Newport Municipal Utility District

NEWPORT MUD’S FLOOD STUDY SURVEY Information obtained will be compiled and forwarded to Harris County Flood Control District where it will become public record.Name: _______________________________________________________________________________Property Address: ______________________________________________________________________Number of years residing at this address? __________ Do you own or rent? ___________________Home elevation (if you know it): ___________________________________________________________Tropical Storm ImeldaDid flood water enter your home during Tropical Storm Imelda? Yes or NoIf so, what was the water height in your home? _________ inchesDate water entered the home during Imelda? ___________ Time water entered the home? _________Date water receded? _______________________Time water receded? __________________________Please describe the cause of the flood water (water came from the street, back yard, roof, gully, other): _____________________________________________________________________________________Has your home previously flooded? ______________ How many times in the past? ____________2017, August - Harvey 2017 Aug. 26-28Yes / Noheight of water in home? _________ inches2016, May - Memorial Day, Yes / Noheight of water in home? _________ inches2016, April - Tax Day Yes / Noheight of water in home? _________ inchesPlease list any additional flood events where water entered your home. Date: ________________________________________ height of water in home? _________ inchesDate: ________________________________________ height of water in home? _________ inchesMay we call or email you with any additional questions? Yes or No Phone Number: ________________________ Email: ________________________________________Additional comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Newport MUD Board of Directors sincerely appreciates your cooperation and look forward to receiving your responses. Please return the survey by email or U.S. mail to our Engineer.EMAIL: wgrosenbaum@lan- MAIL:Newport MUDc/o Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. – Engineers Mr. William G. Rosenbaum, P.E.2925 Briarpark, Suite 400Houston, TX 77042 ................

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