Reasons for Nixon’s Election Victory - 1968/1972

|Reasons for Nixon’s Election Victory - 1968/1972 |Reasons for Ford’s Election Failure & Carter’s Victory |Reasons for Carter’s Election Failure & Reagan’s Victory |

|Silent Majority/ Middle America – 55% of population & Southern Strategy |- 1976 |- 1980 |

|Disliked demands of blacks, hippies, feminists (Miss A) & gays (Archie Bunker( |Nixon fiasco |Carter’s personal failures |

|meant to be an exaggeration) |Ford’s decision to pardon Nixon following his resignation sparked rumours of a |Lost a debate against Reagan. Carter seen as ‘sanctimonious’. |

|Promised tax cuts: ( for poor workers |‘buddy deal’ |Admitted defeat ‘America was not what she was’. |

|Promised to deal with youth( avoided being drafted to Vietnam (wealthy college |Ford’s poor media image |Told America to ‘pull together’ ( blamed for problems |

|kids & black rioters) |‘Clumsy’ – falling on ski slopes and tripping down airplane ramp of Air Force |C seen throwing up whilst jogging ( unfit |

|Didn’t support de-segregation (85% felt blacks wanted too much, too fast) |One |Reagan’s personality & policies |

|Spiro Agnew (running mate) appealed to Middle America. |New York Magazine – portrayed as Bozo the Clown |Affable, easy-going & smooth. Previously a movie star. |

|Effective Electioneering Techniques |Unelected (Nixon resigns, Agnew resigns) ( press felt it had a right to |Sense of humour e.g. debate with C - ‘aw shucks’ |

|‘Sex appeal’ – Nixon’s daughter & Eisenhower’s grandsons’ engagement provided |criticize F more than normal President. |Tough on crime, death penalty, anti-abortion & was a Cold Warrior. |

|‘glamour’ N lacked. |Ford blamed for economic decline - made a scapegoat |Dire economy situation |

|Used Eisenhower’s popularity. E on his deathbed claimed that N winning would |Rising inflation &oil prices, rising unemployment = 6% |Stagflation & oil crisis is worsening: shortages & ( prices. |

|give him a ‘lift’ |Changing decisions over taxes; raises taxes, cuts taxes ( confuses electorate |Unemployment increasing = 8.2 million |

|Colour TV: after failure of 1960 debate, N consistently had a ‘Florida’ tan & |Bad relationship with Congress |Reagan promised deregulation of business, tax cuts & public spending cuts. |

|taught how to speak publically & appear dignified. |F used his veto 66 times in 29 months. Congress overrode his veto 12 times ( |Foreign Policy |

|‘Peace in honour’ – Vietnam |electorate sees F as |Hostage situation – Iranians seized US embassy with 60 hostages. Constant news |

|Everyone hated the war (Tet Offensive publicised how US were failing) |unable to get along with Congress |coverage ( Carter seen as indecisive. |

|(1972 election) Vietnamisation |Dem. disliked F, but so did Rep. for pardoning Nixon. |Corruption |

|Weakness of Democrats |Lacked ‘power to persuade’, charisma & leadership to convince Congress. |C’s brother, Billy Carter, admitted to accepting a $220,000 donation from the |

|Bobby Kennedy assassinated (otherwise v. popular) |Lost right-wing support with foreign policy |Libyan government. |

|LBJ seen as failure ( Dem seen as failure too. |Helsinki Conference: F seen to agree with communism & officials criticised his |Conclusion |

|Dem candidates Humphrey vs. McCarthy @ Chicago conv. Humphrey aide swore at |close relationship with USSR |Inadequate dealing with problems, worsening economic problems as well as foreign |

|McCarthy – televised. |Vietnam - Laos & Cambodia fall to communism. US seen to lose in Vietnam, wasted|relations. Reagan is more charismatic & gives a fresh new approach. Reagan is the|

