Gardena Moneta Lodge 372

Gardena Moneta Lodge 372

Free & Accepted Masons of the State of California

Gardena Masonic Center

1250 W. 155th St., Gardena, CA 90247

(310) 329-3372 --

Volume 12 Issue 02

Masonry a Way of Life


February 2012

More than a month has passed into the New Year and there is still a lot to be done. And for the brothers who were not able to come to the Lodge this will keep you abreast.

The brethren have continued to support the programs and policies of the Lodge, especially that of belt tightening and cost cutting measures. They continued to step up to the plate when opportunity presents itself. Bro Emil Florita celebrated his birthday with us and brought food for our stated meeting dinner this month. In kind, Bro Dana Wyatt, PM provided the cake. We will continue this program for the rest of the year.

Bro Lawrence Salomon donated a number of office furniture and computer equipment. Some of the donated items can be used by the Lodge and the others for our Rummage Sale.

The Inter-Lodge Basketball has already started last month and our team is getting stronger. And the inter color basketball is about to begin.

Masonic education is in full steam. Every Lodge degree and meeting is followed by video presentations and lectures about Masonry presented by Bros. Frank Lizardo and Rene Esmane under the able stewardship of Worshipful Morel Callueng as Committee Chair. We celebrated Valentine's Day with better halves last Saturday, February 11th. And, though the attendance was a less than expected, that did not stop us from having fun. Bro. Jiggs Dejesa stepped up to the plate and headed the committee to plan and prepare for this event. And he had the full and loving support of Sis Naomi. All the brethren enjoyed the party and fun games. Congratulations Bro Jiggs and Sis Naomi for a job well done.

Bro Jun B. Worshipful Master

MAR 02 MAR 4 MAR 09 MAR 16 MAR 23-25

March 2012 (proposed)

Stated Meeting and Dinner LA Service Bureau GM Annual Breakfast Ritual Practice Degree Conferrals SW/WM Retreat ? Newport Beach

February 2012

Gardena Moneta Lodge #372

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We have just conferred Fellow craft degree for Brother(s) Ramon Florita & Mel Nodalo last January 27, 2012. I was emotionally touched by the strong desire of Brother Florita despite the current situation of his wife who was at that time needs his attention and requiring medical emergency. He came to the lodge a little late though, but he managed to make up for the time to complete his 2nd degree conferral and it really impressed upon me seeing in him the quality of a better man. Both Mel Nodalo and Mel Florita, even beforehand, have already shown exemplary performance in the lodge and I for one could attest to that.

Our new approved approach in the lodge on how we welcome anyone who wish to knock on our door really inspired hopefuls, by first being introduced and soak with this Masonic Education "What is Masonry and How does Masons Work" "To be good and true, is the first lesson we are taught in Masonry", and in this criteria we are incline to produce good masons from its inceptions, moreover, they have to undergo a more stiffer "criminal background check", it now all depends on their sincerity to proceed with their journey.

While we always welcome any constructive ideas for the benefit of the lodge, we should not however, allow ourselves to act in an unpopular manner that will only waste valuable time of other brethren wanting to go home to their families on time, particularly in an open lodge (February 3 stated meeting) presenting issues, devoid of a substance, frivolous and personal in nature. We have several committees created by our sitting Master in the Lodge who should address issues, which saves our time of a prolong discussions; let us keep up the tranquility in the lodge with "Brotherly Love". If we all remember that portion in our 3rd degree obligation which states that; "I was never to loose sight of the use of that valuable instrument by which we are taught to circumscribe our desires and keep our passion within due bounds towards all mankind, particularly our brethren in Freemasonry". It is always beneficial to everyone of us by consulting and reading our CMC and Cipher from time to time, in keeping us abreast with that which always reminds us that we proud ourselves Masons as raw models to our families, workplace, friends, neighbors and society in general.

