Links to Votes

|Links to Votes |

|Legislation Alerts/Contacting Officials |

|Abigail Adams Project : |

|Comment: Our comprehensive voter guides address Constitutional issues with non-partisan voter educationand give the power back to the |

|people! The Abigail Adams Project is Nationwide! |

|ACT for America Legislative Action Center : |

|Description: ACT for America |

|Comment: Welcome To The ACT! for America Legislative Action Center You can make a big difference in just 5 minutes. That's all it will|

|take to learn the issues and send an email to your elected officials. The actions of our government have an enormous impact on the |

|lives of you and your family, and we hope you'll use this site to learn about things that matter to you. |

|All Roll Calls - OpenCongress : |

|Comment: A non-profit, non-partisan public resource Everyone can be an insider. |

|Bear Witness ACTION ALERTS : |

| |

|Campaign For Liberty : |

|Description: Official website of the Campaign For Liberty. Our mission is to promote and defend the great American principles of |

|individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a noninterventionist foreign policy, by means of |

|educational and political activity. |

|Comment: Our mission is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound |

|money, free markets, and a noninterventionist foreign policy, by means of educational and political activity. |

|Citizens in Action - Taking Action to Take America Back! : |

|Description: The CIA was founded for the purpose of uniting groups that are working toward the same goal--restoring America to its |

|roots. |

|Legislative Action Center : |

|Description: ACT for America |

|Members of Congress Representing ZIP code 32086-6830 : |

|Comment: Congress Merge has been providing accurate and reasonably priced data on Congress since 1992. Congress Merge offers a range |

|of data tables, from a full Congressional database with names, contact information, committee/subcommittee assignments, top staffers, |

|biographies and district offices to Congressional mailing labels. Congress Merge also offers a selection of tables that match zip |

|codes to congressional districts. All of which can be purchased online 24/7 for your convenience. Please visit the Products page for a|

|complete listing of the data Congress Merge offers. |

|Patriot Action Network - "ONE MAN WITH COURAGE IS A MAJORITY" Thomas Jefferson : |

|Description: Patriot Action Network is a social network |

|Comment: We are united by our passion for re-establishing Constitution-based liberty and limited government through dialogue, debate, |

|legislation and elections. We invite you to sign up to get your own Patriot Action Home Page and then click here to get started! The |

|official social network of: Grassfire Nation |

|The People Decide - Non-Partisan Political Website, For The People : |

|Description: The purpose of The People Decide is to promote public understanding of congressional legislation (Our target audience are|

|individuals and school classes), encourage members to express their opinion in the form of a vote, allow members to evaluate how they |

|are being represented in Congress, and to increase Congressmen awareness of the will of their constituents. |

|Comment: Our goal is to bring the voice and will of the people to our congressmen and elected officials. The interactive nature of |

|this website allows our members to cast votes for every major bill that goes through Congress. You can also discuss and debate the |

|issues with other community members, track the bills progression and view the voting records of our congressmen. Diligent |

|participation by our members will allow congressmen to see exactly how the people feel on the issues facing us today. The People |

|Decide is a NON-PARTISAN website and is not affliated or funded by any political party, special interest groups or lobbyists. The only|

|interests we represent are the voices of our member community! |

|U.S. Senate: Senators Home : |

|Description: contact_list |

|Comment: Senators of the 112th Congress |

| - Welcome to : |

|Comment: The bills before Congress affect our nation's budget - and yours. tracks the bills in Congress, along |

|with estimates about their costs or savings, when available. To learn more information, comment, or take action, click on a bill. On |

|the Blog: Spending Transparency Gets a Head of Steam |

|Watchmen Resistance Focus Groups - Patriot Action Network : |

|Description: Amnesty Watchmen on Amnesty We Stand with Arizona Auto Industry  Govt. Motors & Take Over of Auto Industry Cap and Trade |

|/ Global Warming Cap and Tr… |

|Comment: VoteEasy™ 2010 is brought to you by Project Vote Smart. Donate Now to support our ongoing updates for the 2012 Election |

|Cycle. |


|Comment: Bear Witness Central is a communication and action group composed of Americans who have experienced Socialism and/or |

|Communism intervention during their lifetime joined by other concerned Americans . We are a non-partisan group and our main objective |

|is to labor to safeguard our Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the American way of life. We are alarmed about the current |

|administration's handling of such issues as Health Care Reform, Cap and Trade, Hate Crime, judicial nominations, excessive taxation |

|and other actions which we believe are infringing on our basic freedoms that are taking us into Socialism. We will provide information|

|and support to other groups who are involved in taking back our Country. We can provide speakers who Bear Witness to life in a |

|Socialist regime. |

|WeRefuse Activist Center - Legislation : |

|Comment: The following are Tenth Amendment Center model bills and resolutions which are intended to reaffirm the proper role of |

|government under the Constitution. Activists, we encourage you to sign the petitions with the below attached legislation. |

|WeRefuse Activist Center - Legislation : |

|Comment: The following are Tenth Amendment Center model bills and resolutions which are intended to reaffirm the proper role of |

