Clean Water: Delaware’s Clear Choice Campaign43129200HB270 House Committee Hearing Social Media GuideFor March 28, 2018 On March 28, 2018, the Delaware House Natural Resources Committee will be considering the Clean Water for Delaware Act (HB270). This committee hearing is an important first step in the bill becoming law. The Clean Water for Delaware Act (HB270) establishes a Clean Water Trust that will provide a dedicated funding stream for water quality and flood abatement projects in Delaware. HB270 provides additional funding for improvements to wastewater systems, flood reduction initiatives, innovative toxic removal technologies, and investments in drinking water quality. Below, you will find sample Facebook and Twitter posts and social media images that illustrate support for HB270. These posts encourage members of the House Natural Resources Committee to support the bill and release it for a full vote in Delaware’s House of Representatives. We ask that you (either as an organization or personally – or both!) please use these posts (feel free to edit as needed) to illustrate the widespread support for HB270 and the need for HB270 to pass the Delaware legislature! Note: Our campaign’s hashtag is #CleanWaterDE ! Please use this hashtag in any posts related to HB270 so we can find and share your posts! You will also see some posts include a “#netDE” hashtag. This hashtag is used by reporters and decision makers like legislators to search what people in Delaware are talking about on Twitter. Below the sample posts we have outlined each member of the House Natural Resources Committee and their social media presence. Please feel free to tag or mention any or all of these members in your posts! If you have any questions, please contact Chris Klarich at chrisk@ or Danni Dick at danni@. Continue to next page for sample posts. Facebook Posts If You Live in a Member of the House Natural Resources Committee’s District (See List Below) I live in [TAG LEGISLATOR HERE]’s district and care about clean water! Please support HB270, the Clean Water for Delaware Act this Wednesday! #CleanWaterDE [TAG YOUR LEGISLATOR HERE], there are still communities in Delaware that don’t have access to clean drinking water. You have the power to ensure everyone has clean drinking water by supporting the Clean Water for Delaware Act (HB270). Vote this bill out of committee on March 28! #CleanWaterDE [USE IMAGE BELOW TO ACCOMPANY POST] If You Are Attending the Hearing This week, I will be attending the House Natural Resources Committee meeting in Dover in support of HB270, the Clean Water for Delaware Act. I’m asking committee members to support this bill, too! [TAG ANY RELEVANT LEGISLATORS AND USE AN IMAGE FROM BELOW] Clean water is a cornerstone of our organization’s mission. Join us and the many voices that support clean water for generations to come at the House Natural Resources Committee hearing on March 28! #CleanWaterDE [TAG ANY RELEVANT LEGISLATORS] If You Can’t Attend Hearing and Don’t Live/Work in a Committee Members’ District @RepDebraHeffernan: Clean water is important to me because (INSERT PERSONAL REASON HERE: EXAMPLES COULD INCLUDE BEING A MOM; LOVE TO FISH/HIKE/BOAT; LOVE EATING SEAFOOD; BASEMENT FLOODS ALL THE TIME, ETC). I hope the bill is passed by the House Natural Resources Committee on March 21 so we are one step closer to even cleaner water here in #netDE! #CleanWaterDE [USE AN IMAGE FROM BELOW] 90% of Delaware’s waterways are polluted. But @RepDebraHeffernan and the House Natural Resources Committee can join the thousands of Delawareans supporting the Clean Water for Delaware Act (HB270) to help improve our water quality this Wednesday! Twitter Posts If You Live in a Member of the House Natural Resources Committee’s District (See List Below) I live in [TAG LEGISLATOR HERE]’s Rep. District and care about #cleanwater! Please support HB270, the Clean Water for Delaware Act this Wednesday! #netDE #CleanWaterDE [USE AN IMAGE FROM BELOW] [TAG YOUR LEGISLATOR HERE], there are still communities in Delaware that don’t have access to #cleanwater. You have the power to ensure everyone has drinking water by supporting the Clean Water for Delaware Act (HB270). Vote this bill out of committee! #CleanWaterDE [USE IMAGE BELOW TO ACCOMPANY POST] If You Are Attending the Hearing This week, I will be attending the House Natural Resources Committee in support of HB270, the Clean Water for Delaware Act. I’m asking committee members to support this bill, too! [TAG ANY RELEVANT LEGISLATORS AND USE AN IMAGE FROM BELOW] Clean water is a cornerstone of our organization’s mission. Join us and the many voices that support #cleanwater at the House Natural Resources Committee hearing on March 21! #CleanWaterDE [TAG ANY RELEVANT LEGISLATORS] HYPERLINK "" If You Can’t Attend Hearing and Don’t Live/Work in a Committee Members’ District 90% of Delaware’s waterways are polluted. But @RepDebraHeffernan and the House Natural Resources Committee can join the thousands of Delawareans that support #cleanwater by voting HB270 out of committee this Wed! #CleanWaterDE [WITH ONE OF THE BELOW IMAGES] Over 10% of Delaware’s economy is related to tourism. And tourism is related to #cleanwater. @RepDebraHeffernan and Nat. Resources Committee: join us in supporting more funding for clean water projects through the Clean Water for Delaware Act! #CleanWaterDE #netDE [WITH ONE OF THE IMAGES BELOW] Continue to next page for House Natural Resource Committee membership informationand social media images. Members of the House Natural Resources Committee and Their Social Media Accounts House MemberRD #FacebookTwitterDebra Heffernan, Chair6Has a public Facebook page, which can be found at or by typing "@RepDebraHeffernan" in your Facebook post.@DebraHeffernanMike Mulrooney, Vice Chair17Has public Facebook page, which can be found at or by typing in "@RepMulrooney" in your post. Twitter handleQuinton Johnson8Has public Facebook page, which can be found at or by typing "@RepQuinnJohnson" in your post. No Twitter handleDavid Bentz18Has a public Facebook page, which can be found at or by typing "@RepDavidBentz" in your post.@DaveBentzJohn Kowalko25Has a public Facebook page, which can be found at or by typing "@KowalkoForThe25th" in your Facebook post. No Twitter handleGerald Brady4Has a public Facebook page, which can be found at or by typing "@StateRepGeraldBrady" in your Facebook post.No Twitter handleTrey Paradee29Has a public Facebook page, which can be found at or by typing "@RepParadee" in your Facebook post.@treyparadeeRon Gray38No Facebook accountNo Twitter handleRichard Collins41No Facebook accountNo Twitter handleCharles Postles33Has a public Facebook page, which can be found at or by typing "@Postles33rd" in your Facebook post.@Postles33rdWilliam Carson28Has a personal Facebook pageNo Twitter handle Continue to next page for social media images. Images for Social Media Images are 800 x 800 dpi. Right click to save an image. ................

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