M E M O R A N D U M - Jacksonville



Annette R. Hastings 117 WEST DUVAL STREET, SUITE 425



FAX (904) 630-2906


May 22, 2012

6:00 p.m.

Duval County Tourist Development Council

TDC Quarterly Meeting Minutes

May 17, 2012

City Hall @ St. James

Conference Room A, Suite 425

Meeting Convened: 10:05a.m. Meeting Adjourned: 11:35 a.m.

Council President Stephen C. Joost

Council Member Richard Clark

Council Member Warren Jones (arrived 10:15am)

Sonny Bhikha

Henry Fonde

MG Orender

David Potts (departed 11:00am)

Fred Pozin

Annette R. Hastings, Executive Director

Phillip Peterson, Council Auditor’s Office

Janice Billy, Assistant Council Auditor

Jim McCain, Asst. General Counsel

Kerri Stewart, Interim President & CEO, Visit Jacksonville

Others Present:

David Chapman, Jacksonville Daily Record; Kimberly Morgan, Visit Jacksonville; Kim Ritten, Sr. Director of Sales, Visit Jacksonville; Janice Lowe, Chairman, Board of Directors, Visit Jacksonville; Katie Kurycki, Visit Jacksonville; Polly Govereau, Visit Jacksonville; Dennis Tracy, Visit Jacksonville; Michael Bouda, JEDC; Julie Lyons, Office of Special Events; Sarah Ausherman, Office of Special Events; David Reese, Florida’s First Coast of Golf; Cheri O'Neill, Executive Vice President, Gator Bowl Association; Dan King, Hyatt Riverfront; Tom Norton, Gator Bowl Association; Chelsi P. Henry, Northeast Florida Market Manager/ CFO Jeff Atwater.

Call to Order:

Chair, Stephen Joost, called the meeting to order at 10:05a.m., noting the presence of a quorum.

Review of Minutes:

The amended minutes from the TDC Meeting of February 16, 2012, were distributed for review. It was moved and seconded that the minutes be approved as amended and submitted. Approved 7-0.

Application Presentations:

1. Gator Bowl Classic 2013

Presenter: Rick Catlett, President

Gator Bowl Association

Date: January 1, 2013

Location: EverBank Stadium

Grant Amount: $500,000.00

Grant Amount: $350,000.00 @ $10.00 per room night

Funds Use: Offset Team Payout

Grant Amount: $150,000.00 @ $4.29 per room night

Funds Use: ESPN TV Media Buy


➢ Mr. Catlett made a PowerPoint presentation recapping the Tax. Gator Bowl 2012 covering the following:

o Gator Bowl Association Partnership with Duval County Tourist Development Council

o Gator Bowl Association Mission Statement

o Gator Bowl Florida vs. Ohio State January 2, 2012

o Occupancy up 77%...Room Rate up 11%

o Group Room Nights Week of December 27-January 2, 2012

o Five Previous Years History: Occupancy up 113%...Room Rate up 54%

o National TV Broadcast Exposure $1,008,380.00

➢ In addition, a video was shown of the Gator Bowl 2012 highlighting the national TV broadcast exposure Jacksonville received on ESPN2. The 30 second commercial mentioned Jacksonville and featured the Visit Jacksonville logo.

➢ The TDC approved using the video and the four-hour broadcast on ESPN2 as back-up documentation and proof to reimbursement the GBA for $150,000.00 grant used for ESPN media TV buy.

➢ Mr. Catlett noted for the record that application request before the TDC was for funding was for the game to be held on January 1, 2013. The team payout would increase but Gator Bowl Association would not be asking for additional funding from the TDC.

➢ Mr. Bhikha went on the record that one tenth of the TDC budget was going to fund the Gator Bowl Game each year. He was concerned that the application submitted was incomplete and wanted more detailed budget numbers provided in order to have adequate information in making his decision regarding funding. Mr. Catlett stated he would provide the TDC with a current 990 form, list of current GBA Board of Directors and corporate outline. In addition, Mr. Catlett will set up a meeting with each TDC Member individually to address their questions and concerns.

➢ It was noted for the record that documentation of invoices and proof of payment was required for reimbursement before disbursement of funds could be made.