|government under the Constitution. Activists, we encourage you to sign the petitions with the below attached legislation. |

|Tea Party Sign up for local Alerts |

|About | First Coast Tea Party : |

|Description: Jacksonville, Florida |

|Comment: The First Coast Tea Party’s mission is to promote the principles of our founding fathers – individual liberty and |

|responsibility, limited government and moral leadership. We believe our mission statement is concise, focused and hopefully speaks to |

|ALL Americans. |

|Home - St. Augustine Tea Party NEW : |

|Description: The home page of the St. Augustine Tea Party |

|Comment: The Saint Augustine Tea Party New Site |

|Tea Party Patriots Live | Archive | Action Alert : |

|Comment: Tea Party Patriots |

|The St. Augustine Tea Party OLD : |

|Description: About the Saint Augustine Tea Party in St. Augustine Florida. |

|Comment: The Saint Augustine Tea Party is dedicated to upholding the principles of smaller, limited government and holding our elected|

|officials accountable to the oath they swore to uphold the U.S. Constitution. The United States remains in great peril as a result of |

|the fiscal negligence by both parties over the last fifty years. There is but a few short years to turn the tide before we suffer a |

|catastrophe that will endanger the stability of the nation and the world. |

|United American Tea Party : |

|Description: Show up at a Tea Party Rally in your local community and let government know you are Taxed Enough Already. We want |

|Liberty not Debt, Cut Taxes and Repeal the Pork |

|Elected Official Tracking |

|About Campaign Financing - Florida Division of Elections - Department of State : |

| |

|Comment: Search for Filed Campaign Documents Campaign documents include qualifying documents, correspondence, audits and Florida |

|Elections Commission activity on file with the Division of Elections. Filing Campaign Reports Candidates and political organizations |

|must file certain campaign reports throughout the election cycle. This page includes helpful information on the electronic filing of |

|campaign reports. Campaign Finance Database |

|Club for growth Scorecard : |

|Description: Our Congressional Scorecard looks at Congressional voting records from the United States House of Representatives and the|

|Senate. |

|Comment: Club for Growth is publishing this scorecard so our members and the public can monitor the actions and the Congressional |

|voting records of members of Congress on economic growth issues. |

|Database of Campaign Finance Legislation : |

| |

|Description: Database of state campaign finance legislation covering all states for the period 2001-2009. |

|Follow The Money - Data Sources : |

|Description: Find more information on Florida such as federal contributions, contribution limits and where we get our data from. |

|Comment: The Institute currently receives its Florida data from the Elections Division of the Department of State. The Institute obtains an |

|electronic database from the state's Web site. |

|Follow The Money Handbook | OpenSecrets : |

|Description: Presenting political news, and the actual political positions of the parties and candidates, as well as disclosing how |

|much campaign money they have raised and where it came from. |

|Comment: Follow The Money: A Handbook for Do-It-Yourself Data-Digging |

|National Taxpayers Union - On Capitol Hill : |

|Comment: America's independent, non-partisan advocate for overburdened taxpayers. NTU’s newest website feature, Talking Taxes, where |

|you can find information about all of the latest action on Capitol Hill and learn about how NTU’s staff is working hard to protect |

|your tax dollars. In Talking Taxes, we’ll include information about what Congress will be debating each week and what taxpayers need |

|to know about upcoming Congressional battles. |

|: Money in Politics -- See Who's Giving & Who's Getting : |

|Description: Presenting political news, and the actual political positions of the parties and candidates, as well as disclosing how |

|much campaign money they have raised and where it came from. |

|Comment: is your nonpartisan guide to money’s influence on U.S. elections and public policy. Whether you’re a voter, |

|journalist, activist, student or interested citizen, use our free site to shine light on your government. Count cash and make change. |

|Outside Spending | OpenSecrets : |

|Description: Presenting political news, and the actual political positions of the parties and candidates, as well as disclosing how |

|much campaign money they have raised and where it came from. |

|Comment: Outside Spending. Campaign contributions and lobbying expenditures are not the only ways that money is used influence public |

|policy decisions. |

|Project Vote Smart - State Political Resources : |

|Description: Project Vote Smart |

|Comment: Biographical Information, Voting Records, Issue Positions,(Political Courage Test), Interest Group Ratings, Campaign Finances|

|Project Vote Smart’s VoteEasy ™ : |

|Description: Project Vote Smart has developed VoteEasy, a powerful and easy way to help you discover which candidate’s views are most |

|closely aligned with your own. |

|Comment: VoteEasy™ 2010 is brought to you by Project Vote Smart. Donate Now to support our ongoing updates for the 2012 Election |

|Cycle. |

|U.S. Vote Tracking |

|Bill Summary & Status - 111th Congress (2009 - 2010) - H.R.5136 - THOMAS (Library of Congress) : |

|: |

|Description: U.S. Legislative information from the Library of Congress |

|Comment: U.S. Legislative information from the Library of Congress |

|C-SPAN | Capitol Hill, The White House and National Politics : |

|Description: "C-SPAN offers gavel to gavel coverage of the U.S. House of Representatives. C-SPAN also offers a variety of public |

