Romeo Engineering and Technology Center

Romeo Engineering and Technology Center

62300 Jewell Road

Washington, MI 48094


Comprehensive Home Energy Audit Report



Name(s) of Household

000000 Street Name

City, MI ZIP

Date: 00.00. 0000

Prepared by First Name Last Name, RETC Energy Auditor


Name(s) of Household

000000 Street Name

City, MI ZIP

Dear Name of Household,

Your first name last name is pleased to prepare this report for you.

You may ask, “What is a Home Energy Audit?” Sometimes called an energy assessment, a home energy audit helps you learn how you use energy, determine where it’s being wasted and prioritize your efficiency upgrades. Making energy efficiency upgrades identified in a home energy audit can save 5-30 percent on your monthly energy bill while also ensuring the health and safety of your house.

During my energy audit, I analyzed your energy bills, completed visual, health and safety inspections, and used special equipment such as a Kill-A-Watt, Digital Light Meter, Water Flow Bags, Infrared Thermal Imaging Camera, Water Leak Dye Detection Tablets, Faucet Aerators, and other tools to detect sources of energy loss. Based on the data collected, this energy audit will provide you with a comprehensive home energy report that shows which energy efficiency upgrades are best for your home, suggestions for energy conservation and your potential energy savings.

Thank you for the opportunity of doing this home energy audit. I hope it translates to energy and financial savings for you.


Your first name and last name

RETC Energy Auditor

The House and Household


Every home has a unique energy profile, which is determined by various factors including its construction, the insulation level, the types of appliances used, and the habits of occupants. A detailed evaluation of the condition of a home as a building system, including evaluation of all materials, components, features, systems and subsystems that affect the energy use of the home is key in an energy audit. Homeowner's potential willingness to improve the home's energy performance by making improvements such as increasing insulation, adding additional thermal barriers on windows, doors, or electrical outlets or planting trees to block the wind or shade from the sun can all improve the home’s energy efficiency.

Household members also need to be aware of their daily habits and how it relates to energy usage. Lifestyle habits of occupants can be counterproductive to even the most efficient designed home or appliance.

Audit Findings and Analysis:

|HOUSE HISTORY |Construction: wood studs with |

|Home Square Footage: 0,000 |Number of Stories: 00 |

|Year Built: 0000 |Number of Occupants: 00 |

Daily Activities in the House:

Write here about the daily routines of the house occupants. Make note of when the house is least occupied ( less electricity, water being consumed, less heating & cooling needed etc.) and when it is the most occupied ( greatest peak energy usage time).

At times of the greatest energy usage state why that is and some recommendations on how energy usage can be reduced.

Habitants Energy Awareness:

Based on your energy audit rate how each member of the household is in regards to their “energy awareness and usage”. Include the reasons why you rated the occupants the way you did. Make note of what are some positive habits and negative habits and how people can improve or continue on with good habits.

The House

List and explain your findings on the Exterior of the house. Make note of items which you found and how they can be improved. Include your site plan sketch and additional exterior photos and or your thermal imaging photo of your house.

The House Continued…

List and explain your findings on the Exterior of the house. Make note of items which you found and how they can be improved. Include your site plan sketch and additional exterior photos and or your thermal imaging photo of your house.

The House and Household Audit Recommendations:

Make recommendations and tips on how the household can improve in their energy usage in this specific area. Include comments on areas that need the most work and areas that are doing well already and should continue on so. Include suggestions on how to conserve more energy in this area. Look at reliable websites for suggestions. Any suggestions taken off from a website needs to be cited.



A light bulb is a simple, often overlooked factor in most homes' total energy consumption. The Environmental Protection Agency reports that if every household in the United States replaced just one standard incandescent light bulb with an energy-efficient one, the nation would annually save about $600 million in energy costs --- enough to power 3 million homes for a year ()

You can light your home using the same amount of light for less money. Changing from Incandescent Bulbs to Compact Florescent (CFL’s) or to Light Emitting Diode (LED’s) can translate to great deduction in your electric bill. You can also save on electricity cost by turning off lights in unoccupied rooms, or by using less lights and not over lighting the spaces.

Beyond the energy costs associated with lighting of your home, you can also save on maintenance or labor time of replacing burnt out bulbs. For example, if you use if you use incandescent lamps in your home with an average of 1,000 hours you will replace ten bulbs for every compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) bulb. If the change takes as little as six minutes you will have invested an hour of labor in "bulb changing". What if you have bulbs in hard to reach places such as in cathedral ceilings or outdoor soffit lights? Consider the labor hours that are saved by recommending equipment, especially lighting, that have longer life spans and therefore do not need to be changed out as often.

Audit Findings and Analysis:

Include information that you recorded from your lighting audit findings by answering the audit questions.

