 2000 to:

Kevin Fitzsimmons

University of Arizona

2601 E. Airport Drive

Tucson AZ 85706 USA


See website for detailed instructions



The trade show, highlighting tilapia producers, hatcheries and equipment suppliers from Brazil and abroad, will be held on September 4 - 6. Four booth sizes are available. To inquire about prices and reserve space at the ISTA Trade Show, or to request an exhibitor brochure with floor plan, rates and other details, contact:

Jomar Carvalho Filho

Panorama da AQUICULTURA Magazine

Caixa Postal 62.555

22252-970 - Rio de Janeiro - BRAZIL

Tel: +55 21 553 1107

Fax: +55 21 553 3487




Sunday, 3 September

Evening reception on Sugar Loaf Mountain. Take the cablecar up to one of the world's most famous landmarks where we will have hors d'oeuvres, drinks and entertainment from Brazil.

Monday, 4 September

The ISTA V Plenary Session will focus on the role of tilapia in sustainable and ecologically efficient aquaculture. Technical sessions will feature presentations on Farming Systems, Genetics and Sex Control, Small-scale Production and Management, North American and European Markets, and Recirculation Systems. The Trade Show opens Monday at noon, and remains open through Wednesday

Tuesday, 5 September

Sessions will feature presentations on Streptococcus and other health issues, Processing Methods and Regulations, Production in Arid Regions, and Tilapia in Rural Development. A President's Banquet will be held in the evening featuring Tilapia, caipirinha, and other Brazilian specialties.

Wednesday, 6 September

Sessions will feature presentations on Extensive Production Systems, Nutrition, Cage Culture, and Fee Fishing using Tilapia.

Thursday, 7 September

Tour to Tilapia Farm. A full day trip to aquaculture facilities including a tilapia farm and a tilapia fee-fishing operation.


Len Lovshin, Auburn University - USA

Eucario Leyva, Cordemex - MEXICO

Jean Francois Baroiller, CIRAD - FRANCE

Barry Costa-Pierce, Mississippi Seagrant - USA

Ben Heijne, Tilapia International - NEDERLAND

Phil Klesius, ARS-USDA - USA

Mike Sipe - USA

Oyedapo Fagbenro, Federal University - NIGERIA

Aecio D'Silva, World Bank - BRASIL/USA

Graham Mair, A.I.T. - THAILAND

Kevin Fitzsimmons, Univ. of Arizona - USA

Jomar Carvalho Filho, Panorama da Aquicultura Magazine – BRASIL


Registration includes: entry to technical sessions and trade show, one copy of Conference Proceedings, opening evening reception at Sugar Loaf, banquet meal and coffee breaks. Brazilians may pay the conference fees in Reals, please send to Rio de Janeiro address below. All others will pay in US dollars, please send payment to ATA offices in US.

BASIC Conference Registration- Early (before April 1, 2000) - $300

BASIC Conference Registration - (before August 1, 2000) - $350

BASIC Conference Registration – (after August 1, 2000) - $450

American Tilapia Association

1901 North Fort Meyer Dr., Suite 700

Arlington, Virginia

22209 USA

In BRAZIL mail to

Panorama da Aquicultura Magazine

Jomar Carvalho Filho

Caixa Postal 62.555


Rio de Janeiro, BRASIL



American Tilapia Association

International Center for Living Aquatic Resources


Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture CRSP

Tilapia International Foundation

Global Aquaculture Alliance

Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD)

[pic] [pic]



Most international airlines fly directly into Rio de Janeiro. September will be spring in Rio. Temperatures will be pleasant and the beaches will be fantastic. US citizens will need to obtain a visa for travel to Brazil. Visas should be obtained from your nearest Brazilian consulate (addresses for US consulates can be found at


The Conference Hotel will be the Sofitel Rio Palace. The Sofitel is on Copacabana Beach and just a few hundreds meters from Ipanema Beach. The Sofitel is a five star hotel and a member of the international Accor chain. The conference rate will be $128 per night. Additional rooms in nearby three and four star hotels have been reserved and are available through ELCOTOUR.

ISTA 5 has arranged for discounted / conference hotel rates through ELCOTOUR Travel. ELCOTOUR will take hotel reservations and can assist with other travel arrangements.



Fax 1: + 55 - 21 - 541 09 87

Fax 2: + 55 - 21 - 295 99 87

Refer to ISTA 5


Clip and mail to one address below.

|ISTA 5 Registration Form |Cost |Number |Total Reals $ |Total US $ |

|Early Registration |$ 300 |x |$ |$ |

|Normal Registration |$ 350 |x |$ |$ |

|Late Registration |$ 450 |x |$ |$ |

|Extra Sugar Loaf Reception ticket |$ 30 |x |$ |$ |

|Extra Banquet ticket |$ 30 |x |$ |$ |

|Student Registration (assist with audio-visual, no meals) |$ 150 |x |$ |$ |

|Bus Tour to Tilapia farms |$ 45 |x |$ |$ |

|Spouse registration (Reception, Banquet and Bus tour tickets) |$ 100 |x |$ |$ |

Registration may be by check, money order or credit card. Registrations will be accepted on-site.

Make checks payable to ISTA V. Make sure to sign the registration form if paying by credit card

TOTAL ENCLOSED $ (REALS) or (US) __________ Cash or Check enclosed: ___


Please bill my credit card. VISA___ MC___ American Express ___ Credit Card Number_______________________

Expiration Date: ___/___/___ Signature:______________________________

Name: __________________________ Mail completed registration and payment to:

Address:_________________________ American Tilapia Association

1901 North Fort Meyer Dr., Suite 700

__________________________ Arlington, Virginia 22209 USA

In BRAZIL mail to:

__________________________ Panorama da AQUICULTURA Magazina

Jomar Carvalho Filho

E-mail ____________________ Caixa Postal 62.555

22252-970, Rio de Janeiro, R.J.



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