Issue 1

January 2009



|Section |Subject |Author |

| | | |

|1. |Introduction |KB |

|2 |General Provisions & Policies |KB |

|3. |New Employee Orientation |WD |

|4. |Car Attendant Requirements |WD |

|5. |Trainman and Car Attendant Job Description |JW |

|6. |Trainman and Car Attendant Training & Qualification |JW |

|7. |Brakeman Requirements |KK/DV |

|8. |Conductor (Passenger) Requirements |MDB |

|9. |Conductor (Freight) Requirements |KB |

|10 |Fireman Requirements |GM |

|11. |Engineer Requirements |GJ |

|12. |Prerequisites for Issuing Student Engineer Card |KB |

|13. |Trainmaster Requirements | |

| |FORMS | |

| | | |

| |Engineer Physical (Form 709) |KB |

| |Rules Request |KB |

| |Meeting Attendance |KB |

| |Duty Record |KB |

| |Employee Personal Information |JW |


It is our goal to operate our railroad as safely as possible.

Proper training and qualification of personnel is a critical element of a safe railroad operation. This training program shall govern the training and qualification of train crews on the Black River Railroad System, including the common carrier shortline freight and tourist passenger train operations on the Belvidere & Delaware River Railway and the Black River & Western Railroad. This program shall apply to paid and volunteer crews alike, and any reference to employee herein, shall refer to both.

The primary purpose of this program is to ensure that all employees receive the proper, consistent, and adequate training before being qualified for train service and at each level of promotion. The program will also insure that crews are recertified at the proper intervals and have a thorough understanding of current railroad rules in an ever changing environment of new regulations and higher safety standards.

This program will also provide train crews with the information required to reach their highest personal level of achievement by understanding the duties and responsibilities of each train crew position with a clear understanding of the requirements for promotion to same.

It is expected that this document will change from time to time as it evolves from a first draft, to a time proven model, which effectively addresses each aspect and nuance of a complicated process. Updates will be made available to all train crews and candidates.


2.1. Rules Classes

Railroad Safety and Rules training classes will be held by the railroad on a regular basis with many of the seminars conducted in the Winter & Spring in advance of the tourist train season.

Rules classes are generally considered current for a period of three (3) years - with certification expiring on December 31 - three (3) years from the training date (i.e. Safety Rules April 1, 2006 is valid through December 31, 2009.)

Norfolk Southern Rules and Maintenance-of-Way Safety (RWP) are only current for a period of one (1) year – with certification expiring on December 31 – one year from the training date (i.e. MW Safety May 1, 2006 is valid through December 31, 2007.)

Ideally employees should attend at least one Railroad Rules Class annually, rotating the subject so that all required subjects are covered in a three (3) year pattern.

2.2. Physical Characteristics

Physical characteristics qualifications remain current as long the employee works at least one (1) hours-of-service assignment over the territory in a calendar year.

2.3. Active Crews

Train service employees shall remain “active” in the crew database as long the employee works at least three (3) train service assignments in a calendar year. Inactive crews shall be reinstated after their Rules and Physical Characteristic certifications are brought up to date.

2.4. Promotion Process

New crew candidates shall be directed to the designated member of the Training & Qualification Committee (TQC) who shall collect the necessary documentation, provide the proper orientation, initiate background checks and lead the new candidate through the steps to Trainman Qualification.

Existing crew members desiring promotion should send a written request to the Secretary of the TQC for consideration.

Applications for promotion will be considered and prioritized by the TQC on a regular basis and using the following criteria:

• The TQC will issue Student Qualifications and will recommend student scheduling to the Crew Caller(s).

• TQC will monitor Student Progress on a regular basis until the Student is qualified by the proper authority or deemed unable to qualify.

Preset promotion duty hours have been established for most of the positions contained herein.. The TQC at its discretion can reserve the right waive such requisite promotion hours for individual employees who have contributed in an extraordinary fashion to significant railroad related projects.

2.5. Student Assignments

Not more than one student shall be assigned to any given train crew, except for passenger service, a student conductor and a student brakeman may be permitted on the same crew with the approval of the duty Trainmaster. Only one student (conductor or engineer) will be permitted on a freight crew. Student freight conductors and engineers shall be HAZMAT qualified before they can be assigned to work in the Three Bridges yard.

2.6. Pre-employment Drug Testing

A pre-employment drug test is required before qualified hours of service employees (brakemen, conductors, and engineers) can go on duty. Also, a pre-employment drug test is also required before an employee can be assigned as a student brakeman, student conductor, or student engineer. The TQC liaison for the craft involved will make arrangements with the General Manager for such testing.

2.7. General Requirements For Supervising Student Brakeman, Conductors, and Engineers

In order for a qualified craft to be considered eligible to take on a student in the same craft, the criteria for each craft listed below shall apply. As a general rule however, the Trainmaster in charge at the time of the student assignment can cancel the student assignment if in the TM’s judgment, the prospective supervising craft should not supervise a student, regardless of standard criteria having been met.

