Haren/Ems, 3 July 2006

Bulletin 2

Chuncheon City is a water source of the Han river that drove the economic development of the Republic of Korea and is the Leisure City. It is surrounded by the natural environment gifted by heaven, encompassed by Mt. Samak and Geombong and the lakeside laid with Soyang and northern Han rivers.

It has been known as the City of Festivals that is full of lyricism and speaking by proxy of features of the local community such as International Mime Festival, Chuncheon Dolly Play Festival, Chuncheon International Plays Festival, Soyang Folk Festival and Bomnae Art Festival.

It has also developed a Knowledge-Culture Industry structure including IT, Animation, Game, Multimedia, Biotech, etc from the mid 1990 years focusing on environment-friendly and Hi-tech sectors and based on Culture & Art. This gives the City of Dreams that is animated by culture & art a dynamic image of the vivid 21st Century.

It takes about 3 hours from the Incheon International Airport to Chuncheon, and about one and one half to two hours from Seoul. Weatherwise, Chuncheon averages 20~22degrees Centigrade in air temperature with a rainfall of under 10mm and low wind velocity of 1 meter up and down in the early September when the Championships take place.

1. Co-Promotion

IWSF Asian Australasian Region Confederation

Chuncheon City

2. Co-Organizer

Korea Water Ski Association

2010 Chuncheon World Leisure Congress & Games Organization Committee

3. Official Website

• Official Website

Championships Official Website: :

• Subofficial Website

Korea Water Ski Association:

International Water Ski Federation:

IWSF_Asian Australasian Region Confederation: aa.

4. Competition Rules and Official Boats

Asian Australasian Region Championships will be run by the IWSF Competition Rules for each event (Tournament, Wakeboard, Barefoot) and with Men Open and Women Open divisions.

Team scoring for Wakeboard is calculated using the 2 best riders scores in each category.

Team scoring for Barefoot is based on the 2 best scores in each event.

4. Competition Rules and Official Boats (cont’d)

Slalom starting speeds 52kmph for women and 55kmph for men

5. Homologation

Slalom and Tricks for Tournament will all be homologated using the Olaf Boettcher system.This is a tentative plan and will be confirmed in the following Bulletin No.3.

6. Installation and Jump Distance Measurement

Jumping will be homologated by the Corson’s Jump Video Measuring System.This is a tentative plan and will be confirmed in the next Bulletin No.3. Set-up will be completed on/about August 20th.

7. Speaker


8. Entry Conditions

IWSF AA member athletes are qualified to be part of Chuncheon IWSF Asian Australasian Region Championships on September 4th to 7th. All players must be nominated by their Federations. All respected Federations must send to the Organizer (Korea Water Ski Association) their own “Official Entry” Form no later than August 3rd, 2008. Official homepage of the Championships will show countries who submitted the “Official Entry” form.

Participation by teams and individuals from Middle-east Asian countries is limited to the Asian Championships only.

9. Team selection

• A team for Tournament is composed of a maximum of 6 skiers but may not exceed 4 skiers in one division e.g. 3 and 3 of same gender or 4 and 2 max.

• A team for Wakeboard comprises a maximum of 3 riders per category and total of 6 riders.

• A team for Barefoot comprises a maximum of 4 footers of whom one of them is necessarily of an opposite gender.

• Each Federation may nominate 2 reserves to the team as alternatives for injured players.

10. Non-team skiers

Individual skiers for Tournament, Wakeboard and Barefoot are able to be part of the events however they must meet one more than of the following conditions:

• World Tournament, Wakeboard & Barefoot Record Holder. The skier must have performed the record at least 45 days before the first day of the familiarization of the World Championships and have his performance ratified by the IWSF Tournament, Wakeboard & Barefoot Council at least 15 days before the first day of familiarization of the World Championships.

• Reigning World, Asian Australasian and Asian Tournament, Wakeboard & Barefoot Champions in that event (slalom, tricks or/and jump) in which they defend their title.

• Ranked in the IWSF World Tournament, Wakeboard & Barefoot Ranking List in the top 10% men or women in any event excluding overall. The numbers will be rounded to the nearest full digit. The Ranking List shall be the most recently published list.

All skiers qualified as individuals must be entered by their federation.

11. Entry fee

Entry fee for an athlete will be USD170.00. This includes up to two practices in Official familiarization (subject to site availability), lunches during the competition and fee for Opening Ceremony on Thursday and Final Night Party on Sunday in Hotel Ladena. It must be paid at Registration in cash at the Hotel Ladena. Currency is US Dollar.

12. Official Schedules

• Pre-Championships Schedule

The schedule may be subject to change at the discretion of judges.

Aug 30th(Sat) ~ Sep 1st(Mon)

Any team or individual can practice. If you need any advance practice, you need to pay your own cost. See 19 below.

