Worship/Puppet Show March 2, 2008

Worship/Puppet Show March 2, 2008

The Last Supper/Communion

Mark 14:12-16, 22-25


Songs: Praise Him, Praise Him, All you little children, God is love, God is love. (repeat)

Thank Him, Thank Him, All you little children, God is love, God is love. (repeat)

Love Him, Love Him, All you little children, God is love, God is love. (repeat)

Song about last week’s lesson: The wise man built his house upon the rock

The wise man built his house upon the rock

The wise man built his house upon the rock

And the rain came tumbling down.

The rain came down and the flood came up

The rain came down and the flood came up

The rain came down and the flood came up

And the wise man’s house stood firm.

The foolish man built his house upon the sand

The foolish man built his house upon the sand

The foolish man built his house upon the sand

And the rain came tumbling down

The rain came down and the flood came up

The rain came down and the flood came up

The rain came down and the flood came up

And the foolish man’s house went SPLAT.

Song about today’s lesson (to the tune of London Bridge):

Jesus ate a special meal, special meal, special meal

Jesus ate a special meal, with his helpers.

Our story today is about that special meal we just sang about. We call it “The Last Supper”.

Jesus wanted his disciples to remember him, and having this special meal was one way to do that. We still have this special meal today in our church – we call it “Communion”. Have you ever been in big church when everyone goes down front and has bread and grape juice?

Whiskers: [pops up] Yes, Miss Tina, I’ve seen everyone take communion in big church.

Narrator: Hello, Whiskers. It’s good to see you this morning. You’ve been to big church and seen Communion?

Whiskers: Oh, yes! My parents took me and my brothers and sisters and we got to go up to the front and everything!

Narrator: That’s great, Whiskers. Why don’t you tell us what happens during communion?

Whiskers: Well, the whole service is pretty long. First, there’s a person up in the front wearing a long robe and he says some stuff about remembering and about breaking bread and cups and things.

Narrator: That’s the minister up there and he’s reminding us why the meal is special. He’s reminding us that it was Jesus himself that told us to have this special meal and think about him. And now, two thousand years later, we’re still eating the meal and remembering him just like he told his helpers

Whiskers: Wow! That’s pretty neat! Then after he finishes speaking, we all line up and go to the front of the church and kneel down and one of the people in robes comes by and gives us a little piece of bread and a very tiny glass with juice in it. It’s not much of a meal.

Narrator: Well, Whiskers, it’s not the size of the meal that matters. What matters is that we’re doing what Jesus said. We’re remembering him. The bread and the juice are a way of showing Jesus that we remember him. All over the world, people still eat this special meal to remember Jesus. Some of them do it differently than we do.

Some of them have the bread and juice brought to them where they’re sitting instead of kneeling so that everyone can eat or drink at exactly the same time.

Some of them all drink from one big cup instead of using little cups.

Some of them all sit around a table and eat at the same time.

Some of them sit on the floor and eat bread that looks flat instead of all fluffy.

Whiskers: I think I’d like the ones where you don’t have to kneel down. It’s hard for a fish to kneel. We don’t have any knees. Or legs. It’s also kind of hard to get the bread with our flippers. At our church they have to put the bread right into our mouths. We just do this. [opens mouth and faces up … like a fish] Ahhhhhhhhhh.

Narrator: Whiskers, it doesn’t matter where you take communion, just that you remember why you’re doing it. Right now the grown-ups upstairs are having communion. Maybe we can go next time!

Whiskers: That would be great! I like having communion. See you later!

Tina: bye Whiskers! See you next time.

Closing prayer.


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