Include any pictures you may have taken that would relate to this area of the audit.

Lighting Recommendations:

Make recommendations and tips on how the household can improve in their energy usage in this specific area. Include comments on areas that need the most work and areas that are doing well already and should continue on so. Include suggestions on how to conserve more energy in this area. Look at reliable websites for suggestions. Any suggestions taken off from a website needs to be cited.

Appliances and Energy Vampires


Write some informational paragraphs relating how appliances and vampire loads relate to the household’s energy usage. You can find good information given to you in your Home Energy packets on on-line. However be sure to look for reliable websites and always cite your sources.

Audit Findings and Analysis:

Include information that you recorded from your Appliance and Energy Vampire audit findings by answering the audit questions.

Include any pictures you may have taken that would relate to this area of the audit.

Appliances and Energy Vampire Recommendations:

Make recommendations and tips on how the household can improve in their energy usage in this specific area. Include comments on areas that need the most work and areas that are doing well already and should continue on so. Include suggestions on how to conserve more energy in this area. Look at reliable websites for suggestions. Any suggestions taken off from a website needs to be cited.

Overall Electrical Usage


There are many factors that play into your electric bill. Higher than normal energy bills can be caused by changes in the weather, increased days in the billing month, an actual verses estimated meter reading. Changes in lifestyle such as a new baby, college student home for the summer, new additional living space or someone now working from home are other factors. These lifestyle changes typically increase hot water use, laundry costs and heating and cooling costs. There are ways to reduce this usage and the bill by simply being aware of factors that are contributing to it.

Following are average Michigan Electrical Usages. ()

[pic] [pic]


Audit Findings and Analysis:

According to your ____________ electric bill you pay _____ per kilowatt hour.

Below is a graph showing your household’s electrical usage per month for a year’s amount of time.


Months of High Electrical Usage:

Note which months electrical usage was high and explain the reasons this may be.

Months of Low Electrical Usage:

Note which months electrical usage was lower and explain the reasons this may be.

Overall Electric Usage Recommendations:

Make recommendations and tips on how the household can improve in their energy usage in this specific area. Include comments on areas that need the most work and areas that are doing well already and should continue on so. Include suggestions on how to conserve more energy in this area. Look at reliable websites for suggestions. Any suggestions taken off from a website needs to be cited.

Heating and Cooling


Write some informational paragraphs relating how heating and cooling relate to the household’s energy usage. You can find good information given to you in your Home Energy packets on on-line. However be sure to look for reliable websites and always cite your sources.

Audit Findings and Analysis:

Include information that you recorded from your Heating and Cooling audit findings by answering the audit questions.

Include any pictures you may have taken that would relate to this area of the audit.

Heating and Cooling Recommendations:

Make recommendations and tips on how the household can improve in their energy usage in this specific area. Include comments on areas that need the most work and areas that are doing well already and should continue on so. Include suggestions on how to conserve more energy in this area. Look at reliable websites for suggestions. Any suggestions taken off from a website needs to be cited.

*** Also in the conclusion since the heating bill was not analyzed please make a note of how that would play a factor in the home energy audit as a whole.



Write some informational paragraphs relating how water usage relates to the household’s energy usage. You can find good information given to you in your Home Energy packets on on-line. However be sure to look for reliable websites and always cite your sources.

Audit Findings and Analysis:

Include information that you recorded from your Water audit findings by answering the audit questions.

Include any pictures you may have taken that would relate to this area of the audit.

Water Recommendations:

Make recommendations and tips on how the household can improve in their energy usage in this specific area. Include comments on areas that need the most work and areas that are doing well already and should continue on so. Include suggestions on how to conserve more energy in this area. Look at reliable websites for suggestions. Any suggestions taken off from a website needs to be cited.



Write some informational paragraphs relating how at home recycling can offer benefits to the household and the environment. You can find good information given to you in your Home Energy packets on on-line. However be sure to look for reliable websites and always cite your sources.

Audit Findings and Analysis:

Include information that you recorded from your Recycling audit findings by answering the audit questions.

Include any pictures you may have taken that would relate to this area of the audit.

Recycling Recommendations:

Make recommendations and tips on how the household can improve in this specific area. Include comments on areas that need the most work and areas that are doing well already and should continue on so. Include suggestions on how to conserve more energy in this area. Look at reliable websites for suggestions. Any suggestions taken off from a website needs to be cited.


Give an overall conclusion of your report. Based on the results of your audit, how energy efficient is your home? Explain what the difference is between energy efficiency and energy conservation. What area does your household need to work on to become more efficient? What do you think will be the area’s most difficult to change? What areas will be the easiest? Did you come up with any other factors that might affect home energy use but not included in this audit? What were they?



Recreate the chart from your home electric bill


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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