Brakeman, Passenger

1. The supervising brakeman must be qualified for a minimum of three years and/or a qualified freight conductor for one year.

2. The supervising brakeman must possess a clean safety record and or no rules violations for the past 12 months and/or derailments for which the Railroad determines that said brakeman/conductor was at fault for the past 36 months.

Brakeman, Freight

There is currently no regular brakeman, freight position offered on the Black River System and none is planned. Therefore, students working as student freight brakeman will be supervised by the freight conductor. See Conductor, Freight below.

Conductor, Passenger

1. The supervising conductor must be qualified for a minimum of three years in passenger service and current on the physical characteristics of the line on which they are operating.

2. Must possess a clean safety record with no rules violations in the past 12 months and/or no rules violation derailments in the past 36 months.

Conductor, Freight

1. The supervising conductor must qualified for a minimum of three years and possess all certifications required for the job being worked (HAZMAT for Three Bridges, NS Rules certification for the BDRVV). The General Manager can waive the three year requirement if in his judgment, the conductor in question has accumulated enough time and skill to be capable of effective supervision of students

2. The General Manager must provide prior approval of all students in freight service.

3. Since the student will likely not have HAZMAT qualifications, or NS certification, the supervising conductor must closely supervise (i.e., shadow) the student when on the ground. If this is not possible, the student will be prohibited from leaving the cab of the locomotive while the drill is in progress.

4. The supervising freight conductor shall possess a clean safety record with no rules violations for the past 12 months and/or no rules violation derailments for the past 36 months.


1. The supervising engineer must have a minimum of 3 years as a licensed engineer with at least one license renewal.

2. The student engineer must possess a valid student engineer card issued by the General Manager.

3. Tthe supervising engineer must possess a clean safety record with no rules violations for the past 12 months and/or a rules violation derailment in the past 36 months.


Draft 02/15/2006


3.1. Overview

The Black River Railroad System New Volunteer Induction Process is intended get new volunteers active as quickly as possible, keeping personal safety and safe operation of the railroad as paramount concerns throughout the process. These rules apply to the Black River & Western Railroad (BRW) and the Belvidere & Delaware River Railroad (BDRVV). The New Volunteer Process, hereinafter referred to as The Process or Process, addresses the needs individuals who have no railroad experience and those who have prior rail service and certifications. The Process is executed in stages prior to “signing”, to gauge the interest and suitability of the volunteer applicant for membership in our group, without regard to gender, race, religious affiliation, or ethnicity.

The Process is designed to give the new volunteer or a transferee an understanding of both the passenger and freight operations of the BRW and BDRVV. The volunteer will also be given interim safety training before going on duty for the first time. After completing The Process, individuals with no prior experience will assigned as Car Attendants (see Appendix # for the Car Attendant Job Description). People who have prior experience and or certifications will be assigned as students in their respective jobs pending validation of their qualifications by the BRW. The BRW General Manager or the BRW Training and Qualifications Committee (TQC) reserve the right disqualify any individual who fails to meet the minimum requirements for job qualification.

New people will be guided through the process by a liaison who will be assigned, on a volunteer basis, by the TQC. The mentor will be available to the volunteer for questions and guidance. The mentor will also be an integral part of the volunteer promotion process.

3.2. Operations Overview

New volunteers will be given an overview of the BRW and BDRVV passenger and freight operations. Emphasis will be on passenger service. The passenger briefing will include an overview of the trainman and conductor job descriptions. The importance of high quality customer service will be discussed also. The volunteer will be given uniform requirements and appearance standards.

The freight briefing will be high level in nature. Our customers’ locations and the nature of their operations should not be discussed prior to execution of the personal data form (Section 1.6) and a background check being performed.

3.3. Career Ladder

The new volunteer will be given an overview of the variety of jobs available and the prerequisites for each job. The promotion process will be discussed also. Everyone starts as a Car Attendant after they have had formal safety training (see para. 7 for clarification). The exception will be those individuals who arrive with prior railroad experience, who in the judgment of the GM and/or TQC have a high likelihood of qualifying for a higher level job than Trainman. Figure 1 is pictorial representation of the carrier ladder.

This page reserved for Figure 1

3.4. BRRHT and NYSWT&HS Membership

Volunteers who apply after January 1, 2006 will be required to join either the BRRHT or NYSWT&HS as a condition of volunteering on either the BRW or the BDRV. Membership in these organizations will continue on a discretionary basis for volunteers who were on the crew roster prior to 1/1/06. The new volunteer will be given information about each of the historic organizations to facilitate their decision.