Sep 2nd(Tue) ~ Sep 3rd(Wed) Available for Team practice. Familiarization

Team practice 07.00 – 15.00

Arrival and registration by teams and an officials 08.00 – 17.00 Judges and Team captain Meeting in Ladena, Official hotel time tbc

AA Technical Meeting (Sept 3) time tbc

• Championships Schedule

Sep 4thThursday

Tournament  08.00

Prelim  Slalom Women & Men

Prelim  Tricks      Women & Men

Prelim  Jump       Men

  Opening Ceremony in Ladena hotel 18.00 to 23.00

Sep 5th Friday

Barefoot  07.00

  Prelim Tricks/Slalom/Jump

Tournament   11.00

Prelim Jump     Women

  Wakeboard    13.00


  Asian Australasian Region Confederation Congress in Ladena 19:00

Sep 6th Saturday

Barefoot 07.00

                                              Finals    Trick/Slalom/Jump

Tournament 11.00

Finals    Slalom Womens  

Finas    Tricks Mens  

Finals    Tricks Womens 

Wakeboard 15.30



Sep 7th Sunday   

Tournament 08.00

Finals Slalom Mens

Wakeboard 10.30


Tournament  12.30

Final  Jump Women

Final Jump Mens

Banquet and Final Party 19.00-01.00

Winners’ Ceremony (Individual and Team Overall) in Ladenal hotel

Sep 8th Monday


This schedule is subject to alteration for weather conditions.

13. Visa

If you can visit the Korean Embassy in your country, you should be able to obtain your visa on the basis of this Bulletin No. 2. However, if you experience difficulties in obtaining it in your country, you can ask us about issuing your visa.

The countries who are exempt from visas for 30 days or more are as follows:

Asian area

1) 90 days: Thailand, Singapore, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Japan(Diplomacy · Official is exempted) , Pakistan, Philippines(free), Hong Kong

2) 30 days: Macau, Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Arab Emirates, Yemen, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Taiwan, Indonesia(Diplomacy · Official), India(Diplomacy · Official)

Australian Area

1) 90 days: Australia, New Zealand

2) 30 days: Guam, Nauru, New Caledonia, Micronesia, Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Fiji, Marshall Islands, Palau Islands, Samoa

Mid-east & other Area

1) 90 days: Morocco, Liberia, Israel, Iran(Diplomacy · Official), Vietnam(Diplomacy · Official)

2) 30 days: Mongolia(Diplomacy · Official), Lebanon(Diplomacy · Official)

14. Accommodation

The official hotel is the Ladena Condominium Hotel located in Lake Uiam, Chuncheon City. Its available rates:

• One room for 2 persons(KD115,000 Won, Including Breakfast)

(Visa, Master Card is able to be sanctioned.

(If you have any questions with relation to accommodation, you can make a call to a contact of the official hotel.

Contact: Mr. Kim Daesik, Manager of Ladena Condominium Hotel




email: kdsik@


15. Travel

If you would like to travel to other places out of Chuncheon City, you may use the Travel Bureaus run by Chuncheon:

City Travel Information center: +82-33-255-0088

Detail information:


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16. Official Site Facilities

We will use only one official site for the preliminary and final competitions for events for the Championships with main facilities to be set up as follows:

• Headquarter with 3 floors

• First Aid

• Food & Drinks Points

• Shower

• Judges’ Towers

Official Site will be all launched to the Lake Uiam in Chuncheon City by August 20th. A map of the site is shown below:


17. Opening Ceremony Dinner and Banquet & Final Party

Provided free by the Organizer.

18. Liability

The organizing club, federation, IWSF and or the committee of the Asian Australasian Tournament, Wakeboard & Barefoot Championships 2008, do not accept any liability for damage to persons, materials or property against competitors, technical officer, judges, official helpers and other persons. All competitors take part at their own risk in every respect even if they are engaged out of the competition, e.g. in any additional program. With their entry in the competition they give up any claim for instances of loss of any kind arising indirectly or directly during this event. Participants should take out private accident insurance besides their health insurance. Damage to third parties (e.g. spectators) is insured only within the limits of the organizer’s liability. Participants will be required to sign a waiver upon registering.

19. Pre-Championships Practice Reservation

Pre-Championships Practice Reservation is available to use the official competition sites from August 30th to September 1st. It will be available for USD110.00 per an hour and USD20.00 per additional 10 minutes.

For information and reservations, send your detailed request by the email address: kwsa7902@ & chrishowarth@.

20. Tournament Officials

Tournament Official includes:

Tournament Division

Chief Judge Ron Fergusson Australia

Judge Masako Yamaguchi Japan

Judge Robin Wright New Zealand

Judge Charlotte Wright New Zealand

Judge Mrs McDonald New Zealand

Driver Waldie Priekulis Australia

Driver Murray Eade New Zealand

Driver Chris Wright New Zealand

Scorer Lolma Ciliulis Australia

Wakeboard Division

Chief Judge Neil Harris Australia

Asst. Chief Judge Paul Fong Singapore

Judge Rocky Lok Hong Kong

Judge Younho Kim Korea

Driver Chulmin Kim Korea

Calculator Steven Tan Singapore

Barefoot Division

Chief Judge Brian Price Australia

Judge Andrew Crouch Australia

Judge Ashleigh Stebbeings Australia

Judge Oscar Mann Australia

Driver Tony Powell Australia

21. Tentative Countries to Participate in

Many countries have expressed their interest in participating in the 2008 AA and Asian Championships in Chuncheon from September 4th to 7th. We will endeavour to secure their participation in the Championships. Currently, the following countries are expected to send teams to the Championships:

Republic of Korea, Australia, China, New Zealand, Japan, Hong Kong

Chinese Taipei, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, India, and Malaysia.

