Prayer -

The Living Word Part II

As we have learned from Part-I the Word of God is true, accurate and can be trusted. We can

govern the our affairs of life from it and teach it to others and they will also be the better from

applying it’s truths to their life as well. This part will cover the personal aspect from the Word in

how we can make it apply to our lives.

A] Luke 6:48 The house built upon the foundation of the Word. When our house is built upon

the Rock (Jesus), it will stand!!! It is a well known fact that structures such as bridge bottoms,

highways and skyscrapers all have the greatest stability when built upon solid rock. The pilings

are driven deep into the bed rock and in many cases cemented on top of that. (cement = liquid


1] John 1:1-3 The same one whom is called the Rock is called the Word, Jesus is the Word. So this written Word you read is actually words from the “Living Word”.

2] So let’s look at some verses that will provide the bed rock for our stability and growth in the Lord.

a] Psalm 119:105; Thy Word is a lamp, a verse to keep us out of out of darkness

b] Roman 10:17 Faith comes from this Word.

c] Romans 12: 1-2, Word gives us the ability to renew mind, we sure need that.

d] I Cor 3:10-11 No better foundation (Rock) can be laid than was laid- Christ.

e] II Tim 3:16 Need some Godly instruction? Word is of the best.

f] I Peter 2:2 Desire the sincere milk of the Word, want strong spiritual bones?

g] Eph 6:17 A defensive weapon, take unto you the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

h] Psalm 119:9, John 15:3; Spiritual cleanliness, Like to feel clean? Take heed to the Word.

I] Isaiah 26:3 Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee.

j] Psalm 119:103 How sweet are thy words unto my taste, cultivate a love for the Word.

3] Progressive (or unfolding) Revelation of the Word of God and the God of the Word.

a] Psalm 19:1 written on nature, The heavens declare thy Glory,

b] Romans 2:15, written in our conscience.

c] Ex 24:12 written on tables of stone. Tablets of stone,

d] Romans 15:4 The Entire Scriptures. Complete Word, the Bible.

e] John 1:14 Christ the illustrated edition. The Word was made flesh!

f] Hebrews 8:10 Written on the heart, I will put my laws in their mind and heart.

g] II Cor 3:2,3 The outward Christian life- Living Epistles, You are our epistle, known and read of all men. This is what we are working towards.

4] So much has been written, much more could be said, but enough to get one started in the right direction.


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