3.5. Determine Volunteer Interest

At this point in the process, the volunteer’s interests should be discussed in terms of what job they would be interested in and how they feel generally about the BRW/BDRV volunteer program. If they are interested in becoming a Trainman, with an interim step as a Car Attendant, and as a member of one or both of the historical societies, the mentor should proceed to complete the EPIS discussed in the next section. If however, the volunteer wants to start out in the locomotive, and has no interest in train service, the mentor should thank them for their interest and inform them that there are no such opportunities at the BRW or BDRV. However, the volunteer should know that we would be interested in their service if they realign their expectations to conform with Black River System policy. The exception to the “everyone starts as a Car Attendant rule does not necessarily apply to prior service applicants as discussed earlier. The BRRHT/NYSWTHS membership requirement applies to ALL who come on board after 1/1/06.

3.6. Employee Personal Information Sheet

A Employee Personal Information Sheet (EPIS) will be completed on each new volunteer who has undergone initial screening. The information on the data sheet is to be kept in the strictest confidence and will only be used for railroad business. Personal data will not be divulged except where the railroad is legally required to do so. The information on the EPIS will also be used to perform background checks required by the Department of Homeland Security. The EPIS will become part of the volunteer’s permanent record at the BRW.

3.7. Initial Safety Training

Once the volunteer has completed the EPIS and the required background checks have been performed, the mentor will give the volunteer an initial safety training. This training (with test) will allow the volunteer to be assigned as a Car Attendant. Initial safety training will be good only until the next regularly scheduled safety class is given.

The initial safety briefing should cover on board train safety, passenger comfort and safety, and rules regarding fouling equipment. The initial safety training will be recorded on the EPIS. The following rules from the “Safety Rules 2005” and Black River System Safety Bulletins should be covered:

• Safety Rule 1, 4, 5, 6, 15 – 23, 26 – 33, 36, & 44

• Safety Bulletin 501, paragraph 2, 3, & 4

• Safety Bulletin 503

• Safety Bulletin 506

• Safety Bulletin 507

• Highlights of Blue Flag Protection from Operating Rule 26

Once the volunteer has attended a regular safety class, they will be given the required time tables, safety rules, and safety bulletins. The Employee Qualifications and Rule Certification pages will also be given to the volunteer. At this point they will be promoted to Trainman and be signed off by their mentor, or appropriate authority.


Draft 2/17/06

KB Edit 03/01/06

WD Edited 03/01/06

4. Job description

Car Attendant

The Car Attendant is a designed to facilitate the placement of new volunteers before they have had formal safety training. The Car Attendant position is intended as a interim training position wherein the incumbent assists and takes direction from the Conductor in the performance of duties that do not impact the operation of the train. The Car Attendant is not an hours of service employee.

Job Duties And Responsibilities

• Assist Conductor and Trainman as directed by the Conductor

• Give polite attention to passengers

• Observe Conductor and Trainman to get an understanding of train service operations

• Work with Conductor or Trainman, at the Conductor’s direction, to assist passengers in safe boarding and detraining

• The Car Attendant is not to be involved in the movement of the train or any activities pertaining there to.

Job Prerequisites

• Completed Personal Data Sheet

• Interim safety Briefing

• Clearance for work from mentor


• Clean white shirt and dark tie

• Dark pressed slacks (no jeans or denim pants)

• Clean and polished dark oxford type shoes, or boots that give similar appearance


Draft 2/17/06

KB Edit 3/01/06

5. Job Description



Present a professional image to the general public while insuring safety to yourself, the passengers, and railroad property. Report to and assist the Conductor and perform other duties as required.

Trainman Duties:

1. Sign in and out on the crew register and attend the safety meeting.

2. Be able to open and close traps and doors.

3. Be informative, courteous, safe, and present a professional image to the passengers.

4. Assist passengers while boarding and disembarking from the train.

5. Be able to summon assistance in the event of an emergency.

6. Sweep cars and remove trash at the beginning and the end of the day. Close windows at the end of the day. Remove snow, ice and debris from the steps and vestibules as required for safety purposes.

7. Be present on the platform until the train leaves the station and while the train enters the station. Constantly observe all persons on the platform and assure that they stay behind the yellow safety line during any train movement.

8. Collect tickets from the passengers and present them to the Conductor.

9. Stay in your assigned car as much as practical.

10. Report any equipment or passenger problems to the Conductor. Notify the Conductor if any items are missing from the first aid cabinets or if the fire extinguishers appear to be unserviceable.

11. Fill out an Accident Report, or any other assigned paperwork, as required by the Conductor.

12. Be able to safely evacuate passengers from your assigned car in the event of an emergency and have them gather is a designated staging area at a safe distance away from the train and railroad tracks.

13. Be aware of locomotive and train movements while in the yard in the event you are assigned to a charter car or staying on-board with passengers during a run-around, set-out or pickup movement.

14. Be able to assist any member of the train crew as requested.

15. Make a physical check of the car to be sure all passengers have disembarked from the train when required.

16. Report any suspicious activity observed or unidentifiable packages discovered onboard or on railroad property to the Conductor without alarming the passengers or general public.