|(1972 election) Dem candidate McGovern = too radical/liberal & running mate had |effort? Lost RESPECT for USA |IMPORTANT factor, but the economic failings are the LINK. |

|psychiatric treatment previously. |(Carter) | |

|(1972 election) SALT Treaty with USSR, détente with China |Seen as innocent to the corruption of Washington; | |

|Conclusion |‘I will never lie’. | |

|Silent majority appeal was the LINK supported by other factors. IMPORTANT. |Promised a national health service, full employment & welfare reform. | |

| |Conclusion | |

| |The way in which the Nixon debacle was dealt with by F & the further | |

| |consequences, set the scene for Ford’s failures ( were the LINK & most | |

| |IMPORTANT factors. | |

|Reasons for Reagan’s |Reasons for Bush’s Election Victory - 1988 |Reasons for Bush’s Election Failure & Clinton’s Victory |

|Re-election Victory - 1984 |Reagan’s endorsement |- 1992 |

|Reagan personally popular |Regan expressed his ringing approval. |Bush’s personal failures |

|Well liked, good attitude. |Reagan had done well & Bush had gained valuable experience as Vice President |Seen as a ‘wimp’ compared to Reagan |

|E.g. dignified way R represented D-Day celebrations in Normandy |for two terms. B had been UN ambassador & CIA Director previously too. |White House referred to as a ‘ship without a rudder’ |

|Made people confident in politics again after the corruption of N & the |Opponent’s blunders |Economic & Foreign failures |

|incompetence of F & C. |Gary Hart, Dem candidate, was photographed on a yacht with a woman, not his |‘Read my lips – no more taxes’ motto was later proven untrue as he raised taxes |

|Economic Upturn |wife, on his knee. He was then replaced as Dem. candidate. |due to clash with Congress. |

|‘Financially good times ( associated with R. |Publicised that Governor Dukakis had vetoed a Bill compelling public |Economic recession – unemployment & BOP deficit increased. |

|Inflation at ( @ 3.8% |schoolteachers to lead the Pledge of Allegiance & had signed a Bill in favour |Gulf War in Kuwait (for oil) was no longer popular & concern whether he ended the|

|Strong on defence |of official weekend leave for convicted criminals. |war properly. |

|Strengthened defences |Bush advertised how convicted murderer Horton perpetrated a rape whilst on |Clinton: politics & personality |

|Stood up against Communism |‘leave’, thus playing on racism (Horton was Black) & crime fears. |C was handsome, charismatic, a brilliant speaker, played the saxophone, seen as |

|Wanted better relations with UK |Dukakis came across aloof & unenthusiastic. |‘hip & cool’ & empathised with the public as he grew up poor. |

|Religious Right |Bush’s promises |He was a right-wing democrat, which appeased many people as he did not seem to |

|Reagan won 72% of the Southern White vote ( The RR. |‘Read my lips – no more taxes’ |liberal/socialist. |

|Anti: Communism, Homosexuality, Crime (1970=783,000 to 1980 = 1.3 million |Campaign Money |Ross Perot; Independent Candidate |

|violent crimes), Sex Education, Abortion, Affirmative Action & Feminism |Rep raised far more money than Dem |Gained 19% of the popular vote; significantly large amount. |

|Democrats |George Bush Junior |Republican’s failings |

|Had a female vice president candidate who was highly unpopular. |Who kicked a serious drinking addiction helped his father relate to the |Rep party was divided. Many different factions representing increasingly |

|Olympics |Religious Right & gave his support. |‘polarized’ opinions. |

|1964 LA Olympics gave a feel good factor. |Press |Bush forced to adopt a more right-wing stance due to pressure within his party. |

|Family Values |Media supported Bush Senior. |Public saw the Rep’s as unelectable due to inter-party tensions & their |

|‘It’s morning again America’ |Conclusion |indecisiveness. |

|Placed emphasis on traditional values. |Voter turnout was lowest since 1942, both candidates were uninspiring. Reagan’s|Conclusion |

