Yahoo E-mail Instructions

[Pages:2]Hotmail E-Mail Instructions

Creating a Hotmail Account

Log-in to the library computers ? Log-in with your library card or visitor number (all 14 digits) ? press TAB ? Type your 4-digit PIN (password) - press ENTER ? For new library users: when prompted confirm your 4-digit PIN by retyping it. ? Click Accept Library Policy button (bottom of the page) ? Minimize SAM Personal Session Timer by clicking MINIMIZE button

Access Hotmail's Website ? Click into the Address Bar in the Browser ? Type then press ENTER ? Double-click on link to Hotmail

Creating a Hotmail Account ? Click on Signup ? Click on Free arrow ? Fill-in the necessary fields (those indicated with a *grey asterisk) ? Use the mouse or TAB key to move cursor from one field (fill-in box) to the next ? Where it prompts for a Create a Windows Live ID, type in the user-name you would like to have, such as your nickname or first name and last name Do not include spaces. The "underscore" symbol __ is okay to use. Example: charlie_1984_man ? Click on Check Availability. If name is taken, keep trying different names or select an option suggested by Hotmail until you find the one you like. ? User-name is confirmed with "charlie_1984_man@ is available" ? Create a secure password ? use numbers, lower case and upper case letters ? Confirm password by retyping it when prompted ? Write user name and password down. Store in a secure place. Make sure to have this exactly right--including capitalization. Remember No Spaces! ? If you do not have an alternate email, leave this field blank ? Choose a security question from the drop-down menu

Confirming Registration of Hotmail Account ? To verify registration, type in the indicated field the funny looking letters and numbers displayed in the shadowed box ? if unsure on a letter, GUESS until you get it right. ? Look over the Terms of Use contract then click the I Agree button to accept terms ? Your registration is complete when you get to Free Newsletter page ? place check marks in the boxes of information you would like to receive from MSN. ? Congratulations! You now have a Hotmail email account and can begin using it immediately. Click on Continue at the bottom of the page to use your account

Click! Kitsap Regional Library

February 2007

Hotmail E-Mail Instructions

Using Your Hotmail Account

Login to Hotmail Account ? Click on link to Hotmail ? To sign in type in Hotmail e-mail Address: _____________________ press TAB ? Type in Password: ______________________ press ENTER

Check for new e-Mail and Read Messages ? Click on Inbox (left menu) to see new messages ? Click on the sender link (under from) to open and read a message ? Click on the link to Inbox (upper right corner) to return to the message list

Compose a new E-mail ? Click on New to compose a new e-mail

? Click on

to get an address from your address book

? Click on person's name from My Contacts to Favorite Contacts to insert address

? Click OK to return to compose page

? Click into the

bar and enter a few words to specify what email is about

? Click into large text box and to compose message

? When finished composing message, click the

button to deliver message

Reply To an E-Mail message

? After reading the message, click on

to respond to sender

? Hotmail inserts the address for you when you

to a sender

? Hotmail also inserts a Subject with an Re: before the subject indicating it is a reply

? Click into the large text box and begin composing the reply

? Type your response above the original message sent

? When finished with response, click the


To Delete a Message ? To delete a message from your Inbox open the message and click on the Delete button (this moves message to the Trash Can) ? To delete the message from your Inbox without opening the message, click into the check box next to the email to place a checkmark then click the Delete button.

Address Book ? adding contacts ? Click on the Contacts tab to access address book ? Click on New to add a contact ? Enter contact's Quickname and email address where indicated ? Click on Save to save contact information ? Click on Mail tab to return to Inbox

To Exit Hotmail ? Click on the Sign Out link at top of page

Click! Kitsap Regional Library

February 2007


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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