Michel E - Houston Independent School District

Michael E. DeBakey High School for Health Professions

LOTE Department

French 3A Pre-AP Syllabus - Fall 2020

Online/In person

Teacher: Mr. Medina


Room 216 / Conference period: A4

Language and communication are at the heart of the human experience. As the world becomes increasingly interdependent, it is important for every person to acquire the skills necessary for effective communication and cross-cultural understanding. HISD objectives for foreign language learning are based on the national standards for learning Languages Other Than English, which include the five program goals upon which TEKS for LOTE are based:

Goal 1: Communication

Students develop communicative abilities in the three modes: interpersonal, interpretative, and presentational, integrating the skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and showing.

Goal 2: Cultures

Students learn about and experience other cultures

Goal 3: Connections

Students use language to acquire new information and knowledge in other subject areas.

Goal 4: Comparisons

Students learn the nature of language and culture by comparing other languages and cultures with their own.

Goal 5: Communities

Students use language to participate in communities both at home and around the world.

Fall Semester Contents:

Cycle 1

Unité 1 : Les moments de la vie

Meeting and advising someone. Talking about Maisons des jeunes et de la culture. Review present tense of regular and irregular verbs. Talking about stages of life, childhood, composition of French families. Talk about college preparatory classes, elite universities and weddings.

Unité 2 : Les rapports personnels

Talking on the phone and responding an invitation. Talking about French cuisine and dining etiquette. Use of relative pronouns.

Cycle 2

Unité 3 : La Francophonie

Talking about ancestors, French immigration to Quebec and Quebec immigration to New England. Discussing North African immigration to France. Use of reflexive verbs.

Unité 4 : Préparatifs de départ

Discussing La Reunion, Chamonix, Le Mont Blanc, Les Alpes et La Savoie. Telling someone to avoid injury.


Cycle 3

Unité 5 : Comment se renseigner en voyage

Finding information about my stay in a hotel. Talking about Monaco, Dijon et Bourgogne. Expressions of emotion, doubt and uncertainty and the use of the subjunctive. Expressing opinions, disagreement and mood. French film industry, Cannes festival and Cesar awards.


The language will be practiced and promoted through a variety of oral and written activities and students will be expected to respond in the target language. Reading skills will be enhanced by using short stories and authentic materials. . Students will be learning the French language and will also be studying the cultures and traditions of France and other Francophone countries. It will be very important for you, as a student, to Focus and practice regularly as you apply the four language skills – speaking, listening, reading and writing. Only by doing so will you be able to acquire proficiency in the understanding, speaking, and application of the concepts studied throughout the school year.


Evaluation will be conducted by using different methods and techniques that will reveal students’ strengths and weaknesses. Some of them will include: multiple choice, sentence completion, essays, oral presentations, projects, final exams, etc.


1. Testing 40%

(Quizzes 15%, Tests 25%)

2. Daily Grades 40%

3. Project 20%


T’es Branché! Level 3 and online material including, iCulture and eBooks

Additional resources from the Web and the District.



Monsieur MEDINA

Main Rule: RESPECT, the only class rule you will ever need

| | |

|Classroom procedures: |Virtual Classroom Procedures |

|Be on time and prepared. |Find a quiet appropriate place. |

|Follow instructions at once. |Be ready and on time. |

|Ask for help if you are having difficulties. |Turn on your video. |

|Keep your area clean. Refrain from bringing food or drinks to |Stay on mute and click hand button for questions. |

|class. |Do your best. |

|Be respectful always. |Be respectful always. |

|Be honest. | |


By signing this paper, you are indicating that you have read, understood, and kept a copy of:

(1) Mr. Medina’s French class syllabus

(2) Classroom rules

(3) Grading plan.

_______________________ ______________________________ _____________ Student name (print) Student signature Date

_____________________________ ____________________________________ ________________

Parent or Guardian name (print) Parent or Guardian signature Date

Parent or guardian ’s email address: _________________________________________

Parent or guardian’s phone number: _______________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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