➢ Mr. Bhikha stated that the current website did not have a visible Visit Jacksonville logo to direct you to Duval County hotels. Instead the featured link drives you to MLT travel and and platinum hotels. Mr. Catlett stated he would look into the matter.

➢ Being no further discussion a motion was made to award the Gator Bowl Association a maximum award grant of $350,000.00 to offset team payout and $150,000.00 for Media Buy Advertising for Gator Bowl Classic 2013

➢ Mr. Pozin stated on the record that he had a conflict of interest involving the Gator Bowl Association and would abstain from voting.

➢ Janice Billy stated the funds would be encumbered in the TDC Budget for FY 2012-2013.

TDC Action:

Motion was made and seconded to approve a maximum reimbursement award grant of $350,000.00 @ $10.00 per room night, for the Tax. Gator Bowl 2013 to offset team payout and $150,000.00 @ $4.89 per room night for Media Buy Advertising for Gator Bowl 2013, for a total reimbursement grant award of $500,000.00. The funds are to be encumbered out of the TDC Budget for FY-2012-2013. Approved 7-0-1 (Pozin conflict).

2. Georgia/Florida Football Classic Weekend 2012

Presenter: Tonisha Landry Gaines

Manager, City of Jacksonville Special Events

Date: October 24-27, 2012

Location: Everbank Field/Surrounding Areas

Grant Amount: $90,000.00

Room Nights: Guarantee 20,000 @ $4.50 per room night

Project: 24,000 Regional Overflows

Funds Use: Marketing/Advertising/Banners

Student Sideline Safety Zones


➢ Ms. Gaines, Manager, City of Jacksonville Special Events made the presentation.

➢ Councilman Jones inquired regarding scheduling conflicts with future Florida/Georgia Football Game dates and the Greater Jacksonville Fair.

➢ Mr. Bouda provided a copy of the current amended and restated agreement that addressed the “Event Time” in Section 4 of Agreement and a JEDC letter dated September 22, 2011, giving notice to the Greater Jacksonville Fair of any conflict with Florida/Georgia football games through October 29, 2016.

➢ Being no further discussion a motion was made and seconded to approve the funding as presented.

➢ Ms. Billy stated that the $90,000.00 would be encumbered in the TDC budget for FY 2012-2013.

TDC Actions:

A motion was made and seconded to approve a maximum award grant of $90,000.00 @ $4.50 per documented room nights. The funds are to be used for marketing, stadium banners, and student sideline safety zones and the funds are to be incorporated and encumbered out of the TDC Budget FY 2012-2013. Approved 8-0.

3. Florida First Coast of Golf Tourism Regional Marketing Cooperative

Presenter: David Reese, President, Florida First Coast of Golf (FFCG)

Date: FY October 1, 2012-September 30, 2013

Location: First Coast Region Duval, Clay, Nassau, Flagler & St. Johns

Grant Amount: $139, 014.00

Room Nights: Project: 25,842

Funds Use: Year-Round Leisure Golf Marketing


➢ Mr. David Reese disturbed the FFCG quarterly report through March 2012 for Duval County total golf tourism. Mr. Reese stated the percentage change YTD for bookings of rounds was up 9.84% and rooms up 9.83%.

➢ Mr. Reese made the presentation on behalf of Florida’s First Coast of Golf for FY 2012-2013. Mr. Reese said they are asking for a 8% increase over funding in FY 2011-2012.

➢ Mr. Reese was asked if FFCG has asked for an 8% increase in funding for FY 2012-2013 from St. Johns, Flagler, Nassau, and Clay counties. Mr. Reese said that each would be asked to give an increase of 8% over last year’s funding.

➢ Mr. Pozin stated that the 8% increase was not in line with the 5.61% increase in the bed tax collections for the last 12 months.

➢ Mr. Pozin made a motion that the grant funding be increased by approximately 5% over last year’s funding amount.

➢ Chairman Joost stated for the record that, per the Office of General Counsel, neither Mr. Orender nor Chairman Joost would have a conflict in voting for this funding.

➢ A motion was made and seconded to amend the grant funding amount to $135,000.00.