22. Skier Information for Website

The Organizer requests each Federation to send Skiers and Officals’ information for inclusion about them in the Official Championship Website as follows:

• Skier’s photos(image)

• Brief outline of their skiing /riding activities/achievements

• Jobs

• Sponsorships

• Special abilities

• Hobbies

23. Contact

Mr. John HM Lee

133 Olympic Gym No.2

O Ryun-Dong 88-1

Songpa-Gu 138-151 Seoul

Republic of Korea, the




Co-Organized By :

Sponsored By :





Sincerely yours,


Lee Jong Hwi


Korea Water Ski Association



We tick (V) in the below spaces our intent to enter into the AA Regional and Asian Championships for Tournament ( ), Wakeboard ( ), Barefoot ( ).

The team will consist of:

| |Men | |Women | |Team officials |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Reserves | |Staff | | |

| |(Individual) | | | | |




We tick (V) in the below spaces our intent to enter into Only the Asian Championships for Tournament ( ), Wakeboard ( ), Barefoot ( )

The team will consist of:

| |Men | |Women | |Team officials |

| | | | | | |

| |Reserves | |Staff | | |

| |(Individual) | | | | |




Name of the Team Captain:

We arrive on: in:

We arrive by:

Person to contact

Name: Function:



Tel No.: Mobile:

Fax: E-mail:


Please pat attention to the deadline 03 July 2008 for entries

Send a copy of the following address:

Organizing Committee Contact: John HM Lee

Fax: +82.2.413.0544 E-Mail: kwsa7902@


The Federation wishes to enter the following skiers in the IWSF Asian Australasian Tournament, Wakeboard & Barefoot Championships 2008 (if not typed, please write in capital letters):

|Family Name |First Name |Team |Sex |Date of |Tournament( |Wake | | |

| | |skier | |Birth |) Barefoot( |board | | |

| | | | | |) | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

I certify that the information listed above is true and that the registered skier is in possession of a skiing license and valid insurance and relieves the organising Federation, the officials and the IWSF of any responsibility for any accident which could occur to the skier during the competition and training.

Name of Federation Official:

Position in Federation:


Please pay attention to the deadline 03 September 2008 for entries

Send a copy to the following address:

Organizing Committee

Contact: John HM Lee

Fax: +82.2.413.0544

E-Mail: kwsa7902@sports.or.kr


The Federation want to book accommodation during the Asian Australasian Water Ski, Wakeboard & Barefoot Championships, 4 – 7 September 2008.

Team & Individual

We (I) want to book room(s) for our team. We agree to the conditions as mentioned in bulletin 1:

• 1 room per 2 person (KD115,000 Won included Breakfast and Tax)

• No Single Room

We arrive on: Time:

We depart on: ………………………………... Time: ……………………………………………….

Number of persons:

Name of the Team Captain:

Person to contact

Name: Function:



Tel No.: Mobile:

Fax: E-mail:


Please pay attention to the deadline 03 July 2008 for intention to enter.

Send a copy to the following addresses:

Ladena Hotel(Contact: Mr. Kim Daesik, Manager)



Email: kdsik@

Pre-Competition Practice Reservation

The ………… Federation wishes to make a reservation for the pre-competition practice for the following days and times for the Asian Australasian Water Ski, Wakeboard & Barefoot Championships 2008.

Saturday, 30 August 2008 -: AM or PM?

Sunday, 31 August 2008-: AM or PM?

Monday, 1 September 2008-: AM or PM?

Tuesday, 2 September 2008- time: RESERVED FOR OFFICIAL TEAM PRACTICE

Wednesday, 3 September 2008- time: RESERVED FOR OFFICIAL TEAM PRACTICE

All training against payment of USD110.00, per hour for all federations, or USD$20 per 10min set Reservations on a first come, first served basis.

Person to contact

Name: Function:



Tel No.: Mobile:

Fax: E-mail:


Please pay attention to the deadline 03 July 2008 for pre-competition practice reservations

Send a copy to the following address:

Organizing Committee

Contact: John HM Lee

Fax: +82.2.413.0544

Email: kwsa7902@



The Federation wishes to participate in the judging clinics at the IWSF Asian Australasian Tournament, Wakeboard & Barefoot Championships 2008 September 2nd-3rd (if not typed, please write in capital letters):

Please tick (V) clinics you wish to attend you may tick more than one.

|Family Name |First Name |Sex |Tournament |Wakeboard |Barefoot |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Please return by August 3rd

Organizing Committee

Contact: John HM Lee

Fax: +82.2.413.0544

E-Mail: kwsa7902@

E-mail IWSF Sec Gen Chris Howarth: chrishowarth@


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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