17. Be sure an operable step box is on hand in your assigned car.

18. Should know scheduled departure times and current ticket prices.

19. Advise the Conductor when you need to depart the platform or station area for any reason. Also, advise the Conductor when you have returned to your duty area.

20. Have a working flashlight during times when it may be required.

Trainman assigned to Charter Car Duty:

1. Shall respond to the needs of the passengers as a lone worker during times there is no other crew onboard.

2. Responsible for the opening and preparation of the charter car or caboose in that it shall be clean and presentable to the passengers who will be riding onboard. The Trainman shall clean and secure the car after the charter has terminated.

3. Shall prepare a written report of any damage, material shortfall, accidents or injuries, or anything deemed necessary at the end of the charter event.

4. Shall be able to safely evacuate passengers from the charter car in the event of an emergency and have them gather in a designated staging area at a safe distance away from the train, charter car and railroad tracks. This event may likely occur without assistance from the duty train crew as the train may be on the road while the charter car has been set out on a siding. As such, the Trainman shall also notify emergency services as required.

5. Shall monitor the passengers at all times during transit and while staged on the siding. The Trainman shall stay with the charter car during the event as much as practical.

6. The Trainman is qualified to alert the locomotive crew during the run-around in the event any passenger disappears from observation and signal the locomotive to stop in order to ascertain the passenger’s whereabouts.

Official Uniform:

1. Shined shoes or boots with a heel. Sneakers and loafers are prohibited.

2. White dress shirt.

3. Black or dark blue dress pants, tie, vest, jacket and hat all of a matching nature. Denim pants and jeans are prohibited.

4. Wearing jackets, caps, or uniforms displaying railroad or business names or logos other than those of Black River, PRR or CNJ heritage, while working on BRW, BDRVV or NYS&WT&HS equipment, will not be permitted.

5. Wearing of NYS&W uniforms or designated clothing while working on BRW, BDRVV & NYS&W equipment is permitted.

6. Private equipment owners, who are on the duty train crews and who have their equipment located on the property or on trains operating on the Black River System lines, may wear and display railroad or business names or logos representative of their equipment.

7. Ticket punch.

8. Flashlight.

JW Draft 03/01


Training & Qualification Regimen


• To establish an entry level training and qualification program for new personnel.

• To establish and update a continuing training program to improve the knowledge and skills of qualified Trainmen.

• To provide Trainmen a method of advancement through achievement and continued dedication to the position discipline.

Car Attendant:

1. Entry level personnel, having attained a minimum age of sixteen (16) years, are classified as a Car Attendant, hereinafter referred to as “CA”.

2. The CA shall complete a Personal Data Sheet providing name, address, contact information, references, provide written parental consent if under the age of eighteen (18) years, and an emergency point of contact information to begin his/her personal data file with the Black River Railroad System, hereinafter referred to as the “Railroad”.

3. The CA has few limited duties and is not required to carry paperwork.

4. Upon such time that the CA is capable of and desires to become a Trainman, the Railroad will provide to the CA a current Safety Rules Book, a Timetable applicable for the assigned route, a System Instructions Book, and current copies of all applicable General Orders, Safety Bulletins and System Bulletin Orders.

5. The CA will be provided a general Safety Training Session by the Conductor, Trainmaster or General Manager, before the CA is afforded the opportunity to ride a train and begin to learn the duties of the Trainman’s position. The CA shall take and satisfactorily complete a Safety Test before his/her first official duty date.

6. On the job training shall commence with the first duty day as the CA shall work with a qualified Trainman, Conductor or Trainmaster to observe, be instructed in, and learn:

a. The reporting time for duty and safety meetings.

b. Where to sign in and sign out on the Crew Register.

c. The operation of the traps.

d. The use, placement and care of step boxes.

e. Assisting passengers while boarding and disembarking.

f. Sweeping the cars and removing trash.

g. Opening, securing and closing windows.

h. Checking first aid supplies and a visual check of the fire extinguishers and all compartment doors.

i. How to collect tickets and present same to the Conductor.

j. How to properly handle passengers while waiting on the platform.

k. How to properly announce station arrivals while on-board.

l. Assisting passengers and characters if and when they must cross between cars while the train is in motion. And, in courteously preventing passengers from doing so while the train is in motion.

m. The characteristics of the railroad route assigned.

n. How to activate the emergency brake valve and/or apply the hand brake if and when it would be necessary.

o. How to check the cars to be sure all passengers have vacated appropriately.

p. Where to find blank copies of the Accident Report and any other documents needed.

q. How to set the thermostats, or operate the on-board stoves, as applicable.

r. How to refuel the heaters and generator, as applicable.

s. How to summon assistance for any reason when needed.

t. Know where restrooms are available for passenger comfort.