|Avoided Press |endorsement & his experience were the most IMPORTANT factors and were the |Economy was the most IMPORTANT factor, as was Clinton’s personality & politics. |

|R’s aides stopped him making any more gaffes. |LINKing factors. |Bush’s policy failures as well as his party’s failures (Republican) were the LINK|

|E.g. 1964 microphone blunder: ‘My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you | |to the consequence allowing Clinton’s strengths to shine through. |

|today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin | | |

|bombing in five minutes’. | | |

|Conclusion | | |

|All factors COMBINED, most IMPORTANT factor is the good economic climate. LINK | | |

|them. | | |

|Reasons for Clinton’s Election Victory - 1996 |Watergate Scandal:1972- 1974 |Impact of Watergate Scandal |

|Economy |Event |Nixon disgraced |

|There was recovery from the early 1990’s recession |June 1972: 5 burglars broke into Dem. HQ & were caught planting bugging devices|Presidency characterised by BIG abuse of power & illegal activity, & had promised|

|Inflation, interest rates & unemployment at their lowest since 1968 |& all related to the Committee for the re-election of the President (CREEP) |to ‘clean up’ US ( liar & crook. |

|Clinton’s personal strengths |President Nixon wins a landslide victory. |N will forever be associated with being corrupt & dishonest despite ‘rags to |

|Excellent public speaker e.g. 1995 after the truck bomb incident where 63 people|Trial |riches’ roots. |

|were killed, Clinton gave a moving speech. |All 5 convicted & senior White House Officials named. |N avoided jail but many members of staff didn’t (Haldeman & Liddy) |

|Fund-raised excellently, e.g. selling overnight stays in the White House Lincoln|Emerges $60 million was raised for Presidential Campaign through pressuring |Damaged office of President & increased public cynicism and disillusionment in US|

|Bedroom. |companies to donate. |politics generally |

|Bob Dole; Rep. candidate’s failures |Nixon accused of involvement but N denies. |Office of the President now seen as ‘imperial’, i.e. much more powerful than US |

|Seen as too old @ 73, frail, lacked charisma & did not seem to enjoy |Battle for the tapes |Constitution intended. |

|campaigning, compared to Clinton. |Emerged that there were recordings of secretly taped conversations |Pre Watergate - 1969: |

|Voters were not impressed with Dole’s economic policies as well as his |Nixon ordered to give tapes. N gives doctored version of tape, & then heavily |56% felt ‘govt will do what is right most of the time’ |

|anti-abortion stance which lost him women voters. Clinton got 54% of women’s |edited transcripts. |26% felt ‘govt didn’t really care what happens to you’ |

|votes. |Supreme Court orders Nixon to hand tapes over. |Post Watergate - 1977: |

|Middle ground politics |Result |29% felt ‘govt will do what is right most of the time’ |

|Pleased Old Dem. by supporting affirmative action. |It emerges that Nixon was involved & had repeatedly tried to cover up the truth|60% felt ‘govt didn’t really care what happens to you’ |

|Pleased New Dem. by advocating welfare reform. |in the investigation. |Ford’s pardon of N increased suspicion of politicians. |

|Outmanoeuvred Rep.’s by appearing conservative while doing nothing, as when he |Nixon resigns before he can be impeached. |Created constitutional crisis but system proved it worked eventually |

|criticised violence on T.V. |Aftermath |America seemed on verge of political collapse |

|‘End welfare as we know it’ – Clinton. Pleased middle classes as the Personal |Congress passes series of acts: |Clash between President and Congress over tapes & N claimed ‘executive |

|Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 meant tougher |The Privacy Act - 1974 (all citizens can inspect their files) |privilege’. |

|laws on receiving welfare & benefits. |The Budget Act - 1974 (account all money spent) |Supreme Court intervened & crisis averted! |

|Conclusion |The Election Campaign Act - 1974 (limit fundraising) |Congress increased scrutiny of Presidents leading to weak presidencies for 1970’s|

