Houston Independent School District

|HISD 2012-2013 |

|Supplemental Sick Leave Bank Program (SSLB) |

|Questions and Answers |

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|If I am already a member of the SSLB program, do I need to re-apply? |What is the value of an SSLB day? |

|No. Current members do not need to re-apply since they are automatically |The value is equal to the member’s earned daily rate of pay. Granting SSLB|

|re-enrolled during open enrollment and one local personal leave day will |benefit days will not cause the employee’s salary to increase. |

|automatically be transferred to the SSLB. It is the employee’s | |

|responsibility to ensure the leave day has been deducted from the paycheck |Can I apply for SSLB benefits if I am eligible to, or receiving payments |

|at the beginning of the school year. If your job status changes to a |from, other disability income or Workers Compensation? |

|leave-of-absence status while you are enroll in the SSLB, you are no longer |Yes. The SSLB will coordinate all eligible benefit payments to ensure the |

|automatically enrolled and must re-enroll by completing the Membership |combined monies received do not exceed the member’s daily rate of pay. |

|Enrollment form. | |

| |Is there a deadline for applying for benefits? |

|What are the conditions for eligibility? |Yes. A request for benefits must be received within 30 days from the date |

|To be eligible, an employee must be eligible to participate in the Teachers |you began losing employment time for which you are currently seeking SSLB |

|Retirement System of Texas. The employee must also be actively employed on |leave days. Failure to submit a timely request will constitute a waiver |

|a regular basis; or be eligible to earn local personal leave and have |of the option to request such leave days from the SSLB. |

|available at least one day of local personal leave to contribute to the SSLB| |

|at the time the deduction is made. | |

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|How do I contribute a day to the SSLB program? |How soon may I apply for benefits? |

|Each active employee earns one day of local personal leave for each month |Employees can apply or file a claim only after all other leave time has |

|actively worked. By applying for SSLB membership you are agreeing to |been exhausted. Employees already enrolled can apply for SSLB days at any|

|voluntarily contribute one personal leave day which you will earn during the|time, however newly enrolled member benefit requests will only be |

|year. |considered following the start of the program plan year. |

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|How do I cancel my enrollment in the SSLB program? |If my request for benefits is denied, can I appeal? |

|You may terminate your membership by completing the termination portion of |Yes. Appeals are handled on an individual basis by the disability carrier |

|the Membership Enrollment and Termination Form only during pre or open |and are coordinated by the HISD Employee Support Services unit. |

|enrollment. | |

| |Can I be paid for unused SSLB days contributed or granted as a benefit? |

|If I terminate my SSLB membership, will my contributed leave day be returned|No. The SSLB is not a personal leave-accumulating bank. |

|to me? | |

|No. All contributed days will remain in the SSLB program. | |

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|What is the maximum number of paid SSLB days? |How do I apply for SSLB benefits? |

|As a member, you may request up to 30 days during a program plan year. You |Benefit applications may be obtained from Employee Support Services at |

|can apply for benefits as many times as necessary, not to exceed the 30 day |713-293-9780. |

|limit per year. | |

|What kind of illness qualifies me to receive a benefit? |Where can I get more information and who may I contact with questions? |

|Your absences must be the result of a catastrophic illness. A catastrophic |You can find additional information on the HISD Employee Portal under |

|illness is an illness which results in temporary disability due to sickness,|“Employee Services”, via Quick Connects. You may also contact Employee |

|surgery, injury, or pregnancy complications, and the severity requires |Support Services at 713-293-9780, Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 |

|ongoing services of a licensed medical practitioner, and prevents the |pm. |

|employee from performing the regular material duties of his or her | |

|employment assignment for more than seven (7) work days. | |


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