Our candidate coaches are really doing great for the lodge, I am looking forward that they won't get tired in this feat. Thank you for your great contributions to our lodge. "May peace and Harmony always prevail upon each and every one of us"

Fraternally Charlie Ponce Senior Warden


My Brethren, This message should have been posted in the February Trestleboard but I missed the deadline. First of all, I

would like to thank the Brethren who have elected me as the Junior Warden of this lodge. It is a great honor. With God's help and the teamwork of all the officers and an outstanding group of Brothers, I know that the journey for the 2012 Masonic year will be successful.

I have always felt that being equal was one of the most important features in Masonry. On one side of the balance scale is "Truth", on the other "Equality". As long as these two elements are in balance in a Lodge there is HARMONY, otherwise chaos is possible.

`Would like to extend my appreciation to Bro. Frank Lizardo in his effort for extending his time after every meeting by giving a Masonic Education to the candidates and brothers. It would not only enlighten the candidates and the Brethren in their masonic journey but would also help in membership retention. A special mention also to our Brother Teofilo Rosario who donated the 22"? wooden Masonic seal from the Philippines, and Brother Marshal Dan Ibanez for mounting it.

Let us all strive to serve in harmony and the good of all, and maintain that high level of professionalism that this Lodge has attained. I'm looking forward to another great year. Again, thank you. See you in the Lodge.

Rommel Macoy Junior Warden

February 2012

Gardena Moneta Lodge #372

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A relevant material for Masonic Education. This was lifted from the California Grand Lodge website. In ancient times within Masonry in the United Stated there was a custom of opening the Holy Bible to certain passages of scripture that best captures the essence of the involved Degree. The following are the sections used most often for the indicated Degrees. NOTE: This is not a current ritual requirement in California, if it ever was. The first degree stresses unity and harmony and hence the Bible is opened to the 133rd Psalm, which says, "Behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in Unity." The second degree teaches the uses and application of the more complicated tools and implements and is opened to that Amos 7:7 -8, which says in part, "And behold, the Lord stood upon a wall made by a plumb-line with a plumb-line in His hand." The most widely accepted interpretation of the Scripture of the third degree is that these verses are a picture of approaching old age and that the various references are to parts of the body and is opened to that of Ecclesiastes, Chapter 12. Here is a combination of several interpretations: ? "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth ..." Emphasis is on NOW; remember him NOW, not tomorrow, not

next week, but NOW. ? "... while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them ..." This is a warning to youth of approaching old age. ? "... while the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars be nor darkened ..." This refers to failing eyesight, or the darkening of the heavenly bodies that forbodes evil or disaster. ? "... nor the clouds return after the rain ..." As soon as one storm ceases another follows; trouble follows trouble in old age; or tears are dried only to be followed by more as sorrows and partings increase. ? "... in the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the strong men shall bow themselves ..." This refers to the legs and, possibly, the backbone. ? "... and the grinders cease because they are few ..." This can be interpreted as loss of teeth. ? "... and those that look out of the windows be darkened ..." This can be failing eyesight. The eyes look out below the eye lids that open and shut like the casements of a window. ? "... and the doors shall be shut in the streets ..." This means the lips or ears, or both. With teeth gone and the gums shrunken, the lips are closed tightly to keep the food from dropping out, or the ears are closed to sound ? deafness. ? "... when the sound of the grinding is low ..." Grinding of family flour was a noisy proceeding; loss of hearing in old age would result in this being heard faintly. Or, with the teeth gone and the mouth tightly closed, the sound of mastication would be scarcely heard. ? "... and he shall rise up at the sound of the bird..." This is the fitful slumber of age that is disturbed by so slight a noise as the song of a bird, or reference may have been to the crowing of the cock. ? "... and all the daughters of music shall be brought low ..." The vocal chords lose their timber and the ears are no longer attuned to catch the strains of music. ? "Also when they shall be afraid of that which is high, and fears shall be in the way ..." This means loss of courage to ascend high places, loss of courage to attempt to overcome difficulties, fearful imagination, failing initiative. ? "... and the almond tree shall flourish ..." The white hair of age. The almond tree, first to bloom in the spring, blooms on bare limbs; its pink blossoms soon turn to white and the tree has the appearance of the head of an old man. ? "... and the grasshopper shall be a burden ..." So light a thing as a grasshopper becomes a burden; things lightly considered in youth become a burden in old age. ? "... and desire shall fail ..." The caper-berry, which was eaten before meals as a provocative of appetite, shall fail to take effect on a man whose powers are exhausted. The old no longer desire for the pleasures of youth. The old no longer enjoy transitory pleasures. ? "... and all these things are about to happen because man is about to go to his long home (the grave) and the (hired) mourners will go about the streets. Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken; or the pitcher be broken at the fountain; or the wheel broken at the cistern." One interpretation is that silver chord is either the spinal marrow or the soul; the golden bowl is the head, or the brain; the pitcher is the heart, or the great vein which carries the blood to the heart, the latter represented by the fountain and the cistern. ? Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." After a doleful picture of old age, the allegory concludes with the beautiful and cheering promise of life beyond the grave, with the promise that death is not annihilation. It is fitting that a Masonic lesson thus be concluded.