➢ Being no further discussion a motion was made and seconded to amended the grant amount to $135,000.00 with conditions:

o Payments are to be disbursed in four quarterly payments with submission of invoices in October, January, April and July for FY 2012-2013.

o Grant funds are to be used for Florida’s First Coast of Golf Tourism Regional Marketing Cooperative FY 2012-2013.

o The Duval County Tourist Development Council (TDC) is to be presented with quarterly reports that include a reporting for rooms and rounds of golf booked, international visitors, and listing of participating Duval County hotels and golf courses.

o Yearly independent audit report submitted to Council Auditor.

o Visit Jacksonville Monthly Tracking Golf Travelers Room Night Report.

➢ Ms. Billy stated the funds would be encumbered in the TDC Budget FY 2012-2013.

TDC Actions:

A motion was made and seconded to amend and approve a maximum award grant of $135,000.00. Payments are to be disbursed in four quarterly payments with submission of invoices in October, January, April and July for FY 2012 -2013. The funds are be used for Florida’s First Coast of Golf Tourism Regional Marketing Cooperative FY 2012-2013. Conditions of the grant are that the Duval County Tourist Development Council (TDC) is to be presented with quarterly reports that include a report with room nights and rounds of golf booked including international visitors, listing of Duval County hotels and golf courses, and a yearly independent audit report submitted to Council Auditors. Visit Jacksonville is required to track and report monthly golf travelers room nights. The funds are to be encumbered out of the TDC Budget for FY 2012-2013. Approved 8-0.

5. Encumbrances CVB Grant Fund 2011-2012

Total Encumbrance CVB Grant Fund FY 2011-2012 $37,860.00

Presenter: Kim Ritten, Visit Jacksonville

Event: IUFRO Southern Pine Genetics 2013

Amount: $1,000.00

Room nights: 300 (@ $3.33 per room night)

Hotel: Omni Jacksonvilleo

Date: February 3-8, 2013

Use of Funds: Marketing, Room Rental, Welcome Reception, AV,

Event: Southern Planetarium Association (SEPA) 2013

Amount: $4,100.00

Room Nights: 410 (@ $9.11 per room night)

Hotel: Crowne Plaza Jacksonville Riverfront

Date: June 18-23, 2013

Use of Funds: Marketing, Room Rental, AV, Welcome Reception,


Event: Campus Outreach International 2012

Amount: $9,000.00

Room Nights: 1800 (@ $5.00 per room night)

Hotel: Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront

Date: December 27-30, 2013

Use of Funds: Marketing, Room Rental, AV, Welcome Reception

Event: Integra Life Science 2012

Amount: $4,800.00

Room Nights: 600 (@ $8.00 per room night)

Hotel: One Ocean Resort Hotel & Spa

Date: August 1-5, 2012

Use of Funds Marketing, Room Rental, AV, Welcome Reception

Event: Baxter Perkinson Associates Trip 2012

Amount: $960.00

Room Nights: 261(@ $3.68 per room night)

Hotel: One Ocean Resort Hotel & Spa

Date: May 17-20, 2012

Use of Funds: Marketing, Room Rental, AV, Welcome Reception

Event: National Association of Black Social Workers, Inc. 2013

Amount: $8,000.00

Room Nights: 1040 (@ $7.70 per room night)

Hotel: Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront

Date: April 1-6, 2013

Use of Funds: Marketing, Room Rental, AV, Welcome Reception

Event: Passenger Vessel Association 2013

Amount: $10,000.00

Room Nights: 1365 (@ $7.33 per room night)

Hotels: Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront

Date: February 14-19, 2013

Use of Funds: Marketing, Room Rental, AV, Transportation,

Welcome Reception


➢ Ms. Kim Ritten presented the events to be encumbered, noting it represented new business booked in 2012 at four different Duval County hotels.

➢ Being no discussion a motion was made to approve the CVB Grant Funds with conditions the CVB Grant Fund reimbursement would be based on room nights generated and use of funds as presented for each event. The total encumbrance out of the CVB Grant Fund FY 2011-2012 would be in the amount of $37,860.00.

TDC Action:

A motion was made and seconded to approve the total encumbrances in the amount of $37,860.00, from the CVB Grant Funding FY 2011-2012, with conditions that reimbursement would be based on room nights generated as presented. The funds are to be used for marketing, welcome reception, AV, meeting room rental, or transportation. Approved 7-0.