7. The CA shall take and pass, with a minimum grade of 85% correct answers, the Trainman’s Qualification Test designed to test the CA’s knowledge of the Trainman’s position. The Trainman’s test can be administered by the Conductor, Trainmaster or General Manager

8. Upon such time that the Conductor, Trainmaster or General Manager observes that the CA is competent and capable in performing the duties of Trainman, and 1) the CA having completed the Safety Training Session and accompanying written test, and 2) the CA having taken and passed the Trainman’s Test, the CA is eligible for promotion to Trainman. The promotion shall be annotated in the appropriate book assigned to the employee. In the event the promotion is effected by the Conductor or Trainmaster, the General Manager shall be notified of such action in order for the employee’s records to be updated.


1. The qualified Trainman shall keep their Safety training up to date by attending the required training refresher sessions, once within every three (3) year period and by completing a written Safety Test.

2. The Trainman shall have a current copy of all required books, Timetable, General Orders, Safety Bulletins and System Bulletin Orders with them during any duty or work period.

3. Trainman, who have demonstrated the knowledge, skill and ability to perform their duty without the direct immediate supervision of the Conductor may be assigned duty aboard a charter car or caboose. The Trainman must be able to work as a lone person during times the charter car is on the train in the yard, and while the charter car is being set-out or picked up.

4. The Trainman shall be instructed on the proper method of car evacuation in the event of an emergency.

5. The Trainman shall be instructed on how to direct the evacuees to a pre-designated staging area and take a head count to assure all passengers have been accounted for.

6. The Trainman shall be instructed on how to notify emergency services if and when needed.

7. Qualified personnel, with a minimum of eighteen (18) years of age, who have performed the duties of Trainman, with at least one (1) year of service, and having acquired at least 100 hours of service, have the opportunity to become a Student Brakeman.

Qualified Trainman from Other Railroads:

1. New employees who are qualified Trainman, as recognized by another railroad, shall present valid proof of same along with references sufficient for the General Manager to accept said credentials. Upon such acceptance, the new employee will be afforded an accelerated training regimen in order to become qualified on the Railroad.

2. The GM has the option to waive any of the training criteria as set forth above.

Conventions Used:

1. Definitions:

CA – Car Attendant

GM – General Manager

Railroad – Black River Railroad System – BR&W and B&DRV

SB – Student Brakeman

2. A year of service is computed at the rate of having been an employee of the Railroad for one (1) calendar year. While accumulating years of service, the employee must have performed a minimum of thirty (30) days of service, total to date, in the Trainman’s position.

3. Advancing to a SB position does not absolve the employee from being assigned duties for which he/she is qualified. Nor, does it absolve the employee from any refresher training sessions as deemed necessary by the GM.

JW Draft 03/01

7. Job Description


A brakeman is a crew member who inspects the train, assists the conductor, operates hand brakes and assists in switching. A brakeman inspects and prepares the train before each departure, ensuring runarounds are performed in a timely manner and that all braking and safety appliances are in proper working order.

Job Duties and Responsibilities

• Conduct train and equipment inspections.

• Be in possession of all required books, such as Rules, Safety, Timetables, and any others as dictated by the Railroad.

• Perform initial terminal and intermediate brake tests as required by FRA regulations.

• Assure compliance with company and industry rules, general orders, and instructions.

• Couples and uncouples engines and cars as needed.

• Ensure all air and electrical connections are properly made between cars and or engines.

• Operate switches to facilitate proper train movements.

• Ability to understand and provide/relay proper hand signals for movement of train.

• Ability to properly communicate instructions for train movement via radio when required.

• Ability to effectively plan yard switching moves as circumstances dictate.

• Ability to properly secure equipment.


• No loose or baggy attire.

• Long pants.

• Work boots with proper heal or equivalent work boot which meets ANSI requirements.

• Work Gloves

Job Requisites - promotion to Student Brakeman:

• All qualifications required by railroad are up to date.

• New: a minimum of 100 hours of prior service as trainman.

• Clearance for work from Trainman Liaison(s).

Job Requisites - Student Brakeman promotion to Brakeman:

• Existing: Qualification by another recognized railroad and necessary familiarization by a mentor over at least 20 hours.

• Pass written and/or working qualification test at such time as deemed appropriate by Brakeman Liaison(s).

• Current drug test on file with Railroad.

• Upon successful completion of written test with a score of 85% or better, and, having demonstrated a satisfying, sensible understanding of the responsibilities of the Brakeman craft, the student will then be promoted to Brakeman.

Monitoring and Review

• Minimum of one operational performance check annually.

• Regular review of all paperwork.

• Attend at least two Rules and/or Safety Classes every three years with required written testing as determined by railroad.

• Up-to-date certification shall be noted on the qualification sheet every three years.


Brakemen shall retain their qualification as long as they maintain the following credentials:

• Clean Safety Record with no current rules violations.

• Current Physical Characteristics.

• Current Safety and/or Rules Class & Test.