|Clinton & his middle ground policies are the most IMPORTANT factor & Clinton’s |War Powers Act - 1973 (only Cong. can declare war) |Various Acts passed reducing power of President. |

|attitude & developments are the LINK. |Ethics in Government Act - 1978 (Cong. control CREEP) |(check other essay plan) |

| |Totally undermined the confidence of American public in politics cz of ‘Tricky |Ford & Carter struggle to lead due to Congress’ leash & public’s anger in |

| |Dicky’. Doubt & cynicism was the general mood |politics. |

| | |E.g. Turkey & Greece go to war over Cyprus. Ford wants to back Turkey but |

| | |Congress favours Greece. |

| | |Congress wins. |

| | |Damages Rep Party for the rest of 1970’s |

| | |Republicans lost Congressional seats. & funding reduced. |

| | |Carter becomes President. |

|Clinton vs. Republicans | |Conclusion |

|- The Budget | |Congress eager to exert its power & reduce influence of President in future |

|Background knowledge | |because of Nixon’s actions ( LINK. |

|Gingrich has already challenged the previous Speakers as well as his fellow |How far did the position of black Americans improve between 1968 & 2001? |Race Relations: |

|Republican George H.W. Bush & felt unbeatable. |Introduction |Political Positions |

|Gingrich’s ‘Contract with America’, a 10 point right-wing governing doctrine, |Overview of main problems faced by black Americans before 1968. |Previous position in politics |

|was quickly passed by the House of Representatives in 1994. |Outline that you will argue that to there was an improvement in some areas, but|1959: Only 4 black Americans in Congress. ( |

|In 1995, the Rep party = success. Gingrich became Speaker of the House (he’s |in others there wasn’t. |1959: No black mayors at all. ( |

|very popular at this point) Rep’s capture the Senate for the first time since |Supporting the question |Political positions |

|1980 & the House for the first time since 1954. |Achievements of successful individuals in media, sports & politics. |Under Nixon (1968 - 1974) |

|The Federal Government Deficit in 1993 |Affirmative action in major companies & universities |1969: 10 black Americans in Congress. ( |

|The budget deficit was larger than C expected. |De-segregation & bussing |N didn’t support the demands of blacks. ( |

|C decided to delay many of the tax cuts he had promised & in his attempt in |Economic gains & improvements in living conditions & a growing black middle |Under Carter (1977 - 1981) |

|reducing America’s debt. |class. |1970’s: 8 black mayors ( |

|Proposed a tax increase on high earners & corporations as well as cutting the |Improvements of integration in armed forces, civil service & police |E.g. In LA, Detroit, Cleveland, Birmingham, Oakland, Atlanta, Chicago & |

|defence budget for the first time in a century. |Challenging the question |Philadelphia. |

|Despite overwhelming Democrat majority in Congress the budget passed through the|1990’s: |At least one minority candidate was to be considered for each cabinet post. ( |

|House by only one vote. |Rodney King affair & LA riots |E.g. Patricia Harris became Secretary of Housing |

|The Battle for a Balanced Budget in 1995 |OJ Simpson trial |& Urban Development. ( |

|The newly elected Republican majority in Congress quickly clashed with Clinton. |USA divided & unequal society, rife with racism |38 black federal judges appointed, 14 black ambassadors. ( |

|For a whole year Gingrich & Rep’s try to push through their budget, whilst |Unequal treatment of the law; both is the courts & justice system ( death |E.g. Andrew Young became US Ambassador to |

|Clinton resolvedly pushes through his. |penalty, prisons, etc. |the UN. ( |

|The result being a colossal political mess & some 800,000 government workers |Continuing inequality in various areas: |Under Reagan (1981 - 1989) |

|enjoying an extended holiday. |Poverty |Only 7 out of 368 judges appointed were black. ( |

|Gingrich’s popularity plummets |Unemployment |He did nothing for the inner cities who struggled through poverty under |