TDC Financial Report : Janice Billy, Assistant Council Auditor

➢ Ms. Billy distributed and reviewed the TDC Financial Report for April 2012. The amount of bed tax collected in April was $489,282.25. Comparison of collections for last 12 months to prior 12 months was an increase of 4.01%. Comparison of collections for last 12 months to prior twelve months the percentage change was 5.61%

➢ Ms. Billy stated that the calculation of contractor’s base amount for next fiscal year 2012-2013 would be $3,474,401.65.

➢ Ms. Billy noted that per the actions taken by the TDC for funding the Gator Bowl 2013, Georgia/Florida Football Game 2012, and Florida’s First Coast of Golf Marketing Tourism Regional Marketing FY2012-2013 would be incorporated in the TDC Budget for FY 2012-2013.

➢ Mr. Pozin made the recommendation moving forward that the TDC Financial Report be moved up on the agenda. It was approved that the TDC Financial Report would be placed prior to the presentation of applications on the agenda.

Other Business:

Visit Jacksonville Board of Directors Janice Lowe, Chairman

➢ Ms. Lowe gave an update on the search for a new Visit Jacksonville President and noted Visit Jacksonville Board of Directors has made a selection for a new President. Ms. Kerri Stewart will continue serving as Visit Jacksonville President until details are finalized.

➢ Ms. Stewart made a presentation to outgoing TDC Chairman, Stephen Joost, on behalf of Visit Jacksonville Board of Directors for his leadership, dedication and support in marketing Jacksonville as a tourist destination.

President’s Report Kerri Stewart, Interim Visit Jacksonville President & CEO

➢ Ms. Stewart went over the Visit Jacksonville packet which was distributed and covering the following:

o Visit Jacksonville Income Statement for the six months ended 3/31/2012

o Sales and Activities Calendar for January, February, and March

➢ Ms. Kurycki, Marketing Director for Visit Jacksonville, gave a presentation handout on new media campaign “So Much To Do, Any Given Time” …Create and Win Your Dream Vacation…

Request for Proposal (RFP) Subcommittee Report Jim McCain, Assistant General Council

➢ Mr. Cain reported that the RFP for Marketing, Advertising, Promotional, and Support Services had been put out on April 30, 2012, and the submission deadline for proposals was May 30, 2012.

➢ Mr. McCain stated for the record that TDC Members and staff were under a code of “Solicitation Silence” and therefore all communication related to the RFP must be done in a noticed meeting. All questions and inquiries were to be referred to City of Jacksonville Procurement Division.

Visit Jacksonville Board of Directors Report Sonny Bhikha, TDC Representative

➢ Mr. Bhikha reported that he had been attending the meetings and that the staff was doing a great job under the leadership of Ms. Kerri Stewart, Interim Visit Jacksonville President.

Closing Comments

➢ TDC Chairman Joost stated that this would be his last meeting as Chairman, as his term would be up June 30, 2012, and that he had enjoyed serving on the TDC.

➢ Next Quarterly TDC Meeting-Thursday, August 16, 2012.


There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 11.35 a.m.

NOTE: “DRAFT” of Minutes from TDC meeting of May 17, 2012 to be approved at TDC Quarterly Meeting August 16, 2012.

Minutes: Annette R. Hastings-TDC 5/22/12 “Draft” Copy of Minutes/CityC


Materials: Submitted to LSD 05/22/12

Approved TDC Minutes February 16, 2012

Meeting TDC Notice May 17, 2012



April TDC Financials 2012

Visit Jacksonville Quarterly TDC Report Packet

Florida’s First Coast of Golf Quarterly Report

JEDC letter and Agreement Florida/Georgia Game and Jacksonville Fair Grounds

Gator Bowl Association PowerPoint Presentation

Gator Bowl Association Video Presentation

Mr. Pozin Conflict Form


Georgia/Florida Football Game 2012

Gator Bowl Game 2013

Florida’s First Coast of Golf Tourism Marketing FY 2012-2013

Florida Black Expo 2012 (withdrawn at request of applicant)



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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