General Requirements

For a qualified Brakeman to be considered eligible to take on a Student Brakeman, the following conditions shall apply:

1. Must be a qualified Brakeman for a minimum of three years and/or a qualified Freight Conductor for one year.

2. Clean safety record with no rules violations and/or any derailments for which the Railroad determines brakeman is at fault.

In the event that a Trainmaster makes a determination that a Brakeman should not have a student, regardless of the above criteria having been met, the Brakeman Liaison(s) will support the judgment of the Trainmaster. Trainmaster shall forward a report to Brakeman Liaison(s) for review stating the basis upon which their determination was made. The Brakeman Liaison(s) will then determine what, if any, further action should be taken.

Additionally, it is recognized that this is a volunteer operation and the ability to contribute time may be at a premium; however, it is expected that any Student Brakeman be able to qualify as a Brakeman within a reasonable time period. Taking into account the largely seasonal nature of opportunities afforded a Student Brakeman to obtain practical training, one must qualify within four (4) calendar years of first becoming a student. After four years, the student will be deemed unable to qualify.

RMA/PWR Draft 02/08/06

KK Edit 10/20/07

KK Edit 4/27/08

KK Edit 5/07/08

KK/DV Edit 7/13/08

8. Job Description

Conductor - Passenger

Job Duties And Responsibilities

• The conductor is in charge of the crew and is responsible for their conduct, the proper operation of the train by the rules, schedule and applicable orders and the overall safety of crew and passengers.

• Will see that train inspection and servicing are performed as required.

• Required to keep the proper forms in order involving accounting for fares collected, hours of service, train orders and are required to have the current notices and bulletins affecting train operation.

• Shall be in procession of all books required, such as Rules, Safety, Timetables, and any others deemed necessary

• Insure that the engineer is also in possession of the proper paperwork

• Assist passengers in safe boarding and detraining.

• Give polite attention to passengers.


• Standard traditional conductor’s uniform in black or navy

• Ticket punch

• Clean and polished black oxford type shoes or similar boots, preferably safety shoes (ANSI Z41)

Job Requisites

• All qualifications required by railroad are up to date.

• New: 500 hours of prior service, at least 300 of which as brakeman and 16 hours of classroom training

• Existing: Qualification by another recognized railroad and necessary familiarization by a mentor over at least 20 hours

• Pass written qualification test for conductor

• Clearance for work from mentor

Monitoring and Retraining

• At least one operational performance check annually

• Regular review of all paperwork

• Attendance at Rules Classes at regular intervals with required written testing as determined by railroad

• Up-to-date certification shall be noted on the qualification sheet every three years

• Can be considered for engineer (motorcar/diesel)* training after 100 hours in service and after demonstrating continuing competence in the position of conductor as described above

*(I am assuming that training for fireman is a separate issue and, due to its nature, an employee is eligible after reaching brakeman status, therefore not mentioned here - likewise engineer-steam has to follow fireman)


Draft 02/07/06

9. Job Description



The freight train Conductor is responsible for the safe and efficient movement of his train over the railroad. It is his duty to plan and execute switching and over-the-road work in a timely manner with the least risk of injury to the crew, damage to equipment, loss of lading, delays to other trains, and disturbance to the public. He shall work in partnership with the Engineer and direct Brakeman and Trainmen in order to accomplish same. It is the Conductor’s responsibility to ensure the proper railcars are received or forwarded to the proper customer facilities, storage tracks, or interchange.

Job Duties And Responsibilities

• Report for duty at the proper time and location, in the proper attire, and in possession of the proper rulebooks and equipment.

• Obtain and review the work to be accomplished, including the proper shipping instructions for Hazardous Materials.

• Obtain the proper authority for train operation, and note the location of and meets with other trains or track equipment.

• Check for unusual conditions, including track work and crossings where automatic protection is out-of-service.

• In the absence of a Trainmaster, conduct a safety briefing with the crew.

• Conduct, direct, or review equipment inspections.

• Conduct, direct, or review air brake test(s.)

• Conduct, direct, or review all train movements, in compliance with company rules.

• Conduct, direct, or review the operation and final positions of switches and derails.

• Conduct, direct, or review the securing of equipment left standing.

• Conduct, direct, or review securing of any customer facilities.

• Complete and forward the appropriate Conductor’s Report before going off-duty.

• Notify superiors of any problems or exceptions.


• No loose or baggy attire, or hanging jewelry.

• Long pants.

• Work boots with proper heal.

• Work gloves.


• Cell phone.

• Railroad radio.

• Flags and fusees.

• Markers.

• Accurate brake gauge.


• Minimum 18 years of age.

• Clean Safety Record with no current rules violations

• Minimum 300 hours / one year experience as a Brakeman (may include other railroads).

• Current Conductor’s qualification on another railroad.

• Current Hazardous Material training.

General Requirements for Promotion

• Minimum 60 hours working as a student (freight) conductor.

• Positive endorsement from three (3) active (freight) conductors.