Source: Masonic Information for Stated Meetings Compiled by Jack R. Levitt Past Grand Master of California

February 2012

2012 Committee Chairmen

Audit: Lee Razalan Budget and Finance: Dana Wyatt, PM Child ID Program: Al Fowler PM, Civic Recognition Day: Ed Labinpuno Constitutional Observance: Lamberto Dejesa Entertainment: Cris Bayani Funeral: Ira Waterman, PM Hiram Award: Charlie Ponce Investment Committee: Dana Wyatt, PM, Lodge Ambassador: Javier Villanueva Masonic Education: Morel Callueng, PM Masonic Service Bureau: Victor Lerma, PM Membership/Retention: Nathan Zipagan, PM Officers Coach: Morel Callueng PM Public Schools: JV Villanueva Refreshment : Rommel Macoy Restoration: Dan Ibanez Sickness and Visitation: Lee Razalan Trestle Board Editor: Ken Martin PM, Ken@ Web Master: Rommel Macoy webmaster@ Widows: Scott Carter DeMolay Cris Araula, PM Basketball Flor Cabanatan, PM/ Richard Pangan Billards Jun Valencia Bowling Charlie Ponce Camping RJ Diaz Ways & Means Lawrence Salmon

Gardena Moneta Lodge #372 Birthdays

01 Emilio Florita Jr. 02 Marc Bundalian 07 William O'Neil 08 Michael Paysan 09 Albert Bell 09 Irvin L. Aldrich 10Teofilo A. Guadiz IV 10 Joseph Romero Jr 14 Maher H. Zarrouf 15 Amando Enrico PM 15 William Simmonds 15 Amando De La Rosa Enrico 16 Donald Lynch 16 Jerry Layhee 17 Adrian Formanez 17 Vincent B. Valeriano 18 Morel R. Callueng 20 Edwin Monnie

Stated Meetings

First Friday @ 7:30 Dinner @ 6:30

All Master Masons are welcome.

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2012 Lodge Officers

Master Jose J. Bernabe Jr.

Senior Warden Charlie A. Ponce

Junior Warden Rommel L. Macoy

Treasurer Dana Wyatt P.M.

Secretary Nathan A. Sipagan P.M.

Chaplin Lamberto Q. Dejesa

Asst. Secretary Lawrence Solomon

Senior Deacon Javier M. Villanueva

Junior Deacon Renato M. Esmane

Marshall Dan Q. Ibanez

Senior Steward Anthonio M. Halili

Junior Steward Constantino L. Nocon

Lodge Organist Nathaniel D. Silva

Tiler Eduardo T. Labingpuno

District 1006 Inspector Freddie Davis PM

Trestleboard Editor: Ken Martin, PM, 310-770-7422 E-Mail Ken@


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