Health Science Center at Houston

Sponsored Projects A ministration

The University of Texas

Health Science Center at Houston

March 1, 2017

Federal Identification Number (FIN): 74-1761309

To Whom it May Concern :

There has been no change in the purpose , character, or method of operation subsequent to

the issuance of the IRS ruling dated April 6, 1984. Please note that, as a Sta~e Institution ,

The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston does not file an I ¡¤ S Form 990.

Please contact me directly at the number below if any additional information i needed .


Associate Vice President

7000 Fannin, UCT1006

Houston, Texas 77030

go. uth. edu/s pa

713-500-3999 Main



of Texas System

:s::blished the University System under section 65.02

J? ~itle 3, Tex. Education Code Ann. (Vernon) and organized

:~e:eunder the University and its component educational

'.i.s:itutions listed as following:

B, C, O, E, F, G, H, I,

~. (, L, M, N, and 0 (collectively referred to as the

¡¤? ¡¤..: n i v er s i t y Sys t em" ) ?

Statutory provisions vest the manag~ment, operation

of the University System in the Board. Nine

appointed by the governor of State with the

lcv i :e and consent of the senate, serve on the Board and

lre included within the statutory definition of state

e~o lo yees.

Additionally, the treasurer of the State has

Jee~ designated as the treasurer of the University System.

;~a :antral


The Board is authorized to prescribe the courses and

of study that are required to obtain a degree

?ro~ any of the component institutions in the University

Sys:2m. However, the Board may not establish a four-year

Jnaergraduate degree program at a component institution

:~at has not been authorized to do so by specific legisla:~on without obtaining prior approval by a two-thirds

1ote of the coordinating board of the University System

:nd a specific act of the legislature.


The Board is empowered to make appointments in the

::imoonent institutions under its control. In its dis:retion, the Board may also remove any officer, member

Jf :he faculty, or employee connected with the University


The Board is authorized to accept gifts and

~onations for the benefit of the University System and

3ny Jf its component institutions ?. Additionally, the

3oard has the power of eminent domain to acquire any

¡¤ana that may be necessary for the use of the University

Sys~am and the taking of such property has been declared

:o be for the use of the State.

Section 115(1) of the Internal Revenue Code provides

:hat gross income does not include income derived from any

Juolic utility or the exercise of any essential governmental

?unc:ion and accruing ta a state or any political subdivision




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