• Clean Safety Record with no current rules violations.

• Current Air Brake Rules Class & Test.

• Current Hazardous Material Class & Test.

• Current Operating Rules Class & Test.

• Current Physical Characteristics.

• Current Safety Rules Class & Test.

Specific Requirements for Promotion

• Demonstrate a thorough understanding of Railroad Operating and Safety Rules & Procedures.

• Demonstrate safe work habits and the ability to promote same among co-workers.

• Demonstrate an understanding and willingness to fulfill job duties and responsibilities.

• Demonstrate a proficiency in planning, managing and executing required switching and road work.

• Demonstrate the ability to maintain and complete required paperwork.

• Demonstrate the ability to use good judgment in unforeseen circumstances.


Conductors (freight) shall retain their qualification as long as they maintain the following credentials:

• Clean Safety Record with no current rules violations.

• Current Air Brake Rules Class & Test.

• Current Hazardous Material Class & Test.

• Current Operating Rules Class & Test.

• Current Physical Characteristics.

• Current Safety Rules Class & Test.


Draft 02/15/06

10. Job Description

Steam Fireman

This section will be supplied by Gary Mathews and will be available in the next update of the TQP which is expected in the September/October timeframe.

11. Job Description



A. Job Duties and Responsiblities

1. Shall be responsible for inspection of locomotive and replenishment of any fluids deemed low at start of day.

2. Shall be responsible for operation of locomotive or locomotives if M.U. operations are required and insure all proper tests are fulfilled before start of day.

3. Shall be responsible for insuring CAB card and daily inspection form is in date.

4. Shall be responsible for proper operation of equipment whether it be in his charge or overseeing a student engineer.

B. Eligibility

1. Must be 21 years of age.

2. Must be able to meet 49CFR240.207 Procedures for making the determination on vision and hearing acuity.

3. Shall meet required as a prerequisite to certification 49CFR 240.201, 240.115, 240.117, 240.114, 240.121, and 240.125.

4. Physical and ERG every 3 years.

5. Take promotion from trainman to Brakeman then Conductor

Passenger or freight.

Exception: Those who are already issued student cards will be exempt

from this.

C. Training Requirements

1. Basic knowledge of locomotive and its operation and mechanical parts.

2. Classroom and skill performance and familiarization with physical characteristics to be conducted under the supervision of a qualified train service engineer, qualified class instructor or DSLE.

3. Subdivided to periods of appropriate duration to cover the following subjects:

I. Personal Safety

II. Operating Rules

III. Mechanical Equipment

IV. Train Handling Procedures

V. Physical Characteristics

VI. Compliance with Federal Regulations

D. Criteria For Promotion

1. Documented hours of running time in Passenger and/or Freight service

2. Understanding of various Locomotives and their unique operation.

3. Current Book of Rules, Time Table, Safety Training

4. Ride check as per 49CFR 240.127 criteria for examining skill performance

5. Pass a written Test.

E. Recertification Requirements 49CFR 240.129

Criteria for Monitoring Operation or Performance of Certified Engineer

1. Possesses skills to safely operate locomotives including proper application of rules and practices.

2. Unannounced ride test each calendar year.

3. Designed to be in compliance with provisions of operating rules that require response to conditions less than clear, such as a stop banner in yard limits or Ringoes Southbound semaphore signal or Book of rules #99 regarding use of fusees.

4. Book of Rules with an additional 10 questions test for Engineers in their recertification year.

5. Physical, EKG

6. Hearing and Vision acuity 240.121

7. State Drivers abstract 240.115

Previously Certified Locomotive or Train Service Engineers By another Road

Within guidelines of 49CFR240.217 Time limitations for making determinations.

1) Engineers with current certifications from another FRA controlled property, must show proof of his current certification, apply to Division of Motor Vehicles of his home state for a Drivers abstract , unless that his current or last employer has recently recertified and can supply an abstract dated within the previous year. The applicant’s record the previous three years will be evaluated.

2) A request of employment record which may be made verbal by said road.

3) Upon completion of these requirements he will enter the Student Engineers class until he has full knowledge of physical characteristics, book of rules, and safety bulletins, and a ride check by the Road Forman of Engines or the DSLE.

4) Successful completion of this process and endorsement of the TQC will qualify him as a Engineer



12. Prerequisites For Issuance Of Student Engineer Card

1. At least two years of continuous regular duty (not cumulative) as a qualified Conductor, Fireman, or Brakeman, and

2. At least one year interval since the last promotion, and

3. A nomination from a DSLE, and

4. A clean employment record with this railroad, without a rules violation derailment in the last 3 years, or a letter of reprimand in the last 2 years, or an exception reported in an Operational Inspection in the past 12 months, and


5. A clean driver’s record, as demonstrated by a State DMV report not more than 6 months old, and

6. A physical with Medical Doctor’s endorsement and minimum sight and hearing requirements, as per 49 CFR, Part 240, as demonstrated by this Railroad’s Form 709 or later, not more than 6 months old.