|Gingrich says that the Reps’ hard line stance over the budget in 1995 was due to|Life expectancy |‘Reaganomics’. ( |

|G being forced to sit in the back of Air Force One, rather than up front with |Housing |Under Bush (1989 - 1993) |

|the President on the way back from Israel. |Education |E.g. 1991: A black American, Colin Powell was appointed as Head of the Joints |

|The media & Dems’ took this opportunity to attack Gingrich for his motive for |Conclusion |Chiefs of Staff (armed forces) ( was popular amongst middle class black |

|the Budget standoff. |Reach you judgement |Americans. ( |

|Depicted as having a ‘temper tantrum’. |Show the change in situation through the entire period |Under Clinton (1993 - 2001) |

|US Culture Change |Most IMPORTANT improvement/factor? |E.g. 1994: Mid-term elections resulted in 40 black Americans returning to |

|Television |LINK ( although things changed, black Americans’ lives were not to the standard|Congress, including a black female Senator. ( |

|1968: Archie Bunker was meant to mock traditional views (anti-black) but was a |of white Americans’. |By 2000 |

|hit with Middle America. |Want more detail? Look at other essay plans… |Blacks well represented in politics, the police & the armed force, but only in |

|1976: Alex Haley wrote about his ancestor Kunta Kinte who was a slave. |US Women Change |more recent elections do blacks seem to have become enfranchised (Obama?). |

|1977: Book goes onto T.V. starting a wave of ethnic pride. |The Women’s Liberation Movement & others | |

|1989: ‘The Simpsons’ starts up. Bush saw it as ‘dysfunctional’& encouraging a |1968 - Miss America Pageant disrupted. |US Women Change Continued. |

|‘slacker culture’. |A live sheep crowned in a dispute over ‘the degrading mindless-boob-girlie |Job discrimination |

|But it has black characters & attacks television addiction, peer pressure, |symbolism’. |In 1968: |

|religious fanaticism & family matters. |Pageant also attacked for being racist. |60% of wives worked, in mostly menial jobs. |

|Violence on television criticised. |E.g. No black women had taken a place among the contest’s finalists as of 1968.|7% were doctors. |

|Black T.V personalities ( Bill Crosby & Oprah Winfrey |Under Nixon (1968 - 1974) |3% were lawyers. |

|Films |E.g. National Organisation of Women campaigned for an ‘Equal Rights Amendment’ |Under Nixon (1968 - 1974) |

|1975: ‘All The President’s Men’ depicted Watergate. |Founder of NOW, Betty Friedan, wrote the ‘Feminine Mystique’ ← said to have |1971: N vetoed the ‘Child Development Act’, which would have provided free |

|Production cuts by 25% cz of the move to T.V led to blockbusters with special |‘re-energised the women’s movement’. |childcare. |

|effects ( theme parks ( merchandise. |However, NOW was too middle-class to be that successful. |This pleased the majority of American males who wanted mothers to stay at home. |

|1975: Jaws by Spielberg |Under Ford/Carter (1974 - 1981) |Under Ford/Carter (1974 - 1981) |

|1977: Star Wars by Lucas |Prejudicial rape laws changed |Women working in medicine & law rise ↑ |

|Under Reagan (1981 - 1989) - R had been a film star. |Property distribution in divorce → fairer. |Job discrimination of pregnant women banned. |

|Hollywood film studios were sold to multinational conglomerates. |1973: Roe vs. Wade - Legalisation of abortion |1980 - Women earned 62% of what men earned. |

|E.g. Sony bought Tri-Star & Columbia pictures |Under Reagan (1981 -1989) |1990 - Women earned 72% of what men earned. |

|Black actors such as Eddie Murphy & Denzel Washington became widely popular. |Rise of the more conservative, pro- Reagan women’s groups who were |2000 - Women earned 76% of what men earned. |

|First Disneyland opens but makes a loss until the accommodation of local |anti-feminism. |Under Clinton (1993 - 2001) |