|affairs programming including congressional hearings, press briefings from the White House, State Department and Pentagon, campaign |

|and election coverage, and international programming." |

|civics 101 | citizenJoe : |

|Comment: When we think of the "United States of America," we tend to forget that our country is exactly that - a federation, or |

|uniting, of states. If you look at the constitution - or listen to states' rights advocates - you'll be reminded that the states have |

|a lot of powers that were given them when the country was founded. |

| Tracking the U.S. Congress : |

|Description: Track legislation and votes in the United States Congress. |

|Comment: Keep up with the latest legislative activity in Congress using email updates or RSS. |

|Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives HouseLive Beta : |

|Description: The U.S. House of Representatives offers streaming video feeds of the House Floor Proceedings dating back to the |

|beginning of the 111th Congress. |

|Comment: The U.S. House of Representatives offers streaming video feeds of the House Floor Proceedings dating back to the beginning of|

|the 111th Congress. Click Video to watch each session, or click Summary to view the text-only version of the proceedings. Windows |

|Media Player or Silverlight is required to view the videos. |

|Project Vote Smart - American Government, Elections, Candidates and Voting : |

|Description: Project Vote Smart |

|Comment: "In essence, what Project Vote Smart's interns and volunteers have done is ensure that tolerance will no longer be the only |

|option available to the millions of us who are tormented by the issueless rhetoric and often misleading attacks that define |

|contemporary American politics. " |

|Roll Call : |

|Description: Roll Call Newspaper Online - Covering Capitol Hill Since 1955 |

|Comment: Newspaper of Capitol Hill |

|Senate Floor Now : |

|Description: calendars page |

|Comment: The Senate's Legislative Calendar is updated each day the Senate is in session. The calendar, composed of several sections, |

|identifies bills and resolutions awaiting Senate floor actions. |

|Senate Legislation, Congressional Voting Records, United States House of Representatives : |

|Description: Our Congressional Scorecard looks at Congressional voting records from the United States House of Representatives and the|

|Senate. |

|THOMAS (Library of Congress) : |

|Description: The Library of Congress THOMAS site is the source for federal legislative information. THOMAS provides several options |

|for finding bills, resolutions, and legislative histories from 1973 to the present. Legislative information can be searched across |

|multiple Congresses. THOMAS is also the source for presidential nominations, treaties, committee reports, legislative resources for |

|researchers and teachers. THOMAS draws on the resources of the Library of Congress to provide users with valuable and historical |

|information related to the legislative process. |

|Comment: In the spirit of Thomas Jefferson, legislative information from the Library of Congress |

|Florida Vote Tracking |

|About Campaign Financing - Florida Division of Elections - Department of State : |

| |

|Comment: Search for Filed Campaign Documents, Campaign Finance Reporting, Filing Campaign Reports, Campaign Finance Database. |

|C-SPAN | Capitol Hill, The White House and National Politics : |

|Description: "C-SPAN offers gavel to gavel coverage of the U.S. House of Representatives. C-SPAN also offers a variety of public |

|affairs programming including congressional hearings, press briefings from the White House, State Department and Pentagon, campaign |

|and election coverage, and international programming." |

|Comment: Your Resource for Campaign 2012 the Latest from Congress, and Politics Around the Country |

|Capitol Branch Services - Division of Library & Information Services - Florida Department of State : |

| |

|Description: The State Library and Archives' Capitol Branch provides priority information and research services to the members and |

|staff of the Florida Legislature. |

|Comment: The State Library and Archives' Capitol Branch is located within the Florida Department of State's Division of Library and |

|Information Services. |

|Florida : Online Sunshine : |

|Comment: Legislative Sites |

|Flsenate Archive: Welcome : |

|Comment: This archive site contains data prior to 2011. For current information, please go to . |

|Online Sunshine Legislative Sites : |

|Comment: Legislative Sites |

|State Government Offices, Local US Government, City Government and Federal Government : |

|Description: A frequently updated directory of official state and local government websites. US Government links to cities, counties, |

|and state agencies. State Government Offices |

|Comment: The State and Local Government Internet directory provides convenient one-stop access to the websites of thousands of state |

|agencies and city and county governments. |

|Sunlight Agenda 2011 - Policy Center - Sunlight Foundation : |

|Comment: Public oversight, civic participation and electoral engagement—the stuff of democratic accountability—all depend on a |

|transparent, open government. |

|The Florida Senate - The Florida Senate : |

|Description: Portal to the Florida state Senate. Information on individual Senators, committees, bills, session calendars, |

|publications and lobbyists. |

|Comment: About the Legislature The Florida Senate is one-half of the Florida Legislature, which makes up the legislative branch of |

|Florida government. The Senate is composed of 40 members, each elected from single-member districts across the state. The entire |

|Florida Legislature meets every year in a session beginning on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March and lasting 60 |

|calendar days. Special sessions may be called either by the Governor or by the leaders of both chambers acting jointly. |

|Generated using Linkman by Outer Technologies |


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