Items 5 & 6 shall be submitted to the General Manager by a DSLE along with written nomination and comments pertaining to items 1, 2, and 4. Upon receipt of a complete Student Engineer's Application from a DSLE, the General Manager will issue a Student Engineer’s Card.


As per 49 CFR 240, and this Railroad’s Engineer Certification Program filed with the FRA, the Student Engineer’s Card will allow an individual to operate a locomotive, with or without train, under the direct supervision of a qualified Train Service Engineer, having at least 5 years experience as same, and providing that the supervising engineer is not engaged in any other activities.

Please understand that this Railroad does not differentiate between Steam and Diesel Engineer’s for the purpose of complying with 49 CFR Part 240.

Student Engineer’s shall be responsible for documenting their student time and trips, including supervisory engineer’s acknowledgement of same.


General Manager

April 30, 2008

13 Trainmaster Requirements

To be provided at a later date



(Form 709)

ENGINEER: ___________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: ___________

EYE COLOR: __________ HEIGHT: __________ WEIGHT: _________

This shall confirm that the undersigned has performed visual, hearing, and EKG tests on the above listed Railroad Engineer (or Engineer candidate) and certifies the following:

1) The individual has distant visual acuity of 20/40 (Snelling) under one of these conditions:

a) without corrective lenses. YES NO

b) with corrective lenses separately and binocularly YES NO N/A

2) The individual has a field of vision of at least 70 degrees in the horizontal meridian in each eye.


3) The individual has the ability to recognize and distinguish between the colors of signals (Red/Yellow/Green).


4) The individual has an average hearing loss in the better ear greater than 40 decibels at 500Hz, 1,000Hz, or 2,000Hz, with or without a hearing aid, when tested with a device calibrated to American National Standard Specifications for Audiometers , S3.6-1969.)


5) The individual has had an EKG exam, and is generally fit, mentally and physically, to operate railroad equipment.


MEDICAL EXAMINER: ________________________________________________

LOCATION: ________________________________________________

DATE: ________________________________________________

Ringoes, NJ





|Name |

|Address |

|City / State / Zip |

|Phone |

|Work Phone |

|Fax |

|Cell Phone |

|Email |

|Qualifications |

|Book(s) needed (and format if applicable) |

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|Requesting Officer |

|Date of Request |

Please fax request to: 908-782-0134 or email same information to KBurenga@







Topics discussed:


|Name |Address |City / State / Zip |Cell Phone |

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Meeting held by _____________________________________________________________________






|Date |Assignment |Sign-up Location |Sign In |Sign-Out |Hours |Approved |

| | | | | |On duty | |

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|Employee Personal Information |

| | | | |

|Name: _______________________________ |Date of Birth:___/___/___ |

|Address: _________________________________________________________________ |

|City: ___________________________ |State: _______ |Zip: _____________ |

|Home Phone: ____________________ |Work Phone: ______________________ |

|Cell: ___________________________ |Fax: _____________________________ |

|E-Mail: _______________________________________________ | |

|In Case of Emergency (ICE*) contact: ____________________________ | |

| Relationship: _______________ At phone: ___________________ (During duty hours) |

| Alternate phone: ___________________ | | |

|Note: All new employees are required to be a member of the either the Black River Railroad Historical Trust, Inc., or the New York Susquehanna & |

|Western Technical & Historical Society during the first year as an employee of the Black River Railroad System. Membership after the first year is |

|optional. |

| | | | |

|Employer: ___________________________ |Occupation: _________________________ |

|Employer Address: ___________________________________________________________ |

|Employer Phone: ______________________ |Point of Contact: _____________________ |

| | | | |

|For personnel who have railroading experience fill in Columns 1, 2 & 3. All other personnel fill in only Column 3. |

|  |1. Qualified by RR & date |2. Currently a Student |3. Interested in becoming |

|Trainman |  |  |  |

|Brakeman |  |  |  |

|Conductor |  |  |  |

|Fireman |  |  |  |

|Engineer - Diesel |  |  |  |

|Engineer - Steam |  |  |  |

|Railroad Reference: _______________________________________________________________ |

|Point of contact: ________________________ Position: ____________ Phone: ________________ |

| | | | |

|Prefer to work on, or to be assigned as follows (use reverse side for additional space): |

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|Unable to work as follows (use reverse side for additional space): | |

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| | | | |

|Signed: _________________________________ |Date: _______________ |

| | | | |

|Membership is current in BRRHT / NYSWT&HS |Certified by Officer: _______________________ |

|Initial Safety Training conducted on: ___/___/___ |Given at: ___________ By: _________________ |

| | | | |

|NOTE: * - It is recommended by Emergency Personnel and First Responders to program an ICE number into your cell phone in the event you may become |

|incapacitated so that your ICE Point Of Contact can be contacted promptly. |


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