|conditions i.e. wine with meals |E.g. Phyllis Schlafly who were against the ERA & wanted to ban abortion. |In 1991: |

|1971 - Florida 1983 - Tokyo 1992 - Paris |Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) |- 28 women in the House of Representatives. |

|Music |Under Carter - late 1970’s |3 women in the Senate. |

|1960’s: Hippie & rock music |C had two female cabinet members. |In 2000: |

|1969: Woodstock festival with 400 000 in attendance. |ERA opposed by ‘New Right’, ‘Religious Right’, a backlash to Roe vs. Wade & |62 women in the House of Representatives. |

|1990’s: Grunge music showed rebellious attitude of youth. |Phyllis Schlafly. |13 women in the Senate. |

|Black musicians ( Diana Ross & Michael Jackson. |Under Reagan & Bush (1981 - 1993) |20% of doctors & lawyers were women but they made up 50% of law & medical |

|By 2000 |The newfound power of the ‘New Right & Schlafly meant ERA was removed from |students. |

|Liberal American popular culture dominates media flood of films & TV programmes.|Republican agenda. |Employers were more flexible over leave especially as divorce ↑ (40%) ( more |

|Increased black representation ↑ |This pleased the majority of American males who wanted mothers to stay at home.|women = breadwinner. |

|Race Relations: Education |WLib goes quiet, cz Bush is anti-abortion. |Toleration of sexual harassment largely decreased↓. |

|1957: |Education |Sport |

|Little Rock Nine - 8 black girls are stopped from attending a segregated school |1972: ‘Educational Standards Act’ → colleges ensure equal opportunity for women|1971: Only 50 of any sport scholarships go to women. |

|for whites. ( |by ‘affirmative action’. |1973: Billie Jean King defeated Bobby Riggs @ tennis, Riggs at 55, claimed he |

|But no violence used. ( |Race Relations: Sport |could beat any woman & failed. |

|1969: |1968: |Under Reagan & the New Right, opportunities declined & women athletes earned |

|Supreme Court ruled that segregated schools were not allowed (Alexander vs. |Colleges included few blacks, & gave few scholarships to blacks. Even |less. |

|Holmes County) ( |basketball teams were all white. Very few black cheerleaders. ( |However, this did improve in 1990’s. |

|Nixon tried to slow down de-segregation in schools. ( |1968: Smith & Carlos thrown out of Mexico Olympics for their black salute & |By 2000 |

|1971: |stripped of their medals. ( |Majority are pro choice (abortion), working conditions significantly improved, |

|Supreme Court ruled that bussing was to be encouraged, furthering de-segregation|1967: |education & sports opportunities too, BUT no ERA & still not total equality |

|in the North. ( However, 80% of Americans were against bussing. ( |Muhammad Ali was a member of the Nation of Islam & lost his boxing title in as |between genders. |

|½ black teens in NY dropped out before graduation. ( |he refused to go to Vietnam. ( |Race Relations: |

|1974: |HOWEVER, the Supreme Court on a technicality overturned the decision & Ali |Social Problems, Affirmative Action & Disillusionment |

|Only 8% of black schoolchildren were in segregated schools for blacks in the |returned to the ring in 1970. ( |Under Nixon (1968 - 1974) |

|south ( but in the North segregation remained. ( |Tiger Woods once complained he could not join a certain golf course. ( |N gave federal aid to states not to the inner cities. ( |

|Courts ordered bussing in Boston, but white ant-bussing groups stopped the |1986: |Openly supported segregation during his election campaign, thus emphasising with |

|attempt. 9 children were injured & their busses damaged. This continued. ( |63% of footballers, 33% of baseball players & 75% of basketball players were |the wants of Middle America. ( |

|1988: |black. ( |However, he extended affirmative action on federal-funded projects → in 1972, |

|Peak of desegregation for in schools. ( |However very few became coaches. ( |300,000 firms put aside 26% of jobs for ethnic minorities. ( |

