
CLOSINGOffer AcceptanceNegotiate terms with buyer and accept best offer.Open Escrow (Attorney)Open with Escrow or your closing attorney.Change MLS to pendingMark listing pending. Change showing instructions to contact listing agent for access. Change lockbox combo/info so all have to contact your/agent to see house. Seller DisclosuresSend Seller disclosures to escrow/attorney so they can provide to the buyersRehab ReportsSend all reports from rehab to escrow/attorney so they can provide to the buyers.Confirm Buyer's DepositMake sure buyer has given their deposit to escrow/attorney.Property InspectionConfirm when property home inspection is and plan on attending that.Title ReportConfirm that title report has been sent to the buyers.Appraisal PacketPrepare appraisal package to include appraisal cover letter, simplified scope of work with retail project costs, plans, permits, compsAttend Property InspectionMake sure you or your representative attends the home inspection to meet and greet the buyer. You also want to answer any/all questions about the property that the home inspector may have.Appraisal OrderedConfirm that the appraisal has been ordered.Actual AppraisalAttend the appraisal and give the appraiser the appraisal packet you created.Pest ClearanceSchedule any and all pest clearance needed prior to closing.Request for RepairsFollow up with buyer to confirm if there will be any request for repairs following the home inspection.Respond Request for RepairsProvide written response to all buyer requests for repairs.Confirm AppraisalConfirm that the appraisal is in and lender has it.Confirm Response to RepairsConfirm that buyer has responded and agreed to our final decision on all request for repairs.Inspection ContingenciesConfirm dates on inspection contingencies and that buyer has and will be removing all on schedule.Buyer's LoanFollow up continually with lender, escrow/attorney, agents, etc. that buyers loan is progressing.Appraisal ContingencyConfirm dates on appraisal contingencies and that buyer has and will be removing all on schedule.Loan ContingencyConfirm dates on loan contingencies and that buyer has and will be removing all on schedule.De-StagingSchedule de-staging ahead of time so it does not delay the closing.CLOSING (continued)Send Pest ClearanceMake sure buyer receives any/all pest clearance.Loan DocsConfirm loan docs have been ordered.Signing Loan DocsConfirm when buyers will be signing loan docs.Down PaymentConfirm buyer down payment is into lender.Buyers RepairsConfirm all buyer agreed upon request for repairs are complete.Final Walk ThruConfirm date and time of the final walk thru and plan on attending.Loan Doc SigningConfirm when loan docs will be signed.Loan FundingConfirm when loan will be funded.Confirmation of RecordingConfirm recording by having escrow/attorney send an email confirmation of recording. SOLDMLS to SoldChange the MLS listing to SOLD.Remove SignageRemove ALL signs from and around the property.Remove LockboxMake sure you remove the lockbox.UtilitiesMake sure you cancel ALL utilities and remove out of your name - gas, electric, trash, water, sewer, oil, etc.CAW!Send CAW (celebrate all win) email out to you team and post on FortuneBuilders Mastery Facebook.FOLLOW-UPBuyers GiftSend buyers gift and Thank You card out.Feedback/SurveySend survey or feedback email out to agents and buyer.Call BuyerCall buyer to make sure they got moved in okay. (Optional if you have their information)TestimonialFollow up call with the buyer for testimonialAgentsCall agents and say Thank You. Discuss future business.FB WinsBE SURE and go to to share deal with all of Mastery! ................

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