Chapter 7 Test

Chapter 7 Test 1-27-07

Name ______________________________________________

Multiple Choice 2pts. Each

1. He became the first commander of the Continental Army

a. George Washington

b. Thomas Jefferson

c. Ben Franklin

d. George Bush

2. A professional soldier hired to fight for a foreign country

a. Bayonet

b. Mercenary

c. Pacifist

d. Ally

3. An over-all plan of action. An example of this was when the British planned on taking control of the Hudson River Valley.

a. Bayonet

b. Mercenary

c. Pacifist

d. Strategy

4. This is a meeting. An example of this was when St. Leger was going to meet the British Generals in Albany.

a. Bayonet

b. Mercenary

c. rendezvous

d. Strategy

5. This was series of conflicts that led to the surrender of British General John Burgoyne.

a. Crossing of the Delaware

b. Battle of Yorktown

c. Battles of Saratoga

d. Battle of Boston

6. This is a country that agrees to help another country to achieve a common goal.

a. Ally

b. Pacifist

c. Mercenary

d. Strategy

7. He was a 19 year old French nobleman who volunteered to serve in Washington’s army.

a. Baron von Kalb

b. Baron von Steuben

c. George Washington

d. Marquis De Lafayette

8. These were long steel knives attached to the ends of guns.

a. Bayonet

b. Gun

c. Bomb

d. Guerrillas

9. This is when someone leaves the military without intending to return.

a. Bayonet

b. desert

c. Bomb

d. Guerrillas

10. This is a privately owned ship that a wartime government gives permission to attack an enemy’s merchant ships.

a. Bayonet

b. desert

c. Bomb

d. Privateer

11. The colonies most famous navy officer.

a. James Forton

b. John Paul Jones

c. George Bush

d. Richard Allen

12. British General who commanded the southern army’s surrendered at Yorktown to the Colonial Army.

a. General Burgoyne

b. General St. Leger

c. General Allen

d. General Cornwallis

13. Small bands of fighters who weaken the enemy with surprise raids and hit-and-run attacks.

a. Guerrillas

b. Fox’s

c. Snipers

d. Privateers

14. Someone who is opposed to war.

a. Guerrillas

b. pacifist

c. Snipers

d. Privateers

15. The last major battle of the Revolutionary War.

a. Crossing of the Delaware

b. Battles of Saratoga

c. Battle of Yorktown

d. Battle of Boston

16. This officially ends the war. Neither side would follow the terms.

a. Treaty of Paris 1783

b. Treaty of Paris 2006

c. Treaty of Mars

d. None of the above

17. This idea stated, that instead of a king, the people would rule.

a. Communism

b. Republicanism

c. Dictatorship

d. commonwealth

18. He helped the Patriots by capturing British Strongholds in the lower Mississippi River Valley and in West Florida.

a. Ben Franklin

b. Nathanael Greene

c. Lord Cornwallis

d. Bernardo de Galvez

19. Mohawk Chief Joseph Brant supported who during the War.

a. British

b. Colonists

20. In writing the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson based his argument for American independence on the idea that

1. people have natural rights as human beings

2. the British refused to import colonial raw materials

3. the monarchy was evil by nature

4. Britain was too far away to rule the colonies effectively

21. According to the Declaration of Independence, a government's power comes from

1. the states

2. the people

3. the U.S. Constitution

4. laws passed by Congress

22. The phrase "it is the right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government" refers to the concept of

1. revolution

2. federalism

3. checks and balances

4. balance of power

23. According to the Declaration of Independence, the purpose of government is to

1. protect the rights of individuals

2. provide a strong military force

3. maintain the leader's authority

4. establish a court system

24. The phrase "all men are created equal" is found in which document?

1. the Declaration of Independence

2. the Northwest Ordinance

3. the United States Constitution

4. the Bill of Rights

25. The primary purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to

1. establish the basic law of the land in the United States

2. justify the revolt of the American colonists against Great Britian

3. provide a clear plan for a meaningful and effective political system

4. guarantee equality for all Americans

26. Which action can be justified by the political philosophy expressed in the Declaration of Independence?

1. The leader of a dictatorship orders a crackdown on terrorists.

2. A government passes laws to strengthen its racist policies.

3. The government of a Communist nation releases some political prisoners.

4. A group of rebels tries to overthrow a repressive government.


|"We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that |

|among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness..." |

| -- Seneca Falls Convention (1848) |

|Which document served as the most direct model for this resolution? |

|Articles of Confederation |

|Emancipation Proclamation |

|United States Constitution |

|Declaration of Independence |

28. Which of the following is a quotation from the Declaration of Independence?

1. "Congress shall make no law limiting free speech"