|The prestigious Stanford University dropped a compulsory core course on Western |1990’s: |Only 13% of black families were earning over $10,000 in 1960, which increased to |

|culture → ‘birth of multiculturalism within its curriculum’. ( |Multi-millionaire sportsmen like OJ Simpson (football), Magic Johnson & Michael|31% in 1971. ( |

|43% of black students in the South attended public schools that were over 50% |Jordon (basketball). ( |Under Ford & Carter (1974 – 1981) |

|white = integration. ( |They made money through advertising such as ‘Air Jordan’ by Nike & the Williams|During the 1970’s: |

|1992: |sisters sold various products too. ( |40% of black families classed as middle-classed. ( |

|Supreme Court weakened school segregation as Bush supported a constitutional |By 2000: |Black male teenage unemployment = 50%. ( |

|amendment to outlaw bussing. ( |Although there were successful black athletes, they had become unproductive |When middle class residents moved out, ghettos became even more rundown leading |

|By 2000 |stereotypes. E.g. OJ Simpson. |to → crime, drugs & gang turf wars. ( |

|% of blacks educated in schools with over 50% whites had fallen in South & North| |Compared to a white child, a black child was twice as likely to die before |

|to 30%, the same as the 1970’s. Even in integrated schools, white students were | |reaching the age on one (, twice as likely to dropout of school ( & four times |

|more likely → college preparation classes. The conservative Supreme Court did | |more likely to be murdered. ( |

|nothing to promote integrated schools. However, 12% of college students were now| |Carter - 1980: |

|black; 1.1 million – 500%↑ over 1960. | |Recession hit poor black families hard → riots. ( |

|Race Relations: | |Carter ↑ effectiveness of Equal Economic Opportunities Commission ( help blacks |

|Social Problems, Affirmative Action & Disillusionment ctd. | |get jobs. ( |

|Under Reagan (1981 -1989) | |This was not enough → more riots. ( |

|During 1980’s: | |4 white police officers released after beating a black man to death → violent |

|Blacks = 12% of population: 43% on welfare, 35% in subsidised homes, 35% using | |riots. ( |

|food stamps. 50% of prison population was black(30% of all blacks expected to be| |400 injured, 16 died & $100 million worth in property damages came as a |

|in prison at some stage. ( | |consequence of these violent riots. ( |

|R cut federal welfare programmes to help the poor. ( | | |

|E.g. 1988 Family Support Act → those on welfare must do community service or | | |

|take a course. ( | | |

|1988: R vetoed the ‘Civil Rights Restoration Act’ to limit federal aid to | | |

|affirmative action. ( | | |

|Under Bush (1989 - 1993) | | |

|B did nothing to help the awful state of ghettos. ( | | |

|Under Clinton (1993 -2001) | |America to do: |

|1991: | |Actual presidency’s of all presidents. Successes failures. ( se Kennedy’s Clinton|

|Rodney King, a black lawyer, was beaten to death by four white police officers →| |essay plan & red sheet on Reagan) |

|CCTV footage white jury verdict: not guilty. ( | |Reaganomics |

|Vicious riots in LA; looting, arson & murder occurred & property damages topped | |Overview of 1968. |

|$1 billion. 53 died & thousands more were injured. ( | | |

|1997: | |China to do |

|OJ Simpson accused of murdering his white ex-wife & boyfriend in 1994. | |Every-freakin-thing.!!!! |

|Simpson found ‘not guilty’ - justice done? - verdict polarised US along racial | | |

|lines. Blacks believed Simpson to be innocent, whites did not. (( | | |

|By 2000 | | |

|Affirmative action entrenched in companies & universities Black income risen to | | |

|69% of white household & number of black/white relationships(. ½ of US black | | |

|population lived in a neighbourhood with more than 50% whites. Ample black | | |

|middle class (but black poverty & unemployment rates are twice those of whites | | |

|(9% lived in impoverished city ghettos . Black life expectancy was 71, white 77 | | |

|(. | | |

| | | |


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