2. "all men are created equal"

3. "the Supreme Court shall have the power of judicial review

4. "laws are made to be broken"

29. Which document was written first?

1. Declaration of Independence

2. Northwest Ordinance of 1787

3. Bill of Rights

4. U.S. Constitution

30. One of the major arguments for independence in the Declaration of Independence was that

1. the British had refused to buy goods from the American colonies

2. a government run by a king was evil

3. the colonists were superior to the British

4. people have natural rights as human beings

31. The "unalienable rights" mentioned in the Declaration of Independence refer to

1. the right of the accused persons

2. the right to vote in all elections

3. rights that cannot be taken away

4. right-to-work laws

32. The right of the people to overthrow a government that abuses its power is the main theme of the

1. Mayflower Compact

2. Articles of Confederation

3. Declaration of Independence

4. U.S. Constitution

33. "Taxation without representation" was a response by the colonists to

1. sharing tax monies with Native American Indian tribes

2. a provision in the Treaty of Paris of 1783

3. British economic policies towards the colonies

4. the formation of the Iroquois Confederacy

34. What made the Stamp Act so unusual was that before the act, colonists were only taxed by

1. the British Parliament

2. the King

3. their colonial assemblies

4. the manufacturers of the goods they bought

35. In colonial America, one aim of British mercantile policy was to force American merchants to

1. sell more raw material to countries other than England

2. provide raw materials to England only

3. compete with England for overseas markets

4. produce all their own manufactured goods

36. Which is an important reason that the American colonists rebelled against England in the 1770s?

1. The colonists desired the right to control the basic aspects of their economy

2. An overwhelming majority of the colonists favored rebellion

3. England did not adequately protect America from attack by other European nations

4. England had reduced the number of colonial representatives in Parliament

37. The Stamp Act imposed a tax on what item used for different colonial documents?

1. fees from lawyers

2. postage used on letters

3. the paper used in all documents

4. the ink used on the paper

38. The Boston Tea Party took place to protest

1. The quartering of British troops in private homes

2. The Boston Massacre

3. The high price of tea

4. The tax on tea imposed by Great Britain

39. What is the name given the laws passed by Parliament from 1650 to 1660 that regulated colonial trade, requiring that goods shipped into England must use English ships?

1. the Stamp Act

2. the Navigation Acts

3. the US Constitution

4. the Mayflower Compact

40. What was the main purpose of the Stamp Act?

1. to organize the first colonial post office

2. to raise money to pay the salary of colonial assemblies

3. to raise money to repay British costs for the French and Indian War

4. to guarantee that all colonies would pay the same for a stamp

41. Which event led to the other three?

1. issuance of the Declaration of Independence

2. meeting of the First Continental Congress

3. the Boston Tea Party

4. new British tax policies after the French and Indian War

42. "Many of the [colonial] storekeepers couldn't give away any of the British goods on the stores' shelves. It was as if the colonists had agreed to not buy any English products."

Which economic idea is described in this passage?

1. boycott

2. tariff

3. duty

4. strike

43. The major objection that British colonists in North America had to English rule was that they were

1. denied the right to arm themselves for defense

2. denied the rights of citizens who lived in England

3. forced to settle wilderness areas

4. forced to farm crops ordered by England

44. Under the Quartering Act, what could military commanders do?

1. Lodge soldiers wherever necessary

2. Tax residents for the support of soldiers

3. Take over hotels

4. Build new houses to shelter soldiers

45. Who is the best teacher in the whole world?

a. Mr. Cap

Essay – 25pts.

Explain why the Colonists won the Revolutionary War. What advantages did the Colonists have over the strongest army in the world.


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